Lin Fan said with a smile: “I’m very moved by everyone’s trust in me, but in order to prove that this is really what I said, I will prove it to you, which can be regarded as making you more trustworthy.”

“I will pass a mana into the dive medicine, and the five fairy babies lying on the green leaves will wake up, but don’t panic, so as not to disturb the fairy babies.”

He is now addicted to pretending to identify the Master.

Look at the eyes that the appraisal Master looked towards him, that is the eyes that fans looked towards idols, maybe he already has a very high status in these people’s hearts, very high, reaching a certain height.

These appraisal masters have never seen dive medicine, and now they are really insightful.

Now they are all on the sidelines and study hard.

Lin Fan pointed, and a ray of mana slowly poured into the divide medicine. Immediately, bright rays of light erupted from the divide medicine. The sleeping fairy lying on the green leaves woke up, surrounded by Beads in flower hearts spin.

These fairy babies do not exist in the unexpected world.

Such a natural phenomenon has shocked people who have believed what Lin Fan said.

They have never seen such a situation, not even Grade 9 spiritual grass.

As Lin Fan closed his hand, the mana dissipated, the fairy fell on the green leaves, and hu hu fell asleep again, and small bubbles emerged from the nostrils. swell.

“You all know the specific situation, and I don’t have anything to do with it now.” Lin Fan said, looking at the divide medicine with nostalgia, it was really rare medicine.

If the outside world knows that there is a strain of divine medicine that no one has ever seen before, it will definitely cause many powerhouses to enter the dangerous and ferocious places to find those divine medicines that have not been unearthed.

The attitude of the appraisal Masters towards Lin Fan has changed greatly.

looked towards Lin Fan’s expressions all changed.

That’s the look of worship.

Huang Li’er said, “Please wait a moment, Master, what is Master’s understanding of divide medicine? Do you know more about divide medicine?”

The existence of divide medicine in her heart There has been a great deal of upheaval.

But the key is that even if they get the divide medicine, it is difficult to identify the purpose of the divide medicine.

So she has the heart to win over Lin Fan.

Lin Fan thought for a moment.

“There are many kinds of divide medicine in the world, and all kinds of strange things are used for magic. This is a humble saying.

Mao Si whispered beside Huang Li’er: “The Master knows a little bit, but he understands very well.”

He sees people at a very high level.

Master is a good man, but he is too humble.

Huang Lier said: “Master, why do you have to be humble? I want to hire Master to appraise the divine medicine division of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. I don’t know if Master has any intention.”

What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Worth the money, that’s the talent.

Even in the cultivation world, talent is the most valuable.

Especially in the world, it is difficult to find a second such talent, so it is much more popular.

“many thanks Huang Fairy values it very much, but the appraisal of divine medicine is very draining on the mind. Now it’s just a matter of fate. By the way, I also want to make friends with Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, so I agree to the appraisal, but if the appraisal goes on for a long time, right I have to say that my influence is huge.” Lin Fan said.

The current situation is very clear, that is, if you do not give satisfactory benefits, it is difficult for me to help you identify it.

I also want to have a meal.

Huang Li’er said regretfully, “Since it has taken a great deal of energy to the Master, it is not forced.”


Lin Fan Surprised, the flat little girl is playing routines, yes, but I don’t know what to do.

Mao Si heard this remark mentioned by Miss, and his eyes looked a little confused. My dear Miss, do you really understand or fake it.

But I don’t dare to be surprised when I think about the lady’s uprightness.

“Miss, Master is worried about mental exhaustion, but our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion can provide Master with a medicine pill to restore his mind every time, and at the same time give Master the highest status in Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, isn’t it perfect?”

“Master, what do you think about this matter?”

Mao Si is very smart, how could he not understand the meaning of the Master’s words.

Who wants to do something that is not good for you?

I am afraid that the identification of this strain of dive medicine also depends on previous matters.

Huang Li’er said: “Master, is it because of this? If the Master needs a medicine pill to restore his mind, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will definitely meet the Master’s request.”

Lin Fan felt in his heart muttered.

What a terrifying upright girl.

too terrifying.

“If this is the case, Master can rest assured, I am absolutely sincere in Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, and I am not good at guessing the meaning of words. If the Master needs in the future, just speak bluntly, Those who can agree will naturally agree, those who are crooked, it is difficult to understand the original meaning.” Huang Li’er is not good at guessing the meaning.

For her, guessing the meaning of words is very troublesome.

If you have time to spare, you might as well do something else.

Lin Fan is speechless, an upright girl is domineering, and people don’t know how to answer these words.

“Okay, in that case, I can become a Heavenly Treasure Pavilion appraiser of dive medicine, but I don’t usually go to Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, so if there is another dive medicine appraisal, I need to wait for me to be free. That’s it.” Lin Fan said.

“And the compensation that Heavenly Treasure Pavilion gave me, I don’t want to make any demands, it’s all up to you.”

He didn’t want to go too far with Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, saying The requirements are quite expensive.

So, let Heavenly Treasure Pavilion think about how much it should pay.

“Okay, since the Master trusts us so much in Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, then our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will never disappoint the Master, and we hope to have a pleasant cooperation with the Master in the future.” Huang Lier said.

Lin Fan said: “I have great trust in Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, and I hope we can cooperate happily.”

He didn’t expect to come to Heavenly Treasure Pavilion and became Heavenly He did not expect the appraiser of divine medicine at Treasure Pavilion.

The little assistant’s ability to identify is really great.

Thinking about it makes me feel overbearing.

Not long after, he left here and glanced at the divide medicine again, thinking to himself.

divine medicine.

Dear Divine Medicine, goodbye, I hope next time I have the opportunity to get a Divine Medicine in person.

“Miss, what should I do with this strain of divide medicine?” Mao Si asked.

Huang Li’er said: “This dive medicine is too expensive, I’m not worried about leaving the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, I will notify the father to come and pick up the medicine in person, you arrange it and let all the True Immortal Realm powerhouse in the city guard it. No one is allowed to approach this divide medicine.”

“Yes, miss.” Mao Si replied, he naturally knew how terrifying the price of divide medicine was. If anyone found out, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion has If divine medicine is taken away, I am afraid that someone will take the risk of intercepting it halfway.

So Miss’s choice is right.

It would be foolproof to have the Pavilion Lord come over in person.


Mao Sidao: “Miss, Master Lin is very important to our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. Now we have obtained a dive medicine in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, but all our appraisal Masters could not identify the characteristics of this dive medicine. In the future, there may be more dive medicines, if no one has identified them, then this dive medicine is just an ornament.”

“Well, I understand what you mean, this matter is up to you. Let’s make arrangements.” Huang Li’er said.

Mao Si said, he knew better than anyone how valuable Lin Fan’s existence was.

Although the price of acquiring dive medicine is very high, dive medicine is like a treasure that attracts people’s hearts.

Inside the house.

Lin Fan was placed in a luxurious suite in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, no need to spend Spirit Stone, and the service was very good.

But now the key is.

In front of these appraisal masters, they were reluctant to leave.

“Master, what’s the matter?” Lin Fan asked.

The skinny old man said: “Master Lin, in front of you, how dare we call ourselves Master.”

“Yes, yes.”

“How dare we call ourselves Master, we are all little lambs who have lost their way.”

A group of appraisers are very modest, and there is no previous arrogance. For them, they can meet Lin Fan like this Master, really the blessing of three lifetimes.


Lin Fan sighed, he knew how painful it was to lick the dogs, and he didn’t want to hurt them by grabbing them.

“Everyone, no need to be so polite, there are too many spiritual grass and divide medicine in the world. It’s very difficult to know them all, although I haven’t met a divide that I don’t know yet. medicine, but I think the world will definitely exist.”

This remark said by Lin Fan was originally without any problem.

It can be gradual.

It always feels like there is something wrong here.


There is a hidden pretense here.

Lin Fan was about to pour a cup of tea to moisten his mouth. Just as he was about to raise his hand, the appraisal masters around him quickly poured tea and water for Lin Fan, and their movements were proficient, as if they were once young. The memories of being an apprentice were seduced.

“You’re polite, it’s really polite.” Lin Fan smiled, but he was not polite to drink tea, and then said: “Everyone is a master who appraises a profession, and then we will learn from each other and improve each other. .”

“If Heavenly Treasure Pavilion encounters dive medicine and needs identification, you can watch it together.”

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard it, “many thanks Master Lin.”

What they are most afraid of is that they won’t be able to get in touch with dive medicine in the future. After all, they can’t identify it, only Master Lin can identify it.

Now after hearing what Master Lin said.

They were also relaxed in their hearts.

On this matter, the skinny old man said: “Master Lin, can you explain to us the strain of divide medicine identified today?”

The skinny old man asked this question When the time came, everyone took out paper and pens in unison.

He looked up, stared, pen on paper.

Like a flock of young birds waiting to be fed.

Wait for Lin Fan to spit and then they chirp chirp twitter twitter record.

“Alright then, let me tell you about the specific situation of this strain of divide medicine. If you want to identify divide medicine, you can’t just look at the appearance, you must learn to observe and perceive, because divide medicine is different from spiritual grass. , they are psychic and can Myriad Transformations, but just need to remember that no matter how they change, their most important thing will not change.”

Lin Fan is quite embarrassed.

I know shit.

If it wasn’t for the assistant to tell him, he really doesn’t understand at all.

Then the invaluable teaching for this group of Appraisal Masters began.

After the fact.

They all have to address Lin Fan as Lin Shi.

PS: I invited my friends to eat at home tonight. I want to drink, so I can’t update it.

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