In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 985: The Heavenly Master is opening his eyes

What Song Zhi said is completely different from what the Patriarch said, or in other words, it is completely different from what the saint deduced.

So who is lying?

Cui Yu believed that his Taoist Mosquito clone had absolutely no mistakes based on the fate and vision of a saint, and several deceitful gods had no reason to deceive him, so the problem must have arisen with his cheap ancestor.

It was his ancestor who said it, and then the seven deceitful gods were led astray. So the question is, why did his ancestor lie?

Cui Yu fell into thinking: Why did the Patriarch lie? Could it be that the Patriarch didn't understand the magical effect of the 'Celestial Eye' at all? Or was there something wrong with the Patriarch's understanding?

No matter which one it was, Cui Yu knew that there must be a big problem.

However, this formula turns out to be a formula for controlling a certain innate spiritual treasure. The ancestor brought back the stone eye in Wuzhuang Temple in the past. It had been refined but was forcibly taken out... Cui Yu couldn't help but shudder when he thought of this. What kind of terrifying existence is it that can suppress the Jin Chi master and then gouge out the opponent's eyes?

After thinking about it, Cui Yu didn't think of the key point. Instead, he looked at it with the gold foil. After a long time, he started to run the formula and tried to move the qi machine in his body to practice.

With the analysis of Taoist Mosquito in the realm of saints, this magical method is almost no difficulty for Cui Yu. All he needs to do is to perform the techniques according to the order. As Cui Yu circulates his magical power, the next moment a qi machine appears in Cui Yu's body. After birth, two points of light condensed from Cui Yu's body and turned into two strange runes.

After communicating with the rune, a piece of information flowed by. Cui Yu couldn't help but be startled: No wonder the saint's fate is deduced to invite divine magic. This magical power really has some shadow of inviting divine magic. It is not just about inviting divine magic. The strength still has a bit of the power to see through illusions.”

Although he had mastered his magical powers, Cui Yu did not continue to practice because he had not yet been 'requested'.

According to the wishes of the seven strange gods, Cui Yu only needs to invite the souls of the seven strange gods to be stored in his seven souls. When Cui Yu runs the formula, he can obtain the blessings of the seven mysterious gods, but Cui Yu is not a fool, so why would he do such a thankless thing?

Maybe I can invite myself. Cui Yu was thoughtful.

My own clone of Taoist Mosquito in the chaos has the power of a saint. If I can invite Taoist Mosquito's power to come at the critical moment, I will definitely have a chance to come back, and even turn defeat into victory and kill the opponent on the spot.

Thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart. The next moment, he directly tried to activate the two runes in his body. Then he saw an inexplicable inspiration coming from the void. The clone of Taoist Mosquito in the chaos opened his eyes, with a faint look in his eyes. With a thoughtful expression, a stream of light flew out of Cui Yu's body and appeared in Cui Yu's body out of thin air, integrating with the two runes.

Then I saw the two runes twisting for a while, and then turned directly into a 'mosquito' mark, engraved in Cui Yu's soul.

Cui Yu had an intuition that as long as he activated the mark, he could bring down the true spirit of the innate mosquito.

After sensing it carefully, Cui Yu felt a little disappointed: What I thought was so beautiful! The innate mosquito clone is just the power of the innate mosquito clone. The power of the saint realm of the innate mosquito clone is fake and cannot be borrowed at all.

Fortunately, I thought I had another trump card, but I don't have to wait too long. As long as I master the ninth volume of the Dream Enlightenment Dafa, I will not be short of killing methods. Cui Yu stood in front of the jade monument. After pondering for a moment, he got up and went down the mountain, all the way to the library, and turned out the historical records of Zhenwu Mountain: I wonder where the founder of Zhenwu Mountain lost his 'Sky Eye' in the past? I also don't know that I have no chance to save it that day. The eyes take it in from time and space, so it is perfect. After all, through the interpretation of the saint, the incomplete words on the stone tablet are extremely extraordinary, and they seem to be the formula for controlling the innate spiritual treasure.

Could it be that the stone tablet is an innate spiritual treasure? A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Cui Yu's eyes flashed with excitement. If the stone ball was an innate spiritual treasure, if he could obtain it, he might gain something unexpected.

Who would dislike having so many innate spiritual treasures?

Thousands of thoughts were flashing in Cui Yu's heart, and he came to the library with excitement. With the token given by Song Zhi, no one could stop him. He walked all the way to the bookshelf and opened the Historical Records of Zhenwu Mountain again.

The five-thousand-year history of Zhenwu Mountain is a very thick book. Not long after, Cui Yu had found the written records in the book, with a look of surprise in his eyes: Have you ever thought about the cliff? Who is the founder of Zhenwu Mountain? Did you comprehend the Heavenly Eye on Siguo Cliff? And was your eye deducted on Siguo Cliff? Zhenwu Mountain is very generous, and even such embarrassing things are not hidden.

Cui Yu looked at the biography of the ancestor in the biographies of historical figures, and couldn't help but smile in his eyes: The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain is quite generous and generous.

If it were another person, I'm afraid he would have hidden it for a long time. He wished that no one knew about it. How could he show it openly and openly like the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain?

Putting down the historical records, Cui Yu stepped out of the house and climbed directly to Siguo Cliff.

Thinking on the cliff, there were many people meditating on the Taoist charm left by the ancestor. Cui Yu calmly swept the fallen leaves on the mountain. When the sky became dark and he could no longer see the words on the stone wall, all the disciples The disciples left one after another.

Cui Yu saw that there was no one in front of the cliff carvings anymore, so he stepped forward, scanned the stone carvings in front of him with his eyes, and then focused on his own golden finger:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent 1: Usurpation. 】

[Note 1: Usurp all strange powers and turn them into supernatural powers. 】

[Talent 2: Space-time interference. 】

[Note 1 Under trigger conditions, time and space interference and time and space displacement can be performed. 】

[Price: Bear the consequences of space-time interference. The greater the cause and effect of interference, the greater the backlash suffered. 】

[Note: This magical power is a passive skill, and the price cannot be exempted. Please use it with caution. 】

[Talent 3: Not unlocked. 】

[Note: All the above talents were born due to the fusion of the origin of Kunlun Mirror, at the expense of Kunlun Mirror. So the host lost the Kunlun Mirror forever. 】

Cui Yu's eyes fell on talent two: How to trigger time and space displacement?

Cui Yu thought about the experience he had summarized last time, and then started to run the 'Invitation to God' spell engraved on the gold foil in front of the cliff carving.

The words on the jade stele were obtained from the stone eyes. The supernatural powers gained by the seven mysterious gods also evolved based on the words on the jade stele. They were then modified by the saint's means and were born out of the jade stele. Cui Yu's eyes were fixed on the void in front of the cliff stone carving: I don't know if such a cause and effect can meet the conditions to trigger the second talent.

Just when Cui Yu was running the divine energy machine, Cui Yu stepped into the avenue of Qi Practitioners and finally noticed some clues. He saw that the breath of 'Inviting God's Art' running in his body was actually absorbed by the second talent, and then he Seeing that the second option of his talent was lighting up little by little, emitting a mysterious light, the light kept flickering, in a way that Cui Yu could not understand, as if it had traveled through time and space and dispersed into the infinite void. The long winding river twists and appears in the void.

The river of time appears!

Cui Yu could see clearly, and saw that the long river of time spread out from Cui Yu's body and washed directly in front of the wall. He saw strange lights flashing on the wall, and countless figures flickered, seemingly like a Someone pressed the rewind button on the movie, and countless scenes appeared in front of Cui Yu's eyes like a fleeting scene, and then disappeared without trace.

Finally, when the picture in front of him was frozen, a familiar back appeared in front of Cui Yu. At this time, the speed of time stopped fluctuating, and the picture gradually became clear.

In front of the cliff carvings, Master Zhenwushan held a fist-sized stone bead in his hand and lowered his head to observe quietly.

After a long time, I heard a sigh coming through time and space: What a mysterious bead! This bead actually has the power to see through illusions and the means to get rid of all delusions. It's incredible.

The old guy from Wuzhuang Temple said that this thing is left behind by a kind of mythical beast named 'Mountain and Sea' among the evil spirits from the ancient world. It is said that the left eye of the mountain and sea mythical beast gave birth to the sun, and its right eye gave birth to the moon. When it opens its eyes, When it , all things in the world become infinitely bright. When it closes its eyes, everything in the world returns to chaos. Its eyes can see through all falsehoods and are not troubled by all the illusions in the world. If I can refine this treasure, I will definitely It can break the illusion in the big tomb at the bottom of Zhenwu Mountain. The old Heavenly Master of Zhenwu Mountain held the beads in his hands. The next moment, the divine power surged in his body and was continuously poured into the pillar. Along with the countless divine powers in the old Heavenly Master's body, When I irrigated it, I saw that the stone skin on the bead cracked, and then fell off little by little, gradually revealing its true appearance.

That's that? Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the object in the old Heavenly Master's hand.

It was a bead, a bead with two colors of black and white intertwined, like a Tai Chi pattern.

At this time, the whole bead was shining with gleaming luster, just like the most flawless jade in the world, shining with a moving color.

This treasure... this treasure is incredible... Cui Yu looked at the bead, his eyes full of shock.

He could feel the innate Taoist rhyme flowing in the bead, and the black and white graphics were also spinning at this time, constantly twisting into inexplicable Taoist rhymes.

The black and white air currents were like living little fish, constantly swimming inside the beads, chasing each other. At a certain moment, suddenly the yin and yang air currents collided together, and in an instant The two qi of yin and yang disappeared and turned into nothingness, and the whole bead turned into a transparent crystal state, without any variegated colors inside.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's eyes were full of shock: What is the origin of this bead? It is definitely not the eye of a mountain or sea beast as the old master said.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of shock. He stared at the bead with his eyes. He saw golden runes appearing on the bead. The runes were innate bird seals interpreting the great road of heaven and earth. Cui Yu could only look at it. At a glance, it felt as if my brain had been hit hard, and my soul began to turmoil, as if it was filled with a force from somewhere, trying to burst my soul.

I understand, the formula obtained by Master Tian was understood from this crystal, but... the words in this crystal are bird seal scripts of the innate Dao, and every word contains the true meaning of the Dao, so Master Tian There are no complete records at all. Cui Yu suddenly realized.

This is indeed the case. It is not that there is a problem with the jade stele that the old Celestial Master carved, but that the words in the old Celestial Master's memory are simply incomplete. A single word difference in the text of the Dao means that it is completely different. No matter how amazing the master is, he can never hope to obtain the complete version of the text.

Cui Yu was even worse. He couldn't read even a single text, and his soul was overwhelmed by the content of that text message.

Fortunately, Cui Yu's golden finger was activated at the critical moment:

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? 】

[After usurping it, you will obtain a true article on the Great Dao. 】

Cui Yu looked at the prompts on the Goldfinger page and said without saying a word: Usurpation.

He would like to see the true mystery of this treasure and take a look at the mystery of this treasure.


The golden finger page flashed in front of Cui Yu's eyes, and then countless information streams flashed, and then poured into Cui Yu's mind, and then the next moment the narration appeared:

[In ancient times, there was a mysterious thing called: Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth. This heavenly book was born before the heaven and earth were opened, when the Hongmeng was not judged. It was formed by the convergence of cause and effect in creation, and later fell into the hands of Zhen Yuanzi. 】

Zhen Yuanzi? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: Is this thing related to Zhen Yuanzi?

He thought about what he had in his sleeves.

Why are you related to Zhen Yuanzi? Cui Yu's eyes were full of disbelief.

Am I so destined to Wuzhuang Temple? Cui Yu said to himself.

At this time, the golden finger page continues to refresh:

[The Treasure Appraiser of Heaven and Earth, Volume 2 of Xuan Men's Gate. If the two books of heaven and earth can be found, the combination of heaven and earth can evolve into the gate of Xuanfei. This mysterious gate is the origin of the Great Way, the foundation of all laws, and possesses mysterious and unpredictable power. 】

[This bead was born on the Gate of Xuan Ni and is part of the Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth. It is the key hub for controlling the Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth]

Cui Yu looked at the information page in front of him, with a look of shock in his eyes: Treasure Book of Heaven and Earth? Gate of Mysterious Lady? Book from Heaven? Book from Earth?

Cui Yu looked at the long list of lofty nouns, his eyes filled with shock. At the same time, he also knew clearly that this bead was extraordinary and a real treasure.

Then countless streams of information gradually poured into Cui Yu's mind. As Cui Yu analyzed the heavenly script on the beads, Cui Yu became more and more excited and shocked: Incredible! It's simply incredible! With such a fate, is it really my turn?

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