Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 197: Go away

Surrounded by unbreakable stone walls, there is an unbreakable barrier above his head. Under such circumstances, Jin and Di An and others can only continue to move towards the final end of the maze in a consistent manner. But in such a maze, various situations will appear.

"Hate it's so narrow here!" Diane and Matorona walked sideways in a narrow passage. This is definitely a big road for ordinary humans, but for Diane of the giant race, there is also Matorona coming. Said it is indeed extremely small. Especially Diane and Mattorona are exceptionally good in figure.

Because he was leaning on his side, looking at a certain part of the narrow two walls that was squeezed out of shape, King suddenly felt that his face was flushed like a monkey buttocks. The blushing face of King was suddenly complained and very uncomfortable. The advancing Diane found out.

"Yeah! Don't watch! You are a pervert!" Even though it is not convenient to move in such a small space, Di An still directly punched Jin from the narrow aisle in the middle of the aisle directly to the bottom of the aisle. On the stone wall ahead!

I have to say that this punch Di An also used all his strength, and directly embedded the gold in the stone wall, only revealing a dark hole.

Matorona was also a bit embarrassed. After all, although he was originally a warrior in the Di'an tribe, he had been trained as a warrior since he was a child. How could he have encountered such embarrassment? Fortunately, Jin was directly beaten by Di An in a circle.

"Huh, I finally came out, but it looks like we've been here before! Are we back to where we were!" Dian said, looking at the familiar maze, somewhat at a loss.

"That's why I said that I should have turned right just now!" At this time, Jin flew out of the rock wall slowly, wiping his nosebleed and said to Di An.

"Huh rascal!" It's just that Di An just rolled his eyes and then continued to choose a direction to head forward.

"Why is this? I don't seem to dislike what Jin did to me! It's so familiar!" Only Di An knew that she was not angry with Jin just now, but was a little bit throbbing. This feeling made his heart throb and thump violently! No matter how he controls it, it's useless.

"A huge boulder is rolling down!" Jin shouted towards Diane and Matorona. This seemed to be a mechanism in the labyrinth, but when the boulder rolled in front of Diane and Matorona, Jin stopped talking. In front of Diane and Matorona, the boulder was only the size of a football.

Of course, for ordinary people in Anxi, such a boulder is still very threatening. After all, Diane and Matorona are born with certain advantages.

Matorona walked in front, while Di An and Jin walked in the back. At this time, Di An's steps became heavier and he hadn't eaten for almost a day. The groaning belly made him completely unable to lift his energy. So Suo Xingjin will be with him beside him.

"You two hurry up, Jin, there is nothing wrong with what you dare to respond to, it's in this direction!" Matorona asked again, turning her head back.

"Yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong, it is in this direction, I can feel their magical fluctuations, very strong." Jin said with certainty. Just after he finished speaking, Matorona ran in that direction. Diane hadn’t come and followed Matorona’s footsteps. A huge rock suddenly landed between Diane. This time, even compared to the giants, the volume of the stone is extraordinarily large, and it just divides the passage of the entire maze into two parts.

In other words, Matorona and Diane are now completely separated.

"Diane?! Jin, are you all right?" Matorona called through the gap of the huge stone to the other side, even trying to destroy the huge stone in front of him at all costs.

But it has no effect at all. His screams couldn't pass through at all. The stone walls here seem to contain magic power, hindering the communication of their voices and any information.

"Matorona?!" At the moment when the boulder fell, Di An also shouted vigorously in the direction of Matorona. He even used his warhammer to hit the boulder vigorously, but the effect was not great.

"Dian, Mattorona will be fine, he is the most powerful warrior in the giant clan!" Jin Fei came to Di An's side and comforted him.

"I, I'm hungry." Di An, with his head down, suddenly raised his head and looked at Jin. A very pitiful and innocent appearance made Jin speechless.

On the huge stone on the far side of the maze, a huge black magic power was exuding, which was very terrifying.

"Let's start, the first level of Basel, the death trap maze, um~Dololu Jun's personal skills are really eye-catching~" Liu Xueni said with a smile on her small chin.

"But what is the meaning of this kind of pastime?" Duoluo Lu Jun, who was standing by and created the maze, indeed asked with some doubts. After he took a look, he gathered all the people together and killed them. All right. Why is it so troublesome.

"Well, it does. The participants seem to be a lot more than expected. First of all, you have to eliminate some of them here." Liu Xueni said very seriously.

Indeed, as Liu Xueni said, this time their publicity really attracted far more people than they expected to come here. And most of them here are absolute strong.

"Uh, I'm completely separated, I'm so hungry alone, I can do anything, please give me some food!" Di An himself fell asleep behind a rock, and then muttered in his mouth. Muttering something.

After a day, Diane was completely isolated. When he was hungry and faint, he smelled the smell of meat and ran in the other direction when he was exploring the channel. Of course, the last meaty fragrance is just a stone. There seems to be something in the passage that can confuse people's senses. Jin's sensitivity to magic was also created by these things before.

But at this time, it's useless to say anything, Dian just wants to find his own food! ! ..


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