Yi Chong has some ideas. There are many people who follow him, and there are many benefits. Although he seems to be calm, he is actually very vigilant about the formation inside the ancient mountain. More people can also open the way for him. Formation, attacking with a sea of tactical tactics, he can clearly see through the operation of Formation and open up the road to the sky.

“Brother Lin, should we go in with him? The Immortal Formation King is very famous. This guy is the grandson of the Immortal Formation King. He must be capable and has a great chance.” Qin Yang whispered. It’s not easy to get to the guys in Formation, it’s a lot better than just figuring it out.

Lin Fan shook his head in a deep voice.

“Don’t, I looked at his face carefully and found that his luck was not good, and his grandfather’s name was not good.”

“Immortal Array King, first To die in action means to be the first to die, wait.”

Nowadays, those Immortal King powerhouses are not acting at will, and they may not be able to succeed just by relying on the grandson of the Immortal King powerhouse, maybe it is cannon fodder.

He’s going to rush in now.

I’m afraid it’s also for fame.


There are many people behind Yi Chong. These people are good talents outside. The minimum cultivation base is Golden Immortal, and even another is Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

But at this time, following Yi Chong’s back, they are very well behaved.

In order to enter the ancient mountain, I also lowered my posture.

“Please be careful. After entering the ancient mountain, don’t touch anything.” Yi Chong reminded everyone that if someone with a cheap hand touches something indiscriminately, a certain Formation will be activated. , once trapped, I’m afraid even he will feel scared witless.

“Don’t worry, Immortal Yi, I will listen to Immortal’s arrangement.”

“We are Immortal who has the highest attainments in Formation, how can we not listen, if there is Whoever moves, don’t blame me for being rude to anyone.”

“Naturally, naturally.”

Yi Chong was called by them and led everyone into the ancient mountain.


“They go in, do we go in too.”

“No hurry, wait, ancient mountain is not that easy.”

“In other words It makes sense.”

They are all waiting, not daring to be careless, and have a sense of awe for the ancient mountain, but the treasure and inheritance inside make them even more eager.

At the intersection of ancient mountain.

When Yi Chong stepped inside, his originally stable heart became completely confused, and he felt a great pressure.

A stone-stair path appeared before them.

Each stone step is very ancient, and the weathered baptism contains an old atmosphere.

“Yi Zhenxian…”

Someone asked Yi Chong how to go this way, but found Yi Chong standing in the same place with a startled expression. At the same time, he saw Yi Chong. Chong’s pupils become golden.

“This is the Divine Ability of the Formation Eye created by the Immortal Formation King, the golden pupil of the Immortal Eye, didn’t expect the formation of Immortal cultivation success.”

Yi Chong found that there were Many dark lines are connected to each other, which is extremely complicated. It is the most complicated existence in the Formation he has seen.

“Follow me.”

He was shocked, just the entrance contained such a terrifying Formation, how terrifying existence would be inside, but he didn’t show it .

When it’s time to perform, you must perform well.

Everyone follows Yi Chong’s footsteps and steps on the steps without making any mistakes.

“Hahaha, Zhenxian is worthy of being a Zhenxian, and the Formation attainments are really high.”

“It’s really my luck to be able to follow the Zhenxian into the ancient mountain.”

They complimented.

From the previous nervousness to the current indifference, following the Array of Immortals moving towards the ancient mountain, what else could be the happiest thing for them.

Just gradually.

They are getting slower and slower.

Yi Chong’s forehead was covered in cold sweat. He found that things were different from what he thought. The Formation he encountered now became more and more terrifying, and it was too mysterious.

“Xianxian, what’s wrong?” someone asked.

Yi Chong said: “It’s nothing, it’s just that the Formation has become more complicated, but for me, these are not problems, everyone wait for me a moment.”

He took out one piece The awl, this awl bronze, is an amazing baby.

“Breaking the Array Cone, didn’t expect the Immortal Array King to pass on such a treasure to you. It seems that the Array Immortal has indeed obtained the true inheritance of the Immortal Array King.”

This Things are extraordinary.

Can break the world’s great formation.

Yi Chong squeezed Immortal Art with his fingers, activated the formation breaking cone, and slammed it into the ground, with a humming sound, one after another ripples spread out, like a stone falling on a calm lake, rippling The circles seem to be ordinary, but they have set off huge waves, completely changing the pattern of this place.

It’s over.

More and more complex.

I’m only halfway through the steps now, what should I do next?

He was in a panic.

But now so many people are following him to tout him, even if he wants to withdraw, he can’t hold his face.

Only oneself can move forward.


Yi Chong raised his hand and told everyone not to move. He was blocked by a Formation. The array inscription seen by Jin Tong’s fairy eyes was extremely complicated. Densely packed, there is no way to start.

Even, he felt that maybe only the grandfather could crack this Formation.

“break for me.”

He held up the Array Breaker Cone, condensed a drop of blood essence, smeared it on the Array Breaker Cone, the fiercely fell, the rays of light bloomed, and the sound was crisp resounded.

“How could it be…”

Yi Chong’s pupils zoomed, the unbreakable burst cone shattered, and the fragments scattered all over the place.

Everyone around was shocked.

Foreboding is bad.

“My smashing cone.” Yi Chong shouted.

“Immortal Formation, what’s the situation now, can this Formation still be broken?” Someone asked, they had a bad premonition, as if something big was about to happen.

It won’t be possible to move forward.

After a long time.

Yi Chong wants to use his ability to break the big formation in front of him, but his level is not enough to do this step.

“Everyone, this place is worthy of being an ancient mountain. The Formation is too mysterious. I think it must be the formation set up by the Immortal Venerable. Method.

He thought he could break in.

But the Formation here is too terrifying.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all came here. It would be a pity to give up halfway like this.

“Isn’t there really nothing that Yi Zhenxian can do?”

Yi Chong shook his head and said, “There is no way, the deeper the Formation here, the more terrifying it becomes. To be able to get here is already a lot of my accomplishments in Formation, maybe even if I am the grandfather king of fairy formation, I am afraid it is not that simple.”

In order to prove that he is not a waste, he directly Sell his grandfather.

“Go back, it’s not a shameful thing, it’s already a great thing that we can come here without casualties.” Yi Chong said.

Everyone knows that Yi Chong is telling the truth. They don’t have deep knowledge of Formation, but it can be seen that the Formation here is terrifying.

When Yichong is ready to return.

His face changed in shock. A terrible thing happened. The Formation, which had just been cracked, actually reappeared, and it even formed a brand new formation, which was even more terrifying than before.

“wait a minute”

He wanted to stop a Fellow Daoist, but the Fellow Daoist’s footsteps were too fast, and the soles of his feet fell to the steps, instantly activating a great formation.

“Run, just cracked the steps, Formation appears again.”

tone barely fell.

Amazing power surged from all directions in the west.


The man who stepped on the Formation with a dazed expression didn’t know what was going on, his body split instantly, and the invisible edge of naked eyes swept over.

The red steps were blood dyed and splashed onto everyone.


There are exclamations.

The originally orderly and chaotic team was completely chaotic at the moment of crisis.


Lin Fan wondered in his heart, these Immortal Kings completely motionless, waiting quietly, who are they waiting for.

Don’t they just want to enter the ancient mountain when they come here?

“You said what they were doing.” Lin Fan asked Xiang Fei in a low voice.

Xiang Fei pondered for a moment and said, “If my guess is not wrong, these Immortal King powerhouses are feeling the power of this mountain. The older the mountain, the more it needs to be understood.”


“In my opinion, they’re a little suspicious, and it should be impossible to find out.”

At this moment.

There are screams.



There is a silhouette running out of the ancient mountain very embarrassed.

dishevelled hair, covered in blood.

A closer look shows that it is easy to rush.

One of his arms has been broken, and the wound was cut directly by something sharp, very flat and smooth.

“It’s Yi Chong, he came out.”

“Why did he come out alone, where are all the people who went in with him?”

“What happened in Virtuous nephew, what about the Fellow Daoists who went in with you?”

Yi Chong was very frightened, gasping for breath, no one knew what he experienced in it. How many people, and how many people were killed, to gain a glimmer of survival for themselves.

Otherwise they will all die inside.

“Everyone, I advise you not to go in. There are too many large formations inside. Anyone who goes in will die.” Yi Chong shouted, he didn’t want to stay here for a moment, he once thought he didn’t know what he had learned. It is invincible in the whole world, but how many dangerous places in the world can block his way.

He doesn’t want to be here.

Perhaps because he was afraid of being known by others, he persecuted many powerhouses in order to survive, and finally escaped.

Yi Chong’s words had a great impact on everyone.

He is the grandson of the Immortal Array King and won the inheritance of the other party. Even if he goes in, he has nine deaths and still alive, so what will happen if they go in.

At this time, an Immortal King asked: “What did you see inside?”

“Junior saw a large array of steps inside, a large array of steps, First Rank is harder than First Rank, went but never returned, even if a large formation is broken, the broken formation will reappear when it comes back to his senses.”

“This ancient mountain is buried with ancient Supreme Expert, they don’t allow anyone to disturb, this is a dead end.”

Yi Chong has never encountered such a situation.

Dao Heart has long been unstable.

Totally panicked.

In this crisis, he is considered abolished.

Even if he recovers in the future, he will definitely form a Heart Demon. When he encounters a big formation, he will definitely think of the Formation here. He has come to an end on this road.

Immortal King ignored what Yi Chong said later.

Go in and take a look.

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