
Lin Fan is in a good mood, and the harvest is good. The Sun-destroying Immortal Bow is a treasure. It was once used by an Immortal Emperor. It belongs to the Holy Weapon, but it is not an ordinary Holy Weapon. It is formidable. The power is extremely strong and depends on the strength of the user.

He patted Qin Yang on the shoulder.

“You can do it yourself in the future, maybe you will have a different life.”

Now all he can do is to comfort him, he finds that it is indeed a wise choice to bring Qin Yang.

The best candidate for attracting hatred.

Having beaten up others, but they don’t remember him as Lin Fan, but they hate Qin Yang. It’s a wonderful life.

“Brother Lin, as I said, a brother for a while is a brother for life. I, Qin Yang, have the determination to become stronger. With such a good person as Brother Lin, I feel that I have also become very good. .”

“I never thought of parting with Brother Lin.”

Qin Yang said firmly.

But who can understand the pain in his heart.

Lin Fan looked towards the onlookers who were watching the play in the distance. After a closer look, they all looked very good. The fall was amazing. Sure enough, he was able to enter here, and he was so calm, there was no ordinary person. .

He moved towards there.

The onlookers were very nervous, and the person who almost killed Zuo Xian came, what was he doing?

“Brother Qin.”

“didn’t expect to meet Brother Qin here.”

First they had a relationship with Qin Yang to prove that We are all very friendly, definitely not what you think.

“en. ”

Qin Yang recognized who these people were, but he began to pretend and acted indifferently, and his arrogant temperament broke out completely.

“I don’t know this Fellow Daoist’s surname. I just saw Fellow Daoist beat Zuo Xian. I really admire, admire.” A man asked enthusiastically.

Lin Fan said with a smile: “It’s inconvenient to say Lin Fan’s identity and background.”

They were shocked when they heard this, and it was exactly what they thought.

This person who can beat Zuo Xian is definitely not a generalist, but from Mysterious Land.

I don’t know what kind of Aristocratic Family and Holy Land can cultivate such Heaven’s Chosen.

At this time.

Qin Yang quietly said beside Lin Fan: “Look at a woman among them, I know, Huabang figure, don’t you think she is very beautiful.”

Lin Fan’s eyes lit up when he heard the beauty of Huabang.

After a great battle.

The atmosphere is a little serious, and I need to find someone to have a good chat to ease the current atmosphere.

At this time.

Lin Fan looked towards the woman Qin Yang said was indeed beautiful and alluring, graceful, blue-eyed and watery, as if she could talk, if he saw those long eyelashes, he wanted to lick it, you guys Can’t say enough.

The women on the flower list have their own merits.

Everyone is different, and there is absolutely no case of face blindness.

The man who just talked to Lin Fan found that Lin Fan’s eyes seemed to be looking at someone. Suddenly, he thought that there was also Fairy Luo Fairy in the team.

He deliberately chatted and wanted to distract the other party, but didn’t expect Lin Fan simply ignored him.

But said with a smile: “I don’t know Fairy’s surname. When I first saw Fairy, I felt very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.”

The people around were astonished.

There is something wrong with the situation.

This is different from what they thought. People who can overpower Zuo Xian are definitely arrogant people, and they are all serious people, but they found that this is simply not serious.

immediately just wanted to do something with Luo Fairy.

“Brother Lin, this is Huabang Luo Fairy.” Qin Yang approached deliberately and stood beside Luo Fairy, sniffing, “It’s really fragrant.”

Xiang Fei Seeing Qin Yang’s wretched appearance, he could only stand there and watch them play quietly.

Now in Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion.

Can’t you be more serious?

Luo Fairy unnaturally stepped aside when she heard Qin Yang’s frivolous words. As a child of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, how could this be.

Lin Fan said: “Qin Yang, as a child of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, how can you be so frivolous, hurry up and look around, I have something to talk about with Fairy Luo.”

Lin Fan said: p>

Qin Yang believed Lin Fan’s evil, so he didn’t believe what Lin Fan said, he just stood still.

“Fellow Daoist Lin, do you have anything to talk to me about?” Luo Fairy asked.

If it was an ordinary person, she would have waved her sleeves to repel.

But this person in front of me is the one who pressed Zuo Xian and even nearly killed Zuo Xian, which is really terrifying, so his attitude is still very good, and he does not dare to take violent actions.

“There was a dream that haunted me all the time. There was a woman in my dream who fell in love with me. The bedding every day and night made us very happy. We had children together and lived a very happy life. I was happy, but I just couldn’t see the face, until I saw Fairy Luo, I suddenly found that I felt familiar.”

“I was thinking, maybe the woman in my dream is the same as Fairy Luo. “

Lin Fan said indifferently.

Qin Yang stared at Lin Fan stunned, a little convinced.

My God!

It’s a bit too straightforward.

It’s the same with Heaven’s Chosen around, they didn’t expect people who press Zuo Xian to be so frivolous, the meaning revealed in their words is really too lustful.

Destroy their illusions completely.

Fairy Luo had never met anyone who spoke to her like this, and even she was stunned.

“Fairy Luo, if you don’t mind, would you like to walk with us? I want to have an in-depth exchange. Maybe you are the person I’m looking for.” Lin Fan asked.

The surrounding Heaven’s Chosen is sarcastic and wants to hook up with Luo Fairy. It’s really whimsical. Even they can only see it. eyes.

Luo Fairy has his own ideas in mind.

She is facing marriage urging, and the elders in the clan hope that she can bring a real evildoer to the clan to continue the bloodline, or her bloodline of Fairy.

There are so many Heaven’s Chosen in the world.

But it’s hard to pick out the right ones.


Luo Fairy replied, she wanted to give it a try, or to see if Lin Fan’s potential was worth it.

The surrounding Heaven’s Chosen looked at Luo Fairy dumbfounded.


This is too arbitrary.

Is it the Fairy we know in our hearts?

Don’t say they were stunned, even Lin Fan was a little dumbfounded.

“Brother Qin, Brother Xiang, let’s go.” Lin Fan waved, ready to continue looking for Immortal Treasure.

Luo Fairy followed, but didn’t do anything yet, but was stopped by Lin Fan, “Luo Fairy, what do you mean?”

Luo Fairy said: “You didn’t let me follow. Is it?”

“Oh, this is a misunderstanding, you and I think differently, you are too proactive, this is not what I want, what I need is to work hard to achieve, Instead of delivering it to the door on your own initiative,” Lin Fan said.

Are you too good?

It is easy for others to post it backwards.

Fairys who used to be furious with these remarks, but now… being so proactive is a bit scary.


Luo Fairy was sullen and angry, she felt like she was being tricked.

“Farewell, everyone.”

Lin Fan took them straight away.

These Heaven’s Chosen looked at Fairy Luo, and they found that Fairy’s eyes were a little red, as if he had been humiliated. Just when they were about to speak to comfort, Fairy Luo stomped his feet and left.

“Damn dog thief, I finally managed to win Luo Fairy to explore with us, but it was destroyed by that person.”

“Shhh, keep your voice low, so as not to be heard. Arrive.”

They looked towards the surroundings cautiously, and they breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that the person was far away.


Qin Yang helplessly said: “Brother Lin, Fairy Luo agrees to accompany us, why refuse, and it hurts Fairy Luo’s heart too much, how happy it is to have Fairy by our side. Isn’t it?”

Lin Fan said righteously: “Brother Qin, you are also a child of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, can you not be full of women, cultivation is the first, even more how, you There are so many people being provoked now, and if you don’t cultivate well, I’m afraid I will burn paper for you every year in the future.”

“Sun~” Qin Yang yelled: “I can’t say something nice. “

Also… Who is it that provoked, do you have no idea at all?

It’s all me who blames you.

I really don’t know what they have to remember what I do. It seems that I am a little immortal who has a great reputation and is easy to attract hatred.

That’s right.

It’s just envy.

Xiang Fei shook his head, things that are incomprehensible to ordinary people will always happen around him, and he was also touched by him, really… I don’t know what to say.

A place.

Lin Fan released the little girl and the caterpillar.

little girl must be hungry and needs to replenish her strength. As for this little caterpillar, he has prepared for research and can confine space. This is a very unusual caterpillar.

Cultivate it well, and it will become a great atmosphere in the future.


At this time, a rapid sound of breaking through the air came. The speed was very fast, and the space was squeezed. He immediately took the little girl and the little caterpillar into the tripod.

Leaving only a tooth-marked drumstick on the ground.

The lance that came from afar didn’t hit anyone, but stuck on the ground beside it, humming.

In the distance, a silhouette stands on the hillside.

that silhouette was very sturdy, with swollen muscles, a bare upper body, and fleshy wings on the back. When he saw the three of Lin Fan, he roared with anger, and boundless murderous intent boiled over.

“Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion has existed for a long time, and many strange creatures have been bred in it.” Xiang Fei said.

The other party has a very strong imposing manner, exuding the fierce aura of wild beast all over his body. Obviously, he has experienced countless killings before cultivating such a temperament.

Lin Fan looked at the lance stuck on the ground.

It is a very ordinary stone lance, but the lance is stained with blood, and the blood has turned black.

“Come on, come here.”

The humanoid roar roared, the stone spear stuck on the ground hummed, flew back and was controlled by the opponent, and then waved the stone spear, The void vibrated slightly, and a few waves floated.

Lin Fan took out the Sun-destroying Immortal Bow, aimed it at the opponent, pulled the bowstring, and with a bang, the arrow flew away quickly.


There was a loud noise.

Where there are humanoids in the distance, only hot flesh and blood are scattered on the ground.


Lin Fan picked up the chicken legs on the ground, removed the weeds and dust on it, and then released the little girl.

“Come on, keep eating, I’ve got it for you.”

“It’s not dirty.”

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