Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 136: As queen

One of them is a queen, and one is no longer just a priestess. They can't act like a girl like Jaina.

Fortunately, Jingyu nodded to them understandingly while embracing Jaina.

Ask Jingyu if any injured ‘work’ was taken by Jaina. Her eager appearance can make people think that if there are not many elves here, they will make sure of him.

Tyrande approached and looked behind Jingyu, "You are so leisurely, can't the Burning Legion come out in a short time?"

"When I met Azshara earlier, I already destroyed the starting device of the teleportation array. In the short term, I expect that the number of demons will not continue to increase..." Jingyu said.

As soon as he said this, Kurtalos interjected: "Then we will kill now, completely destroy the teleportation circle, or at least occupy it, so that they can no longer open the teleportation circle."

Several other elven generals were quite moved, watching the queen waiting for her to give orders.

Although Azshara had this intention, he asked seriously, "Jingyu, what else do you have to say behind you, right?"


Jingyu nodded and analyzed for her:

"You see the power of Sargeras. If I were him, in order to ensure that the passage is not lost, I will maintain the transmission of the troops with my own strength at any cost when necessary. This will face a bad situation. ——In a narrow passage, our side and the demon compete for control of the periphery of the teleportation with the loss of their strength.

A few of our more powerful ones can be killed directly, which will consume a lot. If an equally powerful one is sent at this time, we will be beaten back... before and after it is useless. The loss of troops cannot be recovered, and failure will be a blow to the momentum and will be detrimental to the overall situation. "

Azshara made sense. She described Sargeras to the elves such as Kurtalos, saying that she looked at it with her own power and felt that she could not compare with it.

The elves of Kurtalos respect the queen very much. When she heard this, she was terrified by Sargeras.

"Your Majesty, since the enemy is so terrible, shouldn't we stop the enemy's transmission at all costs?" Kurtalos was both worried and puzzled, and asked Jingyu: "Or, what method do you have to successfully fight Retreat the enemy?"

"To say full assurance... No." Jingyu said lightly: "I just think from my own experience, don't force the enemies of this level to be too urgent... They also want time, and we can Use this'time' to gather enough strength. If you don't do it, you can do it in one go and defeat the enemy!"

There was only one elf present who understood the weight of Jingyu's remarks. His'experience' was anything but unusual. Tyrande knew that the man had built with one hand when he was in the box court for half a year. The powerful military power has completely conquered a world that is larger than Azeroth, and has been in control of those who have not dared to rebel for decades.

No one can match the commanding and controlling power of the army through the powerful world of the imperial court.

Therefore, when the elves such as Kurtalos showed their doubts... It needs to be explained here that the nature of the night elves despise other races. Their respect for Jingyu is true, but they will be affected by this consciousness involuntarily. Especially when they are in doubt... Tyrande quickly said in order to prevent them from saying something unpleasant to Jingyu:

"Queen, please listen to his opinion. Later, I will explain to you in detail what kind of existence this man I invited...I can now guarantee that he will never be inferior to Sa Grass."

"I can guarantee this too." Azshara seemed to not want to show any weakness to Tyrande and maintain Jingyu Road: "I saw Sargeras can retreat all over the body, not because of his own strength, but Has his protection."

Compared to Tyrande, who was just a priestess at this time, her words made the elves such as Kurtalos believe.

They both nodded and said, ‘It’s up to Her Majesty the Queen! ’.

Azshara smiled tyrannically to Tyrande with triumphant triumph... This expression was strange and confounded after she made it.

But this is enough to attract Jingyu’s attention, ‘how did she have evil energy in her body? He frowned.

Azshara knew he was looking at himself, but pretended not to see it. She adjusted her mood, suppressed the undesirable fluctuations, and said seriously:

"Everyone, Hu Lai and the elves of the upper elves incurred the invasion of the Burning Legion. This sin is unforgivable... I decided to resign from the Queen's post after driving away the Burning Legion. Secretary Kurtalos, please don't argue with me, I I know what I know."

After she stopped Kurtalos's speech, "Now, if there is no objection, I will still be the queen..."

She glanced at all the elves present.

The elves shook their heads quickly, and even knelt down earnestly begging her not to resign from the queen.

Azsala smiled and thanked them with a smile, and then said to Jingyu with a dignified expression: "In this capacity, I will send you a formal request... Please take full responsibility for leading the expulsion of the Burning Legion! Azshara! Will lead the elves and accept your command!"

Jingyu raised his eyebrows. He glanced at Kurtalos and others who were completely stunned, and smiled, not agreeing or denying.

Azshara said in a "finalized tone", "Please tell us what to do now."

"It's to say, before that..." Jingyu suddenly turned back, grabbed an introduction to the void, and a watermark appeared in a place where there was nothing. After being torn by Jingyu's power, it revealed an eye-shaped monster.

The little monster is a black eyeball with golden eyes. There are some tentacle-shaped things above and below the eyeball, struggling in Jingyu's power, and do not even know where to make a chirping noise.

Jingyu's spiritual power poured into the monster's body, and he sneaked into the ground along the magical power to control it, linking with the spirit of the wizard who peeped over here. He directly sent the overbearing coercion into shares.

The wizard's consciousness was deprived, the magic of the void was interrupted, and the eye-shaped monster disappeared.

Jingyu snorted, "Before they draw something from his mind, I think we have time to change places and talk about the next plan."

The elves gathered on the spot divided into three groups intentionally by Azshara. Tyrande still led the troops convened by the Elune Sisters, Kurtalos led his troops, and she led the original troops of the capital and the upper elves.

Jingyu saw that she had made the arrangement after resigning from her position as the queen, hoping that the nobles and the pastor group would rule together.

This is the internal affairs of the elves, he did not say anything. But when it came to arming, he gave an impolite order.

He instructed the three troops to sit on the capital side in order to prevent the scattered demons of the Burning Legion from causing damage to nearby cities and villages. When a demon attack is found, different magical signal flare is used as a link.



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