Lin Fan’s cry out in surprise was like a thunderbolt, and they almost jumped up.

As a beautiful woman, Huang Li’er is very curious. What is this thing, it can cause the other party to be so shocked, and even her horrified look all shows that this thing is incredible.

The skinny Master said: “Master Lin, what is this thing?”

Mao Si said: “Master Lin, please also tell us that Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will definitely thank the Master .”

Lin Fan stood with his hands behind his back, completely motionless standing there, with an extremely wonderful expression on his face, even the strongest actor had to bow down in front of him.

“Great horror, really great horror.”

“My Dao Heart can’t bear the impact of this thing on me.”

Lin Fan disregarded everyone’s expectant gaze, and went directly to the chair, waving his hand, “Quick, go to the immortal tea that stabilizes Dao Heart for me.”

The skinny Master hurriedly said: “It’s all still there. What are you doing, didn’t you see what the Master said? Why don’t you hurry up and serve tea, the best tea.”


Appraisal Master is busy, the one who takes the tea goes to take the tea, the one who pours the water goes to pour the water.

Lin Fan patted his chest lightly, as if he had received some kind of great stimulation, and a terrified look appeared in his previously calm eyes.

This is not something that can be performed by acting.

Once they can perform, it only means that the other party’s acting skills have reached the realm of Return to the Natural State.

Lin Fan’s body trembled slightly, “This thing has a very deep background, and it is very old, dating back to the Ancient Times. Come on, when I think of the horror of this thing, my muscles begin to stiffen, come on. Help me loosen my bones.”

Everyone around was taken aback by what Lin Fan said.

looked at each other in blank dismay.

It is true or false.

Why it feels so scary.

But the firm Masters of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion were all obediently squatting beside Lin Fan’s legs and rubbing his legs and shoulders.

High Level tea comes, Spiritual Qi is strong and fragrant, you can smell this tea is extraordinary, it is the best tea.

It’s definitely worth a lot of money for sale.

Huang Li’er’s beautiful and alluring face showed a look of urgency, she was about to die in urgency, can you hurry up, really urgency, but she found that Lin Fan’s expression didn’t seem to be pretending, obviously It is the impact of this thing, which greatly shakes the mind.

But what is it that can cause such a big commotion.

Her heart seemed to be crawling with many ants, itchy, and she couldn’t wait to know the truth.

But look at each other’s appearance.

Obviously impossible.

Just keep waiting.


Lin Fan is served by a group of appraisal Masters, and it feels quite good. Except for their dry hands, there is no problem with the rest.

The technique is quite good.

The tea is even more of a treasure. After entering the mouth, there is a Spiritual Qi vortex in the mouth.

His behavior is indeed pretentious.

But this unknown thing is indeed of Divine Grade, and even the price is extremely high, and it is something he has never seen in his life, and everyone present has never seen it.

Lin Fan said slowly: “It’s much better now, when I just touched this thing, I was shocked by the terrifying aura contained in this thing. If I have to describe it, it is terrifying, with amazing horror. The background.”

“When I talk about what this thing is, I will tell you a story first.”

Huang Li’er concentrates, for fear of missing a word.

The same is true for the surrounding appraisal masters, all listening with their ears open. For them, what they want to hear at this time will be the Legendary things they have never heard of.

Lin Fan saw that everyone was listening attentively, so he continued: “It is said that in the ancient age, a certain extremely powerful tribe, the newborn baby of this tribe is as powerful as an ox. However, the tribe has a weakest baby, who has no power to hold a chicken, and is regarded as a waste by the tribe.”

“Eighteen years later, the baby has grown into a handsome man. When he met the woman he loved, but because of Innate’s reasons, he couldn’t be humane, so he could only let the woman live as a widow, and he was very unwilling.”

“Afterwards, the man searched the mountains and rivers, and finally found a drink of medicine and swallowed it. After that, his body recovered instantly.”

“And this…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Huang Li’er, who saw Huang Li’er’s face It was rather ugly, “Could it be that you said this is the dive medicine?”

The surrounding appraisal masters also had the same expressions.

Maybe they didn’t expect it to be such a useless thing, wasting their time for so long, and even sacrificing two True Immortal Realms in exchange, the price is too high.

“No.” Lin Fan shook his head.

Huang Lier said: “Then what do you mean by telling this story.”

“I tell you this story to tell you that there are various rare dives in ancient age. It’s just medicine, but also to illustrate the extraordinaryness of divide medicine.” Lin Fan said.

He didn’t expect that they would think that the dive object he was talking about was this thing.



All the appraisal masters cursed in their hearts.


What a nasty guy, they hate people like Lin Fan the most.

Lin Fan said slowly: “This dive medicine is called Fei Heavenly Immortal infant dive medicine, there is the difference between heaven and earth between dive medicine and spiritual grass, spiritual grass needs to go through all kinds of spiritual grass to cooperate. , can refining into a pill, but dive medicine is not, because their Innate is a medicine pill, which can be swallowed directly.”

“There are five fairy babies lying on this flying Heavenly Immortal baby dive medicine. , it means that it has grown for 50,000 years, but nine is the ultimate, and it will take 40,000 years to fully mature.”

“Unfortunately, you picked it too early. If you wait for another 40,000 years, then You can get a perfectly mature dive medicine.”

“But it’s not a pity, if it really grows to maturity, you may not be able to pick it, because by then it will already have a spirit.”

” p>

Lin Fan is telling the truth.

Huang Li’er and the others looked at Lin Fan in shock when they heard these words. For them, what Lin Fan said was so mysterious that they couldn’t believe what they heard.

90,000 years of divine medicine?

What a concept that is.

“What does this medicine do?” Huang Lier asked.

The surrounding appraisers all looked at Lin Fan in anticipation, and wanted to know the magic of this dive medicine.

There was a tinge of doubt in their hearts.

What the other party said is true or false.

None of them can see through this thing, only the other person can see through it, and they don’t know it if they talk nonsense, so they have doubts.

Then there was an appraisal Master talking in a low voice.

“Everyone, be careful, in case the other party says this thing is worthless.”

“Well, I know, even if it is worthless, it will never be Let the other party take it away.”

It’s just what they didn’t expect.

What Lin Fan said next surprised them completely.

“If it is a mature flying Heavenly Immortal baby divide medicine, then the person who takes it will be able to soar during the day, forge the immortal physique, and increase the lifespan by 66,666 years.”

“But it’s a pity, it’s just five infants diving medicine. After taking it, it can soar the mana for 10,000 years, increase the lifespan by 20,000 years, and at the same time it can eliminate all the dark diseases in the body. It can have the magical effect of immortal physique.”

“But it’s not a pity, the dive medicine you got is invaluable, even the Dao Item can’t compare with it, it may be the only one unearthed today. A plant of dive medicine.”

“Congratulations, as expected, there is a reward for what you pay for.”

It would be false to say that I don’t envy.

Good things are always in someone else’s body.

I have to say that Heavenly Treasure Pavilion’s luck is too strong to be able to get this kind of diving medicine.

If you encounter someone with a wrong mind, you can say that this thing is not very useful, and it is just Grade 8 spiritual grass, anyway, no one can understand it.

But Lin Fan wouldn’t do such a thing.

Huang Li’er opened her mouth and was shocked by what Lin Fan said.

It’s so scary.

“I don’t know where you can tell where this thing was found?” Lin Fan asked, he really wanted to know, oh my god, dive medicine, and now it’s probably the first one divine medicine, otherwise how could Heavenly Treasure Pavilion not know.

So he was curious to know where he got it.

He wants to go there and explore.

You really get rich when you harvest one plant.

Don’t tell me about Grade 8, Grade 9, those are all rubbish and look shabby when taken out.

“Master Lin, I hope you don’t have this idea. This place is extremely terrifying and dangerous. Five True Immortal Realm powerhouses from Heavenly Treasure Pavilion entered that terrifying and dangerous place. Two fell and three who came back alive were also injured. “

Huang Lier’s name for Lin Fan has changed.

Called Master directly.

Lin Fan was shocked when he heard that, is it true or false, is it necessary to be so scary?

True Immortal Realm is already the most peak battle strength in this world, but there is still a place to kill them, which sounds too fake.

It gives an unrealistic feeling.

Huang Li’er didn’t see it with her own eyes, but she saw the three wounded powerhouses who came back.

Heavenly Treasure Pavilion cost a lot to stabilize their injuries and didn’t keep getting worse.

“So it’s better not to enter here, even our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion never wanted to enter again.”

She was telling the truth.

The loss is too heavy.

All are unbearable.

Lin Fan didn’t say anything, but he didn’t say much, but he was thinking in his heart that he would definitely have to go and see if he had a chance, but the key was to wait for his strength to improve.

The True Immortal Realm has nine deaths and still alive.

In his current situation, going in is just stuffing people’s teeth, and it’s not necessarily enough.

At this time.

Huang Li’er’s eyes looked towards the dive medicine again, “Master Lin, what you said just now is absolutely true.”

If it is what the other party said.

This is indeed a peerless treasure.

No matter what you take, it will not be exchanged.

Lin Fan said with a smile: “It’s natural, if you don’t believe it, I can reluctantly take this strain of dive medicine for you and show you the effect.”

He really wanted to swallow this dive medicine.

Good things are really good things, but unfortunately, the good things are not his, so I feel a little helpless to think about it.

Huang Lier said: “It’s not necessary. We believe what the Master said. For our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, it is a blessing for our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to get this dive medicine.”

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