Originally, Lin Fan wanted to find arrogant and wealthy villains in Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, and then followed him, came directly with a sap, and stripped him of everything, even if his underwear would not be spared.

If the other party is the guy commiting any imaginable misdeed.

He doesn’t mind beheading the other party either, and even the other party’s inner things burst out. Thinking about it, he feels Interesting.

It’s a pity.

The situation has changed a bit.

It disrupted his original thoughts.

This matter.

Inside the house.

A group of appraisal masters with a combined age of several thousand years sighed: “I heard Master Lin’s words, enlightenment, deeply touched.”


“many thanks, Master Lin is willing to tell us such a valuable experience.”

For this group of appraisal masters, it was as if they had met someone who pointed the light. , is really unimaginable.

Lin Fan sat there with a smile on his lips, sipping tea, and was very happy.

Sure enough, you can walk the world with knowledge, but you can’t move a single step without knowledge.

He saw the shadow of him sitting in the classroom when he was in school in the eyes of the masters who were eager to learn.

beautiful teacher is giving a lecture on the stage, and he is sitting below, raising his head, looking at the teacher’s face intently, bah, it is the teaching content written by the teacher on the blackboard.

Nine years of education and three years of mock exams, Tsinghua University is not a dream.

“Okay, I’m a little tired, you can go and do your own business.” Lin Fan waved his hand with a tired look on his face, and the many appraisers in shock quickly retreated.

“Master’s identification of divide medicine has worked hard.”

“Master, rest well.”

Soon, a group of identification masters left here with a smile .

It is their blessing to meet the real Master.

Time flies fast.

Lin Fan enjoys the highest treatment in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, and is a little reluctant to leave here, and when the group of appraisal masters saw him, they were very respectful.

Think about it too.

Want to conquer a woman not only needs strong physical strength, but also has an excellent face.

And if you want to conquer these old men, you must have more profound knowledge than them.

Those working at the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion saw a group of appraisal masters being so polite to a young man.

They all keep it in mind.

At the same time, I was quite curious.

Who is the other party?

What kind of origins are there, so many appraisers are so respectful, and they also heard that the appraisers respected each other as Master Lin, and they felt a little scary just thinking about it.

In the courtyard.

Lin Fan is standing on the bridge, sprinkled with fish food, he has been there for a while, and he has to move on. Although he is always bored here, he is happy and carefree, but he still thinks Continue increasing cultivation base.

And he was during this time.

Saw a middle-aged man.

Although he didn’t talk to him, he had already seen at a glance that this person was Huang Lier’s father, the Pavilion Lord of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. He was very powerful, True Immortal Realm, and his mana was very strong. has reached a mass.

Even his old lady’s mana is somewhat incomparable to that of the other party.

Afterwards, Lin Fan went to Mao Si to say goodbye to him.

“Master Lin, are you leaving the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion?” Mao Si was a little surprised when he heard that Lin Fan was leaving. Wouldn’t it be good to stay in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion?

Anything you want.

Even if he wants a woman, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion can bring it to him.

Lin Fan said: “Yeah, my mind has recovered during this time, and divide medicine is rare, the probability of encountering divide medicine is very low, so staying here is a waste of time, I Prepare to go out and have a look.”

“Since Sensei Lin wants to go out and have a look, then I won’t keep Sensei Lin. If there is trouble outside, Sensei Lin can report us the name of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.” Mao Si said.

Pavilion Lord said it when he met him.

This person must be friendly and not offended.

Lin Fan said: “If you have any new dive medicine to be identified, you can come to Tai Martial Immortal to find me.” Keep it in mind.

“Master Lin, do you need Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to arrange for an expert to send you away, or to follow you and solve some unnecessary troubles for you.” Mao Si asked.

Lin Fan waved his hand and said, “No, I can solve my own affairs, and your kindness will be accepted.”

He didn’t want the people from Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to follow him.

Ghost knows what’s going on with these guys.

Besides, what he does is a chivalrous thing, and he doesn’t want to show off, he just wants to do these things in obscurity.

So, decisively refuse.

Heavenly Treasure Pavilion city entrance.

He glanced at the crowded street, and the way to get rich was cut off.

But this time the harvest is very rich.

Has already earned 15 million Spirit Stones. For his worth, returning to Sect is not to say that he is the richest in Disciple, and he will definitely not be too bad.


Somewhat noisy, as if there was a quarrel.

He didn’t take these things seriously, quarrels were common, how could he have so much free time to take care of these things.

“You need to give a Spirit Stone to enter the city, you can’t enter the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion without a Spirit Stone.”

“Wow, you bully people, I’m still a child, I don’t have a Spirit Stone, Why don’t you let me into the city, I want to enter the city, I want to enter the city.”

The person who said these words amused everyone around laughed heartily.

They had never seen an old man call himself child so shameless.

This is to make them laugh to death.

Lin Fan heard this and laughed but didn’t say a word. He was really talented, and he even wanted to see who could say such a thing.


Lin Fan, who was about to walk out of the city gate, was hugged by someone on his thigh.

It feels like being hugged by a street beggar for money.

“Dad, they’re going to beat me, please save me.” The dishevelled-haired old man’s eyes were bright. When he saw Lin Fan walking past, he seemed to have discovered something big and pushed the crowd away. moved towards Lin Fan and rushed towards Lin Fan’s thigh, not wanting to let go.

Lin Fan frowned.


There is actually such a shameless person in the world. He was called father at such a young age. Who does it mean to be old?

Such bad behavior is outrageous.

He is really intolerable.

Afterwards, he looked down and even wanted to kick the opponent away.

But just this one.

He couldn’t look away.

True Immortal Realm cultivation base.

And it seems to be familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

And so on.

Isn’t this guy the skeleton man he saw in Yuanhai?

But what made him a little bit puzzled was why the other party hugged his thigh and called himself a father?

What exactly does it mean?

In an instant.

Lin Fan has many situations in his mind.

The talisman obtained has the effect of solidifying the Divine Soul. The skeleton man is obviously going to be resurrected, so he will use the talisman to condense the Divine Soul to ensure that the Divine Soul will not disperse.

But because he took talisman away.

Divine Soul dissipated a lot, so there was a problem with the other side.

Think about it carefully.

As for why he called Dad as soon as he saw him, maybe this old man remembered his appearance in his heart when he was still awake, thinking of revenge in the future.

But didn’t expect Divine Soul went wrong, replacing his enemy’s face with that of deep in one’s heart father.

Really very probability.

“Son, why are you here?” Lin Fan helped the old man up and wiped the dust off his face, perfectly substituting himself into the identity of the old father.

“wa!” The old man burst into tears, “Father, I finally found you, you don’t know how bad they are, someone beat me on the road before, and it hurt so bad. “

The onlookers were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

My God.

This is hell.

One dares to scream and the other dares to admit, which is a bit scary.

“Okay, okay, don’t cry, don’t cry, daddy hugs.” Lin Fan hugged the old man in his arms, although the smell of the other party’s body was a bit irritating, but you have to admit that they are really strong .

A True Immortal Realm powerhouse recognized you as a father, so what’s not to like about you.

And he can see that the other party is a person who lacks fatherly love.

Upholding kindness and justice, he is willing to influence each other with love.


The scene was awkward for a while.

The onlookers were convinced by this situation. They had never seen anything in their life, but they had never seen such a scene.

“Let’s go, Dad will take you to wash and change clothes by the way.” Lin Fan comforted the old man’s weak heart, he didn’t doubt whether the other party was really stupid or fake.

How much ability do you have to have a True Immortal Realm powerhouse call your father.

And there is absolutely no True Immortal Realm powerhouse willing to call someone a father.

So this is it.

The opponent’s Divine Soul is really problematic.

Lin Fan is not a bad person, he is caring, so when the other party calls him his father, he responds directly without any hesitation.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a son of the True Immortal Realm?

He took the old man to buy clothes, and when he called out his father, the boss in the store was frightened.

He also deeply sympathizes with Lin Fan.

didn’t expect see one’s child die before oneself after all.

He didn’t think about it elsewhere, but thought that this old man had no spirit root, could not cultivate, and could only slowly die of old age, and this seemingly young man must be suffering.

After all, he can cultivate, but his son can’t, how heart-wrenching it feels.

“Dad, I want that cloth bag. It was just like this bag when my father sent me to school.” The mad old man pointed at the cloth bag and wanted to buy it.

Lin Fan bought the cloth bag.

The mad old man put the cloth bag on his shoulders and touched the cloth bag with a smile on his face, as if he was remembering something.

The shop owner looks sad.

In his opinion, this is clearly because the old man’s brain is not sober, and all he can remember now is the things of his childhood.

Everything is arranged.

Lin Fan looked at the mad old man and was very satisfied and said: “My son is really a handsome young man.”

The mad old man held his chest high and the corners of his mouth showed With a proud smile, “Of course, I’ve always been so handsome.”

After Lin Fan left with the crazy old man.

The shop boss wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

“What a kind father.”

Looking at the distant back.


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