Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 199: leech

"Let's keep up, Hawke sauce!" Elizabeth said with a very solemn expression. There was not a trace in his eyes but he flinched, even if Di An no longer knew them, even Di An holding a warhammer in his hand threatened her and shouted not to let him follow her. But she will never give up her partner like this!

"So too!" Hawke's agreed. How could he not think so in Hawke's mind, even if Diane wanted to eat him. But he still believed that even if he didn't know himself, Dian would never do anything like that.

On the top of the walls on both sides, various houses are hung, as if a village is directly folded into such a passage. From time to time, fragments of some houses will fall from mid-air.

"Hawk sauce, there are houses on the front walls!" Elizabeth asked Hawke to follow Diane. Elizabeth looked at the surrounding houses in awe and said to Hawke.

"It's amazing, probably when the maze was built, the village or everything was involved." Hawke also exclaimed as he looked around the surrounding scenery.

"It's a miserable sight, but those people have gone there." Elizabeth surrounds her but she doesn't see a human appearance.

"Why do you follow me?" Diane was very upset since just now, but didn't say anything, but when he heard the conversation between Elizabeth and Hawke, he finally couldn't help but turned his head reluctantly. 'S face asked Elizabeth and Hawke behind her!

"Humph! You are walking in the direction of where we are going!" Hawke counterattacked without hesitation! After speaking, he took a step forward, seeming to prove that he was not like Diane.

But it was this step that directly caused Hawke to fly into the sky. At the foot of which step Hawke took, there seemed to be something like a mechanism. A huge stone bounced directly from under Hawke, and then he bounced Hawk from the spot directly!

And this is just the beginning!

Similar stone pillars also protruded on the walls on both sides, just like playing marbles to bounce Hawke back and forth in front of the walls! In the end, Hawke was completely in a coma when he fell, and his head full of drool lay on the ground with a very miserable appearance.

"Hock sauce! Cheer up!" Elizabeth hurried forward and squatted in front of Hawke, looking at Hawke in a daze.

"I, I don't do it anymore, and finally I really want to eat the leftovers until I'm full,", Hawke said to Elizabeth his last wish in a listless appearance that he was about to pass out at any time.

Then suddenly the ground in the passage shook, as if it was an earthquake that kept shaking.

"Ah! The ground is cracked!" Hawke suddenly jumped up from the ground and shouted when he saw the scene behind Elizabeth!

The crack just happened in the direction of Elizabeth and Hawke! It just spread to the feet of the two in the blink of an eye. Then the two fell towards the depths of the earth. At this level, he would definitely die if he fell.

Just when both of them were desperate, a big hand suddenly rescued them from the abyss. It's Diane's hand. After Di An left the collapsed place with a man and a pig, a huge bottomless pit appeared directly on the spot. Even Diane would fall into it if he didn't pay attention.

"Thank you Diane." The shocked Elizabeth thanked Diane. "Hey, Elizabeth, look at the bottom of the cave!" Hawke shouted at Elizabeth as if he had found something. Elizabeth looked along where Hawke was pointing, and saw that all human corpses in the collapsed pit!

"It's probably the people who live in the village, it's too much!" This kind of thing is outside of those demon gods, probably no one will do such a thing again!

Diane put Elizabeth and Hawk down from his hands.

"What happened just now happened by accident in front of my eyes, so I will try to save you, but, but there will be no next time." Even if he said that, he didn't believe it. Even if it is amnesia, Di An is still the original Di An.

"Diane," Elizabeth looked at Diane.

"Oh, come and see, there are so many berries here!" Hawke shouted at the two as if he had discovered the New World.

"Really?" Elizabeth looked at where Hawke was. Sure enough, there are a lot of berries. You know it's not only Diane that hasn't eaten for a long time, but also Elizabeth and Hawke.

"Food?!" Di An's cold expression just now turned into an expectant face. There was still saliva on his mouth.

"Yeah, it looks delicious."

"Oh, there's a lot of growth in the depths." Hawk and Elizabeth's voice came from the depths of the cave, but Diane didn't open his mouth because of this.

"Farewell, goodbye!" Dian seemed to have made a lot of determination, then swallowed his saliva and turned and left.

"I'm so hungry! I'm so thirsty! Matorona, where are you?" Diane walked in a huge cave-like passage, looking up with a weak look. Muttered to himself.

Then the next moment, Di'an suddenly got empty, as if he had stepped into something!

"The marsh, the marsh, is quite deep. If humans want to pass, it will be very dangerous. And, it has nothing to do with me!" Di An just changed his mind again in an instant. The swamp directly passed his calf. This depth is more than enough to swallow humans. But it didn't make any difference for Diane.

"Sigh! It hurts! Something is stuck on the foot!" Suddenly Di An felt a sting in his calf as if there was something.

"Yeah!! Giant, giant leech! I hate bugs the most!!" Di An screamed out of his fists as soon as he saw what was on his leg!

At this moment, Dian looked completely unsure of what to do. The panicked Di An hurriedly climbed from the swamp to the shore, but he did not dare to touch the leeches attached to his feet!

"Diane, wait for me!" At this time Elizabeth ran from a distance! ..


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