
Lin Fan’s breaking speed has caught up with Immortal King.

“Brother Lin, they saw us. What do you think we should do? Is it because our speed is too fast, making them feel that they have no face.” Qin Yang said, as if he was worried, but in fact But it was a little smug.

Digital Immortal King and Immortal Monarch all face surprised.

So many powerhouses joined forces to crack one after another, what happened to the three people not far away, and why did it happen so quickly.

The current situation is as if two teams are going to the same place, but they are both standing on two side-by-side bridges, and there is a gap between them that cannot be crossed.

“Who are they?”

“We got here under the leadership of Xian Senior Wang, but they are so fast, afraid right?”

“Could it be that they have caught up with the seniors in Formation’s accomplishments?”

They discussed, expressions all showing surprise, very shocked, as if seeing a ghost of.

Qin Yang raised his head, stood up straight and said, “Senior Wang, Qin Yang, the bloodline son of the descendant of the Aristocratic Family, entered the ancient mountain with two friends.”

He feels it’s time for him again.

Don’t you see so many people looking at their three people?

If you don’t show it now, when will you show it.

“It turned out to be Qin Family Junior.” Qing Immortal King asked, “Junior Qin, how did you guys go so fast.”

Qin Yang felt a little upset.


I should be called Qin Xiaoxianzun, how can I call you Qin junior? There are no rules at all, but forget it, since you are the Immortal King, I will not lower oneself to somebody’s level with you.

Qin Yang said with a smile: “This friend of mine is amazing. Along the way, all the formations he encountered were broken by him. Although the outside world does not pass on his name, I, Qin Yang, have always been Call him Broken Zun.”

Lin Fan wanted to hammer Qin Yang angrily.

What nickname did your mother-in-law give me.

Breaking the Array?

Even if this is a little bit level, I will not take such a title.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

“Broken Array Venerable?”

I’ve never heard of it, but after seeing their three people come here, I have to say that if you don’t have a bit of skill, you can’t do it. to this extent.

Qin Yang continued: “My brother, he can break any great formation in the world, even if the ancient formation laid down by the Immortal Venerable is very easy in front of him, there is no difficulty, after all, I am Qin. The brother that Yang recognizes, and I, Qin Yang, are bloodline of Xianzun’s direct descendant, and the brother I know is naturally very good.”

He knew very well that touting his friends as arrogant would raise his own worth. .

If you belittle your friends, don’t you let others know that all I know in Qin Yang are some scum…

Look at those guys’ eyes.

He knew that these guys were already envious.

Maybe in the future, they all hope to get to know Qin Yang with me.

After all, who can meet such a good friend like him.

Xiang Fei touched Qin Yang’s arm lightly and said, “It’s almost done. If you go too far, you will be in trouble.”

Qin Yang is in a much more relaxed mood. They were all forced to disperse a lot by the just pretending.


Lin Fan cracked another Formation, then stepped on the steps, moved towards the distance and looked into the distance, with a happy face: “Luo Fairy, we meet again.”

The Luo Fairy in the crowd looked blankly at Lin Fan. She was humiliated by Lin Fan, and she will never forget that she has never been humiliated like this when she grew up.

I’m so pissed off.

“I know who he is, he is Lin Fan who almost killed Zuo Xian.”


“What a cultivation Zuo Xian is base, when the younger generation sees him, they have to take a detour, didn’t expect Zuo Xian to be almost suppressed by this person.”

I heard the words of the younger generation around.

All the Immortal Kings were very surprised, obviously they didn’t expect that unremarkable person to almost kill Zuo Xian.

Zuo Xian has a great reputation in Immortal World.

The younger generation belongs to the Peak powerhouse.

An Immortal Emperor once asserted that Zuo Xian could become an Immortal Venerable in the future. What an astonishing assertion, it is simply the honor of Supreme.

“Junior Qin, why don’t you let your friend come over and crack the great formation with us.” An Immortal King said.

It was extremely difficult for them to crack the big formation.

Some of the Formations contain terrifying immortal dao rules. If they are not careful, they can be planted in it. Now that there are experts who break the formation, they naturally hope that the other party will come and help.

Qin Yang is very upset, what is his attitude.

If you want us to help you even call me Junior Qin, wouldn’t Qin Xiaoxianzun call me?

At this time, Lin Fan said: “Everyone, Senior Wang, it’s not easy to travel here, why don’t you wait for us here, wait for me to break the big formation here, reach it, and then find a way to harden it. Pick up Senior Wang.”

“Please wait a moment for seniors.”

“After all, people have feelings, and Formation is ruthless. Junior just checked it out, and the Formation here is quite difficult. , maybe even the Immortal Emperor may not survive.”

After saying this, he continued to crack the Formation.

The speed is astounding.

Qin Yang pretended to act and said: “Senior Wang, don’t worry, my brother is quite a righteous person, and my words count. When I get there, I will definitely come over.”

Which he Do you know what Lin Fan means?

Wait until the top, let’s take a good look first, if there is really nothing, just turn around and take you out together.

The Immortal Kings looked at each other.

“We are cracking while waiting, didn’t expect the Steps Formation to be so terrifying, but it’s careless.”

“Why this person broke the formation so quickly, could it be that he is on the Formation Is it true that the attainments of the gods and ghosts are unfathomable?”

In their cognition.

Formation Number One Person is the Immortal Formation King.

This person is one of the best in the Immortal World in the Formation attainments. Once there was the Immortal Emperor who invited the Immortal Array King to set up the formation together. Since then, he has become famous and known to everyone by his name.

I don’t know how long it took.


“Finally boarded.”

Lin Fan relaxed, no one knows how tired he is, even if they know the weak of Formation What about spot, that thing is really scary, and if you are not careful, you will die.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Lin, I always feel the peng peng in my heart, do you think we are going to get rich?”

Xiang Fei looked at Qin Yang , he always felt that Qin Yang was the weirdest guy in their group.

at first worried.

Now that I think of getting rich, I am not afraid of danger?

“I don’t know if it is rich or not, but I know that we are going to go against the sky, you see…” Lin Fan pointed to the front, he was attracted by the sight of the ancient mountain.

How big can the top of the mountain be.

But at a glance, the top of the mountain was endless and could not see the edge, but in their sight, there was a Cave Mansion, which did not play cards according to the routine, and appeared in front of them.

Anyone who comes up can see this Cave Mansion.

“He was waiting for us to go in on purpose,” Xiang Fei said.

Lin Fan said: “Yes, it gives the impression that we are deliberately letting us in, do you think you will go in?”

Qin Yang didn’t even think about it and said: ” Then you must go in, in case there is something good.”

Xiang Fei did not speak, but the meaning was the same as Qin Yang.

“Follow me and listen to my command.” Lin Fan moved towards Cave Mansion. This Cave Mansion is too weird and has no name. The entrance of the cave is covered with rattan, and there are only sparse gaps for people to know. , here is a hole.

Everyone tore the rattan open, and Cave Mansion had a very strong smell assaults the senses.

The smell is unbearable when closed for too long.

This is the taste of history.

I don’t know how long no one has entered this place.

They moved towards it cautiously, and the walls inside the cave are carefully crafted with many delicate patterns.

Touch the wall.

【Spirit Gathering Array: The effect of condensing Heaven and Earth Immortal Qi. ]

It seems that the great power who died here has already begun to pave the way for himself, condensing the surrounding Heaven and Earth Immortal Qi, just want to breed immortal physique?

“Be careful, there are some problems.”

Lin Fan reminded.

His eyes can see through everything, his hands can understand secrets, and cautiously, It shouldn’t be a problem.

With the deepening.

There are some tattered jars around from time to time. I thought there would be something inside, but when I looked closely, there was nothing. The jar had holes, as if it was bitten by something. .

The rays of light in the cave gradually weakened, shining next to the stones embedded in the rock wall.

“This is jade jade stone, inlaid in Cave Mansion can provide lighting, but a jade jade stone can last for a long time, a long time, no one knows how long, because it is too long.”

“But now the jade stone here is gradually dimmed.”

“The Cave Mansion has existed for a long, long time.”

Xiang Fei Amazed, how long has it been since the jade stone became dull.

Lin Fan is vigilant about the situation around him, as long as there is a situation, he will definitely pull people to run.

“Look, there are people there.” Qin Yang whispered.

They look.

Not far away, there is a corpse sitting cross-legged on the ground. It has been dead for a long time. It feels very strange.

Lin Fan’s first thought was body possession?

“It’s glowing, red light, there’s red light in the eye sockets of the corpse.”

Qin Yang stared at the corpse, and suddenly exclaimed, thinking he was going to deceive the corpse .

Lin Fan was taken aback by Qin Yang’s actions.


The soul flew away and scattered.

zhi zhi!


There seemed to be something in the skull. Suddenly, the skull fell and rolled to the ground. A mouse crawled out and instantly crawled into the hole in the ground. In the blink of an eye, it was disappeared.


The situation is somewhat unfathomable mystery.

When they approached the corpse, they could be sure that it was an ordinary corpse, completely dead.

There are many things piled up in the corners.

There are so many jars and so on, but every one of them is tattered, as if someone had scraped it.

Lin Fan looked at the corpse carefully, and then regretted: “didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect that this Ancient Supreme Expert, who is dead and wanted body possession, laid out a shocking situation, using a can The built-in treasure attracts people, but in the end it was destroyed by rats.”

“Sad, really sad.”

Qin Yang said, “Brother Lin, what do you mean?”


Lin Fan pointed to the ground and said, “Look, this is a body possession Formation, but because a mouse made a hole in the ground, it destroyed its terrain, made it ineffective, and finally died completely.”

“Perhaps this ancient powerhouse never imagined something like this would happen.”

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