Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with his eyes, seeming to be testing and asking.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Song Zhi smiled: What do you think?

Cui Yu didn't speak, just stood there and smiled, and then heard Song Zhi say: The current Zhenwu Mountain is no longer the Zhenwu Mountain where the master can cover the sky with one hand.

After listening to Song Zhi's words, Cui Yu didn't say anything more. Song Zhi's meaning had been clearly expressed, and there was no need to continue asking.

Now that my identity has been exposed, what other plans do you have? Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with his eyes.

Song Zhi smiled when he heard the words: You have to find a way to cause a conflict in Zhenwu Mountain, and then alert the ancestors above, and bring the matter to the master of Zhenwu Mountain, and then the matter will be settled.

Cui Yu was a smart man. He immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words, so he said nothing more and disappeared from the spot.

The back mountain of Zhenwu Mountain

Chun'er, the headmaster's wife, stood on the top of the mountain with a gloomy expression. The cold mountain wind blew through her somewhat stooped body and scattered the hair around her ears.

Madam, why did you invite me here?

The figure behind Chun'er flickered, and the next moment Cui Laohu appeared behind Chun'er, his eyes looking at the old figure's back, his eyes full of guilt.

The other party was originally the proud daughter of Zhenwu Mountain, and she should have a bright future, but who would have thought that she would end up in such a disaster, and her bright future would be ruined.

She is innocent, she is the one who is implicated, but no one can help her, let alone seek justice for her.

Do you still remember this place? Chuner asked.

Cui Huhu was stunned when he heard this. He walked forward and stood side by side with Chun'er, holding Chun'er's hand. His words contained infinite tenderness: Of course I remember, this is the place where you and I fell in love.

As long as you haven't forgotten, Chun'er replied.

The atmosphere was a bit dull. Cui Laohu turned his head and looked at the old bark-like face with his eyes: You seem to be a little unusual today.

Don't say you didn't hear the rumors at the foot of the mountain. Chun'er's voice was old and cold.

Cui Laohu was stunned when he heard this, and then quickly assured: These are all bastards' rumors. You have to believe me. I am devoted to you and will never betray you...

I have already found out the truth of the matter. You don't need to explain it. Then Cui Yu is your evil seed! Not only Cui Yu, but also Cui Li and Cui Lu are all your evil seed. Chun'er looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes. Tiger, his voice was full of coldness: Do you still remember how you made an oath to me? You will only love me for the rest of your life.

Cui Laohu smiled bitterly and held Chun'er's hands: You have to listen to my explanation on this matter. I fled to Liangjie Mountain back then and was plotted by the enchantress Qi Qing Saint, and that messed up things happened. I have I took action to kill Saint Qi Qing, don’t you know what I am thinking about you?”

Sage Qi Qing is dead, but what about the three evil breeds? There is another evil breed who ran into Zhenwu Mountain. Is it arranged by you? Do you want to seize Cancan's direct line position? Or do you have other intentions? Chun'er's eyes were like a sharp sword, piercing Cui Huhu.

Cui Laohu was stunned, but didn't know how to explain it. He was speechless for a moment. Chun'er said in a cold voice: Zhenwu Mountain can only have one word 'Cui'. I don't care what the identity of that scoundrel is. When he comes to Zhenwu Mountain, he is speechless. What is Wu Shan doing? I only want one result! You know what I have to do, and when I take action, he will be dead. At that time, you must not blame me for not warning you in advance.

I will handle this matter. Cui Laohu's voice was full of solemnity.

Chun'er smiled coldly: If you could handle it well, the matter would not be delayed until today, and the direct descendants of Zhenwu Mountain would not be forced into the palace by the seven major branches.

Don't mess around. Give me time and I will find a chance to drive that evil bastard down the mountain. Cui Laohu said quickly after hearing this.

Chun'er smiled coldly: I'm just asking you, do you want me and Cancan, or do you want that bastard?

There is no doubt, of course I want you. Cui Huhu said quickly.

Then kill those three scoundrels. Chun'er's voice was cold and murderous.

Cui Laohu's face paled when he heard this, and he quickly defended himself: I have already killed Saint Qi Qing. Those three children are innocent and cannot be implicated...

Chun'er didn't speak, but looked at Cui Huhu with cold eyes, like two knives piercing Cui Huhu's heart, telling Cui Huhu to shut his mouth.

I've already asked people to take action. If nothing else happens, the two scoundrels from the Li lineage should have disappeared from the world. Now only the last one from Zhenwu Mountain is left. Chun'er's voice was full of coldness. smell.

Hearing this, Cui Huhu felt as if he was struck by lightning, his body trembling and his voice full of disbelief: What did you say?

Cui Laohu's voice was loud, as if he was frightened. He understood Chun'er's character and knew that Chun'er would never lie. Since she said she had taken action, she would definitely take action.

Chun'er smiled coldly: Why are you making such a fuss? Those three evil obstacles are still alive, and it's like there is an extra thorn in the relationship between you and me. Only by erasing those three evil obstacles from the world, will the relationship between you and me be Only then will the feelings return to their former intensity.”

Cui Huhu's body was trembling, his eyes were fixed on Chun'er, and he was speechless for a while.

After a long time, I saw that Cui Laohu seemed to have drained all his strength. He stepped forward and hugged Chun'er: Leave it to me, I will take care of it.

Chun'er didn't speak, she just looked at the clouds in the distance with a cold look in her eyes.

After a long time, a disciple at the foot of the mountain reported: Headmaster, an envoy from the imperial court has arrived.

I'll come as soon as I go. Cui Laohu let go of Chun'er and rushed down the mountain.

Chun'er turned to look at Cui Huhu's back. It wasn't until Cui Huhu's figure completely disappeared that Chun'er said with a cold face: Call Liu Bang and Cancan over.

Not long after, Liu Bang and Cui Cancan came to the cliff and bowed respectfully to Chun'er. Cui Cancan said in a calm voice: Mom, did you call me?

Have you heard the news circulating in Zhenwu Mountain? Chun'er's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

When Cui Cancan heard this, his face suddenly became excited, and a surge of anger rose into the sky. He said angrily: I don't know who the bastard is spreading rumors, and he actually slandered my direct lineage of Zhenwu Mountain like this. It must be people from the seven major branches. They I don’t have any good intentions and I don’t know what I’m planning.”

What if I say that's not a rumor? Chun'er said.

Cui Cancan was stunned when he heard this and seemed a little confused: Isn't it a rumor?

Liu Bang woke up and exclaimed: If it's not a rumor, then it's true?

Cui Cancan felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his body trembled: Are the rumors true? How is it possible! Dad is not that kind of person!

Chun'er didn't say anything when he heard the words, but stood quietly on the top of the mountain. After a long time, Cui Cancan came back to his senses and said in a hoarse voice: Mom, is what Junior Brother Liu Bang said true? Are you really...really your father's illegitimate son?

Chun'er sighed quietly: If it's just a rumor, why should I pay attention to it, and why should I call you here?

Cui Cancan was dumbfounded when he heard this. He didn't know what to do for a moment, his eyes were full of shock.

Listen, that scoundrel has bad intentions. He wants to disrupt the situation in Zhenwu Mountain, and even wants to take away your position as a direct descendant. Once he succeeds in teaching him, you and I will definitely be kicked out and leave the Zhenwu Mountain home. Chun'er's voice was full of seriousness.

When Cui Cancan heard this, his eyes were filled with anger: He wants to take away my direct lineage status? Wants to inherit my Zhenwu Mountain Taoism? It's just a dream! Kill him now, kid!

Chun'er shook her head: He is still your brother after all. If you kill him, you will only damage your own reputation.

Disciple is willing to contribute. Liu Bang quickly expressed his stance.

Killing Cui Yu in front of Cui Huhu's eyes is too rough! It will definitely affect the relationship between my husband and wife in the future, and it will also affect the cooperation between Zhenwu Mountain and the Han Dynasty. Chun'er shook her head and objected.

Why did she dare to tell Cui Huhu that she sent people to assassinate Cui Li and Cui Lu? It was because she knew that the assassination failed, and it was considered a warning to Cui Huhu, forcing Cui Huhu to attack Cui Yu and drive Cui Yu away. Zhenwu Mountain.

What she has to do now is to keep the direct position of Zhenwu Mountain from falling into Cui Yu's hands. The inheritance of Zhenwu Mountain's orthodoxy will never be allowed to waver in the slightest.

Then what should I do? Please tell me how to do it, Master. I will definitely do it for Master. Liu Bang looked respectful.

Didn't the main peak lineage send Fan Zeng to compete for the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak? You all cooperated fully to support him. When Fan Zeng ascends to the position of leader of Chunyang Peak, he is a little disciple of Chunyang Peak. What do we think? Just knead it how you want it to be kneaded? Chun'er looked at Liu Bang with her eyes: Of course, if this process causes him some more trouble and delays the progress of his cultivation, that would be the best.

The rising sun rises in the east

Cui Yu opened his eyes from the thatched cottage, stood up and pushed the door open and walked out. His eyes looked at the scenery between heaven and earth, his eyes full of thoughts: Sure enough, it is not easy to eliminate the registration of life and death, even thinking about it. To perceive the existence of the book of life and death in the dark is the biggest hurdle.

Cui Yu gained nothing from sitting cross-legged all night, and did not perceive the existence of the Book of Life and Death. He even felt that the Book of Life and Death that Yan Qu mentioned did not exist at all.

We still need to find a way. Cui Yu muttered to himself.

Then he picked up the broom and walked towards his work area.

When he arrived at the mountain road in his mission area, Cui Yu finally understood why Eryou had allocated this land to him. There were fallen leaves everywhere, and the dense branches and leaves obscured the entire three-kilometer-long mountain road.

The most important thing is that the tree is not an ordinary tree. It seems to contain some unique power. It always gathers the clouds and mist from the mountains and condenses them into dew that wets the steps on the ground, causing all the fallen leaves to stick to the bluestone steps.

The clouds and mist lingering in the mountains will obscure the mountain roads, but the tree trunks can cool the mist and turn the mist into dew. I have to say that these big trees are really wonderful.

Of course, the most important thing is that the bird droppings continue to fall, exuding an unpleasant smell when soaked in dew, and turn into scattered powder. The entire mountain road is filled with bad smells, and water needs to be fetched from the bottom of the mountain to clean it.

For ordinary disciples, this is a nightmare level of difficulty. It is not easy to go up and down the mountain, and it is simply impossible to use the water to wash the stone path in the mountain.

The most important thing is that birds are always there and cannot be cleaned at all.

Fan Zeng underestimated me. Cui Yu shook his head and stamped his feet to mobilize the birds and beasts. He saw flocks of birds soaring into the sky, and in an instant they covered the sky and the sun and headed towards Siguo Cliff. .

Drive me off the cliff, haha... Cui Yu smiled coldly, waved the broom in his hand, and countless water flows emerged out of thin air, sweeping through the entire rocky road, washing the steps clean in an instant.

Ronghua Road? Cui Yu looked at the brand new stone tablet next to him, with the name of this road written on it, looking thoughtful.

Well, very good! Cui Yu looked at the neat and fresh steps with a hint of pride on his lips.

At the same time, countless disciples were sitting cross-legged on Siguo Cliff, studying the letters left by their ancestors. Liu Xiu had already put down his broom, sat cross-legged and meditated, and suddenly he only listened to the birds in the mountains. There was a sound of flapping wings of a bird, and then the sky suddenly turned dark, followed by a crackling sound, which poured down like a strong wind and rain, instantly covering everyone on the cliff.


Some disciples collapsed and shouted.

The disciples were completely covered in feces, and there was no place to stay on the cliff.

Whose beast control skills are out of control? someone yelled angrily.

You bastard, you dare to disturb Si Guo Ya, you deserve death!

A group of people looked at the overwhelming bird droppings in the sky, with shock and horror in their eyes, and they all ran towards the bottom of Siguo Cliff.

Not everyone can fly away in the clouds and mist, and not everyone has defensive spells and magical powers.

After thinking about it, chickens and dogs were jumping on the cliff, and in the blink of an eye, there was only a piece of chicken feathers on the ground, and Liu Xiu with a dull look on his face.

Liu Xiu had turned into a shit person at this time. He stared blankly at the three-foot-thick bird droppings on Siguo Cliff. He was stunned on the spot.

When he came back to his senses, his mouth felt a little salty, and his eyes were covered with bird droppings and he couldn't open them at all.

Bah...bah...bah... Liu Xiu vomited like crazy, but the smell of bird shit still lingered in his mouth.

After finally wiping his eyes clean, Liu Xiu was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. He had to clean up so much bird droppings for the rest of the year?

Even if you give him a month, he can't clean it up?

Ah... Smelling the unpleasant smell on his body and unable to recognize his true identity, Liu Xiu collapsed and shouted.

Wing Wah Road

After Cui Yu had cleaned up the bird droppings, he was about to turn around and go back to practice, but suddenly he stopped and looked at the other end of Ronghua Road. A familiar figure appeared out of nowhere.

The figure was old and hunched, standing in the clouds and mist. He looked very old. He was Chun'er, the wife of the headmaster of Zhenwu Mountain.

At this time, Chun'er looked at him with a cold face, as if she was looking at a dead person.

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