An Immortal King breaks in.

Another Immortal King breaks in.

Next, those Immortal Monarchs broke into the ancient mountain.

Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion can attract them, only because of this, contains all the ancient powerhouse, hidden secrets for hundreds of thousands of years are here, who can resist such temptation.

Immortal Monarch, Immortal King Level and other powerhouses have entered the ancient mountain, how can the rest of the people hold back, even if they pick up some scraps, they will be able to use them for a lifetime.

Therefore, most of the immortals moved towards it.

Yi Chong roared: “You are courting death, why don’t you believe what I said, who of you can have a deeper understanding of Formation than me.”

Lin Fan looked at Yi Chong, it was a pity, he was so good, he just endured the catastrophe that his age group should not endure.

It’s okay to drop.

He all wanted to show mercy and help him get out of the Sea of Bitterness, reincarnate, start anew in the next life, and strive to reach the peak.

But no way.

They didn’t mess with him either.

And being hit by a huge blow now, it’s okay to have no comfort, why make fun of people’s lives.

“Brother Lin, what do you say?” Xiang Fei asked.

ancient mountain made him curious, but the horror hidden inside made him even more frightened.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment and said, “Go in and have a look. If it doesn’t work, we are exiting.”

All have come.

Don’t go in and take a look, after all, I’m a little unwilling to give up. Besides, there is a powerhouse in front of the road. They are safe and follow behind. There is absolutely nothing.

Qin Yang pulled his face and said, “Brother Lin, I think let’s forget it. This place is too weird. I think there must be the ghost of the Ancient Supreme Expert at work. Whoever goes in will die.”

“What are you afraid of? Seeing how timid you are, we’re not going to do anything, just take a look. It won’t happen if you take a look.” Lin Fan looked at Qin Yang, and as he moved towards ancient mountain Go inside.

“Brother Qin, don’t be afraid, just be careful.” Xiang Fei said.

What else can Qin Yang say? Xiang Fei, who used to be vigilant in the past, has become so bold that he doesn’t even know what to say.


Sure enough.

They came from poor backgrounds, and they couldn’t help it when they encountered a place where Immortal Treasure was hidden. Where as he was a child of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, he had never seen any treasures, and he didn’t care much about these things. great interest.

How important it is to be able to save one’s life.

In ancient mountain.

“It’s so miserable.”

Lin Fan sighed, he could understand how much impact Yi Chong had suffered, looking at the corpses and blood on the ground in front of him, it made people feel Some shudder.

Some corpses were broken into pieces.

And some of the corpses seemed to be attacked by some kind of mysterious in front of them. The fleshy body was fine, but the expressions were frightened and hideous, and they were afraid of encountering extreme terror.

Qin Yang muttered in his heart, it was really terrifying.

Can you take a look at the tragic appearance of these guys, the ones who died were miserable, not at all?

If he was alone, he would have run away.

But there is no way now,

Brother Xiang and Brother Lin are very interested in this place, what else can he say, only with them.

It is the so-called sharing of blessings, forcing me to pretend, and carrying misfortunes together. This is the real thought in Qin Yang’s heart.

Meet the right person, become a brother, and naturally cherish it.

At least until you don’t do anything wrong to me, even if I, Qin Yang, are afraid, I have to muster up the courage and rush with these two fools.

“It turns out that the real Formation has to watch Immortal King.” Lin Fan said with a smile.

He saw the Immortal King in the distance, breaking one after another Formation.

A sentence.

The power of the Immortal King is terrifying.

Qin Yang couldn’t wait to say: “Quickly follow in the footsteps of Senior Wang.”

Lin Fan grabbed Qin Yang’s wrist, “You are stupid, you didn’t listen to Yi Chong saying this. Even if the Formation is cracked, it will still come out. In my opinion, the current Formation has already appeared, and we latecomers need to crack it again.”

“Then who will we?” Qin Yang stared.

Formation This thing is a bit high-end.

Actually, Qin Yang used to be a person who likes to learn, not only like cultivation, but also pill concocting, refining, and learning Formation.

Amateur hobby is also a lot.

She is proficient in everything from playing music, chess, poetry and painting.

But an elder who was frustrated and ignored in the clan told him…

What’s the use of learning these things.

Ever heard of a strength breaking myriad laws?

As long as the strength is strong enough, these things are scum.

Once he was deeply persuaded and thought that what he said was very reasonable. It was simply the famous saying of Gold Jade.

But later.

He finally knew why this elder was marginalized. It made no sense for him not to be marginalized.

“Get out of the way, get out of the way, when it’s important, you have to look at me.” Lin Fan said in a clear voice, he came to the first step and touched it lightly with his fingers.

[Taiyin Extermination Divine Formation: Touch the Formation, the Taiyin Soul Fire will burn the Divine Soul and become a soulless dead person, the first formation in the Innate killing combination formation, the danger is extremely high, under the Great Firmament Golden Immortal All are scum. ]

[Remarks: This Formation is flawed, the way to crack it…]

“Well, so that’s how it is.”

Lin Fan frequently nodded .

Qin Yang stared at Lin Fan dumbfounded, “Brother Lin, if you don’t mind, can you tell me the specific situation, you say so that’s how it is, I’m very confused, I feel like we’re not in On the same line.”

Lin Fan glanced at Qin Yang, didn’t want to say a word, glanced at his fall, there was no Formation, it was like playing the lute for a cow.

He is now in Formation Great Accomplishment, which is nothing, much worse than Yi Chong.

But no way.

Who let him get started with Formation, and the shortcomings are in front of you. If you can’t crack it, then you really don’t need to mix it up.

It won’t take long.

“Go, follow my footsteps.”

Lin Fan took a step forward, stood on the steps, and followed his footsteps. The pace is poor.

Xiang Fei was very surprised, he was watching Lin Fan do these things.

I didn’t see anything surprising either.

But the Formation contained in the steps has indeed changed.

One step and one Formation, looking up, there are so many Formations, he doesn’t even know who set up so many Formations, it’s terrifying to think about.

This kind of powerhouse is probably beyond his imagination.

“Now is the second step, let’s fight steadily, don’t look at how fast they run, it won’t take long to meet them.” Lin Fan said.

As before, tap lightly.


He discovered that this Formation had a hidden mystery, and it was able to open up a second passage, which was staggered from Immortal King and the others.

“It looks like this, it’s pretty good too.”

Lin Fan thought, waiting for him to quickly climb to the Peak, while the Immortal Kings are still slowing down His mind was troubled by the Formation in front of him, and he felt very refreshed when he thought of it.

“Go, let’s go the other way and stagger from them.”

“Otherwise it’s not that we’re following behind others, but others are following us.”


He doesn’t want his own efforts to make wedding dresses for others.

That doesn’t feel good at all.

Xiang Fei muttered, Brother Lin’s Formation accomplishments are a bit scary, and they are hidden deep enough that they have never been discovered before.

I don’t know how long it took.

The Immortal Kings stopped in front of a large formation. They encountered difficulties. This Formation was too profound. Even if they were Immortal Kings, they were helpless.

“This Formation must be set up by Immortal Venerable Level characters. With a wave of this and the others, a large formation of resembles nature itself can be formed, not to mention, this is obviously a carefully arranged Formation .”

“If I’m not wrong, this Formation is Nine by Nine Returns to One.”

“If you have any opinions, why don’t you think about it, you can’t Stop here.”

Behind the Immortal Kings, there are a group of scoundrels, they just follow the Immortal King’s footsteps, and the powerhouses of the Immortal King Level are all resounding. Characters have a very high prestige in Immortal World. When encountering these juniors, they naturally can’t shoot at will to prevent them from falling out of their mouths.

The dignified Immortal King is humiliating for the younger generation.

“Immortal King, it is rumored that you got the ‘broken’ text essence passed down by a fairy from a treasure house in the sky, how about you crack this array?” an Immortal King said.

They have a very high status in the Immortal World, and they are under the Immortal Emperor.

Nowadays, how many Immortal Emperors are still walking around at will, either by secluded cultivation and impacting the immortal deity dao fruit, or by observing the treasures of Heaven and Earth, hoping for a breakthrough.


This Immortal King has a handsome appearance and looks like a young man, but no one dares to think that the other party is a young man. This is a man who has lived for thousands of years. The long-standing Immortal King powerhouse.


Immortal King lips slightly moving, pointing to the stone steps, a seemingly simple gesture, but it contains Supreme Taoism.



Slight shock passed.

The Formation of the difficult people collapsed in an instant in front of the Immortal King.

The juniors who followed behind, when they saw Immortal King make a move, were amazed.

Thinking about it.

When can I be as good as Immortal King.

Other Immortal King powerhouses are very keen on the meaning of the word ‘broken’ in the body of the Immortal King, even the Immortal Venerable may not have it.

The existence of the step array is meaningful.

It is a means to prevent stepping on this ancient mountain.

If Lin Fan was here, he would definitely say, wrong, it is a big mistake, these means are not to stop you from going up, but to eliminate the waste and find capable people to step into the ancient mountain.

Next door.

“Brother Lin, you are so powerful. Breaking the formation is like drinking water. You can do it with a touch of your finger. After you go out, can you teach me? I’m very good at learning.” Qin Yang is very envious, how handsome and capable, the deeper the contact, the more he discovers that Brother Lin is amazing, and his future achievements are afraid that he will catch up with him, the little immortal of the Aristocratic Family.

“With your IQ, you won’t be able to learn.” Lin Fan is ruthless and is attacking Qin Yang, and there is nothing he can do about it.

Thinking about how many enemies Qin Yang has provoked, one day in the future, he will definitely be beaten up. Now, he will be more self-confidence. In the future, he will be able to accept the situation calmly, at least not so sad. sad.

Qin Yang refused to accept: “Brother Lin, you can say that my ability to provoke women is not as good as yours, but please don’t belittle my IQ, I can gain a firm foothold in the Xianjia Aristocratic Family. My IQ is inseparable.”

At this moment.

They felt one after another’s astonished gaze.

Someone is spying on them.


This is not voyeurism, but blatant voyeurism.

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