In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 983 Re-entering the Realm of Yuanshen

The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain suffered a severe injury in Dalin Temple that day, and his cultivation has not yet recovered. At this time, facing the pressing pressure of all major forces, he seems to be unable to do what he wants.

Since the major forces can plot against the main peak, the main peak can also secretly support its disciples to seize the power of the seven major branches.

When Cui Huhu heard what the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain said, he couldn't help but frowned: Ancestor, Chun'er has exhausted her vitality and can no longer continue to conceive. How can she still have children?

Are children so easy to have?

You bastard, do you have to hang yourself from a tree? If Chun'er can't give birth, why can't other women give birth? The old Heavenly Master's eyes were full of anger: It's common for a man to have three wives and four concubines. You If I don’t take a concubine, won’t my Cui family’s bloodline be strong?”

Cui Huhu quickly shook his head when he heard this: Ancestor, you know that Chun'er has a jealous temper. If she knew that I would take another concubine, how would she survive? This concubine is absolutely unacceptable.

After hearing Cui Huhu's words, Master Tian stomped his feet angrily: You bastard, why did my Cui family have such an infatuated person like you? Now that my Cui family's family property is about to be taken away, you are still doing it. A woman is entangled, ancestor, I really want to slap you to death.

After hearing what the old Heavenly Master said, Cui Laohu lowered his head and knelt on the ground: Grandpa Rongzhen, my grandson will obey my ancestor in everything except taking concubines.

The old Heavenly Master was furious when he heard this, kicked Cui Laohu away, and cursed: As a descendant of the Cui family, I have the responsibility to continue the incense of my Cui family, and you are actually here to play infatuated with me? I Beat you to death, you unfilial descendant.

The old Heavenly Master was so angry that he took out the anger he received from the powerful men on Cui Laohu, cursed him and left.

Cui Laohu climbed up, looked at the direction where the old master was leaving, and sighed quietly, and then there was a cold look in his eyes: It's all the fault of that treacherous son. If he hadn't deliberately perjured himself and made trouble, how could everything have developed to this point? ?”

Thinking of this, Cui Huhu's eyes showed a hint of anger, and the next moment he disappeared from the spot.

In front of thatched cottage

The energy in Cui Yu's body was flowing, and countless amounts of true energy were formed in his body.

The situation in Zhenwu Mountain is getting more and more serious. It is no longer under my control and I can't delay it any longer. My foundation is now deep enough to support me on the road. Continuing to polish it is just a waste of time.

The next moment, Cui Yu's inner energy was turning like a wave. He easily reached the second level of the innate realm, and then entered the realm of heaven and man in an instant.

The first realm of Qi practitioners: the Twelve Heavens of Qi training. This realm is mainly about polishing the Qi, which is a familiar path for Cui Yu. The second level of the Qi practitioner, the innate realm, mobilizes the five internal organs and five qi in the body, begins to absorb the energy between heaven and earth, and begins to form unique energy.

These two realms are not difficult for Cui Yu. After such a long period of hard work, the first two realms have been perfected.

The warriors in the third realm are called Heavenly Beings, and the Qi practitioners are called Sanhua.

This realm focuses on cultivating people’s energy and spirit, and is mainly the realm of cultivating gods.

It was not difficult for Cui Yu. In an instant, he had already sensed the connection between heaven and man, and entered the realm of mystery and mystery.

The third realm can be said to be nothing more than a perception of heaven and earth. With Cui Yu's Yuan Shen realm, he can easily step into it.

He saw the Qi mechanism in Cui Yu's body moving, and in an instant, his energy, energy and spirit were perfect, and then Cui Yu entered the realm of the mysterious soul.

Cui Yu's soul regrouped in his body, and a ray of divine power condensed out.

Looking at the divine power born in his body, Cui Yu showed a thoughtful look in his eyes: The divine power cultivated through the breathing method has no impurities or attributes. This is completely the real magical power of the ancient world.

Cui Yu looked at the divine power born in his body, and a 'pure' artistic conception came to his face.

This is a product of a perfect world. It can adapt to any world and has incredible power. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of shock: This breathing method is amazing.

With the birth of magic power, Cui Yu directly used the corpse spots of the corpse ancestor to transform, and tens of thousands of drops of divine blood were born in Cui Yu's body in an instant.

Thirty thousand drops! That's enough for now!

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of joy:

But the training of a Qi practitioner is different from the training of a strong martial artist. As long as the Qi practitioner's cultivation reaches a certain level, he can refine the divine blood in his soul. But what about a strong martial artist? He must keep up with his physical body. , otherwise even if you break through the realm of martial arts, your physical body is not strong enough to hold more divine blood.

The amount of divine blood a Qi practitioner can hold is related to the realm breakthrough. When the realm is broken through, the soul will naturally become stronger and the amount of divine blood it can hold will become more.

The strength of martial arts is a cyclical and gradual process, and one becomes stronger step by step, while the breakthrough of a Qi practitioner is a matter of an instant, and one can break through the realm in an instant.

Qi practitioners have accumulated a lot of experience, and once they break through the realm, it will be another world.

The realm of Yuan Shen cannot help Cui Yu, but the divine blood in Cui Yu's body has been perfected in the blink of an eye. Then he saw that the divine blood in his body melted into Cui Yu's essence in an inexplicable way, and accompanied by the essence The transformation of Qi Shen entered Cui Yu's soul.

The physical body of a strong martial artist is the foundation, while the Qi practitioner has the Yuan Shen as the foundation. All laws and magical powers are in the Yuan Shen.

Fifth realm elimination. Cui Yu sat there quietly, with a hint of thinking in his eyes.

At this point in his practice, Cui Yu's previous accumulation of knowledge has been exhausted, and his previous vision can no longer help him.

How to cancel the registration? Cui Yu had a question in his mind.

Now that Yu Wenhaojie is dead, he really doesn't know who to ask.

As for Song Zhi, he couldn't believe it now. He felt that his cultivation progress should be concealed from Song Zhi.

Just as Cui Yu was thinking in his heart, suddenly the void in front of his eyes distorted, and Cui Huhu appeared not far from the thatched cottage.

At this time, Cui Huhu looked gloomy and stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of anger.

Is something wrong? Cui Yu asked.

His current relationship with Cui Huhu is not harmonious. Cui Huhu is even trying his best to drive him off Zhenwu Mountain. How can Cui Yu agree?

One of him or Cui Huhu must bow his head.

Why? Cui Huhu stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of anger. Before, it was clear that as long as Cui Yu told the truth, the major branches would have no excuse to take advantage of the opportunity, but who knew that Cui Yu actually denied it? .

Why? Cui Yu pretended to be confused.

Why are you lying? Cui Laohu stared at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Why isn't Liu Bang lying? Cui Yu tilted his head and looked Cui Hu up and down.

Liu Bang would never lie. Cui Huhu's voice was full of certainty.

I didn't lie, I just told what I saw. As for whether it is true or false, it is all up to you to deduce. Cui Yu said with a smile, his voice full of pride.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Cui Huhu's body trembled with anger, and his eyes stared at Cui Yu: Now that Yuwen Hero is dead, I want to see who can stop me from deposing you and going down the mountain.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and his face turned gloomy. He has not yet obtained the last volume of Zhenwu Mountain's Dream Enlightenment Dafa, so how could he be driven down the mountain?

Are you really determined to have your own way? Cui Yu's face darkened.

Cui Laohu snorted coldly when he heard this, then turned around and left with a wave of his sleeves: Don't worry, I will definitely drive you down the mountain.

Cui Laohu left, leaving Cui Yu standing there, stamping his feet angrily for a moment.

It's a pity that it's his father, what can he do?

Yuwen Hero is dead and Chunyang Peak is now ownerless. If Yuwen Hero takes the opportunity to attack, I'm afraid I will be kicked out. Cui Yu's eyes showed a serious look: I don't know if Wang Yanchun has left seclusion. .”

In the entire Zhenwu Mountain, the only one he could still believe was Wang Yanchun.

Damn it, if Cui Huhu really drives me down the mountain, what should I do? Thousands of distracting thoughts kept flashing in Cui Yu's heart.

Just when Cui Yu couldn't figure it out, Song Zhi appeared on the hilltop not far from Cui Yu: Actually, you don't need to be so entangled.

What should I say? Is there any other way that can't be done? Cui Huhu is now the headmaster of Zhenwu Mountain. If he wants to expel me, who can stop him? Cui Yu said.

Hahaha, don't forget, you are Cui Laohu's son, but you are also a direct bloodline of the Cui family. Don't belittle yourself. The Qiqing Saint is also Cui Laohu's wife, so you can be considered a A direct descendant, not an illegitimate child, is certainly qualified to fight for the Zhenwu Mountain family property. Song Zhi said.

I understand what you said, but now Cui Laohu has the final say in the entire Zhenwu Mountain. If the master is still there, of course the master can block Cui Laohu's pressure for me, and Cui Laohu cannot insert his hand into Chunyang Peak, but Now that the peak master above is gone, no one can block Cui Huhu's pressure for me. Cui Yu said angrily.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Song Zhi smiled and said, I have an idea.

What can I do? Cui Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

If you can recognize your ancestors and let the Heavenly Master know your bloodline identity, the Heavenly Master will never allow you to go down the mountain. He will definitely bring you into Zhenwu Mountain to teach you well, and even support you in your fight for Chunyang Peak. Datong, I want you to become the peak master of Chunyang Peak. Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes:

As long as you become the peak master of Chunyang Peak, all your troubles will be solved.

I became the peak master of Chunyang Peak? How is it possible? I am just a handyman disciple now. There are also inner sect disciples, true disciples, and deacon elders above me. How can I get my turn? Cui Yu shook his head: No matter what According to seniority, it’s not my turn.”

Haha, if the strange god behind Chunyang Peak chooses you, and with the support of the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, it will not be difficult to push you to the position of the leader of Chunyang Peak. Song Zhidao.

Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi after hearing this, with thousands of thoughts flashing in his heart, and said to himself: I'm afraid these guys just want to push me up to be a puppet, and then use me to paralyze the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain and ascend to Zhenwu Mountain to teach position, use me to control the entire Zhenwu Mountain.

He was speechless. He just wanted to get the last volume of the enlightenment method in his dream. Why was it so difficult?

I went straight from a handyman disciple to the position of peak master. I'm afraid I won't be able to sit firmly in this position. Cui Yu said while observing Song Zhi's expression.

Song Zhi smiled softly when he heard this: It's quite simple.

Simple? Cui Yu was puzzled.

If you want to ascend to the position of the Master of Chunyang Peak, it is actually not difficult to qualify for the competition for the Master of Chunyang Peak. You only need to practice my Zhenwu Mountain's supreme secret technique 'Opening Heaven's Gate', and you will be qualified to compete for the Seven Great Masters of Zhenwu Mountain. The position of any peak master in the branch.

Open the Tianmen? Cui Yu was puzzled.

This cause and effect also starts from Wuzhuang Temple. In the past, Wuzhuang Temple discovered the supreme tomb, which contained several volumes of heavenly books and several volumes of innate spiritual treasures. I, the founder of Zhenwu Mountain, obtained a supreme secret technique: 'Open Tianmen'. It is said that after cultivating to open the Tianmen, you can directly obtain the blessings of the gods in the Tianmen, and have power comparable to the innate gods. Song Zhi said.

As long as you can cultivate into Tianmen, you will have absolute strength, and even use the power of Tianmen to open the supreme secret under my Zhenwu Mountain. By then, with your merits, becoming the Master of Chunyang Peak will be a sure thing. Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Can I practice the secret method of opening the Tianmen? Cui Yu's eyes lit up.

Of course you can. Song Zhi said with glaring eyes: However, if you want to practice opening the heaven, you still need a supreme opportunity, but you don't have to worry, the seven strange gods will help you.

Master, please give me some advice. Cui Yu's words were very polite at this time.

If you can become the peak master of Chunyang Peak, many things will be solved.

Song Zhi smiled when he saw this: It's not that simple to practice Kaitianmen. The secret realm of Kaitianmen is imprinted in the secret realm of my Zhenwu Mountain. You can follow me.

As he spoke, Song Zhi led the way. Seeing this, Cui Yu took a step forward and followed Song Zhi.

As Cui Yu's divine blood recovered, Cui Yu felt that he was nervous again.

I dare not say that I am invincible in the world, but I feel a little more confident.

Especially since he had a clone with almost the power of a saint in the chaos, Cui Yu became even more confident.

Song Zhi led the way, and along the way he came to a cliff in Zhenwu Mountain, where he saw a jade monument standing on the cliff, with countless mysterious ancient innate symbols imprinted on it.

Have you seen this jade monument? Song Zhi asked in front of the stone monument.

Cui Yu nodded, is this nonsense that Song Zhi didn't say?

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