Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 154: Strange creature

Sitting on the ground, Jelica's head was dizzy, full of weeds and fallen leaves. This tiger is too powerful to come, just slap her from the spot to the other side of the woods, and the weeds and fallen leaves on her body were caught on the body while rolling in the jungle.

Ban rushed in at the first moment, and after making sure that Jelica was okay in the distance, he turned and ran towards the beating tiger.

Escano and the cowardly hunter, who had no squad protection for the first time, immediately started howling on the spot, as if they were holding each other together.

It's just that judging from the trembling calves of the two people slowly moving towards the distance, they didn't plan to die now.

The huge black tiger didn't take a look at them. It just yawned and then lay on the ground. It didn't seem to be what a tiger should do at this time! Shouldn't you rush forward and roar for a while, then bite people violently? This is totally unreasonable.

Ban ran back from the woods. Since Jelica has nothing to do, then everything will be done after dealing with this big tiger.

"Humans, that is my food." The big tiger said to Ben, lying in the middle of the road.

"Old, Tiger, even talking!! Monster!!" Escano and the timid hunter shouted loudly at the same time, whether it was the fear in their eyes or the trembling body.

"Talking tiger~ Is it the same breed as Hawke?" Ban came to the big tiger like a curious baby. He grabbed his fur for a while and then pulled up the tiger's tail, and even then The guy opened his mouth and took a look.

And the final result of this is that the guy's upper body was directly gnawed down by the guy, and then vomited to the side! The blood stayed on the ground, and the legs were still pumping.

"Human meat is stinky!" After saying that, the big tiger rushed into the jungle when it just came out, and quickly disappeared.

"It's really difficult. I bit someone and ran away irresponsibly." I don't know when Ban has recovered, and muttered looking at the place where the tiger disappeared.

"Ahhh! Ghost!!" That timid hunter clearly remembered that he saw that Ben had been bitten in two by the big tiger, but, why is it the same as what happened at this time? !

Seeing this scene, the hunter went into a coma directly after shouting. His body stomped softly to the ground, as if he was dead.

"I, I'm back. Bah." Jerica said as she vomited the leaves out of her mouth, and she didn't idle her hands to sort out the dust and dry grass on her clothes.

Just when he raised his head and looked around at the huge tiger there, Ban suddenly walked towards him and took out the weapon in his hand.

"Ban, Master Ban, what about that tiger?" I originally wanted to ask him what he was going to do. At that time, what he said from his mouth was about the big tiger. I don't know if it was in trust in Ben or something. Even if he had more questions in the class, he chose to believe it voluntarily.

Ban did not speak, but suddenly threw the weapon in his hand towards Jelica. If it was normal at this time, Jelica would definitely pull out her sword and fly towards him in the air. The weapon that came over was blocked, even his own speed would not be able to block it.

It's just that Jelica didn't make any obstructions this time, just standing there blankly, seemingly not knowing what happened.

Ban's attack was swiped toward Jelica's ear, and behind Jelica a little snake that didn't seem very dangerous was directly nailed to the tree.

The little snake was not dead, but was constantly twisting on the tree, seeming to want to break free from the shackles of Ban, but he was not big and his strength was not that great, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

In the end, it seemed that he was a little anxious and bit directly on the squad’s weapon. A very clear and viscous liquid sprayed out of the snake’s teeth and sprayed it on the squad’s weapon.

The liquid followed the class's weapon and stayed directly on the tree, but in an instant the big tree was corroded except for a huge hole, and it fell loose from the tree following the weapon.

If such a toxin bites Jerica's body, I am afraid that Ban should go to find fruit for Jerica next time.

"Thanks, thank you,, thank you." Jelica said, looking at Ben with a little shock. Ban didn't speak, but walked up to his weapon, and then slammed the head of the little snake who had not yet come and escaped from Ban's weapon into meat sauce.

Ban actually saw the hatred look in Xiao Snake's eyes, which made him feel that this place seemed very strange. Whether it was a talking tiger or a little snake with hatred shining in his eyes, these seemed to be nothing ordinary things.

"Let's go! Let's continue on the road!" Ban said to everyone after wiping his weapon with a cloth torn from his clothes.

"Ban, what, what do this guy do!" Escano said cowardly at Ban. Ban glanced at the fainted hunter, and then went on walking forward.

"Throw it straight on the spot, I don't have time to walk behind him." After speaking, he hurried forward without looking back. Without any hesitation.

Jelica didn't know if it was because she was rescued by the class or because she just blushed and followed the class without saying a word, surprisingly well-behaved. This time there was no doubt or opposition to the decision made by Ban. This is also a miracle, to know that she should be the education of the paladin since childhood, she often quarreled with Ban.

"Well, does this look good?" Escano looked at the hunter who had been in a coma for a long time, and finally chose to obey the class's orders. Carefully put that guy directly on the ground, and then chased him toward the front class and others.

Just before he could run two steps, he heard someone crying from behind.

"Don't leave me here, don't leave myself here!!" Then when he turned his head and looked back, he saw that the hunter ran faster than him, rushing towards the class and the others. come. At this moment Escano actually felt that he was not the weakest. ..


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