Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 150: Principle of command

When Jingyu rode the white tiger and returned to the temporary headquarters, Dijanna, the priestess, greeted her.

Like every night elf, Dijana is also a beautiful woman up to thirty years old in appearance. But she has a maturity that Tyrande can't compare with, which fully shows her age, cultivation and rich experience.

Jingyu respects such women. He jumped off the white tiger and smiled:

"Dijana priest, are you looking for me?"

The priestess said with a smile, "Yes...I want to ask you to stop an evil deed. General Kurtalos is leading his people to slaughter the captives who have lost their resistance."

Because Jingyu used the domineering color, more than half of the demon guards and hellhounds fainted. These, the Burning Legion did not take away when retreating. The elves gathered them together and gathered them together.

It is understandable that Kurtalos would do this Jingyu, because he thought so too. In the current situation, there is no extra force to guard out the brutal demons. Once they regain their consciousness, the amount of five thousand will be a heavy burden for the elves' troops.

But Jingyu couldn't tell Dijana directly... She definitely couldn't see through this, but after seeing through it, she still found it. I'm afraid to some extent he hopes he can think of something for this.

"Dijana priest, do you think that the demons of the Burning Legion can be persuaded to be good?" Jingyu asked after thinking for a while.

"This..." Dijana pondered, slowly shaking her head, ashamed: "I've never seen a creature that is so evil and confused to that point, at least I can't convince them with my ability."

"If you can't persuade, other elves will certainly not work." Jingyu praised her and said heavily: "Let them die early is not necessarily a bad thing, because in this way, their evil souls may be redeemed earlier. Priest Diana, if you have time, you might as well pray for them...Pray that they can become good lives in the future."

Dijana smiled bitterly, she already understood what Jingyu meant. But relatively, she is more able to accept this argument.

"I hope Luna can give them guidance." She said this, nodded toward Jingyu slightly, and left with her attendant.

After they walked away, "Do you really believe they will become kind lives?" a voice asked Jingyu.

It was a male elf who was also waiting near the tent. He looks like a young man, wearing light green body armor and a knife hanging around his waist. Seeing Jingyu looking over, he marched to Jingyu to marry his chest.

"Galrod Shadowsong, Captain of the Suramar Guards, came to support at the order of the city lord."

Jingyu nodded, "Suramar City is not close to here. You can bring the army in less than 10 hours. You can see that your ability is not weak. You are now a lieutenant colonel. I will call you later. You have brought you the same two formations."

Garold was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to react.

"Come in with me." Jingyu lifted the curtain and walked into the tent.

When Jarod entered, Jingyu was talking to Faskey about the appointment just issued...Faskey was responsible for managing the commanders in addition to the intelligence.

Faskey gave Jarod a glance. Especially for Jarod's armor, she didn't find any marks on it. Just tell Jingyu:

"This elf is not a noble, please pay attention to not allocating the noble army to him when you mobilize the army, so as not to cause dissatisfaction from the nobles."

"That's okay...Faskey, you remember, the elven nobles have nothing to do with me, I just need an excellent commander who can help me win this war." Jingyu said.

Faschi also understood that Jingyu had to leave the post of commander-in-chief after the war. but--

"You have to think about the queen," she still thinks that Jingyu will be the queen's best match, and the relationship between the two will definitely develop after the war. At that time, the nobles boycotted him and inevitably hurt the queen indirectly. "What's more, there are other local troops that can be handed over to his men to let him manage."

"I'm more convinced that even if the low-ranking officers who rose from soldiers little by little could not command a battle of the scale of strategy, it is tactically sufficient. There are no shortage of talented people in the nobility, but most of them are high. The arrogant guy of his own strength... This level of battle can not tolerate the slightest sloppy, I will treat them, no, is to screen all the officers coming." Jingyu said seriously.

Faskey grinned slightly. Knowing that his idea was fixed, she said that it would only annoy him, so she called on the messenger on the side and told him to lead Jarod to take his soldiers to the station just assigned to them.

Garod had been thinking for such a long time that this man had improved him by two grades at once, would it be too much play. At this time, after listening to the conversation between Jingyu and Fasqi, he could not help but respect him, and he paid a military salute to Jingyu... even though Jingyu had bowed his head to review the documents.

But when he walked to the door of the tent, "just that question, I am willing to think about the good." Jingyu didn't lift his head like this.

Jarod froze for a moment, nodded and walked out.

Faskey stared at the shaking tent curtain for a moment, then suddenly turned back and asked Jingyu: "Are you going to look at him differently and be entrusted with a heavy responsibility because of his surname?"

Jingyu smiled all at once and squinted at her: "What is the matter, I will explain it to you now, and you will be half-confident... You will know later, there is a saying that gold always shines, you can remember Come down."

"Okay." Fasi said: "I believe you for the time being... yes, in addition to this guard coming from Suramar City, there is indeed another noble army. The one who came with it, And Captain Wallison, the Queen’s Royal Guard captain."

"Oh?" Jingyu, who was looking at the document, immediately looked back again, playing with the taste: "So, is this army also bewitched to kill me, the devil that has deceived the queen?"

Faskey gave him a white look with the expression "Which one do you want to avoid?" and nodded and smiled:

"It's true...but, I think, we should'thank you' Havis, precisely because of him, we have two more troops and 8,000 troops."

"Then send him a thank-you letter." Jingyu also joked.

As soon as his voice fell, Faskey didn't have time to laugh, and saw him stand up.

"It's broken, why didn't I expect it!"

Just listen to him talking to himself.



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