Cui Yu's eyes were full of surprise when he looked at the old woman in the mist. He had seen this old woman before the cliff carvings, Chun'er, the headmaster of Zhenwu Mountain.

Facing the other party's dead-looking expression, Cui Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't say anything. He was about to cross paths with the old woman, but unexpectedly, the old woman flashed and blocked Cui Yu. in front of him.

Cui Yu paused and looked at the old woman with his eyes, without speaking first.

It's a good job. The old woman looked at the clean steps and praised Cui Yu. However, the words she spoke were very cold, and with the hoarse, old voice, there was an indescribable feeling on the scalp. As cold as numbness.

After hearing what the old woman said, Cui Yu raised the corners of his mouth: Thank you grandma for the compliment, but it's just a trivial comment and not worth mentioning.

Grandma? The old woman was stunned when she heard this, then her face turned livid, her body was trembling, and she said sternly: He is indeed a sharp-tongued little beast.

Why is grandma scolding people? Cui Yu was not angry when he heard this. He just emphasized the word grandma very hard and looked at the old woman with a pair of smiling eyes, his eyes full of teasing.

He knew where the knife would hurt the most, so he stabbed it without hesitation.

The old woman's body trembled with anger: Don't try to use your words. I don't believe you don't know my identity.

Cui Yu looked at Chuner when he heard this: So what if I know?

If I were you, I would roll down from Zhenwu Mountain as soon as possible, so that I could still be dignified. Otherwise, Zhenwu Mountain would definitely be your burial place. Don't think that I don't know what your plans are, and you want to covet my Zhenwu Mountain orthodoxy. Are you worthy of a lowly bastard like you? Let me tell you, even if the blood of the Cui family flows through you, it is still a lowly bastard. The orthodox inheritance of Zhenwu Mountain is not something you can covet at all. On Zhenwu Mountain, I want to crush you to death. It’s as simple as squeezing an ant to death. If you know what’s interesting, then quickly roll down the mountain and disappear from my sight forever. If you don’t know what’s interesting...hehe... Chun'er didn't say much when she said this, she just smiled coldly, and the threat in her words was unmistakable.

Hearing Chun'er's words, Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of murderous intent: Am I a lowly bastard?


Cui Yu let out a meaningful laugh: I just hope that Madam will never ask me for help in the future.

At this point, Cui Yu looked at Chun'er with his eyes, and slowly stepped forward: Speaking of which, I still have a debt that I haven't settled with my wife. My little brother has no enmity with you, so why did you send someone to assassinate them? ?”

Nonsense, when did I send people to assassinate them? Chun'er quickly denied it. She didn't dare to admit it in front of Cui Yu. It should be noted that Zhenwu Mountain is overseen by ghosts and gods. If the news spreads out accidentally, it will be too influential. her reputation.

Cui Yu smiled coldly when he heard this, and stepped forward to approach the other party. Before Chun'er could react, Cui Yu grabbed the other party's neck: I'm warning you, you can touch me, but don't touch my brothers and sisters. Get involved, otherwise I will kill someone.

As he spoke, the fetus eggs of the Three Corpse Insects penetrated into Chun'er's body along Cui Yu's skin.

He was worried that he would not be able to use the fetus eggs of the Three Corpse Insects to invade Chun'er, but who would have thought that Chun'er would actually send them to his door on his own initiative.

Chun'er was pinched by Cui Yu's neck, but she didn't panic. Instead, she looked at him quietly with a pair of cloudy eyes, a hint of contempt in her eyes, and a thin voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears: I'm just going Assassinated them? What's wrong? They're just two scoundrels. The reason why the assassination failed this time is that I just want to give you a warning. If you roll down the mountain obediently, that's fine. If you continue to stay on the mountain, not only you They will die, even those two bastards will die, and I will make them endure all kinds of torture before they die.

When Cui Yu heard this, his pupils shrank, his hands subconsciously tightened, and he suddenly grabbed Chun'er's neck, making her unable to breathe, suffocating and rolling her eyes.

You are forcing me to kill you. Cui Yu's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Kill me if you can. Otherwise, if you ask me to escape today, I will kill those two bastards at all costs. Chun'er's voice was full of coldness.

Hearing Chun'er's words, Cui Yu's palms tightened tighter and tighter. Chun'er began to have difficulty breathing, and his eyes were filled with bright red bloodshot eyes.

Although Cui Yu's face was full of murderous intent at this time, Cui Yu's heart was extremely calm: You can't kill this woman! At least she can't die in my hands like this! If I kill the headmaster's wife, I'm afraid there will be no more people in Zhenwu Mountain. Where am I? How can I find the ninth volume of Dafa in my dream? How can I continue to take revenge on Cui Laohu? Moreover, this woman has been planted with three-corpse fetus eggs by me. It is too easy for me to kill her. Yeah, it’s really not worth it to involve myself.”

There was a hint of sobriety in Cui Yu's eyes: And if I kill this woman, I'm afraid I've fallen into her trick. She doesn't have much life left and she came here deliberately to anger me today. She just hopes that I will kill her directly and get rid of the biggest problem for Cui Cancan. competitors.

But just letting her go like this... Do I still want to lose face? I still need to find a way down the stairs. Cui Yu's eyes met Chun'er's, but he saw that the other person's eyes were full of mockery, as if he was mocking himself. He didn't dare to kill him at all, and he couldn't do anything to the other party.

This woman is really cruel. Cui Yu was secretly shocked.

Just as thousands of thoughts were flashing in Cui Yu's mind, suddenly a roar came from the distance: Little beast! What are you doing!

It was Cui Huhu’s voice.

Cui Huhu's voice contained anger, and a sword energy cut through the void and struck directly at Cui Yu's back.

Cui Yu's figure flashed and transformed, and he let go of Chun'er in an instant. His figure flashed again and appeared ten feet away. Then he looked intently and saw Cui Laohu rushing over angrily, his eyes full of anger. : Beast! How dare you disrespect your elders! Do you know who she is?

Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu with his eyes. He had never seen such an angry Cui Chen.

Cui Yu ignored Cui Huhu's words and turned his gaze to the stone wall beside Chun'er. He saw that the stone wall had been pierced by the sharp sword light.

You only saw me being rude to her, but you didn't see what she did to our brother.

Cui Yu ignored Cui Huhu and sighed quietly, his voice full of disappointment.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, the anger in Cui Huhu's eyes couldn't help but froze, and there was a hint of guilt in his eyes. You must know that Chun'er went to assassinate the two Cui Li brothers. He knew about it.

This woman sent people to the Lijiao to assassinate Cui Li and Cui Lu. What do you think I should do? Do I have to swallow my anger and let her bully her? Cui Yu looked at Cui Laohu with burning eyes.

He was questioning Cui Huhu to see Cui Huhu's statement.

Facing Cui Yu's aggressive gaze, Cui Huhu's anger began to subside. He knew that his wife was in the wrong, but he still refused to give in to his son. How could his son be at fault?

My son is absolutely right!

Hmph! No matter how many mistakes she has made, no matter how many bad things she does, you should still call her mother. How can there be any reason for a son to disrespect his mother? Cui Huhu glared at Cui Yu, anyway. Now that everything has been leaked out, the Cui brothers and sisters are no longer a secret to Chun'er, so he no longer hides it.

Is this your decision? Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu with his eyes. To be honest, he was very disappointed with Cui Huhu, not just ordinary disappointment.

Cui Huhu's eyes showed helplessness. One was his childhood sweetheart's first wife, and the other was his son. What could he do? There was nothing he could do.

As for whom to prefer?

Everyone has a steelyard in their heart.

You go down the mountain. Cui Huhu looked at Cui Yu: Don't force me to drive you away.

Cui Huhu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, but he was actually angry in his heart. His son was quite clever before, so why couldn't he see his own difficulties now?

There are many sects of Qi practitioners in the world. With Cui Yu's methods, no matter which sect he joins, he will be very successful in the future. Why does he just stay in Zhenwu Mountain and not leave, adding problems to himself and making it difficult for him to live in peace and quiet?

He felt that as long as Cui Yu went down to Zhenwu Mountain and no longer added problems to himself, everything would go smoothly.

As long as Cui Yu is driven down Zhenwu Mountain, he can be delayed for a while. You know how long Chun'er can hold on now that his lifespan has come to an end?

When Chun'er dies, it won't be too late for Cui Yu to return to Zhenwu Mountain, right?

As for the conflict between Cui Yu and Cui Cancan, without Chun'er standing in the way, as long as he adjusts it a little, it can be resolved easily.

So the most important thing now is to drive Cui Yu down the mountain.

Forcing me to take action? Haha, you two idiots have whatever ability you have, just use it. If I, Cui Yu, frown, I will lose. Cui Yu looked at Cui Hu, who was guarding Chun'er, and was so angry that his lungs were filled with anger. Exploded.

It's not worth it for him to take the place of Saint Qi Qing!

He couldn't understand why Saint Qi Qing would end up like this. How could Saint Qi Qing be worse than Cui Laohu?

I can’t figure it out!

It’s hard to calm down!

Why did the Holy Aunt Qiqing end up like this when she gave birth to a child for Cui Huhu?

She didn't harm Cui Laohu, she just concealed her identity.

Cui Yu couldn't figure it out!

Cui Yu's heart was filled with anger, but he didn't know that Cui Huhu over there became angry when he heard Cui Yu's words of dog man and woman: Shu Zi, how dare you be so rude? Is this how you talk to your elders?

As he spoke, the palm in his hand whizzed down, hitting Cui Yu's cheek.

Cui Yu looked at Cui Laohu, who was blushing and thick-necked, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth, and took a step forward to avoid Cui Laohu's slap. He didn't have an innate golden body now, so he didn't dare to try what Cui Laohu's slap felt like: Like you... Is this a heartless and ungrateful person worthy of being called a father?

Cui Yu stared at Cui Laohu, and couldn't help but think of the beautiful memories with Cui Laohu in the past. He still remembered that when he stepped into Kunlun Mountain, he stood in front of him and faced the tall back of the Blood Demon God. Unfortunately, everything has changed now. .

As soon as this woman is involved, everything changes.

If you have the ability, come directly to me. If you don't, don't bark. Cui Yu smiled coldly. He didn't want to tangle with Cui Laohu and Chun'er anymore, and walked directly down the mountain.

Cui Huhu looked at Cui Yu's back, his body trembling with anger, his eyes full of disappointment.

A bastard is a bastard. What is there to cherish about such a despicable person? In terms of being well-behaved and sensible, how can he be as good as Cancan? Chun'er fanned the flames.

Cui Laohu didn't answer with a gloomy face. After a long time, he took a deep breath: It's lawless! It's lawless! This troublemaker is going crazy! We can't let him stay on Zhenwu Mountain, we need to drive him down as soon as possible.

After hearing Cui Huhu's words, Chun'er's voice was cold and full of complaints: How many times have I heard this kind of thing?

He is from Chunyang Peak. Now that the seven major branches are out of control, I can't interfere with Chunyang Peak's affairs. I can only wait for Fan Zeng to seize the title of Chunyang Peak, and then drive him down. Cui Laohu. He quickly comforted his wife.

Are you still thinking about that witch? Are you reluctant to let go of those three bastards? Chun'er stared at Cui Huhu with her eyes fixed on her.

What did you say, madam? You and I have been childhood sweethearts since we were young. Of course I can handle which one is lighter and which one is heavier? Cui Laohu looked at Chun'er and quickly said his assurance.

Chun'er smiled when he heard this: You know the truth! I tell you, you must not have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. This Zhenwu Mountain can only be brilliant, and no one can take away the position of its direct line.

What did the lady say? How could I help him to take the position? Cui Laohu hurriedly patted his chest to assure him.

Let’s talk about Cui Yu. When he walked to the end of the mountain road, he turned around and looked at Cui Huhu and Chun’er in the mountain mist. Then he saw Cui Yu shaking his head, his voice full of regret: “What a pity. Cui Huhu was so heroic in the past. , after meeting Chun'er, it was like turning into a dog-licking love brain. Although I don't want father and son to kill each other and brothers to fight against each other, but in order to give my mother an explanation, I can't help it.

Cui Huhu, you never know what terrible consequences today's favoritism will have. Cui Yu's voice was full of sorrow.

He didn't hate Cui Laohu for killing Qiqing Shengnu. What he hated was that Cui Laohu drove away Qiqing Shenggu's soul and refused to leave any hope for him.

He even hated Cui Huhu, who clearly knew that Chun'er sent people to assassinate the two little ones, but did nothing. Instead, he suppressed him and supported the murderers.

How could Cui Yu not hate it?

I hate it to the extreme!

I will personally destroy everything you cherish and everything you value. Cui Yu secretly swore in his heart.

But before Cui Yu could finish swearing, a sneer came from not far away: Are you that bastard? We meet again.

The voice was full of contempt, disdain, condescending indifference and condescension, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

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