In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 980: Overthrow Zhenwu Mountain!

The tombkeeper's words were full of contempt. However, it was the tombkeeper's indifferent words that immediately angered everyone present. Even Cui Laohu himself was aroused by the tombkeeper's arrogant tone. There is an unknown fire burning in my heart.

You must know that he, Cui Laohu, is the master of Zhenwu Mountain, the general manager of the entire Zhenwu Mountain, and has control over everything in Zhenwu Mountain. He, Cui Huhu, can be said to be the person in charge of Zhenwu Mountain.

The tombkeeper's tone was so contemptuous. If he looked down on Zhenwushan, wouldn't he also be included in it?

Liu Bang on the side was so shocked when he heard this, he looked at his ancestor with blank eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief, he never expected that his ancestor would say such a thing.

Wouldn't it be a big trouble if you say something like this?

My ancestor was a very smart person, how could he do such a thing?

When Liu Bang heard what the tombkeeper said, he secretly said, It's going to be bad. He quickly looked at Cui Huhu with his eyes, and he was about to explain: Master, my ancestor never meant to look down on Zhenwu Mountain...

No need to explain. Liu Bang's words were interrupted by Cui Huhu. Cui Huhu had a gloomy face and a cold look in his eyes. He looked at the tombkeeper with a pair of eyes and his voice was full of seriousness: Your Excellency looks down on me, Zhen Wushan. ? My disciples of Zhenwu Mountain can only be punished by the laws of my Zhenwu Mountain. How can I allow you to interfere?

Regarding the issue of stance, Cui Laohu must unconditionally defend Zhenwushan’s stance!

Although Liu Bang is one of his own people, and the ancestor of the Han Dynasty also represents his own people, and can even help him suppress the seven major branches, Cui Laohu does not dare to stand with the tomb guard. Without a clear stance, the disciples of Zhenwu Mountain will definitely become disloyal in the future.

After hearing Cui Huhu's words, the tomb guard wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Liu Bang. He quickly grabbed the words and said to Cui Huhu: Master, my ancestor is only concerned about my safety, and he has absolutely no intention of doing so.

Seeing Liu Bang surrendering, Cui Huhu didn't want to go into details, because the Han Dynasty was related to his layout and planning, and now he just wanted to make peace with the situation: There is no best.

Brothers, I want to investigate what happened. After I investigate the matter clearly, how about I give you an explanation? Cui Laohu looked at the masters of the seven major branches of Zhenwu Mountain with his eyes. Now that the situation is getting increasingly difficult to end, he just wants to Let the matter rest as soon as possible.

Oh? Investigate clearly? How to investigate clearly? Gao Tong's voice was full of ridicule: There must be a deadline, right?

Now that everyone has found a better way to cause trouble, it doesn't hurt to let Liu Bang go.

Within one year, we will find out the truth. Cui Huhu vowed.

Since the Headmaster said this, of course we have to give the Headmaster some face, and we will never refute the principle of the Headmaster's face. Song Zhi took over from the side.

In that case, today's matter ends here, please disperse. Cui Huhu saw that everyone was no longer holding on to the donkey, and quickly got off the donkey along the slope, and wanted to send everyone away. If they continue to entangle, I'm afraid that Zhenwu Mountain is not far from falling apart.

Wait a minute! Song Zhi said, calling out to Cui Laohu who was about to lead people away.

Cui Huhu's heart trembled, and he said to himself, The matter is indeed not over yet. Then he turned to look at Song Zhi, with a look of surprise in his eyes: What's the matter?

Liu Bang's matter can be postponed later, but this person killed Brother Yuwen Haojie, and he still needs to give us an explanation. Song Zhi's eyes were full of sinisterness, and he directly abandoned Liu Bang and pointed the finger at the tombkeeper.

The tombkeeper is the boss!

Moreover, this person personally killed Yu Wenhaojie on Zhenwu Mountain. Such arrogant behavior has aroused public anger. If Cui Laohu does not handle it well, I am afraid that the prestige of the main peak will be completely lost.

Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with his eyes. As expected, this person did not disappoint him. He was a person who could seize opportunities.

Explanation? What explanation do you want? Corpse Ancestor's voice was still domineering, looking at Song Zhi with contempt: He is just an ant. He dares to offend my direct descendant of the Han Dynasty. I will kill him. , what can you do? Could it be that you want to die?

After hearing what Corpse Ancestor said, Song Zhi had a rich expression on his face. He didn't expect that the other party would be so stubborn, and he couldn't help but secretly rejoice: Okay, okay! Just do something! I'm afraid you will lose your courage and dare not do something.

Ancestor, I beg you! Shut up, stop talking, and leave quickly. You don't need to continue to interfere with Zhenwu Mountain's affairs. Liu Bang was about to explode when he heard what Corpse Ancestor said, and his eyes were filled with tears. Horrible, a frightening tone of prayer.

Now that things are like this, if we continue, will they collapse?

Zhenwu Mountain is of great importance and is the place where great fortunes will come in the future, so Liu Bang must stay here.

And now the bloodline people have begun to reach the end of their rope, okay? It’s not good to continue to offend people like this!

Cui Yu looked at Liu Bang who was jumping anxiously. He knew in his heart that the heat was coming and would not continue to stimulate the situation.

If the instigation continues, the two sides will probably fight each other, and Liu Bang will no longer be able to stay in Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Laohu will most likely see that the situation is irreversible and abandon Liu Bang as an abandoned son. This is not Cui Yu. want.

Fellow Taoists, this man relies on his power to oppress others and even kills my brothers and sisters. If we can't do anything today, if word spreads, I am afraid that I, Zhenwushan, will no longer have the face to face all the masters in the world. How can I still have the face to become a practitioner? Leader of the Qi Shi? I'm afraid that I, Zhen Wu Shan, will become a laughing stock. Song Zhi's voice was full of coldness.

Senior Brother Song Zhi, please don't cause trouble! This is all just a misunderstanding. Cui Laohu said quickly. He wanted to settle the matter, but he couldn't let the other party talk nonsense.

Hearing Cui Huhu's words, Sheng Lan sneered: Misunderstanding? That was my senior brother, one of the seven Zhenwu sons, and he was killed on Zhenwu Mountain. Is this also called a misunderstanding? If this is all a misunderstanding, your misunderstanding is too big. Got it!

Leave this matter to me, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, and I will never let Senior Brother Yuwen Haojie die in vain. Cui Laohu said, patting his chest and promising.

After hearing Cui Huhu's words, the peak master of Aquarius Peak smiled coldly: It is only natural to kill people to pay debts and pay back money. You said you will wait for an answer from me? Well, you kill this old guy and ask him to pay compensation. Senior brother’s life, we will no longer pursue this matter.”

Cui Laohu's mouth turned bitter when he heard this. He had seen the methods of this ancestor of the Han Dynasty before, and he was afraid that he had already entered the Golden Imperial Realm, which is what blood people call the Demigod Realm.

How can such strong men be suppressed so easily?

Moreover, when facing the ancestors of the Han Dynasty, he always felt as if he was meeting his ancestors.

There is great terror!

If you want to kill me, I'm afraid you don't have the ability to do so, and you want to kill me just because you are trivial... Corpse Ancestor's eyes were filled with indifference.

Who cares about the Qigong Road? Who cares about his great success? Does his Corpse Ancestor care?

Don't you care at all?

At this moment, everyone was staring at Cui Laohu with their eyes, waiting for Cui Laohu, the Zhenwushan Zhang Jiao, to express his stance.

Cui Huhu's head was as big as a bucket and he couldn't figure out how things got to this point.

I, Zhenwushan, have good relations with the Han Dynasty. Now this matter has gone beyond the scope of my management. I can only wait for the ancestor to come out of seclusion and ask the ancestor to make the decision. Cui Laohu said.

When things get tough, there is nothing you can do except delay.

Is this what the headmaster told us? Song Zhi smiled coldly.

This matter can only be resolved if the ancestor comes forward. Cui Hu said.

It would be too disappointing to teach like this. Sheng Lan sighed quietly, his voice full of emotion.

How can I be convinced that the leader's lineage behaves like this? Master Aquarius Peak said.

At this time, everyone was targeting the headmaster, wanting to force the other party into chaos.

This is the God-given opportunity that everyone has been waiting for for countless years.

Headmaster Cui, it seems that you, the headmaster, are not doing very well? The people under your command are so disobedient. If they were placed in my Han Dynasty, they would all be beheaded. You are a compassionate person. , If you can't bear to kill these aggressive people, why not let me do it for you and kill these people with evil intentions? Corpse Ancestor said coldly.

These words were not controlled by Cui Yu. At this time, the Corpse Ancestor had mastered his own body and it was completely his own nature.

Cui Laohu shook his head: This is an internal matter of Zhenwu Mountain. I don't bother my ancestors to interfere.

My fellow disciples, I am deeply saddened by the death of Senior Brother Yuwen Haojie. However, this matter is of great importance and concerns our two major powers, Zhenwu Mountain and the Han Dynasty... Cui Laohu faced all his fellow disciples and wanted to speak. He tried to comfort us, but was stopped by Song Zhi: Don't say it anymore! You, the leader, are unwilling to do anything and would rather protect outsiders than punish the murderer. It really chills our hearts. You can't possibly seek justice for Senior Brother Yuwen Haojie. , then it’s up to us to seek justice.”

This person is a great master of the Golden Imperial Realm, and his strength is all over the world. Although we are invincible in cultivation, even if he loses all his blood, it will not be regarded as losing the prestige of our Zhenwu Mountain. It can also be regarded as making a name for our Zhenwu Mountain. No. 1, but he doesn't shrink back like some Wuluo people. When word spread, people think that Zhenwushan is just a coward. Song Zhi's voice was full of the power to confuse people's hearts.


As Song Zhi finished speaking, everyone rushed towards the Corpse Ancestor to kill him.

I don't know whether to live or die. Corpse Ancestor held the measuring ruler in his hand, with a look of contempt in his eyes, and was about to kill everyone again.

Further away, Cui Yu watched coldly, his eyes filled with calmness and calmness: Just take this opportunity to see what Zhenwu Mountain has to offer.

Seeing the treasure light flashing on the sky measuring ruler in the corpse ancestor's hand, he was about to kill him with pain. Liu Bang couldn't sit still anymore, and the Linglong Tower in his hand said: Ancestor, you can't do it!

Liu Bang took the lead and stood in front of everyone, using the Linglong Pagoda to protect everyone in Zhenwu Mountain. He said in his heart: As expected of the great sage who follows the ancient saints, he has a too big temper, but I can't let things continue like this. Keep developing, otherwise things will not end well and my plans will be ruined.

Liu Bang wanted to use the power of Zhenwu Mountain to strengthen his Han Dynasty, so that after a few decades, when the golden era of bloodline people in the world came to an end, he would also be able to find a backer for the Han Dynasty.

The lifespan of a bloodline person is the same as that of an ordinary person. As the Dharma is passed down from generation to generation, one generation may not be as good as the last. When the peak generation dies, the bloodline people will also become dust in history.

So before everyone in Zhenwu Mountain could fight against his ancestor, Liu Bang took action directly and used Linglong Tower to contain his ancestor.

You unworthy descendant, I am your ancestor, instead of coming to help me, you come to restrain me? Corpse Ancestor's face suddenly darkened.

Although he has re-entered the realm of Taiyi, he does not dare to use it at will to avoid suffering from the ominous aura.


The Corpse Ancestor wanted to stop, but the strange gods in Zhenwu Mountain did not agree. At this time, seven mighty auras rose into the sky, and the seven strange gods all took action to suppress the Corpse Ancestor.

If the seven major branches want to seize Zhenwu Mountain's orthodoxy, they must continue to cut off Zhenwu Mountain's wings. The ancestors of the Han Dynasty have a good relationship with Zhenwu Mountain's headmaster, and this is the best time to take action.

Then the next moment a shocking battle broke out. This was the power belonging to the Jinzhi realm. Even Song Zhi and others did not dare to approach, but retreated one after another.

At this time, Song Zhi led Cui Yu all the way back to the foot of the mountain, watching from a distance the terrifying qi fighting in the sky, and the mountains near Zhenwu Mountain were flattened.

When Cui Yu saw this scene, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

The corners of Song Zhi's lips raised: It's done.

Is it done? Cui Yu was puzzled.

Song Zhidao: Now the Zhenwu Mountain lineage will either fall apart, or the main peak lineage will accept our conditions. This is really a God-given opportunity, and a great excuse has come to our door.

Cui Yu didn't understand the game involved.

Song Zhi smiled when he heard this, and was in a good mood to explain to Cui Yu: Actually, we and the seven major branches have already invited foreign aid.

Foreign aid? Cui Yu was puzzled.

Just watch! The main peak lineage is really too strong. Even if all the weird gods behind the seven branches have risen to the level of Jinzhi, the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain is still not enough. Song Zhi said with a smile.

Hearing Song Zhi's words, Cui Yu's pupils shrank. Song Zhi did not tell him in advance what happened.

Don't worry, your interests will never be taken away by others. Song Zhi patted his shoulder: It is precisely because we have invited foreign aid that our importance is highlighted. We must I will push you to the position of head coach at all costs.

Cui Yu was puzzled when he heard this, but he didn't say anything. He just secretly felt vigilant in his heart.

Facing the battle between the seven golden edicts, even the Corpse Ancestor was having a hard time.

Although the Corpse Ancestor had the innate magic weapon Measuring Heavenly Ruler in his hand, and also had the Taiyi realm, he did not dare to use it at all at this time, so he fell into a passive state.

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