In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 968: The unshakable blame

Over there, Song Zhi suddenly said: Something's wrong. I heard someone said that the mysterious jade tablet of Yuwen Hero was lost the day before yesterday. Wasn't it stolen by an unknown entity? Why did you suddenly realize the secret of the jade tablet?

Liu Bang, who heard the news from the side, also secretly said: Yes, the day before yesterday, Yu Wenhaojie also said that the jade plate was missing, which caused a stir. Why did the jade plate suddenly come out again? Is there any fraud in this?

Cui Yu's answer at the next moment directly dispelled Liu Bang's doubts: Uncle Master, I don't know that the jade plate was never lost from the beginning to the end. It was just that after Yuwen Junjie cracked the secret of the jade plate, he wanted to find the treasure, but he I was afraid of being noticed, so I deliberately caused trouble to dispel everyone’s doubts, and then acted quietly in secret.”

This bastard has such a deep mind that he actually learned how to make false claims in the east. What a bastard! If you hadn't told me in advance, I would have been deceived by him as well. Song Zhi couldn't help but curse at this moment: Seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain, Yuwen Hero has the highest level of cultivation. Unexpectedly, he also has the deepest thoughts. We were all deceived by him.

Go back and continue to lurk next to him. I will handle this matter. I will definitely try my best to seize his fortune. After it is done, your benefits will be indispensable. Don't worry. Song Zhi's voice was full of So proud.

After hearing Song Zhi's words, Cui Yu and Song Zhi looked at each other, and then saw Cui Yu turning into light and leaving, disappearing into the darkness.

Song Zhi stood there, looking at Cui Yu's retreating figure, with his hands clasped behind his back, and a look of emotion in his eyes: What a hero Yuwen, he almost deceived me, if I hadn't bribed Cui Yu , I’m afraid I really missed this good fortune.”

After speaking, Song Zhi turned into a stream of light and disappeared among the mountains.

After Song Zhi disappeared for a long time, he saw a crow jumping on the tree, and then his body twisted for a while and turned into Liu Bang's appearance.

But after seeing Liu Bang's eyes looking around, they turned into a ball of fire and disappeared among the mountains.

When Liu Bang reappeared, he had already reached the library in Zhenwu Mountain. He went straight to the historical records of Zhenwu Mountain. His eyes fell on the historical records of Zhenwu Mountain, and then he quickly opened it and found a page about Yu Wenhaojie. Seriously Read on.

The life story of Yuwen Hero was fully recorded. After a long time, Liu Bang closed the book, put the historical records on the shelf, and said thoughtfully: It's true!

Since the thing is true, it is an earth-shattering blessing for me. Whether it is a sacred thing born in the sun or an innate spiritual treasure, I can't miss it. Liu Bang thought quietly, with a hint of light in his eyes. Weird: The true body of the ancestor was lost in the Dongting Lake Dragon Palace. Could it be that it fell into that mysterious place?

Liu Bang had doubts in his heart. After all, the true sun fire was so domineering that it was almost impossible to give birth to a living being in the true sun fire. The fact that our ancestors were born in the sun is a unique creation. There cannot be two kinds of creations in this world.

That must be the body of the ancestor of my family, the legendary first Golden Crow in the world. No matter what the secret realm is, I will try my best to obtain it. Liu Bang clenched his fists in his sleeves, and there was a look in his eyes. firm.

I have obtained the bloodline of the Golden Crow, and my combat power can be compared to that of masters in the Jinchi realm, whether it is Yuwen Hero or Song Zhi, they are all vulnerable to me. It's just that these two guys are very cunning, but they have to be on guard. In the legal world It's mysterious and unpredictable. What if this old guy shows some conspiracy and attracts monsters in the legal world? Although I have the combat power of the Golden Imperial Realm, I still can't stand up to the weirdness in the legal world. Liu Bang looked serious:

Although I have the bloodline of the Golden Crow, and my combat power can be compared to the Jinchi realm, but if I want to go to the mysterious and unpredictable Dharma Realm, I am afraid that I will be a little weak.

He has not forgotten that the good fortune that Yuwen Hero achieved was obtained from the Dharma Realm.

Not to mention him, even those ancient gods and demons must be in awe of this Dharma Realm.

At this time, countless thoughts flashed in Liu Bang's mind: Should I drag Cui Cancan? Or should I drag Cui Laohu?

After thinking for a long time, Liu Bang finally calmed down and said, One more person means more unpredictable mistakes. I can go alone.

On Chunyang Peak

Countless thoughts were flowing in Cui Yu's heart. He raised his head and looked at the distant sky. His eyes were full of thoughts, and he rigorously considered the mistakes in all the steps: Yu Wenjun asked me to spread the news throughout Zhenwu Mountain. I don't know if Liu Bang will. Will get the word out.”

Cui Yu waited on Chunyang Peak for half a day, but when Liu Bang didn't spread the news, Cui Yu couldn't help but cursed secretly: What a bastard, this grandson wants to eat alone.

If Liu Bang didn't spread the news, how could Cui Yu complete the task assigned by Yuwen Hero?

Yuwen Junjie's mission is to ask Cui Yu to spread the news throughout Zhenwu Mountain. When the two set off, whoever follows behind will be the one who stole the jade plate.

In other words, one of the people following must have stolen Yuwen Junjie's jade plate.

In order to frame Liu Bang, Cui Yu deliberately told Liu Bang about the Golden Crow in front of Liu Bang, just to trick Liu Bang into following him. This caused a misunderstanding between Yuwen Hero and the conflict between the two parties, which even spread to the entire Zhenwu Mountain.

Liu Bang, that bitch wants to take advantage of others. What kind of person is Cui Yu? He figured out the cause and effect in an instant.

Liu Bang refuses to spread the news, so I will have to think of another way. Cui Yu's thoughts flickered in his mind. Unfortunately, he was not familiar with the disciples in Zhenwu Mountain. The only ones he was familiar with were Song Fuyun, Zhang Guanxi and others.

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, and after a while he narrowed his eyes: Then we can only rely on Zhang Guanxi.

In a certain hall, a young man with freckles on his face was seen, holding a rag in his hand, slowly wiping the sculptures in the hall.

The sculptures in the main hall are the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain who have achieved great success in the past dynasties.

But I saw the young man humming a song and slowly wiping the dust on the sculpture with a rag.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps stopped behind the young man, and then a cough sounded in the hall.

When Song Fuyun heard the cough, he couldn't help but turn his head to look. After seeing Cui Yu's face clearly, his pupils shrank, he turned his head without leaving a trace, picked up a rag and wiped the dust on the hall.

There was not much dust on the sculptures in the main hall, but Song Fuyun wiped them carefully. As early as when he first started, Cui Yu and Liu Xiu had a conflict, and he had already recognized Cui Yu's identity, so he had been hiding in Zhenwu Mountain, but who knew that he still bumped into Cui Yu.

Steady! Steady! Now that I have changed my identity, the other party shouldn't be able to recognize me! Song Fuyun, you have to hold still. The other party doesn't recognize you at all. What are you afraid of? Song Fuyun kept cheering himself up in his heart.

But who knows, the more you are afraid of something, the more it will come. At this moment, Cui Yu said: When old friends meet, why do you still pretend that you don't know me? Is this the etiquette that should be followed?

Song Fuyun paused in wiping after hearing this, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink rapidly. Then he stared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, and thoughts came to his mind like an overwhelming sea: He recognized me? Impossible, right? I am now My magical powers are increasing day by day, and my skin has changed, how could he possibly recognize me?

Song Fuyun didn't want to believe it, so he showed a surprised expression: Senior brother, what are you talking about? I didn't understand. Are you talking to me?

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this and just uttered three words: Song-Fu-Yun.

Song Fuyun's smile froze on his face when he heard this, and then his whole face fell down. He stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of embarrassment: Damn guy, I have already shed my golden cicada shell and changed my skin. You How can you still recognize me?

His relationship with Cui Yu was definitely not friendly, especially after what happened with the Xuan family.

I want you to do something for me. Cui Yu didn't give Song Fuyun a chance to react, and his words were extremely domineering.

Why? Song Fuyun retorted unwillingly.

Huh? Cui Yu frowned: Why do you say me? You should be the person who knows my methods best.

Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu: You must not go too far. You must know that I am not someone to be trifled with. In the worst case, we will lose everything.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: How can you be considered a fish? You are at most a little shrimp.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Song Fuyun was so angry that he couldn't speak. He felt extremely aggrieved, but he had no choice. He didn't dare to disobey Cui Yu's order.

Tell me what's going on. Song Fuyun chose to accept his fate. He had no choice but to let Cui Yu control him.

Cui Yu told what happened, and Song Fuyun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. It turned out to be this kind of thing, but fortunately it was not something else.

Looking at Cui Yu's retreating figure, Song Fuyun frowned: What does this kid want to do? He actually took the initiative to spread the news. Is he planning to cause trouble again?

I knew that when this kid got to a certain place, he would never stop, and the disaster would spread everywhere. I still need to complete my homework as soon as possible. After learning the real skills in Zhenwu Mountain, I quickly went down the mountain to avoid the disaster. Song Fuyun cursed in his heart. The way.

Cui Yu didn't have to wait long. The news that Yuwen Hero had cracked the secret of the jade plate and analyzed the final truth had spread throughout Zhenwu Mountain.

Ordinary disciples treat it as a source of conversation after dinner, but they don't think it has anything to do with it. As for the elders and others, although they were curious, Yu Wenhaojie was not someone to be trifled with, so the elders did not say much.

Liu Bang, on the other hand, suddenly became gloomy after hearing the news: We are in big trouble! How come this news has become known to everyone? Wouldn't it be inconvenient for me to fish in troubled waters by then?

Liu Bang was very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do.

Now that the entire Zhenwu Mountain knows about it, I need to be more cautious in my actions. Liu Bang muttered secretly.

Early morning of the third day

Cui Yu arrived at Chunyang Peak on time, only to see Yu Wenhaojie standing on the top of Chunyang Peak, looking at the sun in the sky without saying a word.

Master. Cui Yu bowed respectfully.

Yuwen Junjie turned his head and glanced at Cui Yu: Since you are ready, let's set off.

Master, how many people do you think will follow? Cui Yu asked. He wanted to figure out the doubts in his heart. If he couldn't figure out the doubts in his heart, he always felt that he would overturn.

No one will follow except the mastermind behind the scenes. Yu Wenhaojie said.

Hearing this, Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes filled with confusion.

Yuwen Haojie explained: That secret realm is very dangerous. It is located within the Dharma Realm. If you want to enter it, you can only avoid disaster by mastering the jade tablet. After I returned to the mountain gate in the past, a group of strong men from the sect went there. Unfortunately, They are all dead! Cui Laohu’s father died in the Dharma Realm.”

About my jade plate, a lot of information about it is known to the elders in the sect. They even went there personally with the jade plate. Yuwen Haojie explained.

When Cui Yu heard this, he suddenly felt at ease and no longer had any doubts.

Let's go. Yuwen Haojie said.

Cui Yu followed Yuwen Junjie down the mountain. After they were out of Zhenwu Mountain, Yuwen Junjie directly hugged Cui Yu and used his escape light to leave.

The two of them drove at lightning speed for most of a day before they saw Yuwen Junjie stop to rest.

Is there anyone following? Cui Yuxun asked, his voice full of expectation.

I'm afraid the other party has mastered the secret method. Yuwen Junjie frowned: Don't worry, when we get to the place, the other party will definitely be exposed.

Yuwen Junjie's voice was full of vows.

Cui Yu didn't say much, but thought about how to save Yuwen Hero's life. With Liu Bang's power of the true fire of the sun, he already had the means to surpass Yuwen Hero. Once Liu Bang killed him, , Yu Wenhaojie may not be able to hold on.

Only by rescuing Yuwen Hero and asking him to return to Chunyang Peak smoothly can we see the results.

The two of them walked for another half day, and a large area of ​​mountains and rivers appeared in front of them. Cui Yu was stunned when he looked at the endless mountains and rivers. Isn't the mountain in front of him the Liangjie Mountain?

That is the place where the ancient Kunlun fell in the past!

There was a hint of surprise in Cui Yu's eyes, but he did not ask any questions. Instead, he allowed Yu Wenhaojie to lead him and kept traveling through the Kunlun Mountains.

Although he didn't ask, Cui Yu somewhat understood that the Kunlun Mountain realm was the only place without barriers between the Dharma Realm and the material world, so it was reasonable to enter the Dharma Realm through this.

Yu Wenhaojie took Cui Yu and found a big mountain where he had fallen. He hid quietly behind a big rock and then stared in the direction he came from to see if anyone was following him.

Isn't the person who stole the jade plate not in Zhenwu Mountain? Isn't there a traitor in Zhenwu Mountain?

After waiting for most of the day, there was still no one following behind, and Yu Wenhaojie fell into deep thought.

And Cui Yu's heart sank: Did the plan fail? Liu Bang didn't follow up? So Liu Bang could resist the great temptation of ancestral blood? Does Liu Bang really have such a strong determination?

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