Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 133: Coercion

The queen stepped back a few steps, temporarily handing over the responsibility of defending the narrow entrance to the guard.

She turned around, and the rear guard gave way to Jingyu... Let this male who is different from them in appearance, known by the queen as'Jingyu', walk in front of her.

"Aisala," although Jingyu wanted to say,'It's true, obviously a woman, what can you do so', or, other language of blame, "Although I know you want to continue to defend here, now , Please go to the upper part immediately and lead the subjects to evacuate the capital... The Burning Legion has summoned a large number of arms named'Hellfire' to wreak havoc on the top, and your subjects need you."

Azshara froze, glancing at the narrow entrance enemy.

She showed them hatred, angry and unwilling, but nodded.

"Jingyu, here..."

"Leave it to me... you take the troops too. Be careful on the road, the enemy will suddenly appear under the ground or somewhere else. What kind of demons are there in the Burning Legion, I am not completely clear." Jingyu said.

"What about you?" Azshara was surprised that he had asked her to take the guards here.

"Who do you think I am?" Jingyu smiled shallowly at her, and looked at the demon guards and hellhounds gathered behind the corpse through her shoulders. "I fought them, just to bully."

But this is war!

Fighting against soldiers and generals, such a fair and just situation cannot always happen.

This is the moment now-Tyrande asked him to come to this world to help the night elves, he agreed. Therefore, it is more important to save the night elves than to kill the enemy.

That's a man's promise!

Moreover, he didn't think that leaving a little night elf guard would help him much.

Azshara remembered that he was a man with enough momentum to rival Sargeras, the master of the Burning Legion... Such a man cannot be weak or irrational.

She nodded heavily, which implies multiple meanings such as "I trust you" and "I will lead my people as you say". Even, she couldn't help but plunge into his arms and hugged him fiercely.

That made her guards stunned.

Queen Azshara, farther than that powerful force spreads, is her gorgeous outside. The elves are always thinking, what kind of men can win the queen's peace of mind?

Now, the guards cast jealous eyes to Jingyu.

But when they saw that after the queen left his arms, he walked alone to the legion full of demons—

This jealousy became respect and recognition!

Although the Queen never gave instructions personally, before leaving, they approached him to treat courtesy like a male member of the royal family.

The demon guards don't know what order they received. When the queen and her troops evacuated, they did not rush out of the narrow passage to block, but madly slashed the accumulated corpses with the giant axe in their hands.

For a while, flesh and blood flew across, and the sound of meat chopping in the channel with limited space was enough to arouse human physiological aversion.

In particular, those who were chopped were still the same kind as they died.

Jingyu came to his knife at this time. He held the handle with a metal curved arc.

"Let me see what kind of role it is, and lead the demons here."

Withdraw the knife from the body of the **** dog, lean forward, and invade straight into the center of the demon guards.

The new **** storm was made by him.

Originally the Burning Legion attacked outwards, but now he was killed from outside by himself.

This is Jingyu. Before his energy is used up, he can't suppress that sharpness by quantity.

The demon guards were frightened.

The demon guards in the front were all killed, and the guards in the rear could not retreat and dared not rush up. Can only watch Jingyu cut over him and walked towards them... They were forced to wave the giant axe in their hands to cut him, but they had been cut in half by him with the giant axe in the middle.

There was a strong smell in the passage, and the green blood from the demons gathered together, causing him to step on the sound of water while walking. He went all the way to the secret room with the teleportation array.

The space here is relatively large. A demon is much larger than the Demon Guard, and it is like a Western dragon in appearance and size. It is surrounded by more demonic forces in the center.

He also had two fat toots, one of which was holding a large long-handled knife with a height similar to his height.

At the demon's feet, stood three devil-faced demons... their positions were also prominent, and they were the devil's impression of Jingyu's impression. They were more brutal and more cunning.

‘This is the abyss lord and dreadlord. ’Memory told Jingyu the answer, which made him judge the ranks of the demons.

He knew that it was the cunning dreadlords who contributed the strategy.

After seeing Jingyu, the demons did not fear except for surprise. Jingyu did not know that they were the enemies of Sargeras... Sargeras had fought these demons representing chaotic attributes for the order of the universe before falling to the Dark Titan. They were all captured and put in prison, and they were released after Sargeras fell behind.

Having seen the terrifying power of Sargeras, they cannot be frightened by Jingyu in their current state.

However, Jingyu did not worry that he was not their opponent.

Under the attention of many demons, he walked up to them in a stately manner. In the center of the space, he thrust the saber on the ground and stood with his hands on the handle.

The pair of heads and chests clearly did not put the devil's army in their eyes, and released this message to them:

If you want to pass this place, first ask the knife in my hand.

The fury in the heart of the Abyss Lord Malonus is imaginable. After becoming a member of the Burning Legion, he followed Sargeras to destroy countless worlds. Wherever he passed, he was synonymous with terror.

He was so mocked like this, still such an unassuming little guy... Malonos wanted to immediately wield the weapon in his hand and kill it completely.

However, his knife had just raised a point, and Jingyu's attention was on him.

With the oppression released by his eyes, Malonos thought of his master Sargeras.

He felt a little uneasy, and the movement of lifting the weapon stopped so unconsciously.



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