“Secret Realm?”

When they heard these two words, everyone pricked up their ears and even rushed to watch.

This stuff is good stuff.

Secret Realm is already rare.

A lot of Secret Realms have been cleaned up, and it is luck to have any scum.

Skinny Immortal heard Secret Realm and shouted anxiously: “Give me the thing, I said wrong, give it back to me.”

At this time.

Qin Yang shouted, “Secret Realm, doesn’t it mean that there is inheritance of Immortal Venerable, take a look, it’s a masterless object anyway, it doesn’t matter.”

In an instant, the surroundings Immortals came, and they didn’t care who this thing belonged to. What they cared most about was where the Secret Realm was.

“Don’t squeeze, all of you don’t squeeze, it’s mine.” The thin and thin fairy shouted, but was drowned in an instant, only a faint voice came, “Damn…”

Xiang Fei quietly backed away.

He found that the fairies couldn’t keep their composure in front of the baby.


Lin Fan looked at the situation over there, and he sighed, “It’s a terrifying scene, I hope no one gets hurt.”

“Brother Lin, you This makes me feel very difficult, this move is what you came up with.” Qin Yang sighed, “Who do you think I am, Qin Yang? That is the bloodline son of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, known as the Little Immortal Venerable, and he actually stood in the crowd. Li Dangtuo, if anyone finds out, I will lose my face.”

Lin Fan patted Qin Yang’s shoulder and said, “It’s different whether you lose your face or not. But to be honest, after you become an Immortal Venerable in the future, I suggest that you can be called Mianzi Immortal Venerable.”

“Vulgar!” Qin Yang said with disgust.

Xiang Fei looked at the situation of the two and shook his head helplessly. It was really far away. Now that he is not even an Immortal Emperor, he has already thought of Immortal Venerable, which is a bit far away.

Lin Fan looked into the distance, the boiling celestial beings were his target, it didn’t matter whether it was Heaven’s Chosen or not, it didn’t matter, the gate of Secret Realm was opened for celestial beings.

As long as you are willing to come, the door is open to welcome you.

Of course.

Now things still need to be fermented slowly, things haven’t spread yet, and when it spreads, the scene can’t be imagined.

in the restaurant.

A sage who was drinking too much shouted: “Did you know that Secret Realm has appeared?”

The sages who were drinking were very dissatisfied with the noise. Yes, but when I heard the other party say something about Secret Realm, I immediately became interested.

“True or false?” Someone asked deliberately.

The cultivator said: “Naturally it is true, it just came from the street, right at the Thunder Strike Mountain.”

The immortals in the restaurant looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lightning strikes the mountain?

There doesn’t seem to be a Secret Realm there. They have been in Heaven and Earth for a long time, and they are very familiar with the surrounding conditions. They have visited Leijingshan several times, but they have not found any trace of Secret Realm.

When someone wanted to continue inquiring, they found that the immortal was already sleeping on the table hu hu.

It’s very difficult for people with a cultivation base to get drunk, unless it’s that kind of fairy wine.

“How much he drinks and brags, who can believe it, he still eats and eats.”

And at this moment.

They all stopped what they were doing.

Because there are companions to send them information.

Secret Realm appears in Thunderstruck Mountain, come quickly.


Most of the immortals got up to check out and left. Naturally, they could not believe the words of strangers, but they still believed the words of their companions.

didn’t expect what the guy said was true.

But why does Thunder Strike Mountain have Secret Realm?

Could they be blind when they passed by?

Of course.

There were also some immortals who saw that others were leaving in a hurry.

Although I am very confused.

But they, who are not low in IQ, also left here with the other party, just to see what the situation is, or that Lightning Strike Mountain really has Secret Realm.

If true.

That’s great news.

Lightning strikes the mountain.

Lin Fan and the others mingled in the crowd, just like ordinary celestials, because a small scene attracted so many celestials, he was in a good mood.

“Brother Lin, this has attracted a lot of people, at least a hundred people.” Qin Yang said.

Lin Fan casts the Innate Divine Ability thermal energy perception, “Not only, some may not appear.”

He saw a living person moving in the distance, coming from another direction, It seems that he is afraid of encountering opponents and avoids their sight. When it is in Secret Realm, it depends on ability.


A large number of celestial beings gather at the entrance of Secret Realm.

“When was there a Secret Realm here? I’ve been here many times before, but I haven’t seen it.” A fairy asked suspiciously.

Secret Realm has treasures well known, but dangers also coexist.

So, they didn’t care.

Until the specific situation is clear, they naturally dare not act at will.

“I passed by this place before, and I didn’t see it.”

“I think this Secret Realm must have appeared suddenly, maybe it will disappear after opening for a while, we are all in Heaven and Earth have been in the city for a long time, if there is a Secret Realm here, we definitely know immediately, it means that we are the first to arrive, and the treasures in it have not yet been harvested.”

This person’s words are very tempting.

Let many immortals have different ideas in their hearts.

The Secret Realm that has never been entered.

That’s really precious.

In other words, it will definitely make a lot of money.


Right now.

Some immortals couldn’t bear the temptation of Secret Realm, so they went in secretly, just watching with so many eyes, how could they escape.

“Ah! Someone’s in.”

“Everyone, hurry in, or you will lose a lot of money.”

“Damn, Secret Realm is here In front of me, I can still run away. If I don’t investigate the problem clearly, who knows what will happen inside.

That’s what I said.

But everyone is very quick. , instantly broke into the Secret Realm.

“Let’s go there. “Lin Fan said.

They don’t have to enter the Secret Realm, everything in the Secret Realm was conceived by Lin Fan, he is now trying to use the Chaos Secret Realm for the first time, and it is inevitable to be nervous.

Everyone has a first time.

As long as they have experienced it.

In a cave.

Qin Yang and Xiang Fei are both I’m looking forward to it. They still don’t know much about the treasure that Lin Fan got, not quite clear what it means.

Lin Fan pulls the Chaos Secret Realm, and a screen suddenly appears in front of him, and the situation in the Secret Realm is clear.

“My God, this is so much more interesting. “Qin Yang said.

Lin Fan said with a smile: “The interesting thing is still to come, but don’t worry for now, continue to look back. ”

Inside Secret Realm.

The fairy who first broke into it was stunned by the sight in front of him. He had been to some Secret Realm, and when he got inside, everything was gone Turning Heaven and Earth upside down, the vast landscape is enough for him to run around.

But after he entered this Secret Realm, he was completely stunned by the situation in front of him.

Just There was only one passage in front of him, only a few meters wide at most. Both sides were covered with grayish black mist, and thunder flashed in the black mist, giving the impression of danger.


His dazed expression gradually disappeared, his eyes looked towards the front, where a medicine pill exuding Immortal Qi was floating there.

“What a Secret Realm this is, just came in You will be able to meet the baby, it is very good luck. He was stunned for a moment, and then reacted violently, turning into a first-rate of light and attacking.

The moment he got the medicine pill, other immortals broke into it, and their first At a glance, you can see that the other party has caught the medicine pill.

“Put down the medicine pill. “Someone shouted angrily.

They said they wanted to enter together, but you secretly entered. It’s really despicable.

The person who got the medicine pill quickly moved towards the front.

The immortals who just entered here are chasing after them.

You can get treasures just by entering Secret Realm. Which Secret Realm can do this, no, absolutely no.

When they run their mana to catch up.

Chaos Secret Realm has an unfeelable force shrouding them, absorbing the mana and Essence, Qi, and Spirit they radiate, and then merging into them. In the core of Chaos Secret Realm.

Inside the cave.

Lin Fan looked carefully, pinched Immortal Art, and changed the internal layout according to the situation on site. A sense of tension.


When the passage ends, the inner scope expands, while watching the celestials, spread them out, can’t all gather together, otherwise With so many people mingling together, it is basically impossible for a war to break out.

Some people chase after them and realize that something is not right.

“Everyone be careful, this Secret Realm is a bit mysterious, it just seems like a space shift, where our position has changed. “A fairy was very keen to find the problem.

Lin Fan was surprised by the other’s acuity.

He was already very cautiously manipulated.

I can find it.

I have to say it.

It’s a bit powerful.

If that’s the case, it’s not hidden.

At this time.

A three-person team of celestials discovered a treasure, a celestial vein embedded in a boulder and exposed outside.

Lin Fan and the others The most immortal veins.

“Look, is that the immortal veins? “

“Yi! It seems to be true. Could it be that there is an immortal vein hidden in this Secret Realm? If we dig out the immortal vein thoroughly, then the three of us will really find it. “

However, how do they know that the exposed part is indeed a fairy vein, but there is really no inside, it’s just pretending.

But for them.


The thoughts in my heart are very firm.

This is a complete mountain range.


The void vibrated, and there were three more immortals The unfathomable mystery is here.

They are very confused.

I don’t know what happened.

Going well, the void shakes and engulfs them , came back to his senses, right here.

“Where is this. “

The immortals who just arrived here are very confused, and when one immortal sees something outside the rock, he cry out in surprise: “Look, that is the immortal vein…”

“What? Immortal veins? “


The three monks who first arrived here, brows tightly frowns, felt a sense of crisis, said solemnly: “Three Fellow Daoists, this is our First found out, could it be that you still want to snatch it? “

They feel a little moldy.

As soon as they encountered Chongbao, they were discovered. The key is that they haven’t excavated yet. What should I do?

“Hmph, those who have the predestined relationship with Chongbao, you have not excavated it, how can it be counted as yours, it should be counted as ours. ”

We didn’t agree with each other, and we didn’t talk about it and started directly.

Lin Fan, who watched the scene, showed a gratified smile.

Good job.

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