Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 147: Bait combat (end)

It is probably believed that Jingyu and others in the Moon God Temple cannot escape quickly except himself... The demons who attacked the Moon God Temple from the palace appeared a fault, and the battlefield was like the tranquility before the storm.

Jingyu landed on the terrace, surprised by the demon's movement.

He squeezed his chin for a moment, and looked in three directions...the three positions undoubtedly enveloped the palace in the center. Because the Moon Temple is too close to the palace, it is also surrounded by these positions.

This will create a situation-when the demons are surrounded by the forces of the three positions, the demons can reverse surround the Moon Temple and form a layer of anti-encirclement.

‘I underestimated them! After seeing this, Jingyu thought to himself: ‘I thought they were all demons who made a living by destroying and killing. They would rush out desperately and slaughter any creatures they saw with pleasure. Unexpectedly, the structure and command power are still so rigorous that there is no demon who wants to take the opportunity to leave the battlefield. ’

This shows the upper and lower constraints of the Burning Legion. It makes sense to be called a legion.

Jingyu began to look squarely at this, and no longer regarded them as a weakly organized crowd of people.

In the direction of the palace, the abyss lords, who are huge like Western dragons, and have long-handed weapons on their four feet, first attracted Jingyu's attention. They are standing on the steps of the main entrance of the palace, and it is supposed to attack the troops of this lunar temple from both sides of them.

Unlike the demon guards who rushed over in the past, this unit has a formation.

At the front is a hundred hellhounds, led by an unknown demon with a flame burning in his head and neck and wearing black armor. The demon holds a long whip weapon.

After this square, there are two hundred demon guards, and then some female demon with six hands. These female demons are tall and have dark purple skin. Four of them were holding sword-shaped weapons, and the remaining two were empty... Jingyu felt a strong magic power on them. He guessed that they could use magic, and as for what it was, he would not know.

Some doom guards also flew from behind the abyss lords. They did not rush up this time, presumably to prevent a situation-if Jingyu is going to take Azshara and the elves to escape, they will interfere from the air so that other demonic forces can catch up.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they also want to leave Jingyu.

It’s strange to not see the dreadlords. Just when Jingyu thought, what would they do, the magic of these cunning demons appeared above him. He looked up, three overlapping green magic arrays started, and he had seen the meteorite meteorite falling on him several times.

At the same time, "roar!" the whip demon shouted and waved his whip, "offensive!" Hellhound charged madly.

The demon guardians followed suit.

The abyss lords are watching Jingyu. When they noticed that he was entangled by three hellfires, they were all excited, rushed to the temple faster than the troops and entered first... delusion of taking the head of him first.

The situation changed at this moment.

Jingyu, who is suppressing the power, exploded out the energy that had been used to recover the full time. The shock wave created by this alone shocked the five-meter-height hellfire far away.

He then separated each other with a knife, chopping them to the ground.

Then he jumped from the terrace, before he landed it was a knife. The whirlwind-like blade crushed the **** hound at the foot into minced meat. After falling, he sent a large sword move towards the palace and the array of most demons.

Ten swords condensed like a sword, and they cut through the demon guards and hellhounds.

The demon's formation once again broke down. I don’t know if it was caused intentionally or unintentionally. The whip’s whip was broken with only a handle, and there was no **** hound beside him. Jingyu looked at him and scared him back again and again, even back to the female demons.

Jingyu laughed a few times, "shave", he flickered and reached the entrance of the Moon God Temple, and then disappeared.

Such rapid and irrelevant attacks and transfers made the demons never respond to what happened, and had no time to notify their masters.

Therefore, when Jingyu shouted ‘yo’ behind the three abyss lords, attracting their attention, the dumb, puzzled, puzzled, why, etc. expressions appeared on their toad-like faces The complexity makes Jingyu really happy.

"Go to another world to think."

He crossed the saber and flew into the center of them. The whirlwind of the knife array more fierce than Maiev was completely created by the rapid swing of the saber... cutting the abyss lords into slag. Their corrosive green blood was everywhere, and the lunar temple was obviously stained.

‘It’s for fighting, Tyrande, they shouldn’t blame me. He thought so, tossing off the blood stains left on the saber and killing the demons who had penetrated inside.

Soon after, he went all the way down to the defense line constructed by the Royal Guards above. These elf warriors saw that he was so stupid when he walked over from behind the enemy, and gave Jingyu another sense of fun.

"Go to Jaina, and let her take us away." Jingyu said.

He walked through the elves among the elves.

"Pavilion, sir, please...we're gone, what should we do here?" asked a lieutenant who was temporarily appointed captain at the end.

"I think they dare not enter the Moon God Temple in a short time." Jingyu didn't reply.

The elves looked at each other, looked down at the quiet passage below, and followed with some doubt.

Jaina was able to take away 24 people each time. It took five times to take away the guards who were still alive. Counting the recovery time after each transmission has passed, she also needs to recover after sending it back, and it will take up to ten minutes to complete before and after...Single continuous such transmission and recovery makes Jingyu feel a waste of time. .

Jingyu asked her to take herself to the front where Tyrande was at the first teleportation.

Here, Jaina waits for recovery to restart the transmission.

Jingyu immediately grasped the positions of the demons by virtue of their perception, and released the domineering domineering power to these demons. Demons who are not determined enough lose their consciousness, and the number of battles can be greatly reduced, so that the elves here are under great pressure.

After Jaina resumed teleporting magic, Jingyu asked her to take herself to the second position... so after using the domineering domineering in each of the three positions in turn, she followed Jaina back to the Moon God Temple.

This time, he would wait for Jaina to take the soldiers away first, because that fool queen Azshara would do so.

After Jaina took away a new wave of soldiers, the other soldiers stood farther away from Jingyu and Azshara. The strong appearance of the beautiful queen revealed weakness to him.

"They...betrayed me."

She squeezed her lips tightly to avoid tears in her eyes.



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