In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 972: Hongjun kills Dao here

Five simple words, but revealing endless despair!

Every word screams blood!

Since it is the last work, it means... that means... Cui Yu's body was trembling, and his voice was full of disbelief: Then it means that the ancestor Hongjun is dead?

He thought of the last time he dreamed of returning to the ancient world. The ancient world was defeated, and the ancestor Hongjun had perished. Only a trace of the remnant soul came to the underground palace, laying out the overall situation for the ages.

Did Jiaozong Hongjun die here back then? Jiaozong Hongjun was a character born in a perfect world. He had unrivaled power. How could he die? How could Jiaozong be desperate?

Cui Yu's voice was full of disbelief.

He really couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

Can't believe it, unbelievable!

Will you still despair when you reach the level of your ancestor?

Since the ancestor's last writing is here, it means he died here. What about the body of the ancestor Hongjun? I want to collect the body of the ancestor Hongjun. Cui Yu's eyes scanned the vast ancient battlefield, but he did not notice the ancestor Hongjun. The existence of Jun's corpse.

Cui Yu thought for a while, then swung his palm out and landed on the stone tablet. Then his muscles and bones all over his body suddenly exerted force, trying to forcefully pull out the stone tablet. But who would have expected that at the next moment, the mysterious rhythm on the stone tablet flickered, and the handwriting left by Dao Zu Hongjun emitted a red light, which actually knocked Cui Yu out.


At this moment, Cui Yu's creation jade butterfly rotated, blocking the power of Jiaozu Hongjun, and neutralizing the power of Jiaozu Hongjun's handwriting.

The stone tablet seemed to sense the aura of the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly. The next moment, a hazy and twisted divine light appeared on the stone tablet in the field, and a long sigh resounded between heaven and earth: How many years has it been? The old Taoist felt the good fortune of the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly again. breath.

Cui Yu stabilized his body, looked at the figure with his eyes, and couldn't help but froze: Jiaozu!

Although the figure was illusory, Cui Yu could tell that the person in front of him was Jiao Zu Hongjun.

It's you. After the figure saw Cui Yu, he couldn't help but be startled, and then a hint of realization appeared in his eyes: No wonder the Creation Jade Butterfly has reorganized again. It turns out it was you who did it. You have such ability, which is beyond my expectation. .”

Jiaozu Hongjun looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, seeming to see Cui Yu's secret.

Cui Yu quickly bowed and said, Meet the ancestor.

Hongjun nodded: Don't be too polite. The old Taoist is just a remnant soul now, and it will disappear soon. You and I are destined to meet again. I am relieved to see that you can reorganize the Jade Butterfly.

If you still have any doubts, wait for me to answer them for you. I will dissipate between heaven and earth later. Your doubts can only stay in your heart forever. Hongjun, the ancestor of the teaching, looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes. Mild flavor.

Ancestor, this disciple has a question, what kind of terrifying and powerful enemy did you encounter to end up like this? Cui Yu's voice was full of disbelief.

This was Cui Yu's doubt back then, but unfortunately he didn't have time to ask when he traveled back in time.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Hongjun taught his ancestors: The way of heaven in the vast world.

You are the One of the Perfect World. Aren't you the opponent of the Heavenly Dao in the universe? Cui Yu's voice was full of disbelief.

I can unite with the perfect world, just with the help of the power of the perfect world. Without the blessing of the perfect world, I am just a saint, but I have gone very far in the realm of saints. The world is a complete one. The laws created by the world, and this vast world is unusual, it actually has two sides of yin and yang, which caused my prehistoric world calculation to fall short. If I hadn't designed to attract the heavenly way of the vast world, I'm afraid the inheritance of the prehistoric world would have been broken. There is no chance of survival anymore.”

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: Yin and Yang?

Yes! This Great Thousand World is very strange. Not only are the rules strange, but even the creation of the world is strange. Its positive side is the material world, and its negative side is the Dharma Realm. The Dharma Realm and Chaos are integrated into one, causing this Great Thousand World to control part of the world. The power of chaos can be used to draw part of the power of chaos for one's own use. Our ancient world failed to find out, so we fell short at the critical moment.

The voice of Patriarch Hongjun was full of reluctance: I hate it! Cuofei was caught off guard. How could we be in such a passive situation?

Hongjun's voice was full of reluctance, and Cui Yu was also horrified. The amount of information contained in Hongjun's words was too great.

You have to remember that this great world cannot be viewed as one great world, but as two great worlds. Even the way of heaven must be counted as two ways of heaven. You must remember it. The calculation cannot be wrong. Hongjun's voice was full of seriousness.

In the past, I had a decisive battle with the Heavenly Law of the Great Thousand Worlds here, beheaded the heads of the Great Thousand Worlds, and suppressed their heads here. I was about to take the opportunity to wipe out the Heavenly Law of the Yangshi of the Great Thousand Worlds, but who knew that I was unexpectedly attacked at the critical moment. Hongjun. His voice was full of reluctance.

Cui Yu felt horrified when he heard this. If he hadn't understood what Hongjun meant, it would be that there are two worlds in this world, one yin and one yang. There are also two Heavenly Ways! Ancestor Hongjun severely damaged the Heavenly Way of the Yang World, and was about to completely seal the Yangshi Heavenly Way, but who knew that the Yin Heavenly Way would take action at the critical moment.

Cui Yu’s hair stood on end!

He now feels more and more that the world is very dangerous!

If the Yang way of heaven has been severely damaged, the Yin way of heaven must remain intact. I was so lucky to not be punished by Yin Zhitian for jumping around so much before.

Tiandao, the sixth child, deliberately showed his weakness to the enemy, which was simply unbecoming of a human being.

At this time, Cui Yu also wanted to understand why the body of the Heavenly Dao was suppressed in the lower world. The Hongjun Sect Ancestor must have had a good fight with the Heavenly Dao in the material world in the Great Thousand World. With the help of the saints, he continued to suppress the Heavenly Dao in the Yang World of the Great Thousand World. However, the way of heaven is immortal. As long as it exists in the world, the way of heaven will never perish. Therefore, in order to completely solve the problem, Hongjun, the founder of the teaching, introduced the last body of the way of heaven into the chaos. But who knew that the chaos around the world was actually the way of heaven in the legal world? The Dharma Realm covers the area, and the order of heaven and law in the Dharma Realm is dormant...

In the material world, many saints and strong men cooperated with the ancestors to fight against the Heavenly Dao. However, after the chaos, the two Heavenly Dao surrounded and attacked the ancestor Hongjun, and the end can be imagined.

Cui Yu could only say: Jiaozu Hongjun did not lose unfairly!

There was a hint of embarrassment in Cui Yu's eyes, and he suddenly felt very insecure. He always felt that a hand would come over and slap him to death.

Seemingly seeing the worry in Cui Yu's heart, Hongjun smiled and comforted: Don't worry, the way of heaven in the Dharma Realm is not as powerful as you think. The way of heaven in the Dharma Realm is the way of heaven, but it is more like the 'immortal way'. 'The 'immortal order' evolved from the same.

The powerful people in this world who enter the imperial realm must enter the Dharma Realm and undergo the purification of the Dharma Realm. The Heavenly Way in the Dharma Realm restricts and governs the monks, and cannot manage everything in the world like the Heavenly Way in the material world. It is running, so it is not as powerful as Yang Shi. Hongjun, the patriarch, kept comforting Cui Yu.

But after listening to the words of Jiaozu Hongjun, Cui Yu did not dare to be careless. The strength and weakness were relative to Jiaozu Hongjun.

Under this stone monument, the leader of the Yangshi Tiandao is being suppressed. If you have a chance in the future, you need to destroy him and make sure not to regenerate him. Ancestor Hongjun said: What a shame, I could only suppress his leader back then. Level, he escaped back to the Yang world with his main body and suppressed the saints, otherwise our prehistoric world must have taken over this great world.

Cui Yu was frightened when he heard this. He looked under the stone tablet with his eyes, but he didn't expect that Tiandao's head was sealed under it.

Since the ancestor has died, I wonder where the body is? I will collect the body for the ancestor. Cui Yu said to the sect ancestor Hongjun.

Hongjun shook his head: Our physical bodies were abandoned in the prehistoric period to repay the karma of the prehistoric period. The physical body that came to this world is just a re-condensation. This physical body is extremely weak and not worth mentioning. We are waiting for the path of life and death. Dissipate, the physical body will naturally dissipate with it, so as not to be taken advantage of by the weirdness of this world.

Having said this, Hongjun sighed quietly: There are still thirty breaths left. Is there anything else you want to ask?

Cui Yu's pupils shrank and he quickly asked the doubts in his heart: Since this place is covered by the Dharma Realm, why doesn't the Dharma Realm and Heavenly Dao break the seal and release the corpse?

Hongjun smiled: Look at this ancient battlefield, the energy is extremely chaotic. With the trump card I used to use the broken jade butterfly of creation, of course the law and heaven will not dare to set foot here easily. But now that you have taken away the jade butterfly of creation, I'm afraid that the law and heaven will soon notice the changes here, and there will definitely be variables again, and you still need to handle them properly.

Cui Yu quickly asked: Is this a jade butterfly created by nature? Can it be repaired to perfection?

It is the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, but the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly was broken by the Great God Pangu in the past, and I cannot repair it. If you want to repair it, you must use the origin of the world to irrigate. Although I controlled the perfect world back then, I did not dare to do so. , so as not to break the balance of heaven. Hongjun's sect ancestor sighed quietly.

Ancestor, I have the ability to bring the dead back to life. Is there any chance I can resurrect you? Cui Yu asked.

Resurrection from the dead is just a magical power, and it is of no use to those of us who have stepped into the Hunyuan level. Hongjun shook his head: The future of the prehistoric era will all be entrusted to you. You are the last in the prehistoric era. The continuation of…”

Before the words were finished, the figure of Jiaozu Hongjun was already broken. It was just that Jiaozu Hongjun's expression was struggling, as if he wanted to say something important to Cui Yu, but it was too late.

The figure of Patriarch Hongjun was like a mirage, disappearing into the mysterious place, and the Dharma Realm fell into deathly silence.

Cui Yu lowered his head and looked at the stone tablet, and couldn't help but feel his head pounding. His teaching ancestor Hongjun had left him a big trouble!

Big trouble!

The stone tablet suppressing Tiandao's head, how much trouble must this cause?

There was a hint of seriousness in Cui Yu's eyes: Once the head escapes, I'm afraid something big will happen.

Every fool knows that although all parts of the human body are important, the head is definitely the most important.

Last time, in order to destroy one of Tiandao's arms, nearly all the powerful men were mobilized. Now that they encountered something that sealed Tiandao's head, wouldn't it be even more dangerous?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of caution and seriousness. The key now was how to destroy Tiandao's head.

I'm afraid that only the power of the saint realm can wipe out the head of Heavenly Dao. And it's not the power of a few breaths of saints like mine. It requires the power of Heavenly Dao that lasts for thousands or ten thousand years. Cui Yu's eyes showed Showing a hint of seriousness.

At this moment, he heard a strange sound coming from the stone tablet. Cui Yu quickly looked at it and saw that the handwriting left by the patriarch on the stone tablet was gradually dimming, and the first word 'huan' seemed to have suffered... Like millions of years of time, the color is getting darker and darker, and the divine power within it is being invaded and obliterated by an inexplicable force. The originally bright red font is rapidly weakening like paint characters that have experienced years of invasion.

Cui Yu's heart suddenly jumped when he saw this. He was not a fool. He understood the meaning in an instant: Without the suppression of the remnant soul of the sect ancestor Hongjun, the head of Heavenly Dao under the stone tablet is resurrecting, attacking the last strength of the sect ancestor Hongjun. .When all the words left by the sect ancestor Hongjun disappear on the stone tablet, I am afraid that the stone tablet will no longer be able to seal the head of Tiandao, and the other party will break the seal and come out.

Looking at the increasingly dim handwriting, Cui Yu knew that he didn't have much time left for him.

What should I do? Cui Yu's mind was spinning with countless thoughts.

Once the Tiandao head is revived, the consequences can be imagined.

Even if Cui Yu wanted to find reinforcements and seek help from the Buddha and others, he might be too late.

He must stay and solve it himself!

But how to solve it?

Once Tiandao's head cannot be solved, when Tiandao recovers, I will be the one to solve it. Cui Yu's head was as big as a bucket for a while.

At this point, we can only use the fate of the saint to calculate.

The next moment Cui Yu used his magical power, Pangu's blood in his body began to burn rapidly, and a mighty saint's power came down from somewhere.

Countless wisdom burst out from Cui Yu's heart, and Cui Yu began to deduce the glimmer of hope: What if I use the power of the saint to suppress the head of the Heavenly Dao?

Cui Yu quickly deduced the first possibility, which was also the biggest possibility.

But Cui Yu ruled out this outcome after taking a breath.

The head of Heavenly Dao at least has the power of a saint. It's just a joke for me to use the power of a saint to seal a being with the power of a saint. Cui Yu shook his head and rejected the idea.

He can use the power of the saint to seal it, can't others use the power of the saint to break the seal?

It doesn’t make sense!

This method can seal the existence under the saint, but sealing the saint cannot.

The second method is to invite Buddha and Lao and others. Now I have the power of a saint to send messages to Buddha and Lao and others in the world... Cui Yu began to deduce quickly again.

But this method was soon rejected by Cui Yu: It's too late! It's completely too late!

Cui Yu began to think about the third method: That is, I use the Eye of Destruction to find a way to destroy it.

The Eye of Destruction can destroy Heavenly Dao, but compared to the first level of Heavenly Dao, it is too weak. Cui Yu's eyes showed a gloomy look.

What about forcibly mobilizing the power of Jiaozu Hongjun? Cui Yu reasoned silently.

Cui Yu gave up after a while. This method still didn't work because it was too late.

Cui Yuneng insisted that the true body of Hongjun, the teaching ancestor, was only a few breaths. How could he destroy the head of a saint?

Cui Yu's mind was spinning with countless thoughts, his wisdom was intertwined, and countless ways were being circulated. He tried his best to think of the key to breaking the situation.

But no matter how Cui Yu thought about it, he was rejected one by one.

While Cui Yu was thinking about it, the first handwriting on the slate left by the teaching ancestor Hongjun had turned into ashes and completely disappeared. At this time, the color of the second character left by Jiaozu Hongjun began to dim.

What should I do? Although Cui Yu had the vision and wisdom of a saint at this time, he was still helpless in the face of Tiandao's head.

There was a loud rumble on the ground, and the stone tablet began to tremble, and mud kept falling down. It was obvious that the head of the Heavenly Dao underground was already impacting the seal.

Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart, and finally his eyes fell on the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly: I wonder if it is possible to deduce a glimmer of hope in the dark world with the help of the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly?

Cui Yu felt a little numb. At this point, he could only place all his hopes on the creation of Jade Butterfly.

I hope you won't disappoint me, Creation Jade Butterfly. If you can't deduce it, then the powerful people in the world will suffer. Cui Yu muttered.

ps: Please subscribe, classmates and bosses, the little author is going to starve to death, please save the child, woo woo woo, please... woo woo

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