Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 148: Such a problem

People who believe in others are the most vulnerable.

Looking at Azshara, Jingyu thought of this sentence somehow. But he could not say to her, ‘don’t believe it next time’.

Because that is escape!

He smiled, "It's not bad... at least you know which guys are not worth your trust."

He didn't touch Azshara's body, avoiding doing so would make her really shed tears.

And said:

"On the other three positions, the elves worthy of your belief are fighting, but there is no time to cry for you."

"I didn't cry." Azshara stubbornly said.

The two stood face-to-face without speaking anymore. When Jaina took the three waves of guards and it was Jingyu and Azshara's turn, she had adjusted her mind...Yeah, she still had many subjects fighting, but she had no time to let her down.

What she did not expect was, "You are not allowed to participate in this battle." The man who just said that now said so.

Azshara opened her mouth halfway and watched the guards and Jaina walk out with strange faces...they were allowed to go to the battlefield, only she couldn't.

She watched as they were all gone, before turning back to see the man who was also not planning to go out.

"You, why...why?" she asked.

She cheered up because he said that. How could he ban it like she was playing?

Where did she vent her spirit?

Azshara put on the momentum that he must give him a statement.

"This is needed!" He said with a look of'I'll give you a lesson'. "The enemy doesn't know that we are here. The troops gathered outside the Moon God Temple will not be transferred to anything else." Positions... The enemies on these positions are not increasing, isn't it beneficial to us?"

Azshara thinks this makes sense, but, "Isn't it better that we stay in the shrine? If they don't see us if they attack, aren't they going to reinforce the enemy of other positions?"

"That's the case...if the battle has been dragged on for so long." Jingyu emphasized: "Aisala, do you think your role is just a "hero unit"? It's just a real weapon on the battlefield with the enemy. Contest?"

He shook his head. "It would be wrong to think about it. Compared to killing a few enemies, you give your soldiers morale encouragement, let them know that you are fighting with them, let them know that you are protecting They fight...the effects are even greater. Hear how your soldiers are fighting!"

He used magic to capture the images and sounds captured by his spiritual power in this hall where only two of them were released.

"For Queen Azshara!" The elf who had his arm ripped apart by the demon bravely embraced the demon's body, allowing his companion to pierce himself with the demon... This is the last flash of his soul.

"In the name of Queen Azshara!" The elf covered with the blood of the devil cut off the demon's fearful head.

"The Queen's glory shines on us!" The elf's reserve team charged.


All the shouts converged into a torrent, shaking the Queen's mind.

She covered her mouth with both hands, unable to resist the ground, and burst into tears in her eyes.

This is something she has never moved since she discovered magic.

She was wrong, how could she forget, what eyes the people used to stare at her?

That's not something she should be complacent about, it's honor... It's these honors that accumulate the word "king".

Azshara understands what is the king, and she finds her own way.

Jingyu canceled the magic, and Azshara wiped the tears on her face. The shiny silver eyes (golden in the original novel) showed that her heart would no longer be shaken by the betrayer, and she would never think about whether she was suitable as a queen.

She is Azshara, Queen of Cadore.

Even if she discharges the Queen's duties in the future, she still has this pride in her heart.

A quarter of an hour later, the battle was compressed from three positions to the vicinity of the palace, and the Burning Legion was forced back underground. Azshara went to every battlefield to consolate the soldiers contaminated with smoke, visit the wounded who were receiving treatment from the priests, and pray for each martyr who died in martyrdom.

Jingyu asked officers of various troops to count the casualties of the soldiers as soon as possible, and then report to him.

Under the command tent temporarily set up in Tyrande’s defensive position, Jingyu listened to Faschi, who was appointed as the intelligence minister, and reported to him on the situation of reinforcements in various parts of the country during the battle, and about Drew Iraqi news.

"Sir Jingyu, the first Malfurion Stormrage who became a druid, somehow was in a coma some time ago. It is said that he did not wake up until yesterday morning. He has already set out with his twin brothers to find Cenarius, the demigod who taught him the druid spells...If he goes well, he can get here in ten days."

"Well, in ten days, I believe that even if the Burning Legion can start the teleportation array, it will not reach the level of teleporting Sargeras... The opponent is the big demon, and my current state is not impossible to defeat it." Jingyu pondered , "Well, after the support army arrived, I secretly left to look for Tauren, Earth Spirit, and Pandaren to contribute their hero units. When the time comes..."

"Jingyu!" Tyrande's voice reached the outside of the account while riding her white tiger, and she raised the tent curtain. She walked in and shouted at him, "Come on, I need you to stop Maiev!"

She took Jingyu, who was sitting, and went outside...Faskey, who was holding a document in her hand and was still waiting for the report, clearly expressed dissatisfaction.

Tyrande took Jingyu out of the tent and stepped on the white tiger. She reached out to him again and motioned him to ride together.

Jingyu asked when she grabbed her hand, "Tyland, what happened, you have to let me know."

After he mounted it, the priestess urged the white tiger to run forward and said:

"Mavi, she will lead her hands to annihilate the betraying upper elves. Not only that, she also wants the sisterhood forces to gather the remaining upper elves together to monitor them to prevent the betrayal from appearing among them. You must Stop her, she is too aggressive!"

"It's true." Jingyu nodded in agreement, grabbing the strangeness in her look, "You quarreled with her...?"

Tyrande was silent for a while.

"She said I was only worthy of being a priest!" She was a little dissatisfied.



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