Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 135: It's a battle and it's my heart

The flocks of demons and the abyss lord who jumped into the air and wielded the sword, created a special effect that was enough to obliterate any creatures in the formation... But Jingyu, who is in the formation, did indeed produce him because of the fear demon king. The trance hypnotic effect stimulated strong mental resistance.

Domineering and domineering spread from his eyebrows out of self-protection, sweeping around.

Hundreds of devils and hounds who shouted and killed roaring suddenly seemed to have been deprived of their sounds and fell to the ground one after another.

The falling figure of Marronus in the air was pushed back invisibly.

A handful of demons on the ground, led by the fearful demon king, who survived the tyrannical tyrannical whirlwind, couldn't figure out what happened and felt a sense of inexplicable fear, and looked at their lost comrades in panic.

Jingyu, who was awake, his eyes were as powerful as a king, and he was awe-inspiring-countless times he fell into the enemy lineup. The more dangerous the situation, the more he could inspire his sleeping instinct... that would even be misunderstood as Fierce.

He put the knife into his left hand, and blocked Malonos's knife across. The right hand stretched out to Malonos and pulled into his arms. Malonus' body was dragged past Jingyu's huge body. He grabbed the ugly head of Malonos Toad and smashed it to the ground. Then he raised his fist and punched hard at the head again.

The vibration penetrated into the ground, and the created cracks extended to the feet of the dreadlords.

The dreadlords took a step back in fear.

Jingyu's hand was slowly drawn from the head of the abyss lord. He looked at the dreadlords and smiled playfully.

"Now, do you want to carry out the plan in your heart?"

A discomfort that was seen through haunted the extremely shaking hearts of the dreadlords. They looked at Jingyu's fist and saw Malonos' green blood dripping from the edge of the fist, accidentally swallowing saliva.

"We admit that you are strong and don't want to be an enemy with you. Please don't interfere with our burning legion." The one in the red armor of the dreadlord said.

He already knew in his heart that the original intention to leave Jingyu was broken in advance.

The other two commanded the remaining demons to gather around them... Being able to stay awake in the storm of Tyrant Color just now proves that they are also not weak. The dreadlords tried to fight against Jingyu in this way.

Moreover, from the secret hall with the teleportation array, they did not know what method they used, and they called out many demons, and they formed a large military force in a short time.

This is apparently true.

The dreadlords knew that as long as Jingyu used the attack just now, there were not many usable soldiers.

But they can only do so.

Jingyu looked at them, and they also looked at Jingyu... There was a short silence again in the hall.

After a while, hahaha... Jingyu laughed with his head up. A layer of ice appeared on his right hand, freezing Malonus' blood, and after a little hard work, it collapsed from the surface of the skin.

He took back the saber in his left hand and pushed it back. Turn around and walk away from the underground palace.

Soon after, he disappeared into the sight of the dreadlords and demons.

The dreadlords breathed a sigh of relief here, glancing at each other, and found a cold sweat on their foreheads.

"You said, in the end... why didn't he do it?" said the dreadlord in green armor.

The purple armor and the red armor shook their heads puzzledly. The former lowered his voice and said:

"I feel that he is much more difficult to deal with than Sargeras... Sargeras' emotions are too intense, but he is completely unpredictable."

"In short, we will be more careful in the future and try not to face him again," the latter said.

The three dreadlords nodded solemnly.

At this moment, demons that exceeded their estimates rushed out of the secret hall. Under the leadership of three huge abyss lords, they came to the dreadlords.

The dreadlords are one of them.

One of the abyss lords immediately discovered Malonos' body.

"Malonos? Oh my god, he was killed!" he shouted in shock, staring at the dreadlords for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "I noticed that Malonos is dead, But, you are not hurt? Tell me, what were you doing when he died?"

The dreadlords widened their eyes in horror, as if reacting...


The mages who summoned the hellfire were under the palace, and the building of the palace was the first to be destroyed.

Azshara, who came from the ground, saw that even if he felt heartache, he quickly expelled this emotion and forced himself to calm down and lead his subjects-quickly leave the capital without combat power, and protect these civilians with lower combat power, The fighting power is high enough to build a defense line to prevent the **** fire from approaching civilians.

Because Jingyu, she set the command system on the flat ground closest to the entrance of the underground palace. Tell the subjects by sending a magic signal to the sky that she is here... This is undoubtedly the best spiritual support for the night elf civilians, soldiers and nobles who trust her and love her.

Kurtalos breathed a sigh of relief for her safety during the battle.

Tyrande sent a female hunter to come and inquire about the situation, and report the status of the troops to the queen and ask about Jingyu.

Azshara arranged the defense against the demons underground as he listened. In order to restore the lost magic power as soon as possible, she ordered the guards to fetch the lake water of the Well of Eternity for her and to draw power from it again regardless of the consequences.

"Little girl," she said to the huntress: "You tell Tyrande, he is now alone below us to resist the demons of the Burning Legion. The time earned by this is very precious, I want Tyrande Germany ordered the troops to lead the civilians to withdraw as quickly as possible at all costs."

The female hunter was Nasa, and she was shocked to hear this... what surprised Jingyu was.

"Go quickly." Azshara urged her.

Nasa didn't even answer "Yes", she urged Moonsaber to run out.

She prayed for Jingyu in her heart, ‘hope that Luna can bless your peace. ’

Azshara continued to draw magic. She ordered her men to gather the upper elves she brought up from the underground palace... Those upper elves were a little weakened in spirit, and when they saw Azshara, they knelt down and begged her for forgiveness.

Azshara stopped them with awe.

"I don't care what you have done in the past, and now, if you still have a little loyalty to me, and a little consciousness as Queldoré, I will do something for my fellow citizens... Therefore, I will forgive you Innocent!"

The upper elves were unbelievable, but soon they showed joy. They said various guarantees to the past, and praised the queen’s kindness and greatness, hoping to get her favor as before.

Azshara waved his hands impatiently to let them leave as soon as possible.

Her eyes were only on the dark underground entrance, expecting to see the figure from there.

The speed of enchantment is faster than imagined, and Azshara put into the fight against Hellfire before Jingyu came up. Thanks to her powerful strength, the hellfire that was constantly being summoned around the palace was restrained, so that the elves such as Tyrande had enough time to eliminate those scattered.

The evacuation of civilians is proceeding in an orderly manner. After the arrival of the elvish ranger army, priest force, and Kurtalos warriors, they gradually pushed the front back to the surrounding palace... Tyrande and Azshara Converged.

The two elves' great beauty saw each other's first glance, and they produced an indescribable emotion—Aisara felt a breath of Jingyu from Tyrande, then let She was a little irritable; Tyrande thought that the queen, more beautiful than she thought, was a fatal temptation to him.

After looking at each other, they finally chose the collaboration because of the current situation.

Half an hour later, the **** fire was wiped out. Including Kurtalos, the higher-ranking captains and priestess of the troops brought by Tyrande, Fasi, who came to the same battle with the follow-up troops and also participated in the battle, and the generals in the capital, Concentrate with the queen near the exit of the underground palace, waiting for them to stop the crystal of the burning legion.

Jaina is here. She was at the forefront with the three daughters of Azshara and Tyrande. The elves held respect to her because of her ears like Jingyu.

Jingyu's footsteps appeared before his figure... He set up traps at some important places in the passage, trying to stop the Burning Legion's footsteps, so he came out a little later.

Seeing him, the three women stepped forward at the same time, but two stopped. Only Jaina ran out and plunged into his arms... Azshara and Tyrande glanced at each other, and then each sighed in their hearts and slowly walked towards him.



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