Of course, what Cui Yu mobilized was not the body of the twenty-four heavens, but the projections of the twenty-four heavens. But even if it was the projection of the twenty-four heavens, with the blessing of Cui Yu's Shizhang Chaos and Small Thousand Worlds, he still had Incredible power.

Cui Yu stared at the beggar's body with his eyes. The next moment, the power of the twenty-four heavens came, and a mysterious force suppressed it, actually stabilizing the power that was about to dissipate.

Then the twenty-four heavens rotated, absorbing that power into it, and suppressed it within the twenty-four heavens.

At this time, Cui Yu finally had the opportunity to realize that mysterious power. However, as Cui Yu's soul came into contact with that power, Cui Yu's eyes suddenly became distorted and seemed to be stretched invisibly, traveling through the universe, through the sun and the moon. Dark and yellow, Cui Yu seemed to see a stone monument in the dark.

The stone tablet was simple, only three feet high, with no words on it. At this time, there were cracks all over the stone tablet.

Cui Yu looked at the stone tablet, then looked at the power fixed in the void, and suddenly realized in his heart: I understand!

The next moment Cui Yu used his magical power to bring back the dead, he saw a force pulling from the void. The mysterious power was poured into the beggar's body again. The beggar was resurrected, and the stone tablet in the unknown place was also restored. The cracks were repaired again, but the next moment the beggar's life was cut off. The mysterious energy flowed out of the beggar's body, and marks began to crack on the stone tablet again, as if it could collapse at any time.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of surprise when he saw this, and his eyes were full of curiosity: The avenue of heaven and earth is indeed mysterious, and I have already sensed it somewhere.

The power of the twenty-four heavens flowed out, suppressing the magical power that was about to dissipate. Cui Yu carefully observed the nature of that power, but found nothing.

Even if he mastered the fruit of life and death, it was still difficult to analyze any information about this power.

This power is the key to finding the book of life and death in the underworld. How should I understand this power? Cui Yu's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and after a moment he said: Maybe you can only rely on me. The golden finger.

Cui Yu took the power of the twenty-four heavens into his body, and then slowly released the mysterious power suppressed in the twenty-four heavens. But who knew the next moment Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned, because he noticed that the power did not invade. His body seemed to ignore his own body and continued to dissipate between heaven and earth.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was stunned, with a look of astonishment in his eyes: What a strange power, but it didn't cause Gold Finger to react?

I have no choice but to use this power. My only hope now is the clone of Taoist Mosquito. The clone of Taoist Mosquito now possesses the power of a saint. Although it does not master the laws of a saint, it can still be regarded as a parallel saint. Cui Yu thought in his heart. Turning around, Taoist Mosquito in the Dharma Realm opened his eyes and looked far away in the direction of Cui Yu. The next moment, the space in front of Cui Yu's eyes was distorted, and the mysterious power disappeared in front of Cui Yu's eyes along with the twenty-four heavens. .

However, the message came back within a moment, and Cui Yu had a look of surprise in his eyes: That's it.

Then Cui Yu flicked his fingers, and the sweet rain fell on the beggar. In an instant, he repaired all the injuries on the beggar's body. Then he saw Cui Yu perform the resurrection again to revive the beggar. Seeing that the beggar was breathing calmly, Cui Yu left gold and silver again. Some of them were hidden under the other person's clothes: If nothing happens, you, a beggar, will live for at least two hundred years in the future, which can be regarded as the cause and effect of today's you and me.

After saying that, Cui Yu turned into a stream of light and went away. When he reappeared, he had reached Zhenwu Mountain, and then returned to his thatched cottage, preparing to attack the realm of life and death.

As Cui Yu circulated his divine power, Cui Yu felt a sense coming from somewhere in the next moment, and then the void in front of Cui Yu's eyes twisted, his mind wandered infinitely, and he came to a land of nothingness, in that nothingness. There is a stone monument standing.

My stele is different from that beggar's stele.

Cui Yu looked intently at the stone tablet in front of him, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

His stele and the beggar's stele look completely different.

The beggar's stone tablet is only three feet, nameless and gray.

And what about Cui Yu’s stone tablet?

Cui Yu's stone tablet is three feet high, with two large characters engraved on it in gold foil: Cui Yu.

The most important thing is that chains snake out of the void from nowhere and are firmly locked on the stone tablet, fixing the stone tablet.

Cui Yu stared at the stone tablet with a look of surprise in his eyes: It's weird, maybe this is the difference between monks and mortals. Only monks are worthy of leaving a name in the world, while mortals are like ants. It doesn’t even deserve a name.”

What the Qi Practitioner has to do is to constantly use his divine power to erase the names on the stone tablet bit by bit, and then use the power of great supernatural powers to refine the stone tablet, and then escape from the jurisdiction of heaven and earth. Cui Yu looked towards The stone tablet's eyes were full of seriousness, and at the next moment, gushing divine power burst out from Cui Yu's palm, striking at the words on the stone tablet mightily.

Of course it is not that easy to eliminate the record of life and death, at least for most monks in the world, because to erase one's own name from the stone tablet, the amount of divine power required is by no means a small amount. For any one For monks, divine power is a vital existence, and every drop of divine power must be obtained through hard work.

But this situation is nothing to Cui Yu. Cui Yu lacks everything except divine power.

Cui Yu looked at the two golden characters Cui Yu on the stone tablet. The next moment, the divine power in his body began to circulate, and then tens of thousands of drops of divine blood evaporated. Following the telepathy, he descended directly to the dark place in the underworld and turned into a handful of gold. The yellow sword struck at the words on the stone tablet.

Even if an ordinary qi practitioner breaks the fate of life and death, it is still difficult to cultivate ten thousand drops of divine blood. How can he compare to Cui Yu?

After the attack of ten thousand drops of divine blood fell, the stone tablet suddenly trembled. The golden words on it fell down like gold powder, and the words on the stone tablet were dimmed by at least five points.

For me, it's just a snap of my fingers to eliminate the registration of life and death.

There was a trace of thought in Cui Yu's eyes, and in the next moment, thousands of drops of divine blood evaporated again, and he blasted towards the stone tablet in a mighty manner.

To him, divine blood is not valuable. As long as the Corpse Ancestor is around, he, Cui Yu, will have no shortage of divine blood to use.

If he, Cui Yu, can't easily eliminate the record of life and death, then who else in the world can break through this realm?

As the thoughts in Cui Yu's mind turned, another ten thousand drops of divine blood bombarded him, and all the gold powder on the stone tablet was shaken away by Cui Yu, floating in the sky and earth without a trace.

As the words on the stone tablet were eliminated, Cui Yu felt his body relax, as if there was no shackles and fetters in the dark. The feeling was as if the dust on the body had been removed after taking a bath, and there was an indescribable feeling. As clean and refreshing as possible.

Removing the name is the first step. The next step is to cut off the shackles in the dark world, and then refine the stone tablet into my body. Only in this way can the transformation be completed. Cui Yu's eyes showed a glint.

The so-called cutting off the shackles was not difficult for Cui Yu. The divine power in his body gathered and the divine blood was used to cut off the chains around the stone tablet without any money. In an instant, one hundred thousand drops of divine blood disappeared and all the chains were broken.

Then Cui Yu's soul pulled him, and the stone tablet turned into a mark, flying towards Cui Yu across time and space.

Bold! Just when the stone tablet was about to fly into Cui Yu Yuanshen, a sudden shout came from somewhere. In an instant, the void solidified and time and space seemed to fall into stillness. Everything in the world was frozen, and there was an extremely terrifying feeling. The energy spread from the depths of the void, turned into a terrifying claw, and struck Cui Yu across time and space: Those who dare to defy heaven and dare to disturb the order of heaven and disrespect heaven shall be punished for their crimes.

Heaven! Cui Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils as he looked at the slap, his eyes filled with disbelief and a horrified expression in his eyes.

Have you never heard anyone say that there is such a level to break through the birth and death register?

If the power of heaven comes, who can resist it? Who can compete with that?

This is simply impossible!

Cui Yu's eyes were full of shock: How could this happen?

How could he contend against the claws of heaven? How to avoid it?

Can't fight, can't avoid!

Under the power of heaven, even saints are nothing more than ants.

Even under the blow from the Heavenly Dao, Cui Yu felt that his soul began to freeze, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes. He was dead under this blow!

No one can save him!

Not even if the King of Heaven comes.

When Cui Yu was about to fall under that palm, who would have expected that the Xuan Ni Pearl in Cui Yu's soul flickered slightly, and a wonderful energy flow came out, penetrating Cui Yu's entire soul in an instant, Then he saw Cui Yu's soul being absorbed into the Xuan Mizhu.

Inside Zhenwu Mountain Thatched Cottage

Suddenly, there was a bang sound, and Cui Yu's entire body turned into ashes, leaving only a mysterious bead filled with chaotic energy floating between heaven and earth.

Then a mysterious force circulated in the void, and Cui Yu's heart beat in the small world. The next moment, the Xuan Mizhu twisted, and an illusory figure appeared. He looked at the sky in front of him with lingering fear, and his voice was full of disbelief: Impossible! It is simply impossible to have such a calamity if you break through the realm of elimination, let alone the way of heaven directly coming down with a trump card. This is simply impossible.

If everyone who breaks through the elimination zone suffers such a disaster, wouldn't it mean that all Qi practitioners in the world are dead?

Are all the Qi practitioners so dead?

There was a serious look in Cui Yu's eyes, full of fear: What exactly is the problem?

A bit of sweet rain circulated, and a piece of innate jade fell in the Xiaoqian World. The next moment, Cui Yu was reborn, and his figure reappeared between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu stood in the thatched cottage and was puzzled. He carefully sensed his soul and saw a mark like a stone tablet floating in the soul.

Thanks to Xuan Mizhu. There was a hint of emotion in Cui Yu's voice.

At the last moment, Xuan Mizhu didn't know what means she used, but she actually absorbed the stone tablet mark into her soul.

It's also thanks to my refining the Xuan Mizhu before, otherwise I'm afraid I would have suffered a disaster by now. Although I can still be resurrected, it will be difficult to recover the mark. Cui Yu's voice was full of emotion. .

Only when you are truly in that moment will you know how dangerous the situation you were facing was.

But the Xuan Mizhu has some skills. Even the way of heaven cannot damage the Xuan Mizhu. What kind of material is this Xuan Mizhu made of? Cui Yu stretched out his palm, and the Xuan Mizhu floated in the palm of his hand, with the clear and turbid inside. The flow of air and the movement of yin and yang made Cui Yu fascinated.

Cui Yu looked at the Xuan Mizhu with his eyes full of exploration. After a long time, he couldn't find the key, so he stopped paying too much attention and began to meditate to refine the mark.

As the mark was refined, Cui Yu felt a sense of great freedom and perfection in his heart.

An inexplicable enlightenment appeared in Cui Yu's heart: I know! I know the changes. As soon as a person is born, he is recorded and controlled by the heaven, and part of it is absorbed by the heaven. The Qi machine is left in the underworld for monitoring. Now that I have broken through the realm of life and death, I will get my own soul back from the way of heaven. Only now can my soul be considered truly complete.

From now on, I have escaped from the jurisdiction of Heaven. I am not in the Three Realms or the Five Elements. It can be said that I will live forever and be free. I will never be restricted by Heaven again. After Cui Yu refined the mark, his soul exuded an aura of perfection. .

There seems to be something wrong with my breakthrough. I need to find someone to clarify. Cui Yu felt a little unsure.

If it is this difficult to break through the register of life and death, wouldn't all the Qi practitioners in the world be able to fight against the way of heaven?

You don't have to be a fool to guess that something is very unusual.

So after thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart, his figure disappeared on Zhenwu Mountain.

He wants to find someone who understands and asks someone clearly.

The first choice is of course Tang Zhou.

But it happened that Tang Zhou had a clone in Zhenwu Mountain.

On the bank of a mighty river 3,600 miles away from Zhenwu Mountain, a man wearing a raincoat was seen quietly standing at the head of the river, watching the mighty rushing water without saying a word.

Why are you here? the man suddenly said, and the next moment he saw traces of Cui Yu not far away from him.

We encountered a difficult situation. Cui Yu said helplessly.

Difficult things? What other difficult things can you encounter? Tang Zhou was stunned when he heard this. He knew Cui Yu's abilities very well. What else in the world could trouble him?

With a bitter look on his face, Cui Yu recounted the story of his breaking away from the status of life and death.

Tang Zhou frowned when he heard this: Golden yellow chain? The power of heaven personally brings down the killing calamity? Are you sure you read it correctly?

Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou when he heard this: What do you mean by this?

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