Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 151: Effective use of captives

"Why, what's wrong?" Faskey asked unclearly.

Jingyu raised her hand to signal her not to disturb, he closed his eyes and felt it.

‘Okay, there are some left...’

Launched the sound of Teana and contacted Kurtalos from a distance, ‘Kurtalos, I’m Long Jingyu, and I want you to stop slaughtering those demons. ’

Kurtalos was stunned, carrying a **** knife, turning around in the same place, grabbing his hair.

"Have you heard?"

‘It’s not hallucinations, order them to stop! Jingyu urged.

"But why stop?" Kurtalos was dissatisfied: "You should know that we have no force to watch them?"

"I want to use them to hone the soldiers who haven't fought with the Burning Legion, let them see the horror of the Burning Legion in advance, so they have a psychological preparation... Do you understand?" Jingyu said.

As soon as Kurtalos stayed, he understood it in an instant, and could not help showing his admiration. Then he gave orders.

By this time, there were less than a thousand demon guards and hellhounds alive, barely enough.

Jingyu stopped talking and thought, ‘you can be stunned by that sort of overlord color domineering. These guys are really limited in strength... But, it’s better than nothing. ’

After regaining consciousness, seeing Fazqi's curious expression, she told her what she had just said.

She also showed admiration.

The reporting of the intelligence continued quickly, and Faschi left soon after.

Then, the officers who counted the battle damage sent personnel to send the data...

Jingyu was busy until the early morning, after dispatching the army to rearrange the defense of the three positions... part of this defense took into account the impact of the fall of **** fire, Jingyu recruited the upper elves who did not participate in the construction of the teleportation array to magically arrange The protective cover... He only returned to the tent where he rested.

When he opened the curtain, he saw Jaina. She fell asleep, judging from the sleeping position, she must be sitting and waiting for him, dozing off and fell to the bed with her upper body side.

‘Fool, you were also a hero in yesterday’s battle. It’s so expensive, and you don’t know to rest early. ’

He stared at her with tender eyes, complained tenderly, and bent down to help her adjust her sleeping position.

Jaina woke up in such a touch. Seeing him, she smiled slightly. Then he felt a bit wrong, his eyes were up, her eyes down... She suddenly reflected the circumstances under which the opposite posture was established, and the pretty face rose red.

"Jingyu, no, this kind of tent is not...not soundproof." She whispered.

Jingyu froze for a moment, then smiled and teased her: "Is it enough if I apply magic to make it soundproof?"

He really leaned towards her lips.

Jaina's body was tight, "But, what if someone comes in? The tent can't be locked."

"If you are a man, kill it." Jingyu said.

"How can it be so messy?" Jaina couldn't help crying, but couldn't help but glance at him, thinking, would it matter if the woman saw you? She felt that she would be jealous. Pressing his hand against his chest, Jaina's heart was chaotic. She wanted to satisfy him, and worried about the two situations above, not knowing what to do... Just when she was so hesitant, he lay down with her arms around her waist.

"Sleep with me for a while, my baby." Jing Yu smiled and said in her ear: "I haven't officially told you that, I want you to be my woman and be my wife."

Jaina understood that what he said ‘hasn’t formally said yet’ meant that he had never asked for a marriage. He put the ring on her ring finger, and she recognized it in her heart...after all, it was just a tacit understanding.

He said it clearly now, and she settled down. Suddenly felt that even if he were to do that kind of thing right now, she didn't care about anything and would do her best to satisfy him.

Jaina turned to her side, squeezing more into his arms, because she thought it was her right to be a wife.

There was my place... She thought so, and slept again with a mischievous smile.

It seems that she is really tired.

Jingyu embraced Jaina, and her heart was calm. Yesterday, he used the domineering domineering several times in a row, and he also had to control the combatants who did not reach his own side. Such fine control made him feel mentally tired.

He also fell asleep.

After waking up at noon, he asked Faskey for lunch and asked for an explanation before leaving the command.

"According to your orders, the wizards of the upper elves have constructed the site. But..." Fasi said hesitantly: "I stopped them from acting in your name, because none of them can guarantee 100% safety."

Jingyu gave her a surprise look.

Faschi immediately knelt down to him in panic, "Please punish you!"

Jingyu raised an invisible force to stop her...Faskey's body was short and she was held up. She was surprised-both for his strength and the reason for his doing so.

"I don't think you are dissatisfied because you risked my name. You just didn't expect you to consider this for the safety of the soldiers." Jingyu curiously said: "Tell me, what did you think?"

Faskey is undoubtedly a typical upper spirit. She will be complacent because she is the queen's maid, and she will look down upon them because she thinks that she is higher than other elves. Impressively, she did not take care of other elves' life and death.

So Jingyu didn't expect her to do this.

Faskey pursed her lips, "I...I think it will be done if you say it, so I just..."

‘Is it my guess? "Jingyu smiled with satisfaction, "No wonder Azshara will like you so much."

He wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up. "Take me to the trial site... as you said, I will pick the guards personally."

The so-called trial site is a place for soldiers of the troops who come to support to conduct combat training with the demon captives. The guards are to ensure that they are not killed by demons during such training.

This has certain requirements for the strength of the protection personnel.

The trial site was established on the plain outside the capital Jin-Isaline. When Jingyu and Fasi came here on a Moonsaber, they saw the size of a large sports competition venue between several large and small barracks. building.

It has a ten-meter high wall and a thick iron gate entrance. There are craters on the fence that are easy for archers to evade. The whole is easy to defend and difficult to attack... This can be used as a fortress. But to build it in such a few hours, even if there are a lot of upper elves, it is presumed that a considerable part of them are tired into dogs.

Jingyu smiled at this, "Faskey, you can relax some of them. If you press too tight, it will have the opposite effect."

"..." Faskey turned his head puzzled, looked at the building in front of him, and answered yes.



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