In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 969: Measuring the Sky Ruler

Cui Yu couldn't believe that Liu Bang had such strong determination.

You must know that in order to attract Liu Bang, he took out every feather of Donghuang Taiyi. That is the essence of the true fire of the sun, which contains the essence and blood of Donghuang Taiyi. For the descendants of Donghuang Taiyi, this bloodline is too powerful, so powerful that it is almost unbelievable. For Liu Bang There is a temptation that comes from the deepest part of the bloodline.

It shouldn't be. I don't believe that anyone in this world can face bloodline evolution and remain indifferent. Bloodline evolution comes from instinct and cannot be resisted at all. It is an instinct that cannot be suppressed by reason. Liu Bang, can you resist it? Cui Yu couldn't believe it.

The temptation of this kind of bloodline level is even equivalent to the temptation of magical powers such as immortality and control of wind and rain for ordinary people.

If in the 21st century, an opportunity to live forever and have the power to influence everything was presented to you, would you be able to endure it?

No matter what, give it a try!

Unfortunately, Cui Yu's killer move for Liu Bang didn't work.

It shouldn't be. Numerous thoughts were flowing in Cui Yu's mind: What exactly is the problem?

At this time, Yuwen Junjie also asked the same doubt: It shouldn't be, what exactly is the problem?

If there is no traitor in Zhenwu Mountain, how did that person take advantage of the loophole? And know the habits of you and me? Now I am going to seize the fortune of the mysterious place, but the person who stole the jade plate is still indifferent, is it impossible? If I take away that good fortune, what will be the use of the jade plate when he gets it? Countless thoughts flashed in Yuwen Hero's heart.

Just as countless thoughts were rolling in Cui Yu's heart, Yuwen Junjie took Cui Yu's shoulders again: Let's go! Regardless of whether that person is really not interested, we have to leave.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: We have to go all the way? No one is following us, why do we have to go all the way?

Cui Yu was a little embarrassed. His current cultivation level was too low and he was not interested in the power in the Dharma Realm. Even though he knew that there was a mysterious place in the Dharma Realm, and there was a high possibility of fragments of the jade plate, he didn't really want to do so at this time. Step into it.

Can't you wait until you have practiced cultivation for five thousand years before going? At that time, his cultivation level was high enough that he had mastered the power of the ancestor Hongjun. That was the most suitable time for him.

There is no time. I have to go on this journey no matter what. Yu Wenhaojie sighed quietly.

When Cui Yu heard Yu Wenjunjie's sigh, he couldn't help but become alert, and he immediately understood the meaning. Yu Wenhaojie is dying soon. He relied on the jade plate to suppress his lifespan before. Now that his lifespan is about to end, he must go to that mysterious place again no matter what, looking for a jade plate to suppress his lifespan again.

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind. He looked at the mountains and rivers that were constantly retreating and cursed in his heart: Damn it, if you want to go to that mysterious place, just go by yourself. Why bother involving me.

Yuwen Junjie seemed to know Cui Yu's dissatisfaction, and said with a smile: Don't worry, there is still a great chance that we can come out alive. In the past, I just entered the imperial realm for the first time, and I was able to return smoothly. Now I have The White Ceremony is achieved, and Dzogchen is about to be completed. The cultivation level is even higher than before. There is no reason why I can't come out. Whether you can come out of that mysterious place alive has nothing to do with your cultivation level, but all depends on your own luck. Again It is impossible for a strong person to withstand the weirdness in the Dharma Realm. On the contrary, if you are lucky enough, even if you are only in the imperial realm, you can come out smoothly.

After hearing what Yuwen Junjie said, Cui Yu wanted to curse. This guy was about to die now, so of course he wanted to take a gamble. But his life span is endless, who is willing to face those monsters in the Dharma Realm?

Cui Yu simply couldn't imagine how deep the water was in the world where the founder Hongjun had fallen.

He has lived in the Great Thousand World for more than ten years and has not seen anything unusual in the Great Thousand World. So all the weirdness must exist within the Dharma Realm.

There was a hint of contemplation in Cui Yu's eyes. He had always been taboo about the Dharma Realm, always feeling that there must be great terror in the Dharma Realm.

Unfortunately, it was not up to him to make the decision now. Yu Wenhaojie took Cui Yu directly, passed through countless mountains, and plunged into a land of clouds and mist. Then he shuttled through the clouds and mist for a long time. Suddenly, the void in front of him was obscure and dim, and there was deathly silence between heaven and earth. There was no order or law, countless chaotic energy flows shuttled through the air, and a strange feeling of weightlessness came. Cui Yu felt as if a layer of shackles had been removed from his body, and he had lost some inexplicable restraint.

This is the Dharma Realm. Yuwen Herojie looked at the chaotic energy of heaven and earth in the distance and said.

What color is chaos?

Chaos has no color!

There is no color, no order, but nothingness, which is filled with chaotic energy waves.

Of course, because darkness and creation converge in chaos, most of the chaos appears muddy gray. At a glance, the world in front of you seems to turn into black.

It's like looking at a meadow. From a distance, it's all green, but when you look up close, there's only a sparse layer of turf.

Is this the Dharma Realm? There is no order in a chaotic world? Cui Yu's eyes were full of curiosity.

This place is not actually chaos. Yuwen Haojie said.

Cui Yu was puzzled, and Yu Wenhaojie explained: This place is on the edge of the Great Thousand World, and is still affected by the radiation of the Heavenly Way of the Great Thousand World. It is still within the jurisdiction of the order of the Great Thousand World, but it is not as powerful as in the Great Thousand World. This place It can be regarded as the territory of the vast world in chaos!

Hearing this, Yu Wenhaojie looked at the mysterious and unknown void space with his eyes, his eyes full of burning: Here we can still use the power of heaven to display magical powers, but once it reaches true chaos, there will be no laws covering the world. Of course, the magical powers you create cannot be used in a chaotic world. When you realize that your magical powers can no longer be used, you will have reached true chaos, a place without laws and order.

How can we fight if we can't use our magical powers in chaos? Cui Yu asked curiously.

He doesn't know much about chaos, and he can learn about it at Yu Wenhaojie.

I don't know, it is said that there is the power of the Great Dao in the chaos. If you can master the power of the Great Dao, you can control the chaos. Yu Wenhaojie said.


When Cui Yu heard this familiar term, he raised his head and looked at the chaotic world in the distance, his eyes filled with mysterious light.

There is no time and space here, how can we find the mysterious place? Cui Yu asked.

No space means standing still and not being able to move forward at all. Since we can't move forward, how can we get to that mysterious place?

Yu Wenhaojie smiled when he heard this: There is still a reflection of heaven here, and there is the power of time and space order. You don't have to worry.

As Yuwen Junjie spoke, the next moment he stretched out his palm, and a purple ruler appeared. The purple ruler emitted a ray of light, covering Yuwen Junjie and Cui Yu, and then the two took one step forward and stepped into the Within the chaotic energy tide outside the vast world.

Just like a strong wind and rain hitting a banana leaf, the energy shield on the ruler rippled, but it was weightless and was not broken.

Cui Yu looked at the light mask and looked at Yuwen Haojie with some worry: Master, is your mask reliable? It won't be broken, right?

Don't worry, my ruler is not an ordinary thing. It is even a unique treasure that comes from that mysterious place. It has some special effects of suppressing Hongmeng, specifically restraining the chaotic energy wave between heaven and earth. Yu Wenhaojie was proud.

Cui Yu looked at the ruler in Yuwen Junjie's hand and felt that it looked familiar. Based on his current memory, as long as he thought about it for a moment, he immediately understood that the ruler in front of him was exactly the same as the tombkeeper's ruler. The only difference was that, There is a unique innate Taoist charm flowing on the ruler in Yuwen Junjie's hand.

Measuring the Sky Ruler? Is this the original ruler of the Sky Measuring Ruler?

Cui Yu looked at the ruler in Yuwen Junjie's hand, and his eyes straightened for a moment. Huge happiness rushed into his head, making Cui Yu feel dizzy.

He had been looking for the Heavenly Measurement Ruler for a long time, but he didn't expect it to appear in front of him like this.

He has twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls. If he wants to develop and evolve the twenty-four heavens, he must have a measuring ruler.

The Heaven-Measuring Ruler is a necessary thing for him to open up the void and evolve the universe. Otherwise, there is no way to open up the void with just twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls.

When my Small Thousand World is complete, with the help of the Dinghai Divine Pearl and the Heavenly Ruler, I can open up the twenty-four heavens. I can directly break the shackles of the Small Thousand World and advance to the Middle Thousand World. Cui Yu's heart was beating wildly. When you are really sleepy, just use the pillow.

Why is your heart beating so fast? Yu Wenhaojie suddenly stopped and looked at Cui Yu with curious eyes.

Cui Yumei said calmly: The disciple looked at the chaotic tide of external energy and was frightened for a moment, so he was afraid in his heart.

Yu Wenhaojie nodded when he heard the words and looked at the surging energy tide outside. The two of them were like a helpless boat on the rough sea. They would be swallowed up by the waves of the world at any time. Let alone Cui Yu. Even he felt a little chill in his heart.

Cuo Fei knew something about the treasure in his hand. He believed that the treasure in his hand could protect him, even worse than Cui Yu.

He remembered that when he first stepped into Chaos, facing the overwhelming wave of energy, he was so scared that his legs were shaking and his body was sweating. He was far inferior to Cui Yu.

Don't be afraid. Although the energy chaos in the Dharma Realm is powerful, it is still constrained by the order of the world. The harm to us is still within the tolerance. And it is only a matter of time to come into contact with the power in the Dharma Realm. Wait until you cultivate. To enter the imperial edict, the first step is to choose a body organ to enter the Dharma Realm. This is a threshold that you must go through sooner or later. At this time, you face the Dharma Realm directly and see the whole picture of the Dharma Realm, which will be very helpful for your future cultivation. Yuwen Haojie taught.

Cui Yu was shocked when he heard this. The so-called imperial edict was just the cultivation of heavenly immortals. How could heavenly immortals be able to withstand the power of this chaotic legal world?

Master, the chaotic energy of the Dharma Realm is so terrifying, how can we bear it? Cui Yu was puzzled.

He didn't think that the immortals could withstand the waves of chaos.

Hahaha! Hahaha! Yuwen Hero raised his head and laughed: With our own strength, it is of course difficult for us to withstand the impact of the wave of chaos, but after we enter the imperial edict, Heaven will grant us an origin. As long as we In the chaotic area reflected in the vast world, you will be blessed by the source, and the impact and tempering of the chaotic wave that you can withstand will not be too strong.

Having said this, Yuwen Haojie said: Don't be afraid, just practice with peace of mind.

Cui Yu was startled when he heard this: Heaven gave you the origin? Will Heaven be so kind to protect you?

At this time, Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's ears: This is the way to advance in the world. Heaven gives the source to the monks. When the monks enter the Dharma Realm to refine the chaotic energy in the Dharma Realm, part of it will be absorbed by that source and feed back to the world. .”

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this: That shouldn't be the case. How huge is the energy of chaos that the world swallows? How can it be compared to the amount of energy that a monk swallows every moment?

It's different. I can't figure it out. Anyway, this matter involves the evolution of the world. Chi You replied.

When Cui Yu heard this, a thought flashed in his mind: There must be a difference between the chaotic energy refined by monks and the chaotic energy refined by the world. When I cultivate to the imperial level in the future, I may understand. Or maybe The Hunyuan Avenue and the Avenue of Gods and Demons are among them.

Cui Yu thought about it for a long time, but he was afraid that the power of the Great Dao was involved. Judging from his eyes as the Lord of Little Thousand Worlds, the power of the Great Dao should be involved.

The world of Xiaoqian can only swallow the energy of chaos, but this is not the case for the created creatures, which involve the transformation of the power of the great avenue.

A light flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Look at his sky measuring ruler! Is it a real sky measuring ruler? Or is this ruler also an imitation? Cui Yu asked.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Chi You quietly looked at the ruler from Cui Yu's shadow and took a breath: It is indeed the Hongmeng ruler, but this treasure seems to have suffered heavy damage. It should be the Rudong Emperor Bell. Generally speaking, we suffered a terrible enemy and our spirituality has been damaged, but it is now being repaired.

Hearing this, Cui Yu couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind: I've made a lot of money! I've made a lot of money! I've really made a lot of money!

The appearance of this ruler in front of me means that it is destined to me, and those who are destined to live in it!

This ruler belongs to me! I want this ruler! Countless thoughts flashed crazily in Cui Yu's heart: Let him keep it for now.

Don't think too much. As long as you help me find the treasure in that mysterious place, I will help you complete your training at all costs. Yuwen Haojie comforted him from the side.

If Yuwen Junjie hadn't sold himself to Liu Bang and wanted to kill him, he would have almost believed Yuwen Junjie's lies.

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