Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 149: Akiyu style, Kobetsu

Jingyu laughed secretly... Tyrande's pointed elf ears were shaking slightly, but he didn't laugh.

Tyrande asked, "Why don't you talk?"

Jingyu stopped smiling and said, "Oh, I was thinking, her judgment is a little one-sided... People will always grow up."

"You mean, am I just a priest now?" Tyrande turned his head and stared at him with high pressure.

"There is nothing bad about it. Think about your goddess, what kind of **** she is, and think about the impression that pastors often give to everyone..." Jingyu twirled around his temple with his fingers, " I hold the priest's compassion and sympathy in thought, love peace, but don't give up the practice of force, so that I can use force to maintain peace at the right time. This is the priest! Tyrande, don't need me to teach you."

Tyrande's eyes flashed with surprise, nodded silently, and turned back.

"She was wrong." She said, "She was too immersed in force."

"Excessive pity and sympathy are also inappropriate!" Jingyu emphasized: "Tyland, this is where you need to continue to grow. How to control its balance will determine whether you will become like Dijana in the future. Chief High Priestess."

Tyrande nodded and shook his head again. When Bai Hu took them to the place of dispute, she whispered:

"I just want to serve Luna, and I never thought of becoming the chief."

Maiev was still dressed in that armor. After the battle, her black cloak was stained with thick blood stains. Devil's blood was still dripping from the dark blade.

She stood in the center of the ranger, the hunter and the priest, facing Jingyu and Tyrande.

Nasa accompanied her... Nasa quietly cast Jingyu's eyes for help, Jingyu responded to'Slightly please don't be irritable'

"You also stop me?" Maiev asked Jingyu down to the white tiger.

"No. If the military law is not implemented thoroughly and in a timely manner, it will lose its deterrent power." Jingyu shook his head and said Tyrande frowned and Nassa's heart raised his voice. But his language was not surprisingly continued: "Come on, I will go with you."

'Hey! I let you come to stop her! Tyrande almost shouted.

This time, even the rangers, huntresses, and priests all looked puzzled and worried.

He seemed determined that he waved his hand and walked toward the palace.

Mai Wei, who always wanted to go, did not move.

"What's wrong?" Jingyu asked her back.

"You are the supreme commander, and the responsibility is to command all the troops, not to pursue the rebellion." Maiev said coldly: "If you leave your duties alone, I will deprive you of the commander."

"So," Jingyu said with awe-inspiring spirit: "Let the soldiers who faithfully execute the military law I issued die to death. Isn't that the same as issuing the wrong military order? Is this me still qualified to continue to assume the responsibility of command? "

Maiev froze, "I...not to die!"

"Did your judgment tell you this way?" Jingyu asked her awe-inspiringly.

Maiev opened her face sideways, and her hands under the cloak clenched the serrated round weapon. When she turned her face back she asked him:

"Then you say, what should I do? Leave those betrayals, where will your military law be placed?"

Jingyu has never seen such a woman with a **** tip, but she did show a kind of care for him. Something moved in his heart, he looked down slightly, and looked at the night sky... It was early in the morning, and there were not so many stars in the sky, just as the air seemed cold.

After lowering his head, he looked at the elves one by one...they were life with blood, flesh and temperature.

"Mavi, the execution of military law is not as important as the lives of soldiers!"

He said so.

The sound that was not loud came into the ears of every elf listening quietly. This sincere sincerity has completely won their hearts. Maiev knelt on one knee as they either applauded or yelled to support him.

"Please allow me to assure you that all rebellions will be slaughtered at the right time!"

"I believe in you, my criminal general."

Jingyu helped her up.

He glanced at Nasa through her shoulder. The female hunter was applauding and nodded hard at him.

Maiev didn't seem to like being watched by everyone for a long time. She soon bid farewell to Jingyu and took Nasa to continue recruiting members of the Criminal Army.

Jingyu who stayed came to Tyrande's side again.

"Send me back," he said, glancing at the huge white tiger.

Tyrande knew that he was asking to ride again, but she still had some things to do... Just now it happened that Maiev just happened to be interrupted. She glanced at the elves who were falling apart:

"You ride it back, I want to accompany the child..."

Jingyu sensitively found the focus of the gaze, an elf girl with dark blue hair. The real girl is about the age of 15 or 6 years of human beings. The silver eyes are not as capable as the elf warriors that Jingyu has ever seen, full of perplexity about the situation and fear of the future.

He stroked his forehead with a hand, and said with a pity: "Well, it was like that kind of lost kitten, I am the best to guide them, and I like to do it very much. But I really can't just walk away now... ...I'm back to the headquarters."

He took the white tiger's reins and strode up, riding on it.

Tyrande looked at his back and whispered, "Stray kitten? Huh, even if you have time, I won't let you approach her."

She has sensed some predictable'danger' from his words. Thinking of his bad character in this respect, and thinking that he had followed him like this...'Maybe I am really stupid at that moment', so self-deprecating, and finally shook his head helplessly and walked towards the'lost' kitten'.

"Yueyue." She gently called the girl's name and gently extended her hand to her.

The elf girl trot to her side and showed a relief look after holding the hand.

"Master priest, where are we going?"

"Go to the Dijana priest, Hazuki, I want you to join the Elune Sisters, will you?"

"Will... no, can I really be able to join?" Xiao Yuyue was surprised and a little inferior, but very frank, "I, I signed up, but did not pass the trainee priesthood..."

Tyrande rubbed her hair, thinking of Jingyu's use to appease her, "It doesn't matter, you will be an excellent priest." And thought, ‘he... still has some advantages. ’

Explain to him, let yourself be relieved!



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