Cui Yu smiled and said nothing. For him, Zhenwu Mountain is not just a place of practice. Is there a way to achieve enlightenment in dreams in the lineage of Li?

For Cui Yu, the qi training in Zhenwu Mountain is not as important as the Dafa of Enlightenment in Dreams. Finding the ninth volume of Enlightenment in Dreams is the real future for Cui Yu, and developing the skills left by the saint. The power of the dream world.

Let's go, you can handle the matter in Zhenwu Mountain yourself. Yan Qu saw that Cui Yu still had no intention of changing his mind, and stopped entangled with him, so he turned around and disappeared among the vast mountains.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Cui Yu had countless thoughts flashing in his mind: How to kill that woman? As long as that woman doesn't die, the lives of my little sister and little brother will always be threatened.

Do you still want me to use the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book? Cui Yu's mind flickered.

The Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head takes too long, and it also requires enough time and space. He can't leave Zhenwu Mountain now, and there are countless people watching every move. Where can he get the chance to use the Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head?

It should be noted that there is a prerequisite for using the Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head, which is that you need to guard in front of the altar for 21 days.

Then only the Three Corpse Insects are left. The headmaster's wife has been severely injured and is in critical condition. If I use the Three Corpse Insects to steal her life again, I will definitely make that bitch die without a burial place. Unfortunately, the innate mosquito clone Entering the chaos of the Dharma Realm, I was restrained in my movements at Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of contemplation.

If there was a clone of an innate mosquito, he could have countless ways to plant the embryonic eggs of the Three Corpse Insects for the Headmaster's wife, but now it would be difficult to plant the embryonic eggs of an innate mosquito for the Headmaster's wife.

And Cui Huhu knows that I have the ability to control the Three Corpse Insects. I may be able to use the power of the Three Corpse Insects to blackmail Cui Huhu. Cui Laohu may not care about his own life, but he always cares about his wife's life, right? Cui Yu Countless thoughts flashed in my heart, and the next moment I used the Five Elements Escape Light, and my body appeared in the thatched cottage, and I began to meditate and practice Qi to understand the breath of life and death in the underworld.

The practice of a Qi practitioner is different from that of a bloodline practitioner. The practice of a Qi practitioner is to break the shackles in the dark again and again, so that the soul will transform and can cultivate more mana. But the bloodline practitioner is different, as long as If the blood is pure enough, it can continue to transform without limit. Cui Yu thought in his heart: For me, 30,000 drops of divine blood is the limit that my soul can hold, just like a shackles in the dark. Only by cultivating to the realm of the Golden Immortal can one break the shackles, and one’s magic power can no longer be limited, and one can start to measure it by Hui Yuan.”

Cui Yu's eyes showed a trace of thought: I am only in the realm of Yuanshen now, and I have already cultivated 30,000 drops of divine blood, which is equivalent to 30,000 years of mana. This is already equivalent to entering the realm of a disaster master. ”

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years of mana is the limit of the Golden Immortal.

But it is very hard for everyone to cultivate magic power, and it takes time to polish it little by little. Who has so much time to polish the divine blood of 129,600 years.

Normal monks in the Immortal Way don’t have that long to practice. One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years is a hurdle and a shackle. No matter what kind of monk they are, as long as they have not stepped into the Golden Immortal realm, they will be devastated by the five powers of heaven and man. Being restricted, no matter how you use various methods to extend your lifespan and use your ingenuity to deceive the laws of heaven and earth, you still cannot get rid of the 129,600-year hurdle.

And no one can sit still for 129,600 years to cultivate continuously. During this period, they have to understand supernatural powers, understand the cultivation method, listen to the sermons of experts, search for all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and deal with the worldly affairs. , once everything is delayed and attention is distracted, there is simply not so much time to practice.

A certain mountain top in Zhenwu Mountain

There was a chessboard placed in front of Song Zhi, and the lights dimly illuminated the chessboard. Song Zhi's eyes showed a trace of thought: How can I let the Heavenly Master know that Cui Yu is a bloodline of the Cui family without leaving any trace?

It's hard!

After all, the Heavenly Master is a human spirit, and it is not an easy matter to plot against such a person. If you are not careful, the opponent will see through the flaws.

What can you do? Song Zhi looked across the chessboard, only to see that there was only one eye floating in the air on the other side of the chessboard, quietly looking at the chessboard in front of him and thinking.

After hearing Song Zhi's words, he blinked and said with a smile: It's actually quite simple.

Huh? Song Zhi asked in surprise: Is this simple?

Find an opportunity to cause Cui Yu and Cui Cancan to have a conflict, and then we take the opportunity to add fuel to the flames and make the matter worse, causing the Heavenly Master to come forward. If something unexpected happens again, we will alert the Heavenly Master... The eyes blinked, and the voice It was vague, as if there was a mouthful of water in the mouth, and it seemed that the tongue was a bit big.

Hearing this, Song Zhi's eyes lit up: If you say that, then I really have some ideas. But I heard that the woman already knew Cui Yu's identity and was already preparing to do something against Cui Yu. Call that If a woman fights Cui Yu for a few rounds, things will inevitably get into trouble. If we stand up and add fuel to the flames, it will be a new round of conflict.

That's it. We just need to mention Cui Yu in front of that woman from time to time and keep irritating that woman's nerves. I don't believe she can bear it. This woman is the most jealous. I think there were many young and beautiful people in Zhenwu Mountain back then. The beautiful girl wanted to get close to Cui Laohu, but in the end they all disappeared silently on Zhenwu Mountain. Saint Qi Qing touched that woman's reverse scale! It was worse than having her soul refining.

Song Zhi's voice was full of pride: Just spread the news throughout Zhenwu Mountain that Cui Yu is Cui Huhu's illegitimate son, ignite public opinion in Zhenwu Mountain, and ask all the disciples to eat melon together. I'm afraid Chun'er will go crazy by then. .”

Aren't you afraid that Cui Yu will really die in Chun'er's hands? The eyeball opposite asked.

As long as Cui Yu doesn't go down to Zhenwu Mountain, who can kill him? Song Zhi's voice was full of determination: And Cui Yu is not easy to mess with.

The second day

At dawn, Cui Yu was awakened by the sound of hurried footsteps. He saw Runan pushing the door open and walking in with a pale face. His eyes were full of horror: Brother, it's not good! It's not good! Something big has happened!

Something big happened? What big thing happened? Cui Yu looked at the panicked Runan and wondered, what big thing could happen on Zhenwu Mountain?

I got up this morning to go out on a mission and heard a lot of your rumors. I don't know whether they are true or not. Now they have spread throughout Zhenwu Mountain. Runan said with an anxious look.

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this: Huh? What kind of rumors?

Seeing Runan's expression, Cui Yu's heart lifted up. Runan would never be like this for ordinary things.

The disciples in the mountain are all saying that you are the direct bloodline of Zhenwu Mountain, and that you are Cui Laohu's illegitimate son outside. They also say... and say... Runan said this, but could not go on.

What else are you talking about? Cui Yu was shocked. How come his relationship with Cui Laohu was known to everyone in Zhenwu Mountain?

He also felt that things seemed a bit complicated and that this matter was by no means simple.

They also said that you entered Zhenwu Mountain as a disciple to seize the inheritance of the eldest son Cui Cancan. You want to obtain the direct inheritance of Zhenwu Mountain. Runan's voice was full of panic.


Cui Yu took a breath when he heard this, and the next moment he said angrily: That bastard is harming me? He is simply the ultimate bastard!

He just wants to obtain the true teachings in Zhenwu Mountain and have the opportunity to comprehend Taixu Dream Liangyi Swordsmanship. He really doesn't have much interest in the Taoism of Zhenwu Mountain, at least until he obtains the ninth volume of the Dream Enlightenment Dafa. Cui Yu wished he could hide all his identity information to avoid causing any big troubles.

When his identity is exposed, there will be many more people who want to stumbling upon him. When the time comes, he will definitely have countless twists and turns if he wants to master Chunyang Peak.

According to Cui Yu's plan, at least he would have to wait until he mastered the ninth volume of the Dream Proof Dafa and completed the main mission before the news could be exposed, and then he would take the opportunity to build momentum and start seeking the right to be the heir to Zhenwu Mountain.

It's too early!

I have a shallow foundation in Zhenwu Mountain, but if I burst out now, wouldn't I set my family on fire?

Not only himself, Cui Huhu, the so-called headmaster's wife, and Cui Cancan were all put on the fire and burned.

Cui Yu looked at Runan with his eyes, his face as gloomy as water: What a shame! What bastard exposed my background and took advantage of the chaos to spread the news?

Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind. If the other party knows his information, he must know him very well. However, there are only a few people in Nuo Dazhenwu Mountain who can notice him and are familiar with his information.

Cui Huhu? Madam of the headmaster? Liu Bang may also know, Fan Zeng may also know, or is it Wang Yanchun? Or is it the mysterious Song Zhi?

Who is the one?

Cui Yu muttered in his heart.

If Song Zhi knows his news, Cui Yu is no exception. Behind Song Zhi is Laoshan, and Zhu Wuneng, the ancestor of Laoshan, knows him well.

There seem to be many suspects, but no matter which one is inferred, it is not in the interest of them all.

It’s not in anyone’s interest.

Cui Yu fell into doubt at this time.

Cui Huhu is definitely impossible, so Cui Huhu can be eliminated directly. After Cui Yulue pondered, he chose to exclude Cui Huhu. As long as Cui Huhu was not a fool, he would never leak his information.

Where's Song Zhi? What's the benefit to him? Didn't Song Zhi say that he wanted to spread my information to the ancestors before? Is this how it was spread? But the ancestors are so high that there is no chance for such rumors to spread. Into the ears of the ancestor. Countless thoughts circulated in Cui Yu's mind: This kind of news spread by the disciples at the bottom will never be passed into the ears of the ancestor and taint the ears of the ancestor.

Where is Liu Bang or Fan Zeng? Cui Yu thought of the two of them again.

It is possible for these two guys, but now their identity is just an ordinary disciple on Zhenwu Mountain. If they want to deal with them, they want to cover up their identities, so that they can plot against themselves without any worries. How can they use their own identities to deal with them? The news was exposed? It's not in the interests of either of them.

Where's the headmaster's wife? It's possible! Cui Yu tapped his knees with his fingers, and a light of wisdom flickered in his heart. He felt that it was very possible.

The first thing that can be determined is that the headmaster’s wife must already know her identity.

Secondly, if the headmaster's wife wants to attack her secretly, it is not that simple. After all, she has become a vague figure now.

But the headmaster's wife could leak the news and take the opportunity to force Cui Laohu into the palace, and put the matter in the open. Wouldn't it be possible to force the palace in a fair and just way?

Cui Huhu was forced to express his position, and Cui Huhu was forced to make a choice.

It's very consistent with Chun'er's position. Cui Yu said to himself.

No matter who it is, don't try to stop me from competing for the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak. Only by obtaining the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak can I have the opportunity to come into contact with Taixu Dream Liangyi Swordsmanship. This is what I must fight for. Opportunity, even if the King of Heaven comes, I can't stop my steps.

There was a hint of contemplation in Cui Yu's eyes, and Runan said anxiously: Brother, what should we do now? Things are not going well. If something happens, it will be bad.

After hearing Runan's words, Cui Yu shook his head: At this point, we can only wait and see what happens. You must not make any moves in the future. You must bear it for the time being and wait until I compete for the top of Chunyang Peak. Queen Elizabeth, our good days are coming.

Runan looked worried when he heard this, but looking at Cui Yu's calm face, his restless heart gradually calmed down.

But Runan didn't know that Cui Yu was already extremely anxious at this time: Damn bastard, he ruined my plan. Now that things are revealed, isn't this forcing Cui Hu to take action? I still have a chance. Are you going to stay in Zhenwu Mountain?

Thinking of this, Cui Yu dismissed Runan directly, and then came to Song Zhi's residence in a flash.

Are you here? Song Zhi sat leisurely on the wicker chair. He seemed to know that Cui Yu was coming and had already prepared tea.

Have you heard the news? Cui Yu asked.

Don't be impatient! This matter is not big, we can suppress it. Song Zhi said calmly.

Did you spread the news? Cui Yu asked.

Song Zhi shook his head and denied it. How could he admit such a thing if he was not stupid?

This method is too crude and we don't like it. And it's just a rumor among the disciples. It has no chance of spreading to the ears of the ancestor. It's just a waste of effort. I'm not a fool. How could I do this? A thankless job? Song Zhi's voice was full of indifference.

It really didn't look like Song Zhi did it.

What should I do? Cui Yu asked the key to the problem: Do you think Cui Huhu can still ask me to stay on Zhenwu Mountain?

This is the point!

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