Xiang Fei squatted on the ground and looked around.

“Brother Lin, what do you say now, Chixiao Heavenly Peng may not block the intersection, we may be able to return the same way, I found that the indigenous creatures here are very scary, and there are some powerhouses breaking in, encountering them. It’s a bit of a hassle after all.”

He was naturally curious about Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion.

But danger lurks on every side, with their current strength, it’s still dangerous to come in.

“We’ve already arrived here, so it’s better to keep watching.” Lin Fan was reluctant to leave for the time being. After experiencing some things, he found that if he wanted to become stronger, he had to work hard here.

The stupid big fellow just now was very interesting.

Although he didn’t quite understand what he was going to do, but he didn’t fall, it showed that the stupid big fellow was very poor, and the creatures living here were in deep trouble, and it was necessary to act righteously to save them.

Qin Yang buried his head there and twisted his fingers, babbling in awe, not knowing what he was doing.

“What are you doing?” Lin Fan asked.

Qin Yang said: “I’m counting down how many enemies you’ve provoked, and how much I’ll take the blame for you. When I have a chance, I’ll have to tell them well, I’m innocent, and I’ll provoke you all. My name is Lin Fan, not me, Qin Yang.”

Lin Fan said with peace of mind: “Fortunately, I was taking the blame, I thought it was taking over.”

“What?” Qin Yang was full of question marks.

I really want to ask.

Dude, what are you talking about, can you speak human words?

Several days.

The Heaven’s Chosen who met Lin Fan met a lot of people, and everyone looked up and saw them, so naturally there was no conflict.

They pressed Lin Fan to Zuo Xian and almost told Zuo Xian to kill him.

In the beginning, simply no one believed it.

Who is Zuo Xian?

That’s the existence that overwhelms countless Heaven’s Chosen, holds Holy Weapon, and even more cultivation horror Emperor Scripture, and his immortal physique is extremely unreasonable, but you told me that he was almost killed kill.

Even if you make up jokes, you can make them more reliable.

But until someone said that they had seen the embarrassed Zuo Xian who fled, no one dared to believe all this.

On the other side of Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion.

There has just been a battle here. A beast with a huge zhang high has died here, and a man, clothes whiter than snow, has not been stained with a drop of blood. Hearing the report of the servant, he said very surprisedly.

“You said that Zuo Xian was almost beaten to death?”

“Yes, Master, this is the news that my subordinates just found out.”

white clothed man said with a smile: “Interesting, according to the world, Zuo Xian can compete with me and even take my place, but now he was almost beaten to death, and what face is clamoring to be side by side with me.”

“Lin Fan, very good, I will kill this person, and then give this person’s head to Zuo Xian, let him understand the gap between him and me.”

Then looked towards the corpse.

“This alien beast has already given birth, you go to Cave Mansion and take those little ones away.”

At this time, Lin Fan and the others Passing by a dark volcano, the volcano is as high as thousands of zhang, there is no fire, but there are thick black smoke constantly coming out, which will smear the surrounding this world into darkness.

“You wait for me, I’ll go to the volcano for cultivation for a while.”

He stood on the edge of the volcano, watching the rolling lava inside, jumped down, and dived into the lava Inside, run the Nirvana immortal physique, the power contained in the lava pours into the body.

The fiery red phoenix hovers in the body, absorbing the power of the lava and smashing the power of the Nirvana immortal physique.

The absorption rate is very fast.


A dreadful force was transmitted from the bottom of the volcano.

The alien beast living in the lava was angry, someone came to his territory and absorbed the power of his territory, this was not taking him seriously.

He moved towards the top, ready to devour the fiercely who had invaded his turf.

Lin Fan noticed the change, spread out his five fingers, moved towards the bottom and grabbed it. Nirvana immortal physique ran quickly, constantly occupying the Power of Raging Flames inside the beast.



The alien beast wanted to roar, but its body was shriveled at an extremely fast speed. It didn’t take long for the Power of Raging Flames in the alien beast to disappear, all of which were devoured by Lin Fan.

Xiang Fei and Qin Yang were both waiting in the volcanic crater. They saw several streams of light swept away in the distance and moved towards the distance.

“How many entrances does Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion have, and there are a lot of people coming in.” Qin Yang said.

He found that the better the place, the more people came in, and what he could get was fate.

A person with a dark face enters the Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion, and maybe it is a tourist. Not only will they get nothing, but also the possibility of losing property, and even losing their lives is normal.

“Shh! Don’t talk, there is a powerhouse aura in the silhouette that left in the distance. It may be the Immortal King. I don’t know where the powerhouse of Great Influence is coming.” Xiang Fei reminded.

Qin Yang kept his mouth shut.

Immortal King?

Just kidding.

These powerhouses are all powerful seeds for entering the Immortal Emperor. They are all old monsters that have lived for thousands of years and have been around for 10,000 years.

A guy who normally becomes an Immortal King in a few hundred years is not to be messed with.

Too perverted.

Thousands of years of cultivation have become Immortal King. If you have absolute certainty, you can mess with it. That kind of thing will survive, and the strength and background are not necessarily scary.

But an Immortal King who lived for tens of thousands of years is best left alone.

There’s no harm in shouting senior respectfully when you see it.

At this time.

Lin Fan came out of retreat, and he absorbed it too fast. An active volcano was directly absorbed into an extinct volcano by him. If he wanted to recover, he didn’t know how long it would take.

“What’s the matter?”

He was quite curious when he saw the two of them talking, if there was something surprising.

I want them to be a lucky trio, they are all very lucky, and the combination is even more terrifying. Any good things can’t escape their eyes.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Xiang said that Immortal King passed by and moved towards there.”

“Brother Lin, in my opinion there must be something going on there. It happened, just now, I sensed that the digit is likely to be another powerhouse of the Immortal King Level in the past.”

“Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion is very large, and there are countless places to hold treasures, which can attract Everyone rushes in one direction, I’m afraid it’s not a simple thing.”

Xiang Fei’s observation skills are very strong, if not for this, he may not be able to live to the present.

Lin Fan is interested, “Let’s go and have a look.”

“Wait, if we go there, once there is a conflict, we may not be able to leave safely.” Xiang Fei said.

Lin Fan said: “restraining aura, cautiously, don’t do anything out of the ordinary, especially you Qin Yang, don’t be too high-profile, we just go and see, if there is no chance, we will withdraw immediately, but If there is an opportunity, let’s do it, I’ve already got the Great Immortal here, but you haven’t got it yet, so you can’t leave empty-handed.”

“That’s what I said.” Qin Yang I agreed very much, but soon found something was wrong, “Brother Lin, you can’t be like this, I am an obedient and honest person in Qin Yang, and I have never provoked anyone, so how can I keep saying that I am not low-key? .”

He had to defend himself.

However, Lin Fan gave Qin Yang a chance to justify, and directly greeted them to set off.

Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion hide too many secrets.

What they are now in contact with is just the tip of the iceberg.

In ancient times, Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion, which can make so many people who know that time is limited, come here to find a treasure, and wait for the resurrected powers to flock to it, is definitely not simple.

“Just in front.” Xiang Fei said.

Lin Fan was a little stunned when he saw the big mountain in front of him. It was the most majestic mountain he had ever seen.

“Be careful now, this mountain is not simple.” Lin Fan said.

By the time they reached the foot of the mountain, a lot of people had already gathered there.

They didn’t fight.

They all looked up towards the mountain.

“This mountain is the most mysterious place in Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion. It is rumored to be the burial place of those ancient powerhouses. They expect to be resurrected and will naturally bring everything in. Who can step into this place? A mountain, you can get all the treasures of the ancient powerhouses.”

“didn’t expect immortal fate.”

“You don’t need to fight, this mountain is extremely vast , at least hundreds of thousands of years of existence, I don’t know how many great powers are buried here, if there are enough things, I still think about how to enter the mountain.”

Lin Fan looked at the people around him.

He saw an acquaintance.

Lo Fairy and others.

There is also a group of people looking at the tokens around their waists, which should be the Hunyuan Major Sect.

He saw the elders standing in front, as Xiang Fei said, their strength was terrifying.

Immortal Monarch.

Immortal King.

As for the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, there are countless more.

“Shh! Be careful, it’s just that the strength of the people here is not to be provoked. Once we start, it will be a problem for us to run.” Lin Fan said.

Luo Fairy and the others didn’t take it seriously when they saw Lin Fan.

Now is the most critical time.

The treasure is here, where do you care about these things.

“Fellow Daoist who can enter Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion means that they are all people with immortal fate. There are ancient treasures in this mountain. If you can get them, you will be lucky. I will not snatch them.” An old man said.

Everyone immediately agreed, this is Immortal King.

And the Immortal King’s eyes flashed golden light, wanting to see through this mountain, but a mountain with such a history, how could an Immortal King see through it.

The old man muttered in his heart.


Don’t be careless.

Maybe even if the Immortal King entered it, he would die inexplicably.

“Senior, Junior went first.”

At this time, a handsome man with extraordinary temperament slowly walked out. He was very interested in the treasures hidden in this mountain. It is curiosity, and it can even be said that I can’t wait.

“The grandson of the Immortal Formation King, Yi Chong.”

“It turned out to be Yi Chong Formation Immortal. It is rumored that he has obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Formation King, so he must be confident enough to break into the ancient mountain. Middle.”

“Isn’t that nonsense? Why does the ancient mountain stop people? It’s not because of the Formation, but when the Formation encounters the Immortal, what else can it be used for?”

“Yi Zhenxian, can we go in with you? We are willing to fight.”

“Yes, let’s go in with us.”

Many people asked, all thinking Entering with Immortal Yi, they don’t know anything about Formation, and it is rare to encounter Immortal Immortals. If the other party is willing to bring them in, they will naturally have a great chance to break into it.

“Okay, since you all believe in me so, there is no reason for you to come with me, but you must follow my instructions, in case you are trapped in the battle and I can’t rescue you in time. “Yi Chong said.

He believed in his abilities.

At the same time, I am enjoying the feeling now.

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