In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 991: Register of Life and Death

Cui Yuxun looked around and saw a figure looming in the clouds, standing in the clouds and looking down at him.

Even if it was obscured by clouds and fog, Cui Yu could still identify the other party's identity through the energy of the Taoist Fruit of Life and Death: Cui Cancan.

The proud son of Heaven of Zhenwu Mountain inherits the Taoism of Zhenwu Mountain when he is born and becomes the future appointed headmaster of Zhenwu Mountain. He can be called a winner in life.

Haha, it turns out it's you. Cui Yu raised his head and looked at Cui Cancan: Did you stand up for your mother?

He originally wanted to scold that bastard for howling and barking, but then he thought that he was of the same bloodline as him. If he scolded him as a beast, then who would he be? Wouldn't it be that he was scolding his own family as well?

So Cui Yu changed his words and used Mrs. Chun'er to stand up for him. Anyway, now that he and the main peak lineage were at odds, how could he be afraid that the other party would target him again?

Bastard, don't be so arrogant. Do you still think you can stay in Zhenwu Mountain? Cui Cancan walked out of the clouds with a cold face, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Cui Yu looked at Cui Cancan with his eyes: Why, even your consumptive old woman can't do anything to me, but you little brat wants to go against me?

Cui Cancan snorted coldly when he heard this: I am the senior brother of Zhenwu Mountain. You will know how powerful I am in the future.

Speaking of this, Cui Cancan's voice was full of cruelty: I originally thought that if you were an obedient person on Zhenwu Mountain with your tail between your legs, I would let you live, but who would have thought that you actually want to take away my position as a direct descendant. In this case, you will stay. You must not.”

He still heard from Chun'er that Cui Yu was actually his half-brother. He came to Zhenwu Mountain this time to seize the position of his direct lineage.

If you have any means, feel free to use them, but it's best if your means are better than that damn old lady of yours, otherwise you won't show your shame in front of me. Cui Yu's voice was full of coldness.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Cui Cancan gritted his teeth with hatred. Liu Bang's voice sounded from the side, and his cold voice was full of evil spirit: Brother, why do you have to fight with this bastard? It's not worth it to be so angry. He is just a person who doesn't know etiquette and doesn't know how to fight. He's just a wild monkey with a high altitude. How can he know how powerful he is? Why should we waste our time with him here? We should have the real deal in hand.

Fan Zeng's cold voice also came over: That's right! That's right! That's right! When I capture Chunyang Peak, I will definitely drive this bastard down the mountain and let him know that I, Zhenwu Mountain, have strict rules and know that my senior brother s method.

Cui Yu did not refute when he heard this, but looked at the three figures in the clouds coldly, then turned around and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Song Zhi said that if he had a conflict with the main peak of Zhenwu Mountain, it would be best to go directly to the Patriarch and spread it to the Patriarch's ears. At the moment, he has not yet decided how to conflict with Cui Cancan and his group.

Perhaps we can start from the fight for Chunyang Peak and become the leader of Chunyang Peak. The Cui Cancan Iron Triangle has tried every means to stop me, and maybe we can use this opportunity to intensify the conflict. Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind: Also Or if I just kill Chun'er, things will definitely get into trouble.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and walked among the mountains. He looked at the mist-shrouded mountains in the distance with his eyes full of calculation: Chun'er can't stay!

Cui Yu didn't know how many trump cards Chun'er had. Chun'er could fail thousands of times, but as long as the Lisheng lineage made one mistake, his brother's life might not be saved.

Cui Yu returned to the thatched cottage, with countless thoughts flashing in his mind, and a cautious look in his eyes: Well, it's settled, let's call Chun'er back to the west in the next few days.

With the tone in mind, Cui Yu quickly returned to the thatched cottage, and then began to meditate in seclusion, thinking about how to sense the secrets of life and death.

But how do we understand the order of life and death between heaven and earth? Cui Yu had a look of confusion in his eyes.

Na Yanqu said that he would start with his own life span, but he thought about it for several days and still couldn't find a clue.

But when Cui Yu thought about it later, he realized that the book of life and death gathered the magical power of heaven and earth and controlled the life and death of all living beings in heaven and earth. How could he realize it so easily.

After Cui Yu pondered for a long time, he finally found the way. Why do you think it is?

He thought of a trick: If I use the power of resurrecting the dead, I wonder if I can feel the existence of life and death in the dark.

This is a spiritual light in Cui Yu's heart, but how to use resurrection to perceive the power of life and death between heaven and earth is still a problem for Cui Yu, and he needs to find a solution.

Countless thoughts kept flickering in Cui Yu's heart, and after a long time he came up with a little idea: In the process of resurrecting from the dead, by understanding the life and death of all living beings in the world, you may be able to detect the traces of the laws of life and death.

Cui Yu was touched in his heart, so he simply left the thatched cottage. The next moment his body flashed and disappeared into Zhenwu Mountain. When he reappeared, he was already in a small town not far below Zhenwu Mountain.

If you want to understand the book of life and death, you have to understand life and death up close. Cui Yu walked in the small town. Now the world is peaceful, the town is brightly lit, and there are all kinds of snacks. Although it is not busy with traffic, it is still called lively.

Cui Yuyou was walking on the street, with no intention of buying supplies. Instead, he walked slowly. After a moment, he seemed to have found his target, and then Cui Yu disappeared in a flash.

When Cui Yu appeared again, he was already beside a beggar.

This is a middle-aged beggar, his clothes are tattered and full of dirt, his hair is unkempt and he is so skinny that his true appearance cannot be seen.

There was an indescribable stench, a smell that was almost rotten.

The beggar lay quietly in the shadow in the corner, incompatible with the bright world not far away from the outside world.

Cui Yu did not dislike the stench, but his eyes fell on the beggar's soles, which were full of abscesses. He saw that the soles were covered with dirt and there were small wounds, which seemed to be left after being punctured by nails.

Cui Yu quietly came to the beggar, looked at the beggar's body with his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh softly: No matter which world you are in, there is never a shortage of such low-class people.

They are at the bottom of society and no one cares about them.

The beggar was about to die. He seemed to be infected with a bad disease. Cui Yu stood beside the beggar. He did not lend a helping hand to treat him. Instead, he stood quietly beside the beggar. At this time, the power of the fruit of life and death was operating, and he quietly felt the beggar. The vitality in the body is lost.

Since he can't feel his own life, death and longevity, he might as well feel other people's. As long as he can feel the clues of the book of life and death in the world through the life and death of others, he can find the book of life and death with ease.

Cui Yu felt very quiet and peaceful in his heart at this time, as if he had merged with the night. As the lights on the street dispersed, the whole street fell into darkness. At this time, dark clouds rolled up in the sky, blocking the moon in the sky. Finally, somewhere One moment, as raindrops fell on the world, the beggar next to Cui Yu trembled, and then the next moment, his whole body lost his life.

Cui Yu ignored the raindrops falling on his clothes, but projected all his spiritual perception onto the corpse. He could feel that as the beggar's life disappeared, a mysterious force seemed to appear between heaven and earth, and his breathing In a short time, all the vitality in the beggar's body was absorbed, and then there was no abnormality anymore.

Cui Yu stood quietly on the street until his clothes were completely wet by the rain, and then Cui Yu opened his eyes: Not enough! Not enough! That power is fleeting, and the moment is not enough for me to participate. Understand the mystery.

What exactly is the Book of Life and Death? Cui Yu frowned and looked at the beggar on the ground. The next moment he suddenly stamped his feet and used the resurrection from the dead. In an instant, the black clouds in the sky surged dozens of times, and heavy rain poured down. And downwards, it continuously washes away everything on the earth.

At this time, the void twisted, six black vortexes appeared, and an inexplicable force field enveloped the world within a dozen miles.

Because it was only a mortal who was resurrected, and as Cui Yu's magical powers continued to improve, the celestial phenomena he guided became smaller and smaller.

Then the six paths of reincarnation between heaven and earth collapsed, and a cough was heard on the ground. The beggar, who was already dead, was now breathing.

Cui Yu still stood there and didn't move, letting the rain wet his clothes. He didn't have Gonggong blood in his body now. He really couldn't use the 'instinct' method to avoid water, unless he used the five elements to control it, but for Cui Yu It doesn't really mean anything.

Cui Yu watched the beggar quietly. Although the beggar was resurrected in the muddy water, the abscesses on his body had not been cleared away, and the diseases still existed. Coupled with the soaking in the rain, he repeated the same mistakes after more than thirty breaths, and the vitality in his body was exhausted. Finally, the soul disappeared into the body.

At this moment, Cui Yu stared closely at the beggar in front of him, carefully sensing the energy in the beggar's body. After a moment, he frowned, as if he had gained something, but it seemed that he had gained nothing.

It's interesting. Cui Yu muttered: Since I mastered the resurrection of the dead, I really didn't realize that there are secrets between life and death that I don't know, but today I encountered a great opportunity.

The next moment, Cui Yu stamped his feet, and performed the resurrection from the dead again. At this time, Cui Yu's eyes flashed with light, and he stared at the corpse with his eyes, feeling all the energy changes in the corpse.

I saw that along with the resurrection from the dead, it seemed that an inexplicable force from heaven and earth poured in, turning into the beggar's vitality and soul, continuing the beggar's life.

It's just that the illness in the beggar's body has not been cured, so even if Cui Yu summons the other party's soul back, he cannot keep the other party's soul at all because the illness in the beggar's body has not been removed.

At this time, the beggar is like an oil lamp that has run out of oil. Even if the lamp without oil is relit, it will be extinguished quickly.

And Cui Yu is the one who lights the lamp. As long as the chronic diseases in the beggar's body are not solved, the beggar's soul cannot be retained and the beggar's lifespan can continue to be extended.

Come again. After seeing that the beggar was dead and gone, Cui Yu continued to use resurrection without saying a word, summoning the beggar's soul from the underworld, forcing it into the beggar's body, and telling the beggar to continue living.

However, Cui Yucai had just summoned the other party's soul back, and the next moment the beggar ran out of vitality and continued to fall into death.

After repeated trials, Cui Yu finally stopped his movements at a certain moment, stood in front of the corpse and said thoughtfully: It's interesting. Every time the beggar dies and resurrects, there is a mysterious feeling. The power appears and controls whether the beggar's soul will stay or go.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of curiosity. He felt that the answer he wanted to find lay in that mysterious power.

He had an intuition in his heart that that power must be related to the legendary book of life and death.

But if you want to understand that power, you must first intercept that power, and then use magical means to understand the origin of that power and analyze more information. Cui Yu stood there with a pair of eyes. Looking at the beggar, thinking about how to leave that power behind.

I don't know if my Tibetan Dharma Realm can seal that power. Cui Yu felt a little uneasy. After all, that power was really strange. He didn't know where it came from or where it came from. There was no way to do it. Stay.

After pondering for a while, Cui Yu continued to perform the resurrection, and then he saw lightning and thunder in the sky, and the torrential rain broke out. The rain became even more majestic and turned into a curtain of water.

Cui Yu watched the beggar's body regain life again, and then quickly ran the Hidden Fetus Dharma Realm Seal and stood aside waiting for the beggar's death.

Cui Yu didn't let Cui Yu wait long before he saw the beggar die again, and the mysterious power appeared again. At this time, the Tibetan Dharma Realm in Cui Yu's hand suppressed it and directly wrapped the beggar's entire body in it.

When the seal was completed, when Cui Yu looked at the figure in the Tibetan Dharma Realm, he couldn't help but froze, his eyes full of surprise: It doesn't work?

It can't be said that it doesn't work, at least the Tibetan Dharma Realm blocked the mysterious power for a moment, and then the mysterious power gradually dissipated.

This is the supreme seal of Buddhism, but it cannot suppress this mysterious power at all... Do I have to mobilize the power of the six-character mantra? Cui Yu frowned.

The Six-Character Mantra was left by Cui Yu in the chaos to suppress Heavenly Dao. Although it was said that it could be mobilized, Cui Yu had always been cautious and did not dare to be careless. After all, it was the head of Heavenly Dao. If there was any mistake, it would be immeasurable. The calamity will come and kill you.

He, Cui Yu, is now Tiandao's number one enemy.

There is another way, and that is to mobilize the power of the twenty-four heavens. Cui Yu suddenly remembered something at this time, that is, the twenty-four heavens opened up by using the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

Other magic weapons cannot be mobilized, but there is no problem in the twenty-four heavens!

The evolution of the twenty-four heavens is not only the evolved small world, but also the power of 'Dharma' and 'Tao'.

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