Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 198: Diane

Di An's nose twitched suddenly when he was sleeping. As if smelling something that could resurrect him full of blood, Dai An slowly opened his eyes.

"This, what does this taste like?" Dai An slowly opened his eyes, and saw that the outline of something in front of him gradually became clear from blurry!

Is it Hawke? ! As soon as he saw the things in front of him clearly, Di An's eyes flashed a strong dazzling light, and there was saliva from his mouth! Is there anything more ecstatic than giving you a pig when you are hungry?

"Little pig, little pig, come here and play with me~" Di An smiled with a terrible look and stretched out his hand towards Hawke to catch Hawk!

"No, it's okay, don't be afraid, it's just a punch, then help tightly, roast it again, and finally swallow it." Di'an is a pig lover. Look, make Hall, who is standing in front of him, sweat all over his body!

Diane slowly stepped forward, and Hawke stepped back unconsciously. Finally Di An couldn't help it, waving his fist at Hawke, but didn't know if it was because of hunger or what, Di An's accuracy was surprisingly poor, and he almost shot alive every time.

"Ah, don't run away, be good, don't move." Di An said to Hawke like a fool. Only fools will not run at this time. Although Hawke is a pig, he is not a fool.

"Ah hello! Diane, you bastard, just reunited, what kind of international joke did you open with me!" Hawke arranged to the distance, then turned to face Diane and shouted loudly. It seems to be very angry.

"Ah!! Pig, pig can talk!? And, and why do you know my name," when Diane Behawk said, he jumped! As Dian spoke, he retreated back as if watching something terrifying.

"But, I didn't expect to be able to meet you here, the manager's intuition is really accurate!" Hawke said again, in the maze he and Meliodas and the former Diane and King The same disappeared unconsciously.

"Talking pig! You still know my name?! This is definitely a dream!" Diane in front of him still couldn't accept the fact that Hawk could speak.

"Ah, by the way, I heard that you have lost your memory." Hawke wasn't surprised to see Diane like this, he heard about it when Diane fled from King Arthur's country. All this was done by the **** Gauser.

"It doesn't matter, it's a dream, piglet hurry up and let me eat it! If talking is a dream, it doesn't matter if you eat it raw." He said that Diane grabbed Hawke and planned to move here. Put it in your mouth!

"Help! Diane, you bastard! Let go of me!!" It's just that Diane hasn't listened to anything Hawke said at this time, so it's an illusion.

"Stop it!" But at this moment a voice suddenly appeared behind Di An. It's Elizabeth!

"Yes, who? A human girl?" Di An knelt on the ground and looked in the direction of the voice. Diane's mind was still strange when he saw Elizabeth. Did not recognize Elizabeth for this. "Diane!!! Great! You are fine, everyone is worried about you," Elizabeth said to Diane with a smile.

"Why? Human girls also know my name? Who are you?" Dai An looked at Elizabeth in a daze. At this time, there was chaos in his head. From the very beginning, Jin said that he knew himself, then the talking pig in front of him, and then the human girl standing in front of him. Did he really lose his memory? But why can't I remember it at all?

Hawke jumped from Diane's hands while Diane was in a daze, and then quickly fled behind Elizabeth. Diane with amnesia is terrible!

"Elizabeth Chan, by the way, the head of the team did mention Diane's memory," Hawke reminded Elizabeth, reminding him that Diane was a dangerous guy who no longer knew himself and others.

"My name is Elizabeth, and I am the princess of Leones who traveled with you and everyone from the Seven Original Sins!" Elizabeth introduced Diane, who was standing in front of her, very seriously after reacting.

"The princess of Leonis? Original sin?" Diane muttered in disbelief a strange word that had never appeared in his memory.

"You lost your memory, and then you left us. Lord Jin rushed out to find you alone." Elizabeth explained to Diane very patiently.

"I know you and I?" Dian squatted on the ground, pointed at Elizabeth and herself, and asked hesitantly.

"Yes, we are good friends." Elizabeth still smiled softly. But Dian stood up. There seemed to be something wrong with the expression on his face.

"Do you have any evidence to prove that I am friends with you, and deceive me like this, right?" Di An said coldly. She didn't believe what Elizabeth had learned at all. In his memory, human beings are all cunning liars. All of his original people were lost in the deception of mankind. This is always the pain hidden in his heart.

"How, how come,," Elizabeth seemed a little at a loss.

"Hey! Diane, why are you talking to Elizabeth!" Hawke shouted at Diane angrily. It's just that Di An ignored the two of them, walked aside on his own, and then picked up his warhammer.

"Sorry, I can't believe in humans, Leonis's Paladin deceived Matorona in this way and planned to kill him." Diane said that he planned to leave here by himself.

"Wait!" Elizabeth yelled very anxiously, finally found a partner but it was like this, how could he let Diane leave like this!

"Don't follow me!" Diane suddenly turned his head and shouted to Elizabeth and Hawke. Elizabeth looked particularly strange. Not at all the Diane he knew.

"She told us not to follow him, what should we do~" Hawke looked at Diane, who was leaving, and asked Elizabeth with some uncertainty. He didn't want to be eaten directly by Di An. ..


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