In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 984 Clues to Wuzhuang Temple

Only a fool can't see such a big jade monument.

However, Cui Yu was shocked by the text above, because it was from the ancient prehistoric period.

This stone tablet is a rubbing version, engraved by the ancestor himself. It is said that in the past, Wuzhuangguan discovered a supreme tomb, and the tomb contained extraterrestrial civilization. The ancestor of Wuzhuangguan heard about our ancestors from Zhenwu Mountain. He has done a lot of research on the evil civilization outside the world, so he invited his ancestor to explore the mysterious tomb together. Song Zhi sighed while recounting his past deeds.

Cui Yu does have some knowledge about Wuzhuangguan. In the past, he relied on Shi Long's Five Zang Jin and Five Elements Iron Hand to make his fortune. Otherwise, it would be difficult to achieve what he has today. It can be said that the Five Elements Iron Hand It helped him a lot.

In the past, my ancestor discovered a stone ball in that mysterious tomb. The stone ball was like an eyeball, possessing mysterious power. It seemed to be able to connect to the unknown place, causing the mysterious power of the unknown place to come. With the blessing, even mortals who can practice the mysterious formula can gain power comparable to the innate gods. Song Zhi's voice was full of yearning.

That was an innate god comparable to a complete form. What incredible power could it have?

Cui Yu looked at the stone tablet with his eyes. Of course he recognized the prehistoric characters on it, but... After Cui Yu took a few glances, he realized that the characters on the stone tablet in front of him were incomplete and intermittent.

Eh... Cui Yu looked thoughtful in his heart. Since it was produced by Wuzhuang Temple, it might have something to do with the Qiankun in his sleeves, or even the Five Zang Jin and the Five Elements Iron Hand that he cultivated.

I heard someone say that the stone ball that our ancestor brought back from Wuzhuang Temple in the past was a rare treasure that could be refined into the center of the eyebrows and turned into a heavenly eye. Unfortunately, it was later stolen and the heavenly eye was hardened. It was buckled down all the time. Because of the refining of the Heavenly Eye, the Patriarch realized a mysterious magical power, which is the Heavenly Eye Technique in front of him. It is said that once you master this magical power, you will open the vertical eye in the center of the eyebrow, open the gate of heaven, and obtain the underworld. Blessed by the supreme power in it. The ancestor once said that this object is the key to unlocking the eighth formation underground in Zhenwu Mountain. Anyone who can practice the Heavenly Eye Technique can be the new generation of Zhenwu Mountain’s true successor, and even You can get the opportunity to have the Patriarch teach the Dharma in person.

As long as you can obtain the identity of the true successor and open the secret place under Zhenwu Mountain, you can be promoted to the peak master. I believe that if the Heavenly Master knows your true identity, he will never block it secretly. Instead, he will give you a hand. Help you sit in that position. Song Zhi said.

Upon hearing this, Cui Yu looked at the jade stele with his eyes, scanning the intermittent words on it, and was secretly surprised: It looks like a mantra, but... this mantra is not complete at all, and there are intermittent words from time to time. Brand it.”

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart: This formula lacks many key words, and it is impossible to practice at all.

What clues can you possibly see? Song Zhi asked from the side.

When Cui Yu heard this, he quickly raised his hand and saluted: This disciple is too stupid to see the mystery in it. I even don't understand the words on it. But just looking at the words, I always feel that there is a mysterious artistic conception coming to my face, calling me It seems like he is trying to understand something.

You can't tell it. Even the old master who carved the jade tablet at this time once lamented that he himself lacked the opportunity to understand the mysterious things. He just carved the words on the stone ball. The words were transferred and engraved on the jade tablet. Song Zhidao.

Cui Yu was astonished when he heard this: How can the disciple understand the mysterious technique that neither the patriarch nor the strong men in the sect can understand? The disciple can't even recognize the words on the stone tablet.

The words on this stone tablet are from heaven. It's normal if you don't recognize them. We don't need you to recognize them. As for the exercises on the stone tablet... Song Zhi said this and patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: Forget it. Good luck to you, kid. Since the deceitful gods behind our seven major branches have been promoted to the Golden Imperial Realm, they have joined forces to understand its secrets. Based on the information they have understood, they have deduced a secret formula. If you can succeed in practicing it, you will surely succeed. You can hide it from the Patriarch.

Can you hide it? Cui Yu was stunned: Isn't that a lie? Besides, people like the Patriarch have lived for countless years and haven't seen anything? This thing was created by the Patriarch. We can hide it through fraud. Pass him?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of questions.

Facing Cui Yu's question, Song Zhi smiled softly: Hahaha! Hahaha! The formula was engraved by the Patriarch. It is good, but it should be noted that the Patriarch did not understand the mystery or understand the meaning of it. As for the laws of magical power, as long as we get a specious magical power, how can the founder tell the truth from the false?

Didn't you say that there is a mysterious cave under Zhenwu Mountain, and you need the magical power learned from this stone tablet to pass a certain level in the cave? Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi, his eyes full of astonishment: What if If the mantra learned through meditation is fake, how do you get through the hurdles in it?

Don't worry about this. How could you, the gods, have not thought of the question you will be thinking about? Now all the seven gods have been promoted to the Golden Imperial Realm. The extremely dangerous levels in the past are also difficult for the seven gods. It doesn't matter. As long as the seven gods join forces, they can easily overcome all the obstacles. By then, it won't matter whether you have discovered the magical power to overcome the obstacles. Song Zhi's voice was full of confidence.

When Cui Yu heard this, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he said to himself: I'm afraid that the reason why the seven strange gods pushed me up and even tried so hard to ask me to practice the magical powers on the stone tablet is for the sake of the big tomb at the foot of Zhenwu Mountain. There must be something coveted by the seven deceitful gods in the Dongtian Tomb at the foot of Zhenwu Mountain.

Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he began to secretly deduce in his heart, but he said calmly: Since my uncle and all the gods have made arrangements for me, of course I have no reason to refuse. I also ask my uncle to give me the gift. Formula.”

Hearing this, Song Zhi stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. At this time, his voice was serious and his words were full of solemnity: You also know that to complete these plans, it requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and the amount of energy and energy consumed is simply unimaginable. .”

What teachings does Uncle Master have? Cui Yu asked.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Song Zhi took out an unlit oil lamp from his sleeve: People have gains and losses in this life, right?

Of course. Cui Yu said.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Song Zhidao said: This lamp is a secret treasure refined by the gods. It needs to be ignited with the three treasures of human spirit, energy and spirit as the flame. From then on, human life is closely related to the flame. If a person dies, the lamp will be extinguished. This is the case, but if someone with great supernatural powers relights the flame of the lamp, the dead can be resurrected. Of course, if someone finds lamp oil and is willing to add oil to the lamp, as long as the flame does not go out, the person who lit the lamp can live forever.

What a treasure. Cui Yu praised it.

As long as you find lamp oil, you can extend your life and live forever. Of course it is a good treasure.

Of course it is a good treasure. This thing was originally used by evil demons from outside the world to protect the disciples of the younger generations. However, it fell into the hands of several gods and found a new use. Song Zhi paused here, and then a pair of He looked at Cui Yu and said, As long as someone blows out the flame of the lamp, the person who lit the lamp will be dismembered and disappear forever in the world. Or he can use his magical power to absorb his soul into the lamp flame and make his soul disintegrate and never be reincarnated forever. .”

Cui Yu's pupils shrank when he heard this: This is a treasure that can control people.

The seven gods have put so much effort into you, so you can't leave any insurance at all, right? I think it's quite normal, what do you think? Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. He was wondering whether his life-and-death fruit or golden finger could hide it from the sky and deceive the seven gods.

I also have a saint's fighting clone. At worst, I can dispatch the saint's clone at the critical moment and slap the seven weirdos to death. Cui Yu muttered to himself.

He was also glad that he had restored his cultivation to the realm of Yuanshen and had re-condensed 30,000 drops of divine blood. Otherwise, the Creation Technique and the Fruit of Life and Death would not be able to be used, and it would be impossible to hide it from the sky.

What do you think? Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Of course my disciple thinks that Master is right, Cui Yu said with a smile.

As he spoke, he reached out to take the oil lamp, but saw that the oil lamp was dry and there was no oil. Cui Yu was surprised. Song Zhi explained: As long as you light the lamp, the corresponding lamp oil will automatically appear according to your lifespan.

Hearing this, thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart, and the Creation Technique was cast. At the same time, the Fruit of Life and Death vibrated slightly. The next moment, Cui Yu went to his finger and a light flashed, falling on the wick. He saw the flames flickering on the wick, and there was a burst of flashes. Afterwards, it was actually lit, and at the same time, transparent lamp oil appeared under the wick, emitting a faint fragrance.

Hey, your lifespan is three hundred years? That's really good. When you advance further in your cultivation, your lifespan should be much longer than that of ordinary Qi practitioners. Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with curious eyes. color.

Cui Yu handed over the oil lamp and said respectfully, Uncle, please give me a helping hand.

It's easy to talk, light the oil lamp, and we will be our own people from now on. As long as you don't betray the seven gods, nothing will happen. Song Zhi patted Cui Yu on the shoulder, his eyes filled with admiration.

As he spoke, Song Zhi took out a gold foil book from his sleeve and stuffed it into Cui Yu's hand: Read it carefully. If there is anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me. There's just one thing you have to do well. , that is, you have to come here every day to meditate on the jade tablet to show off, so that people know that you are here to meditate on the Dharma.

Cui Yu put away the gold foil and said, Disciple, I obey.

As for how to make the Heavenly Master aware of your existence, the seven deceitful gods still need to plan secretly. If there is no trace of the calculation, the old bastard must not be able to detect the slightest abnormality, otherwise it will only alert the snake. Song Zhi said.

When Cui Yu heard this, he looked at Song Zhi in surprise and actually called the founder of Zhenwu Mountain the old bastard. It seemed that Song Zhi had completely surrendered to the God of Creation.

Or maybe Cui Yu lit the oil lamp and became one of his family members, so Song Zhi no longer concealed himself in front of Cui Yu.

I'll give you a moment to meditate, and then let's go back. In the future, you can come here to meditate by yourself. When you have achieved success in practicing the formulas on the gold foil, you can come to me. Remember. Hold on, you don't have much time left. The position of the leader of Chunyang Peak is high, and I don't know how many people are watching. The main peak will also take action. You must not waste time. Song Zhi said After finishing speaking, he looked at Cui Yu: Is there anything else that needs to be explained?

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this, and Song Zhi showed a satisfied smile: That's good, I feel relieved.

Song Zhi turned around and left, disappearing into the mountains in an instant, leaving Cui Yu standing on the top of the mountain without saying a word.

After a long time, Cui Yu's body was filled with chaotic energy. He reversed the yin and yang and used it to block the secrets of heaven. Then he took out a rabbit from his sleeve and said, Thanks to you.

This rabbit is no ordinary rabbit. It is the first batch of innate creatures born in Cui Yuxiaoqian's world, and it is also a very powerful being.

Want to control me? Are my methods beyond your imagination? Cui Yu's voice was full of disdain.

The next moment, he directly froze the rabbit and sent it into the Qiankun in his sleeves: There is a big tomb under Zhenwu Mountain, which is really beyond my expectation. And the so-called secret of opening the eyes of the sky is from the five Brought out from Zhuangguan...

Cui Yu took out the gold foil and read the formula on the gold foil carefully, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

In his current state, he cannot tell whether the formula on the gold foil is good or bad: I don't know if there are any pitfalls in the formula on the gold foil.

With thoughts in his mind, all the contents of the documents had been secretly transmitted into Taoist Mosquito's mind. With Taoist Mosquito's status as a saint at this time, he had analyzed all the formulas in an instant, and then a stream of information spread:

This seems to be an art of inviting gods? But it invites the power of grass, trees, mountains and rivers?

Curious, Cui Yu looked at the words on the stone tablet, and then passed on the information. Not long after, feedback came from Taoist Mosquito's clone: ​​Huh? The control method? What is recorded on this stone tablet seems to be a method to control a certain magic weapon. The formula? It’s not a magic trick at all?”

Cui Yu felt the analysis coming from Taoist Mosquito's clone, and his whole body went numb.

What the hell?

The Seven Weirds are said to invite the blessing of mysterious power to gain supreme power, which can rival the innate gods. But where is the founder of Zhenwu Mountain? God said that this formula was also blessed by mysterious power, but my clone said that this was the formula for mastering a certain magic weapon? Moreover, it can also borrow the energy of the mountains, rivers and earth, and it is not borrowing the so-called innate divine power at all.

Cui Yu's claws were numb at this time, and he felt that something was wrong! Something is very wrong!

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