After seeing Cui Yu's statement, Cui Huhu suddenly felt that the other party was causing trouble.

Even when Yu Wenjunjie lost his jade plate, Cui Huhu regarded it as a conspiracy.

Which of the seven major branches are aimed at Liu Bang? It was clearly targeting his main line!


At this time, Cui Laohu thought he had seen through the truth and no longer concealed it. His voice was full of anger: Asshole! Don't I know what you are thinking? It's just that the ancestor suffered a heavy blow, and you thought you had a chance to force him into the palace. no?

Master Master, you are being unreasonable! Let's discuss the matter with you, why are you talking about so many irrelevant things? Now the evidence is irrefutable, I only ask you, what will you do with the thief Liu Bang, and will you return my measuring ruler? Come back. And my jade plate must be returned to me! Yuwen Hero's voice was full of coldness. The jade plate was related to his life, and the measuring ruler was related to his method of protecting the Tao. He had to get it back.

Hmph, it's just nonsense. I don't know what your plan is. If you give up early, that's it! Otherwise, my main peak lineage is not easy to manipulate. Cui Laohu's The voice was full of coldness.

Cui Laohu is a tough person. As the direct line leader of the Cui family and the direct descendant of the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, he has the capital to be tough.

Is this the attitude of the main peak lineage? Gao Tong's eyes were full of coldness when he heard this, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

In the eyes of the peak masters of the seven major branches, Cui Laohu was clearly domineering to the extreme. It was obvious that his disciple was wrong, but he chose to cover it up.

What is the identity of Yuwen Hero?

After all, he is also one of the leaders of the seven major branches. He is one of the ten people with the highest status in Zhenwu Mountain. And what about Liu Bang? He is just a second-generation disciple. Although he is a true successor, he is completely different from Yuwen Hero in terms of status. But now that a second-generation disciple humiliates Yuwen Hero like this, wouldn’t it be a slap in everyone’s face? ?

As the head of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain, Yuwen Haojie, as the peak master of Chunyang Peak of Zhenwu Mountain, is the top being in Zhenwu Mountain. Now he is being humiliated and plotted by a junior like this. What about those who have the same status as Yuwen Haojie? ? What about those whose status is not as good as that of Yuwen Hero?

In the eyes of everyone, the main peak lineage was too high and too domineering, and they did not take themselves and others into consideration at all.

It's a bit interesting. Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu, who was making everyone angry, and raised the corners of his mouth with a cold smile.

What is the attitude of the main peak lineage? My attitude depends on you. Do you really think that my main peak lineage can be bullied? Do you want to rebel? Cui Laohu was very angry at this time, not ordinary anger.

We are not rebelling, we just want fairness. Yu Wenhaojie's voice was full of seriousness.

After hearing what Yuwen Junjie said, Cui Laohu laughed angrily: You just want fairness? It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous! As for you identifying Liu Bang, there is no complete evidence. I forgive the main peak for the inability to coordinate. This matter has to wait. I will investigate the matter thoroughly at the main peak, and then I will reply to you. Brother Yuwen, please wait patiently for the time being. When I investigate clearly, I will give you a satisfactory explanation.

When Yu Wenhaojie heard this, veins popped up on his forehead. He didn't have long to live, so how could he have time to wait?

Cui Chen!!! Yuwen Hero gnashed his teeth with hatred.

Cui Chen said coldly: I can't just say it casually to a few senior brothers and I'll just destroy my genius, right? There's no reason for that!

Okay! Okay! Okay! You have to play like this, right? Then don't blame me for flipping the table! Yu Wenhaojie's voice was full of coldness: Brothers, the master's lineage is unfair, I want to win this Son, brothers, are you willing to give me a helping hand?

The other branch peak masters all nodded in unison:

Since the main peak lineage is doing things unfairly, we can only seek justice ourselves!

If we take down Liu Bang, then we can naturally force out the truth!

Take action!

At this time, all the peak masters took action together to capture Liu Bang.

Bold, do you really want to rebel? Cui Huhu saw this scene, his eyes were full of anger, and the next moment the sword energy billowing around him blocked Liu Bang's body, entangled with the peak masters.

Rebellion? How dare we rebel? We just want to seek justice. Asking a mere second-generation disciple to ride on our heads as a blessing is hard to convince others. Gao Tong's voice was full of chills: The master’s move is not afraid of chilling everyone’s hearts.”

That's right, the Headmaster's decision is unfair. It's hard to convince people. How can we swallow our anger? Please also ask the Headmaster to make a fair decision. I won't have any objections. At this time, the peak master of Aquarius Peak held a short stick in his hand and directly He suppressed Liu Bang with all his might.

Although you are seniors of the sect, you can't bully others like this based on your status. Do you really think that I, Liu Bang, can be pinched by mud? Liu Bang looked at the master of Aquarius Peak who had suppressed him, with a chill in his eyes. The next moment, the sun The real fire rolled up and burned towards the Aquarius Peak Master.

Bold! You dare to resist, you are simply arrogant! But he heard an angry shout, and Jin Chi made a strange move to suppress Liu Bang. You must know that the realms of the seven peak masters are different. The tallest one, such as Yu Wenhaojie, is already Bai Chi. , the low ones are nothing more than a 'disaster' situation.

Liu Bang directly used the true sun fire to burn people, obviously he had no mercy. This true sun fire was definitely not suppressed by the master of Aquarius Peak.

Seeing the two sides starting to fight, Cui Yu raised the corners of his mouth and backed away without leaving any trace: The fire is not strong enough! I need to add more fire.

Seeing Liu Bang and the Jinchi Realm of Zhenwu Mountain fighting together in a strange way, the lightning flashed between the sky and the earth, and with the flow of the power of heavenly punishment, Liu Bang was also unable to block it.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the battle in the distant sky. As the thoughts in his mind flashed, the next moment he saw the Corpse Ancestor holding a measuring ruler take action: You guys, when my great Han Dynasty faces Wu People calling?

The flow of the law of measuring the sky ruler directly shattered the magical power of the Golden Imperial Realm and dissipated it in the void.

Not only did Corpse Ancestor take action, but he also directly used the Taoist skills of the Taiyi realm. Coupled with the power of the measuring ruler in his hand, it swept through all the suppressed power in the void. The ruler was seen crossing the void and directly piercing through Yu Wenhaojie. body, and then heard a loud bang, and saw Yu Wenhaojie's body exploded directly, turning into blood mist and dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Yu Wenhaojie was only a cultivator in the realm of immortals. Facing the Corpse Ancestor in the Taiyi realm, and the Corpse Ancestor also held an innate magic weapon called the Heavenly Ruler in his hand, of course he had no power to resist.

Moreover, Corpse Ancestor is not an ordinary Taiyi realm monk. He is a Daluo realm monk who fell to the Taiyi realm. Although he is in the Taiyi realm at this time, his magical powers are by no means comparable to ordinary Taiyi realms.

Yuwen Hero exploded in front of everyone, and the battle on the field stopped instantly. Everyone fell into a deathly silence and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Liu Bang, who was the protagonist of this incident, seemed to be frightened. He stared blankly at the tomb guard, his voice trembling: Ancestor, you... you...

Liu Bang's lips trembled for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

At this time, Liu Bang felt dazed, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his head was buzzing.

Things are in big trouble! This was the only thought in Liu Bang's heart at this time. There might have been a chance for things to ease, but at this time there was no room for relaxation.

what to do?

Liu Bang's eyes were full of dullness, and he was at a loss for a moment, and he didn't even know what to do.

You must know that he is the head of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain, and he is in charge of Chunyang Peak. He is one of the absolute core figures of Zhenwu Mountain. At this time, he died in the hands of his own camp. Now even if the King of Heaven comes, things will not be the same. Definitely in big trouble.

It can't end!

Not only Liu Bang didn't know what to do, Cui Huhu was also standing in the air blankly at this time, looking at the blood mist exploding in the air, his brain shut down for a moment, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes: What to do? What to do now?”

He doesn't know what to do!

This is the master of a peak in Zhenwu Mountain!

The air was silent at this time, falling into a deathly silence.

The other peak masters of Zhenwu Mountain on the side all fell into deathly silence at this time, and their brains stopped thinking.

what to do?

Everyone was stunned in place. Although everyone wanted to make the matter bigger, they never thought that Yu Wenhaojie would die?

If Yuwen Hero is alive, everything is within the controllable range. If Yuwen Hero is dead...

Things are getting out of control!

The world fell into deathly silence, the void began to twist, visions of wind, fire, thunder and lightning flashed, and waves of terrifying energy came from the void and penetrated down the legal world.

The old antiques left in the Dharma Realm in Zhenwu Mountain have revived!

As mentioned before, Zhenwu Mountain has been teaching for more than five thousand years. No matter how difficult the Qi training path is, it is still possible to achieve success. The amount accumulated over thousands of years is by no means a small amount.

It's just that after the monks reach the disaster situation, staying in the world will break the balance between heaven and earth. They must be covered by the incense. However, the incense has always been controlled by the Great Zhou Court. It is really difficult for Qi practitioners to collect incense. , so many monks hid in the Dharma Realm after entering the imperial edict.

Although there are terrifying and strange things in the Dharma Realm, the incense energy consumed is relatively small, and the Dharma Realm contains unique laws, which are conducive to the monks' cultivation and understanding of supernatural powers.

Qi practitioners can practice faster in the Dharma Realm than in the material world, and they can also comprehend the magical powers of the Dharma Realm and master the power of the Dharma Realm. Why not be a Qi Practitioner?

Even the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain and others, although the dojo is in Zhenwu Mountain, they also enter the Dharma Realm to practice. Otherwise, if Zhenwu Mountain is causing such a big commotion, how could the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain not be alarmed?

They are practicing in the Dharma Realm!

At this time, a series of strange-shaped organs were seen flying out of Zhenwu Mountain, some of which were a finger, a finger, a mouth, a hair, and even a tooth or a tongue.

Others are half-body.

Qi practitioner is a process of gradually refining one's body into the Dharma Realm, and then gradually refining the body out of the Dharma Realm.

Therefore, it is inevitable that various organs will be refined into the Dharma Realm, and it is inevitable that various organs will remain in the material world.

The power of the world flowed into Cui Yu's eyes. When Cui Yu looked with his eyes, he saw figures standing in the Dharma Realm. The aura of incense around them turned into halos, just like gods and Buddhas suppressing all things in the world.

Cui Yu had a weird look in his eyes as he looked at the various organs flying in the sky, but he didn't dare to look down on these people. He had practiced Qi to such an extent that he couldn't tell whether they were Bai Chi or Bai Chi. Only then did the edict come into effect.

Because in the Bai Chi realm, the organs return to the material world, and in the Ruchi realm, the body is refined into the Dharma realm, leaving only the last organ in the Yang world, which is really difficult to distinguish.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and looked at the figures in the sky, with a strange look in his eyes: Weird! Weird! Where do these old guys usually hide and practice? Why didn't they notice any trace of them before?

Seemingly seeing Cui Yu's doubts, Zhang Guanxi on the side whispered: All the ancestors are receiving incense and offerings in our temple in Zhenwu Mountain. They seem to be suppressing something, so it is rare to see them. Even their cultivation levels are even better. Those who are profound have already gone to the deepest part of the Dharma Realm, hoping to find opportunities and creation within the Dharma Realm.”

You must know that there are endless good fortunes scattered in the Dharma Realm. If a Qi practitioner can obtain it, his cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. Of course, more people will die in the Dharma Realm! Zhang Guanxi's voice was full of depression.

When Cui Yu heard this, he suddenly realized that these old guys in front of him were only those who stayed in Zhenwu Mountain, and there were many who had gone into the depths of the Dharma Realm to explore.

There was a hint of emotion in Cui Yu's eyes. Zhenwu Mountain has a profound heritage over the past five thousand years. No wonder it can become the horns of the Qi Practitioner line and suppress the Qi volume of the Qi Practitioner lineage.

There was a hint of seriousness in Cui Yu's eyes: Zhenwu Mountain can be used, but Zhenwu Mountain's strength is beyond my expectation. Can I really secretly add fuel to the fire?

A suspicion arose in Cui Yu's heart. Those old guys who have lived for thousands of years are all almost as clever as monsters. Can they really be controlled by him?

Cui Yu was very suspicious! dare to kill people on my Zhenwu Mountain? Gao Tong stared at the tombkeeper opposite, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

So what if I kill you? The world is still full of bloodline warriors! Although the qi practitioners have obtained qi, they have not yet risen. If you make me unhappy, our Han Dynasty can raze your Zhenwu Mountain to the ground before you rise. Flat ground. The voice of the tombkeeper was full of pride, and he did not take any notice of the Qi practitioners present.

The tombkeeper's behavior immediately angered everyone present.

The other party doesn't take Zhenwu Mountain into account!

If you look down on the Zhenwu Mountain monks, you look down on yourself!

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