Things in Chaos Secret Realm have always been going according to Lin Fan’s mind.

The fairies are crazy and obsessed with the baby.

If you don’t cherish Immortal Treasure, you will be struck by lightning.

The six celestial warriors at the Xianmai fought.

The overflowing mana was absorbed by Chaos Secret Realm, and Essence, Qi, and Spirit also gradually grew stronger. Although the transformation effect is a little weak, it should not be underestimated.

“Brother Lin, I understand what you mean, it’s too cruel. You said that the Secret Realm we used to enter, will it be like this?” Qin Yang asked .



Lin Fan and Xiang Fei looked at Qin Yang with serious expressions.

This problem…

It seems a bit complicated and also Interesting.

“No, don’t think about it too much.” Lin Fan immediately denied it, he had to be more confident as a person, where there are so many chaotic fragments, those people are not as lucky as him.

Qin Yang pointed at the screen and said, “Brother Lin, you look at this group of people, they seem to be a little arrogant. I think it’s better to give them a little fun and let them feel the suffering of the world?”

Lin Fan looked.

There are two people in the picture he is referring to. The cultivation base is a bit strong. When ordinary immortals encounter them, they simply do not have the ability to backhand, so they are directly driven away.

One of them was carrying a fairy sword.

His impression of people who use swords has always been the Sword Pavilion.

And of course that Heaven’s Chosen perished.

The strength is very strong, and the ultimate move is relatively fierce. Since the defeat in the first battle, I don’t know where this person has gone, and I haven’t even encountered it in the Secret Realm of the sky.

“Okay, look at their appearance, it seems that their friendship is very deep, let’s test their friendship.” Lin Fan remembered to say a word, don’t test it casually, otherwise it will Very hurtful.

on the screen.

The man with the sword on his back is named Zhou Tang. He cultivated with the powerful sword dao Divine Ability of Power of Slaughter. He walked with the heart of sword dao. He was very fortunate that he did not leave Heaven and Earth.

Just before the Secret Realm came out, he was going to leave this place with his companions and look elsewhere.

But because of something.

Stay here for now.

But didn’t expect to hear the news about Secret Realm, which made his heart suddenly heated up. He had observed that the people who entered Secret Realm did not have Heaven’s Chosen, they were all ordinary fairies.

If there is Heaven’s Chosen, he really wants to compete well with Heaven’s Chosen, but no nature is the best.

“Brother Zhou, how did you say this Secret Realm appeared? Is it really like what they said, it belongs to the Void disorder?” The man who said it was Wang Hai.

He and Zhou Tang met during their training in Immortal World.

Zhou Tang saved his life, and gradually there was a lot of communication. After getting along for a while, he found that this person was very good, so he walked together and practiced together, increasing cultivation base.

“It should be true, the city of Heaven and Earth is not small, and there are many to-and-fro immortals. If there is a Secret Realm, it should be discovered long ago, not until now. .”

“It appeared because of the chaos of the void. I think this probability is very large.” Zhou Tang said after a moment of thought.

Wang Haidao: “If it’s Secret Realm that no one has ever been to, then it’s an opportunity for us. We just saw a lot of immortals moving towards that side, we can go to the other side. It’s not a good thing to compete with them for babies.”

They are indeed very strong.

But if they encounter a lot of immortals, the situation will become very bad for them, and it will eventually be difficult to resist.

Lin Fan controls the Secret Realm, and I hear what the two communicate.

He is indeed a man of ideas.

His current Secret Realm is indeed a bit tempting to many ordinary immortals.

But for Heaven’s Chosen, it’s a lot worse.

“Very well, then let me see how deep your relationship is.” Lin Fan smiled.

Xiang Fei saw Lin Fan’s smile.

He knew that those two guys were going to be tragic.

My heart is silent for them.

Hopefully they can live with it.

Of course.

He has been thinking about this Secret Realm all the time. It is amazing that such a baby can be transformed into a Secret Realm.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes.

He didn’t quite believe it after all.

At this time.

Wang Hai and Zhou Tang came to a place that made them think that this place is very extraordinary and there must be a treasure.

Based on past Secret Realm experience.

There will definitely be danger, and the more precious the place, the more dangerous it is.

“Be careful, I think there may be danger here.” Zhou Tang looked at the stone tablets standing around him, and he didn’t feel very good.

Wang Haidao: “These are some wordless stone tablets. The one in front seems to be a little different.”

It is obviously a ten-step distance.

The two walked away for a long time.

Because every time they take a next step, their hearts are slightly trembled, and they are afraid of danger.


The two came to the stone tablet.

The text is branded on the stone tablet, and the text is simple and clear.

The meaning is clear.

This Immortal Venerable has died, and was killed by someone he trusted. This Venerable explores time and space, and predicts that two people will come in the future.

Wang Hai, there must be one person in Zhou Tang who died here, and only one person is left to obtain the Dao Lineage of the deity, and the right to choose is in your hands.

See what’s on the stone tablet.

The two looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhou Tang’s eyes flashed with a fervent expression, Immortal Venerable Dao Lineage, he didn’t expect that there was a Immortal Venerable Dao Lineage hidden in this place, and what shocked him even more was that Immortal Venerable actually figured out who it would be. here.

What a mighty force this is.

Calculating the past and the future is too scary.

I don’t know why.

Zhou Tang felt that he was the one who inherited the lineage of the Immortal Venerable.

“Brother Zhou, I think there is definitely something wrong with this stone tablet.” Wang Hai said after a moment of contemplation.

He was very interested in the line of immortals.

If you can get the inheritance of Immortal Venerable.

For them, the road in the future will be more smooth sailing.

But now, the text left on this stone tablet is too cruel, the meaning is very clear, that one must die.

It always feels like I’m deliberately cheating.

“Brother Zhou, the description left by Xianzun stone tablet, I have a disdainful smile about it. I don’t know how many dangers I have experienced, and I have long forged a deep friendship.”


“He can calculate the future, but I don’t know if he can calculate friendship.”

“Even if the inheritance of the Immortal Venerable can be, I disdain it. , can’t destroy the friendship between the two of us.”

“Brother Zhou, what do you think?”

Wang Hai is indeed very interested in the inheritance of Xianzun.

But if he is allowed to fight with his friends because of the inheritance of the Immortal Venerable, or even fight with his life, he will not be able to do this.

“Hahaha…” Zhou Tang smiled, “Yes, Brother Wang is right, although our strength is far from Immortal Venerable, but we can beat him, even if we say it out. , enough to look down on the world.”

“en? Brother Zhou, what does this mean?” Wang Hai asked.

Zhou Tang said: “One of his Immortal Venerables can calculate the future, but whether he can deduce the result, maybe he will think that we will definitely take action for Immortal Venerable Dao Lineage, but how does he know, between us How profound the friendship is.”

“Even if it is the Immortal Venerable Dao Lineage, we disdain it.”

“So we won.”

Wang Hai was a little stunned when he heard it, and then reacted, said with a big smile: “Brother Zhou is right, it’s true, even if he is an immortal, what can we do, we don’t take him to heart .”

“Brother Wang, let’s go.” Zhou Tang said.

Wang Hai didn’t doubt Zhou Tang’s words. The two of them had known each other for such a long time, and they didn’t know how many lives and deaths they had experienced, so they could safely hand over their lives to each other.

He turned to leave.

Zhou Tang saw Wang Hai turn around and squinted, his expression changed slightly.

Pu chi!

The sound of meat.

Wang Hai trembled. He stared at him in disbelief. He slowly lowered his head and saw that his chest was pierced by a sword. He walked forward, and his flesh and blood rubbed against the long sword. write.

Turn around.

Holding his chest, he raised his finger and said, “Brother Zhou, you…”

“Sorry, Brother Wang, Immortal Dao Lineage, I can’t resist, if I use you If you die, you can fulfill me, I hope you will agree.”

“Anyway, I once saved your life, you owe me a life, and now it is more meaningful to pay it back. How am I?”

“When I become an immortal in the future, I will always miss you, and for you, it is a Supreme honor to be able to fulfill a future immortal. “

Zhou Tang couldn’t bear such temptation.

That’s the Immortal Venerable Dao Lineage.

I can save your life once, and I can share it with you when I meet a baby.

But when the immortal fate is too high for you to refuse, then everything will be disappeared.

How can you kill your own siblings.

But if the price is high enough, there is room for negotiation.

“You…” Wang Hai clutched his chest, blood was gushing out, he wanted to recover from the injury, but there was a sharp sword intent in the wound, and that sword intent prevented him from recovering.

It even continued to aggravate his injuries.

Zhou Tang said solemnly: “I don’t have a sword to kill you, I just want to tell you this, so that you can understand that I am really involuntarily, and the temptation of Xianzun inheritance is too great.”

“I hope you can understand me.”

Wang Hai said sadly and indignantly: “I thought the friendship between you and me could compare to the temptation of the immortals, didn’t expect , all of this is because I think too much.”

“Well, it’s true that you think too much.” Zhou Tang made no secret of it, as for whether the other party will be sad, that is not what he does. Think, anyway, the results are the same, will not change.

“Okay, it’s time to send you off.”

tone barely fell.

Zhou Tang’s face was getting colder, and the immortal sword in his hand was shining with mana. In an instant, a sword stabbed to cut off the opponent’s head.

Wang Hai closed his eyes in despair.

He is no match for Zhou Tang, not to mention he was seriously injured by sneak attack.

And, his heart is dead.

If this is the case, then pay your life back.

Just a moment later.

He didn’t find the pain coming in his imagination. Could it be that…he had fantasies, such as Brother Zhou who got lost and found out how deep the friendship between the two of them was.

So I can’t bear to start.

When he opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him, he knew that he was thinking too much.

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