The quality of the piglets he carefully selected is past.

But didn’t expect.

It’s really a pity that there are still three who didn’t make it.

Inside the tripod.

Zhang Zhili, who has Chaos Lightning Body, has cultivation success, and Xiang Hu, who is in the same family as Xiang Fei, also has cultivation success.

Zhang Zhixian is very good.

Although I am a bit old, I am quite hard at cultivation. Five Elements Nirvana Emperor Scripture appears in front of my eyes. Where can I not cultivate well, it must be cultivation with heart. I hope that cultivation success will kill Lin Fan fiercely. .

When Lin Fan appeared.

The people in Heaven and Earth Cauldron roared angrily.

“Lin Fan, if you don’t want to die, just let us go.” Zhang Zhili roared, he is a Heaven’s Chosen, no matter where he goes, he will be admired by others.

But here he is.

But I found that everything has become so helpless, I don’t even know what to do.

Xiang Hu said: “What nonsense are you talking to him, let’s fight back together and get out from here.”

Lin Fan sighed.

Sorry about that.

In the end, three of them failed.

He didn’t say much. When he was about to die, let them leave in peace. Why should they feel too much anger.

“God bless me, I have raised too many piglets and never gave me a chance.”

“Give me a chance this time.”

If it wasn’t for the circumstances, he wanted to put three sticks of incense on God to show his sincerity.


A terrifying force rolled over.

Zhang Zhili and the others roared angrily, but it was already too late, it was not a power they could resist, even if they had comprehended the Five Elements Nirvana Emperor Scripture.


The six piglets were directly beheaded.

At this time, Lin Fan’s heart is not fluctuating, he is praying, give a chance, just one chance.

[Get the Divine Ability: Heaven and Earth Mass Burial. ]


Continue to wait.

[Get spirit root: Dao-level Thunder Spiritual Root. ]


This is basically Zhang Zhili’s without looking at it, only he has the Chaos Lightning Body, and only he can explode the Thunder Spiritual Root.

Originally, Lin Fan only had Grade 1 Thunder Spiritual Root.

But now the debut-level Thunder Spiritual Root is dropped, which is already a very good thing, but what he needs now is the “Five Elements Nirvana Emperor Scripture”, nothing else matters.

If it can be dropped, then…

[Get Emperor Scripture: Five Elements Nirvana Emperor Scripture. ]

When he heard this prompt, he swallowed the words that had just reached his lips, and he was incomparable with excitement, if he had to describe it.

That is, God is really on his side.

As for whether it will fall or not, it is no longer a matter.

Qin Yang was throwing a tree to ask for directions. Suddenly, he looked towards Lin Fan. Just now, he noticed that Brother Lin’s breath had changed. Essence, Qi, and Spirit all had Heaven and Earth. Changes turning upside down.

It won’t be at this moment, but it can still break through.

Xiang Fei was amazed.

He really admires Brother Lin’s innate talent. He has definitely grown his cultivation base just now, and he has simply not seen a few who can do this step.

Or rather.

He simply hadn’t seen it.

When Lin Fan couldn’t open his eyes.

Qin Yang asked curiously: “Brother Lin, to be honest, did you break through again just now?”

Even Xiang Fei was a little curious. But it’s different.

“Hey, it’s just a small increase, it’s nothing.” Lin Fan is very modest, can that be a small increase? It was a qualitative leap.

Qin Yang smiled and said: “Brother Lin’s strength is stronger, then I, Qin Yang, will be safer.”

What he cares most about now is his own safety.


Being in such a big trouble, if he doesn’t hug his thighs tightly, he feels that this life is going to be difficult.

“Okay, it’s time to leave, it’s no fun to stay here, how did you ask for directions, do you have any looks.” Lin Fan asked.

Qin Yang said: “It’s been done a long time ago, God’s will is here, the direction is there, let’s go.”

There is no danger for the time being.

He didn’t put the little girl in Heaven and Earth Cauldron, but moved towards the distance.

In a few days!

They stopped as they passed a place.

“What are they doing?” Qin Yang pointed to the bottom, a group of people who were wearing a little bit of cover, and were very curious. Now that they are all wearing silk clothes, they still wear them. animal hide.

Xiang Fei said: “They belong to an ancient race, and they have not changed their customs because of changes in the outside world. There are many such ancient races in the Immortal World. As a child of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, you are not. I don’t even know about these.”

“I usually contact Heaven’s Chosen, where do I have time to contact these.” Qin Yang found a perfect excuse for his ignorance, we are both Heaven’s Chosen of the Immortal Aristocratic Family has a high vision, so it is naturally difficult to notice these.

What they were passing was a wasteland now, with the scorching sun hanging in the air.

The roasted earth is hot.

The group below was digging the ground, as if they were digging for water, but who knows.

“Go down and have a look,” Lin Fan said.

When a group of them descended from the sky, the tribal people wearing animal skins all stared at it.


An old man walked out slowly and said in a hoarse voice: “Every immortal elders pass by here, our tribe welcomes you immortal elders.”

Lin Fan said: “Excuse me? What are you doing?”

He pointed to the group of people, with some thoughts in his mind, but not quite sure.

The old man said: “We are digging water. Some time ago there was a river there. Because of the immortal fighting method, the river evaporated and there was no water source, so we wanted to dig an underground river to supply water to the tribe.”

This is exactly what Lin Fan thought.

The sun is so vicious, but there are a group of people here digging the ground, it must be digging a river, otherwise what else can I do, but didn’t expect the luck of this tribe is so sad, only relying on The river was actually dried up by the immortal warrior fighting method. It can be regarded as a random move of the immortal warrior, which can cause a chain reaction.

Lin Fan came to the mud pit that had been dug several feet deep. Looking at the situation below, there were still people digging below, but as he continued to dig down, the more difficulties he encountered.

If you encounter a hard stone, you can only break it open.

“Meeting is also fate, I’ll solve it for you.” Lin Fan said, then he grabbed the tribal people who were digging below, cast his magic power, rumbling, the ground shook, a huge A deep pillar of soil rose from the ground, flew into the air, and was placed in the distance by him.

Gu lu lu!

Water from the underground river gushed out.

The surrounding tribesmen roared with joy when they saw this scene, and a water source appeared.

Originally, they just wanted to dig a well, but Lin Fan directly dug a pond for them.

At this time.

Lin Fan found out that there are merits coming. It’s strange that digging a pond for others will give merits. This world’s merits are too profitable.

And what he did was a chain effect.

The underground river is really too deep, even if this tribe is all devoted to the excavation work, it is impossible to dig down to the bottom, and finally wait for their result, which is to die on this land.

What he’s doing now is changing that.

The merits come down.

Lin Fan grasped the merits, thinking that he still owes hell a favor, flicked his fingertips, opened up a path, and sent the merits, which is regarded as the end of the cause and effect.

“Old man, you don’t have to worry too much. We just passed by here and came down to have a look. Now that there is water, we should also leave and say goodbye.” Lin Fan said.

And just as they were about to leave.

The old man stopped him and said, “Please wait, all immortals.”

Lin Fan wondered: “What else is there for the old man?”

“many thanks The kindness of the immortals cannot be repaid. I also ask the immortals to accept it. This thing has been inherited by our tribe. Although I don’t know what it is, I heard from my ancestors that it fell from the sky. “The old man took out a dark slate from his arms and handed it to Lin Fan with both hands.

Lin Fan declined, “Old man, you…”

He just wanted to say no, no, but when his fingers touched the black slate, his expression changed. Just changed a little.

【Chaos Fragment: When Heaven and Earth Chaos opens, a fragment left behind can form a Secret Realm for all living creatures in the world to enter treasure hunting, and the holder can absorb Essence, Qi , and Spirit grows itself. 】

“Hey, then many thanks is kind.” Lin Fan said.

The change of words is very natural, without making people feel any problems.

Afterwards, Lin Fan took out some medicine pills.

“The old man, here are some medicine pills. When someone in the tribe is sick or seriously injured, he can put the medicine pill in the water and let him drink the water.”

These medicine pills are Immortal Pills, which are indeed fine for Xianshi, but for some mortals, the medicine efficacy is a bit strong, and it still needs to be diluted.

For example, put it in the water, then take out the medicine pill and let the other party drink the water.

Those medical powers are enough.

“many thanks for the gift of the Immortal Elder.” The old man was so grateful, he was really a friendly Immortal Elder, making him feel that the Immortal Elders he had seen were all… hey, it’s hard to describe.

“Farewell,” said Lin Fan.

Then the crowd left.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Lin, your heart is so kind, I was moved to tears.”

“It’s posted, it’s really posted.” Lin Fan couldn’t hide the smile on his face.

Xiang Fei felt that this matter was a bit unusual. Just now, Brother Lin obviously only had to refuse, but in the end he changed his tone and kept his eyes on the blackboard. There was obviously a problem.

“What happened?” Qin Yang asked curiously.

Lin Fan said with a smile: “It’s related to whether you can become immortals, you say whether to send it or not.”

When Qin Yang heard this, he immediately stared, as if he had seen a ghost Yes, “Brother Lin, don’t lie to me, Immortal Venerable? I’ll be content to become Immortal Emperor.”

Xiang Fei said: “Could that be Supreme Treasure?”

“Well, it’s more precious than Supreme Treasure, so ah, doing good deeds sometimes has unexpected rewards.” Lin Fan said.

He can’t wait to study that slate now.

The introduction is very mysterious.

It is higher level than the pig farm he opened.

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