Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 134: Fight for strength and wisdom

The dreadlords are much more cunning than Malonos. When they heard that Jingyu had just killed in, they kept an extra eye on them. Instead of being angry with Jingyu's performance like Malonos, they watched him secretly.

They found that the energy in his body was only stronger than that of the female elf who made them feel afraid... The female elf was evaluated by them as that only three demons in the Burning Legion had stronger energy than her.

This is why they suggested Malonos to make some arrangements before attacking her. It is a pity that the strategy did not work, and the female elf left because of the man in front of her. This man is obviously more difficult than the female elf.

When the opponent is a female elf, Malonos' pet **** hound, irrespective of sacrifices, continues to absorb her magic power and consumes most of her strength. This does not work for this man who is also full of magic in his body.

Hell Hound was cut off as soon as he approached him, unable to activate his ability to absorb magic.

In fact, none of the demons who are currently fighting him can resist him.

The dreadlords are cunning and greedy. Their eyes were invariably fixed on Jingyu's knife... Although they thought he was very strong, they also thought that without the sword that might be an artifact, his strength would be greatly reduced.

The sabre obtained by Jingyu as a navy general when he traveled to the New World to implement the strategy of the Four Emperors was the symbol of the highest commander in the theater, and his appearance was gorgeous. Coupled with the fact that hundreds of demon guards and hellhounds were beheaded without any trace of blood, the silver blade shone with a cold and cold light, which did indeed give the fear demon enough basis for misjudgment.

The dreadlords attacked the sword. They thought, if they could get the "artifact", wouldn't the combat effectiveness be immediately improved? Then, its position in the Burning Legion will also increase.

The promotion of status is the promotion of power and the increase in the number of people.

The dreadlords had such a beautiful dream.

After seeing Malonos being stared at by Jingyu, they are even more gloating... They are in the same camp as Malonos, but it does not mean that they and Malonos have become a companion relationship that has never betrayed since .

It's just that the interests are the same and the appearance is divine.

More importantly, the Burning Legion was divided into two rulers of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden from Sargeras. The Lord of the Abyss is Archimonde's men, and the Dreadlord is loyal to Kil'jaeden.

Therefore, they never mind Malonos being killed here. If he is dead, it means they will become the supreme commander here. If you make a contribution to Sargeras' entry in this capacity, Sargeras will give them the highest reward... Maybe it is strength, maybe status, which will make them happy.

Of course, if Malonos can be killed by the enemy and succeed in killing the enemy and seizing the "artifact", he will get the maximum benefit.

The dreadlords thought of this and were very excited. But their cunning also made them more aware of their own weight. Before Malonos did anything, they did not reveal it at all.

However, their enemy seems to be a cunning guy.

Just when they were hesitant to make Malonos take the lead in attacking...because this was to take a certain risk. If Malonos and his troops actually killed the enemy, the sword would fall into Malonus' hands, and no credit would be given to them. On the contrary, both Malonos and his troops were killed by the enemy, and they were also in danger... Therefore, when the sound rang in their minds in unison, they were both horrified and hesitant.

There is no doubt that the voice is a natural sound to some extent.

"How? Do you want to make a deal? I'll kill the fat man riding on your head. You have to mobilize the army to cooperate with me to accomplish this, and then let me leave safely. Of course, I will do it very cleverly Yes, I believe you too."

Jingyu is still looking at Malonos, and the expression on his face has not changed, but throws bait to the three fear demon kings at the same time.

The dreadlords looked at each other, and they all showed their understanding eyes. Although there was no verbal communication, they all understood that-if the enemy said this, it meant that he did not have the certainty to win Malonos.

They agreed to do their best to cooperate with him in completing the first half of the proposal. After Malonos died, when the command of the army fell into their hands, how to mobilize the army, but they had the final say.

One thing the demon kings never thought of was letting the enemy holding the artifact away.

However, they quietly nodded to him together, expressing their complete agreement with his perfect proposal.

The three dreadlords are red green purple armor. Among them, the purple one approached Malonos and quietly suggested to him:

"Adult, bear with me a little longer. After our encirclement is formed, the three of us will perform hypnotic magic on him at the same time. It will not be too late for the adult to cut him again."

Malonos was in the middle of his heart when he heard it. It can not only let him go down the stairs, but also actually kill the enemy.

He agreed with ‘um’, and like the fear dreadlord who proposed such a good strategy to himself, the look of ‘you are very good’... the fear dreadlord laughed inwardly, and enjoyed the process of calculating the enemy very much.

There are hundreds of demons and Jingyu in the entire hall. The enemies of these two camps miraculously remained silent.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and suddenly, the abyss lord's big sword was raised, and a violent roar that made the stone walls constituting the hall tremble. The power of fear spreads. If there are enemies here, he will definitely be deterred by him, thereby reducing various abilities.

Jingyu is immune to this. However, his attention seemed to be attracted by the abyss lord... The left hand was still in the stance of the knife, and the right hand slid down to hold the handle. The dark eyes burst into murderousness directed at the abyssal lord.

As they said, the three dreadlords took the opportunity to throw the sleep magic that had been prepared to Jingyu.

Jingyu's eyes suddenly lost, and the eyelids were uncontrollably closed.

Behind him, shouting and killing sounds appeared in the passage, and some demon guards and hellhounds who had submerged underground came back.

The Lord of the Abyss no longer waited for the four feet to jump hard, relying on the huge body, after the wingspan, a knife enveloped Jingyu's head.

This scene shocked the Dreadlords collectively, as if the enemy was about to be killed by Malonus.

They looked at each other, and they saw some pity and surprise in their eyes.

At the same time, Archmond was screaming with rage when he couldn't find a way to enter because the passage was blocked, even venting his anger to the demons waiting for the Burning Legion nearby.

This disturbed his master Sargeras.

Sargeras came here in person and was dissatisfied with Archimonde who was kneeling towards him:

"Archimonde, I reminded you earlier that it was someone who could fight me without hurt. You should not be slow when you face him! You obviously did not listen to all my words. In your ears."

Sargeras has had millions of loyal men in the short term since the establishment of the Burning Legion... that undoubtedly swelled his self-confidence to the extreme.

Encountering Jingyu under this kind of psychology, he would not think about it, it was the result of the opponent's equality with himself.

He believes that the other party escaped boldly!

He told the generals of the Burning Legion in this way, but still reminded them to be careful...because it was an absolute strong enemy for them.

Obviously, his men did not recognize the difference between them and his strength.

Sargeras needs to remind them that you are much weaker than me.

Archimonde is the second most powerful demon of the Burning Legion, the first person below Sargeras.

He naturally has enough proud capital. Although he lowered his head to Sargeras, he did not listen to Jingyu's energy because he saw that Jingyu's energy was not high.

He just said politely: "Master Sargeras, please give me another chance. I will use the results to prove to you that he is not worth your attention."

"That is of course, Archimonde!" Sargeras said: "However, how are you going to attack?"

"This..." Archimonde said for a moment.

Sargeras looked at him for a moment, stretched out his huge bronze hand, and practiced against the void for a while.

The flesh that was originally pulled into here by Archimonde, because Archimonde's rage was destroyed into powder. They were gathered by Sargeras, and Sargeras also infused his own power.

A new body gradually condenses based on those powders.

Archimonde sensed a little and found a familiar part. He recognized that this ‘familiarity’ was the elf caught by him in the twisted void. It seems that his master is going to resurrect it.

It's just that he thought it was a waste of the master to give his strength to such a humble elf.

The new body quickly formed, Elf Harves, no, at this time it should be said that the new demon opened his eyes.

He soon understood what was happening, and prostrately expressed respect and loyalty to Sargeras.

Sargeras reluctantly forced him to affirm his achievements in opening the teleportation array. Then, with his own strength, he was sent back to Azeroth. The task for him is to contact more upper elves and reopen the teleportation array.

Sargeras, in order to prevent his subordinates who have entered Azeroth from being completely wiped out by that enemy, he also spent his own power to temporarily open the teleportation array, causing Archimonde to send his subordinates into part again. .

After completing this, Sargeras handed it over to Archimonde.

"I need to see the results, Archimonde."

He left this sentence warningly, and left first to find a target that could be swallowed in order to restore his strength.



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