In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 981: The Great Controversy

This world is very powerful, and the shackles and shackles on all living beings are also very powerful.

Masters in the Taiyi realm will not be allowed to exist by Heaven. Although Heaven is now recovering and the upper limit of what heaven and earth can endure is constantly being broken, it has not yet reached the point where Taiyi realm can be accommodated.

And the higher the cultivation level, the richer the incense is needed, otherwise you will be targeted by the terrifying monsters in the legal world.

Of course, the aura of incense is relative to acquired cultivators and outsiders from the ancient times. There is no such restriction for local weirdness. Those weirdness in the Golden Imperial Realm will not be affected by monsters in the legal world, no matter how powerful they are. Keep an eye on.

Moreover, the so-called shackles of heaven are the most tolerant to the weirdness in this world. After all, there is a chance of transcendence.

Just like the seven weird ones in Zhenwu Mountain, as the way of heaven revives, the shackles between heaven and earth gradually weaken, and these weird things are the first to break through.

At this time, the seven weird Jinzhi realms took action without any scruples, and their powerful magical powers were swayed freely while thinking, but the Corpse Ancestor tried his best to suppress his aura, and covered every move with the aura of incense. The consumption of incense gas is very serious.

So at this time, although the Corpse Ancestor has the advantage in the realm of cultivation, he is still a little helpless in the face of the seven weird ones.

Fortunately, the Corpse Ancestor still has the innate magic weapon Measuring Heavenly Ruler, so he can still deal with the seven weird ones.

Liu Bang saw that his ancestor was at a disadvantage and was in a precarious situation. Without saying a word, he summoned the Linglong Pagoda and turned his head to block the strangeness of the Seven Golden Emperors.

He can still tell the difference between his ancestors and his sect predecessors.

Liu Bang transformed into a Golden Crow, and with the blessing of the Exquisite Pagoda, he was together with the Corpse Ancestor. Facing the seven deceitful gods of the Golden Imperial Realm, he still managed to survive.

I have to say that the innate spiritual treasure can indeed make up for the gap in realm.

Under the same realm as everyone else, people with innate spiritual treasures are like ordinary people with weapons. No matter how strong the opponent is and has a national level, they are still vulnerable.

Cui Laohu couldn't get involved in the fight at the Jinzhi realm. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: Stop fighting! Stop fighting! We are all a family, why fight to the death?

Cui Laohu's voice was full of anxiety, and the Corpse Ancestor on the side now cooperated with the innate spiritual treasure Measuring Ruler and Liu Bang's Linglong Pagoda, and instantly reversed the situation and suppressed the weirdness of the seven golden imperial realms.

Even if I fell from the Daluo realm, I still stand in the Taiyi realm. Even if I don't show the strength of the Taiyi realm at this time, I still have the means of the Taiyi realm. Knowing three things and avoiding five is definitely not yours. Wait until the ants in the Taiyi realm can understand. The Corpse Ancestor became more and more courageous as he fought, defeating the seven weird ones in the Golden Imperial realm.

What an arrogant person! Do you really think that you are invincible just by virtue of your own cultivation? I, Uncle He, are not convinced and I am here to help you today.

At this moment, a heavy fog suddenly rolled up between the sky and the earth. A figure walked out of the fog, carrying a hook in his hand, and beheaded towards the Corpse Ancestor: Old Ancestor, I was invited by the master of Aquarius Peak, and I came here specially. Help! Peak Master, don’t panic, wait until I come to help you.”

He Bo directly joined the battlefield, and the seven deities suddenly gained a strange momentum, vaguely gaining the upper hand.

Why is He Bo here? Cui Yu, who was watching the battle below, was surprised. He never expected that He Bo would appear here.

The weirdness in the world does not exist alone. Since we want to persecute the main peak of Zhenwu Mountain, how can we not invite some reinforcements? Song Zhi said with a smile: Not only invite He Bo to help, but also the five parties The Five Emperors also covet the luck of Zhenwu Mountain. Moreover, do you think the reinforcements are just weird?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard the words. Before he could think clearly, suddenly bursts of snowflakes floated from the sky. The goose feathers were flying all over the sky, sweeping thousands of miles in an instant.

In an instant, thousands of miles around became a world of ice and snow. Cui Yu looked at the world of ice and snow with his eyes, and a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind: Where there is snow, there is Bai Yujing.

Then I saw a figure walking out of the wind and snow, standing proudly in white clothes: I am Bai Yufu. I was invited by the Hanshan lineage of Zhenwu Mountain to deliver justice.

It's the boss! Song Zhi looked at the figure walking out of the snow and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Boss Dao? Cui Yu asked curiously.

Bai Yujing is based in an extremely cold place. There are six masters in the sect: Fu Sheng Immeasurable Heavenly Lord. Bai Yufu ranks first and is the only golden monk in Bai Yujing. He became a Taoist only 800 years later than the ancestor. It's just that Bai Yujing is located in an extremely cold place and suppresses the energy of the extremely cold place. He rarely sets foot in the land of China, so his reputation has always been obscure. Unexpectedly, the Hanshan lineage actually colluded with the monks of Bai Yujing, and even asked Bai Yufu to come in person. , I thought it was Bai Yusheng, the second Taoist disciple, arriving, but I didn’t expect that Bai Yufu actually arrived in person. It seems that with the rise of the Qi Practitioners line, even Bai Yujing’s lineage can no longer sit still.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank when he heard this. With his wisdom, he finally knew what happened.

The seven major branches of Zhenwu Mountain had long been dissatisfied and began to collude secretly. The weird gods behind the seven major branches of Zhenwu Mountain began to collude with the weird ones headed by the Sanjiang Water God, and the peak masters of the seven major branches secretly colluded with the human Qi Practitioner sect, and then used the power of foreign aid to fight against the main branch.

Is the founder of Zhenwu Mountain really that strong? Is he worthy of such a big fight? Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

It's much stronger than you think! In the past, when Taiping Dao had not yet risen, the founder of Zhenwu Mountain set the Sea Divine Needle for my Qi Practitioner lineage. Not only did he suppress the weirdness in the world, but he also secretly intimidated the Zhou royal family from attacking the Qi Practitioners. Dead hand under the pulse, do you think the founder of Zhenwu Mountain is strong? Song Zhi's voice was filled with emotion.

At this moment, a burst of laughter came from the horizon: Laoshan Taoist Zhu Wuneng was invited by Taoist Brother Song Zhi and came here to help!

Zhu Wuneng is here!

When Zhu Wu is able to practice, the canopy changes and grows into a complete form of canopy, which will possess the power of the Golden Imperial Realm. Moreover, Zhu Wuneng has already worshiped Buddhism, so why would he want to wade into troubled waters?

But Zhu Wuneng was seen holding a nine-tooth nail rake, joining the battlefield with laughter, and fought towards Liu Bang and his party.

Seeing Zhu Wuneng appear, Cui Yu felt that his mind was even more confused at this time.

Cui Yu's mind was a little confused at this time, and he actually felt that the relationship between cause and effect was unclear: Wait a minute, I'm a little confused.

What? Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu.

Taipingdao rebelled against Zhou Dynasty, right? Cui Yu asked.

That's right. Song Zhi said.

Did Zhenwu Mountain defect to the Great Zhou Dynasty? Cui Yu asked again.

That's right. Song Zhi nodded.

Any doubts? Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Numerous thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's eyes, and he suddenly thought of Taiping Dao's manipulation of Emperor Zhou's affairs. He didn't know if Song Zhi knew about it, and he didn't dare to ask for a while.

Do you want to ask, Laoshan has secretly influenced Emperor Zhou? It stands to reason that Taipingdao, Laoshan faction, and Zhenwushan are all working in the court. Why did today's scene happen? Song Zhi looked at Cui with his eyes. Yu, his eyes were filled with the light of wisdom.

Cui Yu nodded: Yes, this is exactly what I am confused about.

Song Zhi sighed softly when he heard this: Benefits.

Profit? Cui Yu was puzzled.

All the major qi practitioners are secretly seeking treasures. Everyone knows that the control of the emperor of Zhou by a line of qi practitioners is only temporary. The emperor of Zhou will die, and the 365 princes in the world will never allow the emperor of Zhou. Continuing to sit in that position, so controlling Emperor Zhou is not a long-term strategy. Things will end one day, and what will everyone do then? Song Zhi said.

That's interesting! Cui Yu muttered.

Taiping Dao suppresses the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Zhenwu Mountain suppresses the Han Dynasty, Li Lines suppresses the Qi Kingdom... and so on, everyone has their own power secretly, and the most important thing at the moment is to use the reign of Emperor Zhou Use the power of the period to influence the future trend of the world, and strive to strive for various favorable conditions for the future fight for the world. Song Zhidao.

No matter who it is, as long as they control the Emperor of Zhou, they will use the power of the Zhou royal family to destroy and severely damage other major forces without leaving any room. Song Zhidao.

What does that have to do with the fact that strong men from all walks of life are coming to Zhenwu Mountain? Cui Yu was confused.

Zhenwu Mountain was the Dinghai Shenzhen of the line of Qi practitioners before the rise of the great virtuous master. The most important thing is that Zhenwu Mountain cooperated with the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty and obtained the Dragon Vein Qi given by the Emperor of Zhou. This Dragon Vein Qi is related to the Qi of the land of China. No matter who wants to get ahead in the future, they will not be able to bypass the Dragon Vein Qi in the hands of the Zhenwu Mountain Patriarch. Song Zhi said.

Dragon vein energy? What the hell is it? Cui Yu was puzzled.

In the past, before the Grand Master went into seclusion, he once said that Zhenwu Mountain was about to prosper, and Qiyao would be born to face the Big Dipper in the sky. With the blessing of the Star God, he was expected to become the first group of people to achieve enlightenment before the great trend came. How did Qiyao come? Isn't it evolved by the ancestor according to the secret method of dragon veins? Song Zhidao: Once there are seven more existences in Zhenwu Mountain that surpass the Jin Dynasty, do you think the major qi practitioners in the world will have a chance to succeed?

Cui Yu was shocked when he heard this. He never expected that there was such a sect among them.

And... Song Zhi said this, hesitating for a moment and then said: That's all, it doesn't hurt to tell you. You will know sooner or later. This matter is related to the great destiny of the world. The only way to win the world is Only with great fortune can one break through the shackles of heaven and attain a higher realm. The reason why everyone is besieging Zhenwu Mountain today is that it is said that the founder of Zhenwu Mountain has obtained the Great Zhou Qi and is breaking through the legendary Qingchi realm. If he is asked to break through first, Qing Chi, when the time comes, just like a sage, he will establish the path of Qi Practitioner, and all the great systems in the world will be forever checked and balanced by him.

Just like Bai Yujing, it is said that he wants to establish an immortal world. How can he allow the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain to take the first step? There is also Laoshan Mountain. It is said that Laoshan Mountain also has a legendary seed of immortality. Laoshan also wants to establish an immortal world again. How can we allow the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain to take the lead? Song Zhi said.

Hearing Song Zhi's words, Cui Yu's heart moved, and a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes: Things seem to be a little beyond my expectation.

When a Qi practitioner reaches the realm of imperial edict, it is already related to the Qi of heaven and earth. Without the Qi of heaven and earth, there is no way to break through. The shackles between heaven and earth are always there, but it requires a huge amount of luck to break them. . Of course, this era is different now. The shackles of heaven and earth have become weaker. When the bloodline and Qi practitioners alternate, the new way and the old way are handed over. This is the time when the shackles between heaven and earth are weakest and can be easily broken. Wait until the future of the great road After completing the alternation, it is difficult to take advantage of the loopholes. So you know how important it is to gather one's energy, right? The battle between the avenues is fatal and is definitely not a joke! Song Zhi's voice was full of helplessness: Do you think Do the seven major branches of Zhenwu Mountain want to betray? In fact, they have no choice but to do so. The energy of the seven major branches of Zhenwu Mountain has been gathered by the main peak. How can we survive? We also want to attain enlightenment, and we also want to Stand out in this golden age.”

Song Zhi's voice was full of helplessness: I don't want to be a spectator, I just want a chance. Is it that difficult?

Cui Yu fell silent. At this time, he didn't know what to think.

While I was thinking about it, I saw that the fierce battle over Zhenwu Mountain in the distance had reached a fever pitch. One after another figures came from all directions to join the battlefield on Zhenwu Mountain.

Corpse Ancestor was worthy of being Corpse Ancestor. His strength was beyond Cui Yu's expectation. Corpse Ancestor could see the sky measuring ruler flying in his hand. Although he was suppressed by everyone, he still showed no sign of defeat.

Zhi Zu is so strong! Cui Yu muttered.

No one knows the cultivation level of the Corpse Ancestor. Even if this body can only exert the power of the Taiyi realm, it is just a limitation of this body.

I saw the sky-measuring ruler in the Corpse Ancestor's hand flying up and down, twisting the void wherever he passed to attack the enemy, and forcing the strong men from all walks of life to retreat continuously with every move he made.

But after all, it was difficult for him to fight with two fists, and he was already at a disadvantage after a while.

You are going too far to deceive others.

Corpse Ancestor was not prepared in time, and He Bo actually opened the bun on his head and cut off a large piece of scalp. His whole face turned pale, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Ancestor, something is not right, let's run away quickly. The exquisite pagoda above Liu Bang's head was crumbling, and his eyes were full of horror.

He couldn't hold on any longer!

Even if he had an innate spiritual treasure, he still couldn't withstand so many strong men.

Corpse Ancestor smiled coldly: Don't worry, just wait and see what I can do! Even if we retreat, we must scare these guys, otherwise these guys will take advantage of the victory and pursue us, and our Han Dynasty will never have peace.

The power of faith in Zombie Ancestor's body began to be continuously released, and the Qi of his whole body began to sublimate to the maximum, and a terrifying power surged out.

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