Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 155: Monster goes down

Just before dawn, the three of them, no, it should be said that the four were about to go down the mountain, and the long mountain road behind them indicated that they were trekking all night.

There is a piece of farmland at the bottom of the mountain. The hunter is the hunter in this village. He is just a very timid hunter. Every time he comes back from the mountain he will bring some small prey such as pheasants and hares. Brought back other prey.

But even so, his life in the village is quite good. Generally, the hunted hunted animals are sent to a town not far from here to buy them, and then they use the money to buy some food. You know, there are not many people in the village who can afford game.

In addition to being the most timid hunter, he is also the only hunter here. There used to be groups of hunters in groups in the village, and at that time even the large prey resembled bears, deer and so on. It can be said to be countless.

But after going out hunting five years ago, there has never been such a glorious time again. Many people in the village remember that when that day, the most burly man among the twelve villages who went out came back. There was only one, and the only survivor went crazy soon after returning.

On that day, people in the faint village heard the screams in the mountains and the roars of fierce beasts. However, when the survivor came back, he was covered in blood. One of the back walls was completely torn off and his hand was severed. He held it with his other hand.

There was something monster in his mouth, monster. He passed out in a coma not long after he left. If it weren't for someone nearby working in the field, I'm afraid he would have died of blood loss.

But even so, he became a lot thinner after healed, and his whole person was abolished. At first he was relatively normal in spirit, but the later he went, the more he liked nonsense. It took a long time to really go crazy, looking like no one knew it.

After that, some people still want to hunt in the mountains. After all, the wealth in the mountains is immeasurable. Such wealth is really too tempting for a farmer in a small mountain village.

But after that, as long as those who entered the mountain to hunt, all disappeared without exception. The entire forest seemed to be suppressed like a huge monster, swallowing all the people who entered the mountain, without a trace. Drop.

This kind of time has lasted until now. There will always be people who try to go hunting in the mountains for five years of intermittent time, but apart from this timid guy like Escano, there is no more. People can enter the mountains and forests to get any prey.

The guy in front of him who was as weak as Escano at night was called Kanos. When he came out this time, he still had three hares and two pheasants in his hands. This was held in his hand when he escaped from the tiger's mouth, and he has never let it go along the way.

"Is this your village?" Ban asked Kanos looking at the small village in the morning sun. His eyes were full of expectation. The hunter who passed by said that there was the kind of fruit Xie Chen wanted in the forest on the other side of the village.

"Yes, yes, this is our village lord." Kanos tremblingly said to Ban, whether it was the scar on Ban's face or Ban's fierce face, he shuddered a little. After all, he had never seen such a scary guy."Allie! Waiting for me. Hahaha!" Ban said and ran towards the village below. Even though Ban was in a hurry, he drove all night. Can’t go ahead now. They agreed when they walked out of the mountains, rested in the village for a day, and then headed towards their destination the next day.

"Yes, someone came down from the mountain!! Come on, everyone! Come on, everyone!" Soon after Ban rushed out, a guy staring at him with a **** in his hand suddenly shouted out loud!

The panicked look seemed to be like seeing a monster. It's not to blame him. Since five years ago, the only one who can enter the mountain is Kanos Coward. No one else has ever seen anyone who can survive from the mountain! !

"Come on, everyone, it's him! The guy in red!" A large group of people were holding various farm tools and kitchen knives in their hands, staring at Ban like a local monster.

"You, what kind of monster are you! Where do you go from here! You are not welcome here!" A young guy at the head shouted loudly to Ban, but his body kept moving back. , If it weren't for someone behind him, I'm afraid he would not know where to retreat.

"Yes! We, the people in the village, don't welcome you, so hurry back." The people around kept agreeing, and Ban seemed really annoying.

"How can I leave without eating you!" Ban licked his lips and then suddenly jumped forward to scare everyone.

Hearing what Ban said, the people behind immediately fled without even wanting to turn around!

"The monsters are eating people!! The monsters on the mountain have finally come down to eat people!!" They yelled loudly as they ran. The people in the village who heard the shouts only became quiet for a moment. All the people were quiet. Hidden in the house, all windows and doors were closed tightly.

The children who were just playing on the street can't see one at this time. It can really be said to be too fast, even as a class in the Seven Original Sins, I have to praise it. This is **** cleaner than the soldiers in the Paladins.

When the people closest to the class were supposed to flee, they were too panicked. Many of them fell directly to the ground and ran towards the village. Many people are still locked out by their families or neighbors.

No one opened the door for them even if they knocked on the door so hard.

"Well, what's going on?" Jelica and others who followed from behind, standing behind the class, looked at the scene in front of them, and asked with some incomprehension.

"Hey, they probably treated you as monsters." Kanos explained very clearly. The apology in his eyes is quite big. It seems to be embarrassed because Xie Chen was driven away. ..


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