A small stream, surrounded by mountains, is green and the scenery is very beautiful.

Qin Yang is an interesting person. He carries a fishing rod with him and sits on a stone pier by the river to catch fish.

He is a little interested in Chongbao.

But now no one knows what it is, and I will ask when the research is clear.

Xiang Fei stared at Lin Fan. He was the most straightforward observation. Although he didn’t know what it was, he was just curious.

Lin Fan is holding the Chaos Shard. The shard contains unfathomable power. It looks like a black slate.

“It’s a little complicated.”

It’s really interesting. It activates mana, and the mana contains Divine Soul, which is slowly integrated into the slate.

In an instant.

There are nine grids inside the slate, and each of the nine grids seems to need to be filled in.

He finds this a bit tricky.

Of course.

This is for ordinary people, because the text that needs to be filled in the nine-square grid is too mysterious, and the wrong one is impossible to succeed, so for such a long time, no one has been able to activate the Chaos Fragment.

Just for Lin Fan, none of this is a problem.

The small support is invincible.

He kept the Chaos Shards secret.

“Brother Lin, do you see something?” Xiang Fei asked.

Lin Fan smiled and looked confident. He already knew the secret of Chaos Fragment.


The originally bland slate bloomed with rays of light, with a clicking sound, the slate opened, as if it could extend infinitely, shrouded in rays of light, and its shape changed.

“I can control it.”

Lin Fan found that all the thoughts he could imagine in his mind could be manifested by Chaos Shards.

Able to form Secret Realm.

Let the sages break into it, and they can absorb all the necessary substances such as Essence, Qi, and Spirit that they emit.

This is a heaven-defying baby.

Small support with this thing is simply invincible in the whole world.


Xiang Fei looked at the scene in surprise, it was really amazing, he didn’t expect a small slate to have such power , Although it does not seem to be of any use, the power it exudes is very strong.

Qin Yang was fishing, but he forgot to bring the fish up.

I stared in amazement.


Lin Fan thinks of the Secret Realms he once went to, all of them are very stupid. The map is too big, which makes it difficult for Heaven’s Chosen to meet. What’s the point of that?

He was thinking of entrapment.

But for Heaven’s Chosen, who has a good character, he is difficult to start.

My generation of immortals must have the heart of chivalry and righteousness. Some people hide too deeply. From the outside, it is difficult to see what is wrong with them. It can only be seen in inadvertent things.


He already had an idea in his mind.

Just wait for the follow-up to cast.


The chaotic fragments turned into a Secret Realm and it is located there. The entrance is a little fancy. It is a mountain gate. The two stone gates are very simple and exude a long-term atmosphere.

“What is this special girl?”

Qin Yang threw the fishing rod directly. Comparing it with the thing in front of him, it’s still interesting.

Xiang Fei was attracted by the things in front of him.

It has been transferred.

“This is a Secret Realm.” Lin Fan said, he is also very excited now, after activating the Chaos Fragment, a subtle connection has developed between the two.

The subtlety is that he can change the flow in Secret Realm.

When there is a fierce fight in Heaven’s Chosen, the Chaos Shards come into play, which can absorb the mana, Essence, Qi, and Spirit they emit, and then remove the other things needed to maintain the Secret Realm. will be fed back to Lin Fan’s body.

“Secret Realm, Brother Lin, you and we have obtained a Secret Realm, so why don’t we publish it in the future.” Qin Yang said.

Lin Fan smiled, “You really think too much, this Secret Realm is much more interesting than those, and it is helpful to us. According to the current form, Immortal Venerable may no longer exist, but As long as you have this, the two of you will have a great probability of climbing Xianzun dao fruit.”

“I won’t say anything else for now, we will hurry now and try to attract some people to this Secret Realm.”

If you want to say the only pity thing.

That is, now only the cultivation base of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal can enter.

It seems that this is related to its own cultivation base.

Qin Yang heard the word ‘Xianzun’ from Lin Fan’s mouth, and his heart became very hot.

That was the realm he had dreamed of.

“Do you have any treasures on you? Medicine pill, Immortal Treasure, etc. are fine, but don’t be too expensive.” Lin Fan asked.

Xiang Fei took out some medicine pills from his body, “I only have medicine pills, I don’t have Immortal Treasure, just three Holy Weapons.”

Qin Yang spread his hands, “Mao Du No.”

Lin Fan pondered, for now, these should be enough, he also scraped a lot of things from the piglets and put them in as treasures, which should attract some people to come. .

“Go, it’s time to harvest a wave. When you see it with your own eyes, you will know the power of this thing.” Lin Fan said.


They left this place directly, moved towards the distance and fled away.

In a few days.

They saw a huge city falling into the distance.

It is very stylish and belongs to the big city.

Lin Fan didn’t rush them into the city, but chose a mountain that seemed to be in good terrain and put down Chaos Secret Realm.

“Brother Lin, can you tell me, I don’t understand your operation very well.” Qin Yang was full of doubts, he was really confused, if he could understand, he wouldn’t be like this. A silly look.

Lin Fan said: “Don’t worry, you’ll understand when you see it with your own eyes.”

“Brother Xiang, come here, I have something to do later. You guys help.”

Then the three of them gathered around and discussed in a low voice.

At first, Qin Yang’s expression was indifferent, but he gradually became a little surprised, and then he laughed lowly, as if what Lin Fan said was a bit cheap.

Xiang Fei kept nodding his head, listening carefully.

From just a few words, it seems to understand something, but the specific situation has to be seen when the time comes.

Heaven and Earth City!

The name is rather arrogant. There are a few ordinary cities who dare to have such a name, but this city is not only called, but also lives well, which is enough to show that the people who built this city, or gave it to this city. The person who named the city is absolutely incredible.

He was right.

This name was given by an immortal. Although this immortal was later disappeared in an unfathomable mystery, at least his relics were inherited for future generations to pay their respects.

Xiang Fei said softly, “The three big characters on this city were left by an Immortal Venerable, but now this is not the real copy, the real copy is collected by Celestial Court.”

“It is rumored that people who watch the real version, innate talent, can perceive the Divine Ability left by the Immortal Venerable from above.”

“Oh!” Lin Fan nodded, it turns out that the real bosses are all I like to play like this, and when he becomes an Immortal Venerable powerhouse in the future, he will also leave some words somewhere.

For those future generations to slowly pay their respects.

Of course.

He will never leave three words, but a few more words, so that all parts of Immortal World will pass on his prestige.

“Start the action.”

When their three people arrived in the city, Lin Fan waved for the action to begin.

At this time.

There are many immortals in the city, and there are also many hawkers selling them.

Millennium blood ginseng sale.

The 10,000-year-old tiger whiskers, come and see.

Crying loudly.

Lin Fan pretended to be walking on the road and was very satisfied when he saw that there were many immortals around him, and inadvertently a piece of paper fell from the cuff to the ground.

As if he didn’t see it, he continued to move towards the front.

At this time, a passer-by who followed Lin Fan saw the thing dropped from Lin Fan and picked it up and wanted to return it.

It can be sudden.

He found that this piece of paper was a little different, containing mana, as if it was a treasure.

Passers-by didn’t chase after Lin Fan, but wanted to secretly take this thing as their own, waiting to open it when no one was there.

Just as he was about to put it in his sleeve.

Xiang Fei appeared behind him, with his palm on his shoulder, the other hand grabbing his paper, shouted scolded:

“What are you doing? ?”

His voice was loud, deliberately attracting the attention of those around him.

And Lin Fan is a little helpless, Brother Xiang, your voice is a bit loud, and it hurts your ears. If it is normal, the owner of mine will definitely turn back, but there is no way, the acting is not a problem , as long as the goal is achieved.

“Who are you?” The immortal brows tightly frowns, but when he sees Xiang Fei’s intimidating eyes, his confidence is not enough.

Xiang Fei said: “I clearly saw that the person in front dropped something, you picked it up and wanted to take it for yourself, but didn’t you think about giving it back to others?”

” What nonsense are you talking about, I don’t even know what you’re talking about?” The skinny Xianshi’s eyes were a little dodgy, he didn’t expect such bad luck, he picked up something and wanted to swallow it all, but it was all discovered, which is too stupid Come on.

Xiang Fei shouted loudly: “Fellow Daoists, come and have a look, this person picks up something and doesn’t return it to the original owner, and even wants to take it for himself. Take a look.”

Qin Yang, who was among the crowd, shouted: “Aiya, under the broad daylight, there are still such shameless people, hurry up and take a look, maybe this fell The thing can still be a good thing.”

The immortals who originally passed by and didn’t want to pay attention stopped.


Just take a look, if there is something good, I will post it.

Xiang Fei grabbed the paper and said, “If you say it’s yours, then tell me, what exactly is this thing? As long as you’re right, I’ll apologize to you.”

“You…you.” The skinny fairy rolled his eyes, not knowing what to say in a hurry, but thinking about it carefully, Divine Ability is impossible for paper, that is Pill Recipe, Yes, very probability.

“This is the Pill Recipe, see for yourself.”

He was just taking a gamble.

If it is wrong.

Then leave in despair, sorry, I remembered it wrong.

Xiang Fei pretended to open the paper, and when he saw the content inside, his expression suddenly changed.

Skinny Fairy secretly rejoiced, maybe she guessed right.

Just the next sentence made everyone explode.

Xiang Fei was shocked: “This is actually the Secret Realm route…”

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