Facing Yuwen Hero who was drawing a pie, Cui Yu did not refute, but nodded in agreement.

I wonder which direction we should go next? Cui Yu looked at Yuwen Junjie with a pair of eyes full of probing.

There is nothingness in the chaos. There is no distinction between time and space, up and down. Where is the so-called direction?

Yu Wenhaojie was not in a hurry, but held the sky ruler in his hand. He looked into the depths of chaos with his eyes, and saw purple flowers flashing on the sky ruler in his hand. The flowers bloomed quietly in the void, and he saw that The purple flowers seemed to be connected to something else, bursting out streaks of colorful light, and then Yu Wenhaojie said: Follow me.

The measuring ruler emitted a strange fluctuation. Cui Yu obviously did not move, but he felt like the void was flowing away under his feet.

How strange. Cui Yu said.

He could sense that the measuring ruler was flying around him and Yuwen Junjie, but because he had no concept of time and space, Cui Yu didn't know how long he had been traveling.

Because there is no concept of time and space in chaos, there is no difference even if you walk a thousand miles or one meter. Only those who have mastered the power of the avenue, or the innate spiritual treasures who have mastered the power of the avenue, can This kind of traveling through nothingness is like the ruler in my master's hand. It is an innate spiritual treasure. With the power of the innate spiritual treasure, we can protect ourselves in the chaos and shuttle through the void in the chaos. Yuwen Haojie explained:

The void of chaos is different from the void of our world. The void of chaos refers to nothingness, while the void of the world refers to the sky and air without anything.

Cui Yu suddenly realized that there was no concept of time in the chaos. Cui Yu only calculated the heartbeat and used the heartbeat to calculate the time.

With his heart beating about three hundred times, Yuwen Junjie suddenly stopped and turned his head to look into the distance: Do you feel that something is staring at us in the dark?

Cui Yu heard the words and looked into the distance. Everything he saw was chaotic energy. The air of water and fire spread between the sky and the earth. Wind, rain, thunder and lightning intertwined. Cui Yu couldn't see clearly what was happening outside the shield.

Is there something staring at us? Could it be something strange in the Dharma Realm? Cui Yu asked.

I have long covered myself with the scent of incense. How can the weird people in the Dharma Realm notice us? Yuwen Junjie pointed to the layer of light yellow and seemingly undetectable golden mist outside the light of the measuring ruler: You Remember, if the cultivation before the disaster realm is the cultivation of divine power and supernatural powers, then the cultivation after the disaster realm is the cultivation of the power of incense. When you reach the disaster realm, even if you want to climb to a higher realm, the power of incense is indispensable. Protection. After reaching the disaster realm, the power of incense is as important as the realm of cultivation, and can even be said to be more important than the process of cultivation.

That's why the weird people in the world and the Qi practitioners all attach great importance to the power of incense. Why do the monks in the world want to overthrow the Zhou Dynasty? It's because the bloodline people have monopolized the power of incense in the world for a long time. Yu Wenhaojie said.

Cui Yu was thoughtful when he heard this, but he didn't say much. He had already made arrangements for incense. Whether it was Daleiyin Temple, Xiang Yu or Han Xin, they were all Cui Yu's back-up staff. one.

It's weird, why do I always feel like someone is spying on me secretly? Yuwen Haojie felt strange.

Cui Yu was startled when he heard this. He had practiced to the level of Yuwen Hero, and he had already sensed a sudden impulse in his heart. At this moment, if he felt that someone was secretly following and peeping, it must not be an illusion.

Cui Yu thought in his heart, and the next moment Pangu's blood flowed in his eyes, and he saw the energy flowing in the void, and the chaotic energy in front of him became invisible in Cui Yu's eyes.

Outside Cui Yu's eyes, a ball of true sun fire was burning quietly three hundred feet away. At this time, the ball of true sun fire had a pagoda on its head. The pagoda suppressed the chaotic energy wave, and at the same time, the flame was Protect it and never leak any energy.

Liu Bang! This boy couldn't resist the temptation and followed him quietly. Cui Yu looked at the flames hiding in the dark and couldn't help but smile.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of ridicule: Now that you're here, let's wait for the situation to overturn.

Yuwen Junjie looked around suspiciously for a while, then continued to press the ruler in his hand and continued to rush towards the distance.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but Cui Yu suddenly felt that the wave of chaos in front of him suddenly became smaller. Then the next moment, Cui Yu's pupils shrank because a ruins suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yes, they are ruins!

Ruins appeared in the chaos!

It was a broken world that was countless miles away, with broken walls and ruins everywhere. It could be called an incomplete world.

There was an invisible layer of energy fluctuations emanating from the ruins, blocking the energy fluctuations between heaven and earth.

Looking closely at the ruins, there are broken mountains, a river that turned into two parts like squirming insects, and a lake with footprints. There are terrifying marks imprinted on the sky and the earth. Those marks are fists or claws. , or a lotus, a wonderful flame.

Cui Yu looked at the world that was countless thousands of miles away, with shock in his eyes: What kind of existence could fight in the midst of chaos, and actually fight the chaos into order? Even after the fight, there is still divine power spreading, repelling the energy of chaos. Unable to get close.

There was a hint of shock in Cui Yu's eyes. He looked at the broken mountain with his eyes. He seemed to see a supreme being in the dark. He gathered the energy of chaos with his fingers and turned it into a mountain. The mountain opened up the path of chaos. Qi, suppressed thousands of miles of chaotic void, fought thousands of miles of chaos, and suppressed the opponent.

Look at the flaming lotus on the ground. Where is the lotus?

It was clearly a terrifying flame!

That is a sky-opening flame!

There are those with great supernatural powers who break the chaos, clearing up the heaven and earth, and then those with great supernatural powers condense the divine fire that opens the sky, hoping to use the divine fire that opens the sky to refine their opponents.

The ruins in front of you are made up of the remnants of magical powers, and the countless remnants of magical powers gathered together form the small world of thousands of miles in front of you.

It cannot be said to be a small world, it can only be said to be strange ancient battlefields. Countless strange magical powers have not dispersed for hundreds of millions of years and have gathered together to form this unique place.

How could there be such strange existences in the chaos? Cui Yu looked at the battlefield with no visible edges at all, the towering peaks like Buzhou Mountain, and the terrifying visions in the sky and the earth, his eyes full of Shocked.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Yu Wenhaojie said: In the past, I was chased by someone and escaped here unintentionally. The person who was chasing me accidentally touched the red flame, which turned into nothingness and burned my soul. None are left. And that jade plate was picked up by me outside the battlefield.

When Yu Wenhaojie said this, he looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Whether you can gain something from it depends on you. Since you have received the mysterious information of the jade plate, you may be able to deduce the perception of the jade plate in the dark. The mystery that comes from it, find more clues and whereabouts of the jade plate.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this and looked at Yu Wenhaojie blankly: Me? I'm going to deduce the information about the jade plate? I'm going to find the whereabouts of the jade plate?

Yuwen Junjie said disapprovingly: Otherwise, why do you think I would take you with me as a teacher? Since you can imprint eight hundred symbols in your mind, you only need to deduce and simulate those eight hundred symbols in your mind, and you may have a chance to cause the jade plate to explode. induction.

Yuwen Junjie's voice was full of determination.

Cui Yu felt disgusted after hearing what Yuwen Junjie said, but he didn't say anything more. He just said respectfully: Since the master has an order, of course the disciple will obey it.

Seeing this, Yu Wenhaojie led Cui Yu to break through the barrier and led all the way to the edge of the chaotic ruins.

However, just after passing through the barrier, Cui Yu felt an indescribable terror rising in his heart, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

At this time, Cui Yu really saw the broken walls in the battlefield and knew what kind of mountains and rivers were there? They are all the evolution of supernatural powers!

There are people with great magical powers who use their magical powers to suppress their opponents. Even if they just use one of their magical powers, they still have incredible power.

That mountain is a real mountain, but it is also a real magical power.

Once you step into it, you will suffer a counterattack from the remaining magical power, which is equivalent to facing the attack of the unknown great magical power user.

Incredible! Cui Yu said to himself.

Even a saint might not be able to do this, right?

Every move created the world, condensing supreme magical power that lasted for hundreds of millions of years.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of burning color, and he became more and more cautious, fearing that his Qi might accidentally provoke the power of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the world and cause a thunderous blow to him.

You can deduce the laws and secrets of the symbols here, and I will protect them for you. Yuwen Haojie said.

Cui Yu didn't say much, but quietly closed his eyes, with countless thoughts flowing in his heart: The secret realm in front of me is full of strange dangers. I don't know how Yuwen hero survived back then, and he also obtained the innate spiritual treasure Liangtian. ruler.

Thinking of this, Cui Yu said thoughtfully: But the most important thing is to force Liu Bang out first. This is the main purpose.

Cui Yu looked at the shadow at his feet calmly. Chi You knew what Cui Yu was thinking and quietly slipped away and entered the chaos.

Although chaos was chaotic, Chi You was an existence in the quasi-sage realm, so he didn't care about the chaotic energy in chaos.

within chaos

Liu Bang was holding the Linglong Tower and quietly looking at the figures of Cui Yu and Yuwen Hero. At the same time, he was sizing up the battlefield in front of him, with countless thoughts in his mind.

Just when countless thoughts were flashing in Liu Bang's mind, azure light suddenly rose up in the dark chaos. Before Liu Bang could react, a terrifying force carrying the mighty law sneaked towards him.

Liu Bang had no time to react, so he could only activate the Linglong Tower, and the mighty energy shot through the chaos and soared into the sky.

Linglong Tower burst out with terrifying power, but Liu Bang was stunned the next moment, because the expected sneak attack did not happen, as if the terrifying power did not exist before.

What? Liu Bang did not suffer the expected blow, and he was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know what happened.

However, at this moment, Yuwen Hero in the battlefield was alarmed by the scene in the chaos. He suddenly looked into the chaos and saw the pagoda with divine light bursting out from the chaos, as well as the bewildered man standing under the pagoda. Liu Bang.

It's you! Yu Wenhaojie recognized Liu Bang at a glance, and his eyes immediately turned red.

There is no doubt that Liu Bang must have stolen his jade plate.

I've met Uncle Yuwen. Liu Bang saw that his figure was exposed and quickly saluted.

Yu Wenhaojie looked at Liu Bang with his eyes, a dark light flickering in his eyes, but his face said calmly: It turns out to be Master Nephew Liu, why are you here?

Liu Bang hesitated when he heard the words and couldn't answer for a while.

Yuwen Junjie smiled when he saw this: Did you follow the notes left by your seniors to find it?

Seeing Yu Wenhaojie actually taking the initiative to help him out, Liu Bang was stunned. He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

So countless thoughts were rolling in my heart, but I couldn't think of any clues. I could only follow Liu Bang's words and say: Not bad! Not bad! I found this place based on the drawings left by my predecessors.

Since we are from the same sect, we might as well look for the good fortune together. Yuwen Junjie said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Bang always felt that something was wrong, but faced with Yu Wenhaojie's invitation, he could not refuse, so he could only step forward with the Linglong Tower on his back.

Just as he entered it, he heard Yu Wenhaojie say: It's a coincidence that we arrived here at the same time.

Liu Bang's smile froze when he heard this, and he was about to explain, but he saw Yu Wenhaojie waving the measuring ruler directly towards Liu Bang: You are a thief, how dare you be so rampant, even dare to steal my ancestor's treasures, it's simply I'm tired of living! If the seniors of the sect want to come here, they also need the guidance and positioning of my ruler to sense the position in the chaos. You talk nonsense, but you dare to follow me and want to take advantage of the opportunity to plot. ? Return the jade plate to me as soon as possible, otherwise don’t blame me for not thinking about our friendship and causing you to die here today.

Liu Bang was shocked when he heard this: Uncle, there's a misunderstanding! I'm just here to find the legendary Golden Crow corpse. How can I dare to plot against Uncle? Let alone steal his jade plate.

The evidence is solid, how dare you quibble? Yu Wenhaojie was furious, his measuring ruler flew up in his hand, and he beat Liu Bang back step by step.

Liu Bang was in a state of panic when faced with Yuwen Hero's attack, and his eyes were full of helplessness: Uncle Master, you really misunderstood me! I just heard rumors from the outside, so I followed here quietly. The real thieves The traitor who stole your jade plate is someone else, you really misunderstood me, it was Cui Yu who stole your jade plate!

At this time, Liu Bang saw Cui Yu who was watching the excitement, and he quickly defended: I saw with my own eyes that this man and Song Zhi were secretly planning. He teamed up with Song Zhi to steal your jade plate. You really found the wrong person. .”

Don't talk nonsense! I don't know what Song Zhi is capable of? If he had the ability to steal the jade plate from my hand, he would have been the leader of the Seven Zhenwu Sons. You guys don't have to quibble. Either give up your life today or Hand over the jade plate. Yu Wenhaojie had already been carried away by his anger. How could he listen to Liu Bang's excuse?

And he saw the pagoda above Liu Bang's head. It was clearly an innate object, and it was also a defensive magic weapon. If he could seize it, he might have a chance to go deeper into the ancient battlefield.

Yu Wenhaojie was filled with murderous intent at this moment. He was obviously really angry and refused to hold back.

At this time, Liu Bang's expression was extremely ugly. Facing Yuwen Hero's killing attacks, he could only retreat step by step, unable to parry at all.

After the two sides fought for more than thirty moves, Liu Bang's face turned gloomy: Old man Yuwen, am I really afraid of you? Since you want to die, then I will help you. Today I will ask you to see my true strength!

As soon as the words fell, Liu Bang's body shook, and then a majestic divine power rose up, and the infinite true fire of the sun rolled up and headed towards Yu Wenhaojie.

Facing Yuwen Hero's killing spree, Liu Bang finally mobilized his bloodline methods, which represented the combat power of the Jinzhi realm. At this time, he was getting higher and higher, and he killed Yuwen Hero on the opposite side with great force, and the situation was restored in an instant. .

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenhaojie was stunned: Mobilize the power of blood? Don't you want the cultivation of a Qi practitioner?

The power of blood will dissipate the energy accumulated in the Qi practitioner's body!

The larger the bloodline, the greater the impact and influence on Qi Practitioners.

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