Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 153: Timid hunter

There was another short uncle who was traveling with Banyan Jelika, who looked very timid and would hide behind Ban or Jelika as soon as there was any trouble.

Of course, it was at night, and during the day it was arrogant and unseemly. If it weren't for Ben to betray Xie Chen, it would be difficult for Escano to find the fruits of life with them.

"It's as you said? Is there such a powerful guy? Although I know that it is very difficult for you to realize how strong I am, but I still hope that what you say is the same as I imagined, so that my fighting spirit can be ignited! "Escarno kept talking to Ban.

Since Ban told Escano in the daytime state that there was a very abnormal and powerful Xie Chen in the Seven Sins, he has become like this. Every day, he clamored to see Xie Chen as soon as possible.

"You will see it~ I don't know what interesting things will happen then~" Ban said very relaxedly with his hands behind his head, but the expression on his face was quite expectant.

"Ban, is this really good?" Jelica asked Ben, avoiding Escano cautiously, betraying Xie Chen. This is what class must do to fool Escano at first, but Jie Rika was a little nervous. If Master Xie Chen knew after returning, would they become miserable.

"Don't worry~ Xie Chen won't be so stingy~ Maybe it's just a very simple Escano being beaten by the fat." Even though he said that, the class didn't think so. In class In Xie Chen's heart, Xie Chen's strength is absolutely inestimable, and Es Cano's strength is also inestimable when the sun is the brightest.

However, Xie Chen's strength is more reliable and lasting. If such two people really meet, if they don't play a shift, they will feel that it is an absolute waste!

"It seems that you are very confident in that Xie Chen's strength, Ben~ You really made my blood boil. I don't know what the monsters before Xie Chen are in the hands of Xie Chen." Ace Kano walked behind and heard the two talk a long time ago, and immediately wanted to know Xie Chen's strength in various ways.

"I'm really not sure about this, but I shouldn't be the enemy in comparison. I already left with the leader and them before I knew the Ten Commandments. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you a piece of news. ~Marlene seems to be interested in Xie Chenman." After saying this, Ben took Jerica and left Escano who looked like a big man!

If this kind of news doesn't stimulate Escano, Ben will really hang himself.

Sure enough, as Ben thought! Just after leaving for a while, I heard a roar from Eskart~ Then I felt that the whole ground was beginning to sink. Ban hurriedly pulled Jelica to continue running towards the distance.

The search for fruit continues, and it seems that the opportunity to find fruit is no simpler than finding a way to resurrect Ali. Before they met Escano, Ben and Jerica had no idea how many towns and village chiefs they had traveled, but they had not received any effective news.

On this day, the class finally heard the news about fruit.

"Are you talking about this fruit? Isn't this a fruit found in the deep forest of monsters?" A hunter-like big man looked at the drawing paper in Ban's hand and asked in surprise.

"Monster Forest? Then I don't know where the Monster Forest is?" Jelica asked very eagerly to the hunter who was holding the prey in her hand.

"Ahem, it's not me who said ha, I advise you not to go there! There are all human-eating monsters and ghosts~ Legend has it that there is this terrifying dragon in the depths! Even that dragon was once Several villages have been destroyed!!" The hunter said with a gloomy face that scared the two of them at one time.

"Really? That made me feel the blood in my body starting to boil again~" I don't know when Escano rushed over and said with a smile while holding his axe.

"Heh, hehe, just follow this road one to the east!" After saying that, the hunter ran away without a trace. There is no way that Escano's aura is uncomfortable.

The three of them didn't have a rest, and finally learned the news of the fruit, and Ban could not wait to fly over immediately, but even so, he could only rush day and night as soon as possible.

"Howl~" There was a howl of a wolf in the jungle.

"I, do we want to take a break first." The thin Escano tightly grabbed the classmate, afraid that class would leave him alone. Jelica looked at the cowardly and nonchalant Escano with some speechlessness.

This is because the contrast is too great and a normal person can't adapt.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." As if feeling the strange look of Jerica, Escano suddenly nodded and apologized.

On the incomparably dark mountain, countless beasts in the jungle roared, it seems that beasts will come out from the woods on both sides of the path at any time and kill everyone!

"Help, help!!" At this moment, a man with the appearance of a hunter wearing animal skins rushed out of the forest beside him hurriedly, crawling and rolling out of the woods beside him, his appearance was as embarrassed as he was embarrassed. , Whether it is demeanor or skinny, it is no different from Escano after the sun sets!

Behind him was a huge black tiger, with a body over four meters long and two meters high, plus the big red lantern eyes that made ordinary people feel scared to the ground when they saw it.

Escano fell to the ground without disappointing expectations the moment he saw the tiger beating, holding Ban's foot in his hand and didn't know when to let go.

"Old, tiger!" Escano stammered and pointed at the **** tiger with a very frightened look.

"Yes, yes, tigers, there are tigers!" The hunter who fled seemed to have found his soulmate and ran behind Escano instantly, hiding behind the class like an eagle catching a chicken!

"I'm coming!" Jelica stood up bravely at this time, rushing towards the huge tiger with a sword in her hand, even if she was just a trainee paladin, it was more than enough to deal with such a beast. ..


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