In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 971 Hongjun’s final writing

Not everyone has Pangu blood!

Only Pangu's bloodline can tolerate all things, even chaos.

But if an ordinary monk wants to embark on the path of a Qi Practitioner, he must suppress the power of the divine blood before the Qi Practitioner's cultivation is complete. Only when the Qi practitioner steps into the realm of supernatural powers and cultivates divine blood can the impact be reduced at this time.

However, the divine blood from the bloodline and the divine blood produced through cultivation have different properties, and they will affect each other. Only by stepping into the realm of 'disaster' can the power of the bloodline be completely eliminated and transformed into the god of the Qi practitioner. The power of blood.

At this time, Liu Bang was only in the realm of supernatural powers. How many drops of 'Qi Practitioner's Divine Blood' could he cultivate?

The huge Golden Crow Divine Blood in his body just exploded. The next moment, the Qi Practitioner's Divine Blood, which he had worked hard for several years, was directly assimilated and swallowed by the Golden Crow Divine Blood, and turned into running water after several years of hard training.

Hearing what Yuwen Junjie said, Liu Bang gritted his teeth with hatred: Damn it, you can't live anymore, why do you care about divine blood? Since you want to kill me, you can't blame me today, just kill you I suppressed the killing and took away the creation of that mysterious place, who would know that it was me?

Liu Bang's body twisted for a while, turning into a three-legged golden crow, with blazing true sun fire burning all over his body, and suppressed Yu Wenhaojie.

The bloodline of the Golden Imperial Realm's combat power. Yuwen Junjie couldn't help but change his expression when he looked at Liu Bang who was charging towards him.

Fortunately, he has the Measurement Ruler to protect him, so he is not afraid of Liu Bang.

It's just that Liu Bang's combat power is higher than his own at this time, and if the struggle lasts for a long time, he may be exhausted and unable to fight against the opponent.

In the mysterious ancient battlefield, Cui Yu turned to look at the two fighting in the chaos, and thought to himself: Liu Bang has the bloodline combat power of the Golden Imperial Realm, and he also has the pagoda to protect his body. The pagoda is an innate spiritual treasure. Although it is mainly for defense, it is also unusual. Although Yuwen Hero is a little weaker than Liu Bang, Yuwen Hero has the innate spiritual treasure Measuring Ruler in his hand, and the Measuring Ruler is mainly for attack. It is difficult for both sides to win or lose in a short time. Think about it. To determine the outcome, it depends on whose divine blood is consumed first.

It happened that the two were entangled at this time, but they gave Cui Yu a chance.

Cui Yu looked at the mysterious world in the distance with his eyes. There was a terrifying coercion flowing between heaven and earth. It seemed that it could erupt at any time and destroy everything in the world. Cui Yu was trembling with fear.

But many things are a dead end for others, but not for me. Pangu's blood circulated in Cui Yu's body, and the image of Saint Tongtian began to flash. The next moment Cui Yu's creation technique was activated, leaving a trace on the spot. Although he had a false body, he used the power of a saint to hide his body, and took one step deeper into the mysterious ancient battlefield.

With the saint's law protecting his body, Cui Yu didn't believe that the opponent's remaining power could kill the saint.

He had to go deeper and avoid Yuwen Junjie's gaze in order to use more mysterious methods.

Cui Yu took a step forward, crossing thousands of miles of void, and landed on a large mountain. Unexpectedly, a terrifying force of gravity suddenly erupted from the mountain. The space seemed to collapse under the gravity. The next moment, the Holy Dao in Cui Yu's body The power flowed, and before the collapse power could explode, it was suppressed directly with the power of the saint.

Cui Yu thought well. No matter how powerful the opponent was, it was unrealistic to kill the saint with only his remaining strength.

Cui Yu stood in the field, his eyes looking towards the distant sky, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes: This place has escaped the sight of Yu Wenhaojie.

Aware of the rapid consumption of Pangu's blood, Cui Yu did not dare to waste time and directly summoned Yuan Pan from his Xiaoqian World.

The void in front of Cui Yu was distorted, and a slightly illusory jade plate appeared directly in front of Cui Yu.

As soon as the jade plate appeared, it buzzed and vibrated, as if there was a strange feeling coming from the void, emitting a call.

This is?

Looking at the trembling jade plate, the jade plate seemed to be eager to fly in a certain direction. Cui Yu did not stop him but followed the trace with the jade plate. The next moment, Cui Yu's figure appeared in a place covered with thunder and fire. in the big pit.

The large pit has a radius of more than ten meters, and seems to be the trace left by a claw of a wild beast. And among the thunder and fire in the sky, there is actually a vacuum land that has not been invaded by the thunder and fire in the sky.

The empty space was no more than a meter wide, and there was a pure white jade plate floating in the void.

All the thunder and fire that came close to the jade board were suppressed by the jade board and could not invade at all.

Cui Yu looked at the jade plate with a curious look in his eyes: Hey, the second jade plate?

I saw mysterious runes flowing on the jade plate in the thunder and fire. The symbols came from the same source as the symbols Cui Yu had seen.

As if aware of Cui Yu's disc artifact, the jade plate began to buzz and vibrate slightly.

It's interesting. Cui Yu muttered to himself.

The jade plate in front of me is different from the jade plate I smelted into the disc. My jade plate is square, but the jade plate in front of me has a slight curvature, which is less than one-third of the size of the jade plate in my hand. It is like a plate. arc.

At this time, the jade plate and the disk suspended in front of Cui Yu resonated, and they were attracted to each other. Cui Yu gently pushed the disk in his hand, and the next moment he saw the disk in front of him break through the void and fall directly into the sky. Where the jade plate was, the jade plate trapped in the thunder and fire buzzed, turned into a stream of light, and penetrated directly into Cui Yu's disk.

Then Cui Yu saw that part of the outer arc of his illusory disk condensed into a solid object. The entire illusory disk seemed even more mysterious and unpredictable, with some inexplicable changes within it.

Cui Yu looked at his own disc with his eyes, staring at the two jade stones that condensed into a solid object. He still didn't understand that the whole object was a disc. As long as he found the remaining fragments, he could reassemble it.

I understand. The owner of this disc in the past must have encountered a terrifying enemy on the battlefield here. Even incredible artifacts like the disc were shattered, and the fragments of the disc were scattered in the ancient battlefield. As long as I find the disc fragments, I can piece together the entire artifact. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

How incredible is it that this jade plate can usurp the authority of heaven?

If I can gather and achieve perfection, will I be able to cultivate the world in the future? Refine the vast world into your own small world?

Countless thoughts kept flickering in Cui Yu's heart, and the next moment he saw the jade plate continuing to vibrate. At this time, Cui Yu looked at the constant consumption of divine blood and knew that he could no longer waste time. He directly took the jade plate across the void and began to search for the remaining fragments. .

After the two drops of Pangu's blood were completely consumed, Cui Yu stood upright on a large mountain, looking at the disk that made up a quarter, and couldn't help but have a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes: The efficiency is too low.

It’s not that Cui Yu’s speed is not fast enough. With the power of a saint, what effort would it take to collect the jade plate?

The key is that this jade plate is too fragmentary, the big one is like a thumb, the small one is like a grain of rice, and it is not enough for Cui Yu to run back and forth.

Seeing that Pangu's bloodline was about to be exhausted, even though he only collected a small part of the jade plate, Cui Yu still did not dare to wait any longer, for fear that without the suppression of the saint's power, the huge power would burst out and turn him into ashes.

Cui Yu was about to return, but who knew that the jade plate seemed to have sensed Cui Yu's thoughts. After a buzzing sound, the next moment the jade plate actually emitted a ray of green light, covering Cui Yu's body for ten feet. Isolated all the terrifying power between heaven and earth.

Seeing the changes in the jade plate, Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned, and then said with a horrified expression: What a terrifying artifact.

It should be noted that Cui Yu was fashionable and still in the realm of a saint. He looked at the jade plate with his eyes. All changes on the jade plate could not escape his perception. He could only see the green light passing through the jade plate, and there seemed to be a strange order invisibly. The power came and transformed the ten feet of void around Cui Yu, turning it into an independent time and space, isolating it from the mysterious place in front of him. Of course, Cui Yu would not be attacked by the mysterious place.

Incredible! It's incredible! Cui Yu secretly exclaimed.

Pangu's blood was exhausted, Cui Yu had the Chaos Clock ready on his head, and his eyes were nervously staring at the ten feet of void shaped by the jade plate in front of him.

If the jade plate cannot withstand it, he can still mobilize the Donghuang Bell and jump into the Donghuang Bell to protect himself, but he cannot put all his hopes on the jade plate.

However, contrary to Cui Yu's expectation, nothing terrible happened as the jade plate rotated.

This jade plate is really amazing. Cui Yu put away the East Emperor Bell and looked at the disc suspended in front of him. The next moment he stepped forward, he saw the jade plate following Cui Yu like a shadow, constantly serving Cui Yu. Fishing escort.

Cui Yu did not waste any time and continued to search for the location of the next jade plate.

With the blessing of the jade plate, the mysterious ancient battlefield seemed to have become an ordinary mountain at this time. As Cui Yu walked leisurely through the courtyard, the broken jade plates were collected by Cui Yu and sorted into Cui Yu's big disc. among.

The divine light was flowing on the big disk, and its power was even greater than before. Standing in front of the big disk, Cui Yu felt an inexplicable sense of security.

Regardless of time in the chaos, after Cui Yu's two drops of Pangu blood recovered again, Cui Yu happened to pick up the last fragment.

Huh? Cui Yu looked at Yuanpan with his eyes. At this time, Yuanpan had recovered to 56%, but he was no longer sensitive.

Cui Yu stood in front of the disc, looking at the gap that was missing four-tenths, and couldn't help but frown: Isn't it completed?

After careful sensing, there was no movement from the disc. It was obvious that there was no longer any sensing in the mysterious place.

Cui Yu looked at the entire disk and saw a mysterious light flowing on the disk, but there was no such feeling anymore.

It should be gone. Cui Yu looked at the floating disk in front of him, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

Although the disk can repair itself with the development and evolution of the small world, it will take hundreds of millions of years to repair the remaining four-tenths. How can it be faster than directly looking for the fragments?

As the last fragment was collected, Cui Yu felt like leaving.

This so-called mysterious place is just an unknown battlefield, and there is nothing worth staying in.

I still have to find a way to seize Yuwen Hero's Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler, and Liu Bang cannot die here. Only if Liu Bang and Yuwen Hero return alive can greater contradictions and conflicts be caused. Cui Yu secretly thought in his heart. He said.

After identifying the direction, Cui Yu was about to leave when suddenly a bright white light emerged from the jade piece he had collected before, and a wisp of sacred energy circulated between heaven and earth.

Is that... the qi mechanism of Jiaozu Hongjun? Cui Yu paused, his eyes full of shock.

He was all too familiar with the aura of the Ancestor Hongjun. Whether he had seen the Ancestor Hongjun in the past when he went back in time or space, or the Mark of the Ancestor in his body, they all exuded the aura of the Ancestor Hongjun.

How can there be Qi of Jiaozu Hongjun here? Could it be that this ancient battlefield is the place where Jiaozu Hongjun fought with others? Cui Yu looked at the disk in front of him, and suddenly an incredible speculation came into his mind: This Could the Yuanpan be the jade butterfly created by the founder Hongjun?

Huh? Disk? The Jade Butterfly? Is the Jade Butterfly obtained by the founder Hongjun in the past broken? Cui Yu's pupils kept shrinking, and there were huge waves in his mind.

The sect ancestor Hongjun fought with others and broke the chaos. Even the jade butterfly of creation collapsed. So what kind of terrible opponent did the sect ancestor Hongjun encounter?

Cui Yu felt a little incredible!

The jade butterfly of the sect ancestor Hongjun was shattered, what kind of existence would that be?

Cui Yu couldn't believe it!

Cui Yu cautiously arrived at the place that exuded the Qi of the sect ancestor Hongjun, and saw a stone tablet on the ground. The stone tablet was engraved with characters from the prehistoric period, using the dragon and phoenix seals of the great avenue, which was full of mystery.

The handwriting is bright red, exuding the energy of law. The writing on the stone tablet has not dried up for hundreds of millions of years, and it still flows with unimaginable pressure.

Cui Yu can be sure that without the blessing of the jade butterfly, he would not even have a chance to get close to this line of writing.

The handwriting was very short, only one sentence, but Cui Yu felt his heart tremble when he read it.

Is there still a chance?

Cui Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tremble when he looked at those five words, his eyes were full of shock, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

He simply could not imagine that Hongjun, the founder of the Taoist Perfect World, who mastered the movement of heaven and could cross the chaos of no land and find the vast world, would actually write such a sentence.

Is there still a chance?

How pessimistic and desperate is this to write such words after a war?

In this sentence, there is infinite pessimism and infinite despair about the future. Cui Yu looked at that line of words and felt that every word was crying. An indescribable artistic conception of despair came across time and space, and it was shocking. Two lines of blood and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

At that moment, Cui Yu seemed to see a figure in a simple Taoist robe, standing in front of the stone tablet with a tired face, and carved this line of words.

Huh? No? There is a line of small words below...

Cui Yu's eyes turned, and then he felt as if he was struck by lightning. He looked at the line of small characters and read out word by word: Hongjun's masterpiece.

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