In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 954: Ancestor, use the breathing method

Cui Huhu paused when he heard this and turned to look at Cui Yu: Needless to say, I advise you to go down the mountain immediately, otherwise don't blame me for suppressing you.

After Cui Huhu finished speaking, he turned and left.

Looking at Cui Huhu's back, Cui Yu's eyes showed a trace of anger: Is it so difficult to apologize? Moreover, even if I am not allowed to seek Taoism in Zhenwu Mountain, it would be too overbearing.

Cui Yu stood there, looking at the stone carvings on the cliff without saying a word, with countless emotions rolling in his heart: Zhenwu Mountain is worthy of being a great sect that has suppressed the world for thousands of years, and it is really domineering in its actions.

After speaking, Cui Yu turned over and sat up, looking at the cliff carvings in the distance with his eyes: Cui Laohu seems to be a little excited.

Cui Yu ignored Cui Huhu and began to concentrate on studying the breathing method. He was wondering if he could use his own methods to deduce the second half of the breathing method.

However, Cui Yu sat cross-legged for a long time, but could not find a way to deduce the magical power of the subsequent exercises. Just when Cui Yu had no way out for a long time, with the movement of the Qigong exercises in his body, Cui Yu's eyes suddenly fell into a trance, and his body suddenly fell into a trance. The space in front of him seemed to begin to distort, and then everything in the world seemed to flow backwards. When the distorted time and space returned to calm, Cui Yu was suddenly stunned.

The cliff carving is still the same cliff carving, but there is no divine light of the Three Laws and Taoist Rhythm on it, and there is no mantra imprinted on it.

The most important thing is that Cui Yu can clearly see that the entire Siguo Cliff is desolate, and it looks like it has not been cleaned up.

Cui Yu looked towards the open space in the distance and saw a figure sitting cross-legged under the cliff stone.

At this time, the figure held a booklet carved from jade in his hand. There was divine light flowing on the booklet, and there were mysterious and unpredictable words engraved on it. There were lines of Buddha's light flowing on the words.

Cui Yu couldn't help but froze when he saw the figure: The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain?

Cui Yu once fought against the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain in the Holy Land of Lingshan. Of course he had seen the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain, but at this time, the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain was in a miserable state. The bun on his head seemed to have been cut off, and there were flashes of light. The luster of decay.

Looking at his clothes, they looked like they were on fire, with various holes all over them.

Cui Yu looked at the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain with his eyes and thought deeply in his heart: Could it be that I have returned to thousands of years ago? The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain won the Supreme Sutra after a great battle in the Holy Land of Lingshan. During the Nine Volumes and Breathing Techniques?”

In the past, Cui Yu once saw the Buddha's methods in front of the cliff carvings of Dalin Temple. Looking at the scene in front of him, how could he not know that he had dreamed back to ancient time and space?

Looking at the breathing method in front of the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, Cui Yu's eyes suddenly lit up. He stood aside and rubbed his hands secretly: What an opportunity! Instead of being stolen by the unknown thief, It's better to give me an advantage. This ancient breathing method can be practiced in the wilderness. There must be earth-shattering creations in it. Perhaps with this breathing method, I can absorb the essence of the ancient world and this world, and help me understand more The principles of heaven and earth.”

Cui Yu's eyes were full of nervousness. At this time, he bravely walked towards the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain. The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain seemed to be aware of it. He suddenly raised his head and looked around with a pair of eyes. However, no traces were found, and he continued to lower his head to look at the jade slip document in his hand, with a look of thought in his eyes: What an obscure formula, and the words on it are also extremely obscure. It is a brand new and unseen document. The words seem to come from those evil spirits from outside the world.

Every qi training formula in the world is borrowed from Weirdness, and then cultivates itself into Weirdness, swallowing up the original Weirdness, and then replacing it. But this formula actually focuses on cultivating the three souls and seven souls of a person, and transforming the three souls and seven souls of a person. The soul becomes the soul, comprehends a mysterious power in heaven and earth called Dao Fruit, and then uses that Dao Fruit to master the laws of heaven and earth, and even overcomes the weirdness. The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain looked at the Qi training formula in his hand, He frowned and thought: Now that those evil spirits from outside the world have disappeared, it is extremely difficult for me to find the words left by those evil spirits. However, the words recorded on the Qi training formula are extremely mysterious, and they seem to be imitations of the Tao and principles between heaven and earth. It’s shaped so that I can still understand it even though I’m so so.”

Cui Yu stepped forward at this time and saw that the jade slip was half open and half rolled. There were mysterious lights flowing on it, and golden runes were imprinted on the jade slip.

The writing is exactly that of the prehistoric period.

Cui Yu looked at the jade slips. The jade slips were as thin as paper, and there were more than thirty pieces rolled up. Each jade slip is about one centimeter wide, with two lines of words as big as a grain of rice engraved on it. There really is no waste of space at all.

Cui Yu looked down and saw that the jade slip was half open at this time, with five jade slips exposed. Cui Yu could read the contents on it at a glance.

There are five jade slips, but the content on them records the techniques for refining qi, which is the magical power of the twelfth level of qi training.

It's just that there is almost no difference between this twelfth level Qi training technique and the 12th level Qi training technique that Cui Yu learned in Zhenwu Mountain. It is exactly the same as the Qi training formula taught by Song Zhi.

Why do you say nearly?

Because there are two formulas on the jade slip, which are different from what Song Zhi said.

Perhaps the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain misunderstood. After all, he is from the Great Thousand World, not the prehistoric world. In addition, the skill was suddenly and inexplicably lost, so Cui Yu can also understand why there is a difference. Cui Yu was thoughtful in his heart, and then he didn't care to check the content. Instead, he looked at the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain with his eyes. He saw that the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain had his eyes closed tightly. He seemed to be in a state of enlightenment. The insight came from Lingshan. The supreme secret of the holy realm.

I don't know if the ninth volume of the Holy Book of Lingshan Holy Realm is on the ancestor's body. If the ninth volume of the Holy Book of Lingshan Holy Realm is on the ancestor's body, will I have a chance to steal the scripture? Cui Yu's heart began to wander.

Compared with the qigong master's formulas, of course Zhenwushan's techniques are more attractive to Cui Yu.

After looking for a long time, he still didn't see the ninth volume of scriptures on the body of the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Yu felt a little disappointed: The formulas for practicing Qi Shi are the formulas for practicing Qi. The formulas for practicing Qi are also very important to me. use.

Looking at the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain who was enlightened by the side, Cui Yu felt that he could not waste time anymore. Since he could not find the ninth volume of the Dafa in the dream, he might as well get the Qi Practitioner's Formula first.

He came to Zhenwu Mountain just to seek the Tao, and the Qi Practitioner's formula was of course also very important to him.

According to the records of Zhenwu Mountain, the qi training formula of Zhenwu Mountain was thrown in front of the cliff stone carvings, so it seems that the thief is not far away from taking action. If I don't seize the opportunity, what if I wait until the thief takes action, wouldn't I be in trouble? Passive? What if I affect the cause and effect of time and space and the thief fails to steal the formula... Thinking of this, Cui Yu no longer dared to wait any longer.

Looking at Zhenwu Mountain Ancestor carefully with his eyes, Cui Yu was ready to look for an opportunity to take action.

Are you trapped? Cui Yu looked at the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain who was completely immersed in it, and then looked at the jade slips on the ground. Cui Yu's heart suddenly moved, and he only felt a feeling coming from somewhere, as if someone had done something. The opportunity came: Ancestor, since your jade slips from Zhenwu Mountain are destined to be lost sooner or later, you might as well lend them to me.

Cui Yu looked at the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain with his eyes, feeling the energy flowing in the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, and was obviously deducing and testing the formula of Zhenwu Mountain.

Seeing the divine light flowing in the body of the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, and having completely fallen into the state of enlightenment, Cui Yu drooled while staring at the formula on the side, and then without hesitation the next moment he stretched out his palm and grabbed the jade slip: Ancestor, I hope I don’t mind if I use your formula.”

After the words fell, the time and space in front of him suddenly began to turn and shatter. Cui Yu's last time and space fragment was to see the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain suddenly opening his eyes. The next moment, the energy around him burst out in a torrent, and the earth-shattering momentum stirred up the surrounding area. The vitality of heaven and earth, a loud shout was accompanied by Zhenwu Mountain Ancestor's soaring anger, Zhenwu Mountain Ancestor's murderous voice resounded in Cui Yu's mind: Damn thief, you actually set your sights on me, you are blind. Even with dog eyes, I can’t see what kind of person you, me, are, or what kind of abilities I have developed.”

Then time and space shattered, and the scene in front of Cui Yu was distorted. When he reappeared, the colorful light on the cliff carvings was still the same, and the surrounding dojo was still the same. The only difference was that there was an extra jade book in Cui Yu's hand.

After receiving the jade book, Cui Yu stuffed it directly into his sleeve without even looking at it, and then used the innate yin and yang energy to evolve the power of water and fire for refinement.

God knows if there are any marks left by the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain on the jade slips. Cui Yu dare not be careless. After coming to this world for more than ten years, Cui Yu's biggest realization is that he must never look down on anyone, and he must never leave any mark to others. Take any chance.

Then Cui Yu picked up the broom and slowly cleaned up the fallen leaves in the mountains.

further away

Deacon Hall

Liu Bang led Liu Xiu all the way to the deacon's hall, where he saw Eryou sitting in the hall, unhurriedly sorting out the books in his hands.

Senior Brother Eryou. Liu Bang stepped across the threshold of the hall and shouted.

Eryou raised his head when he heard this. When he saw it was Liu Bang, a smile appeared on his lips: Why is Junior Brother Liu Bang free to come in person today?

Isn't this the master who has taken a fancy to a genius and wants to arrange an easier job to free up more time for cultivation. I heard Fan Zeng say that the place is occupied? Liu Bang said with a smile, not at all. As if he had come to ask for help.

Eryou looked at Liu Bang for a moment after hearing this, and then shook his head: I know what you are talking about. Cui Yu has been taken aback by my master, and he will personally check it every day. You'd better restrain yourself. Then The place can’t be moved, so you’d better find another place for him.”

Hearing what Er You said, Liu Bang couldn't help but change his expression: I thought it was Fan Zeng's excuse, but I didn't expect it to be true.

When Liu Bang heard what Eryou said, he didn't have any doubts and believed it directly.

As long as Eryou is not stupid, he will never tell lies like that to fool people.

I heard that there was another person who came to apprentice with that boy? Liu Bang asked.

Eryou nodded when he heard this: Not bad.

Where is the roster? Liu Bang asked.

Eryou frowned when he heard this: She's just an inconspicuous female disciple, so there's no need to vent her anger, right?

This is what Senior Brother Cui Cancan meant. Liu Bang replied.

After hearing this, Eryou looked dissatisfied, but still took out the roster.

Liu Bang rummaged for a while and then found Runan's name. After looking at the handyman behind him, he shook his head: Give him another place. I think a place full of bird droppings would be good.

Eryou's expression changed when he heard this: Isn't that too cruel? That person just became a disciple with Cui Yu, and you just destroyed her?

Liu Bang directly picked up the pen and sketched it, and then put down the pen with satisfaction: Well, not bad! That's it!

When Cui Yu came down the mountain, the sky had darkened. Suddenly he heard birds flying in the distance. Countless birds flew across the mountain. He was slightly surprised and said: This beast-controlling magical power is quite advanced.

Cui Yu has practiced to control birds and beasts, and has developed great supernatural powers and great abilities. He is at the ancestral level in controlling wild beasts and monsters. At this time, his eyes were looking at the flying birds in the sky, and he immediately noticed what was flowing in the void. Weird power.

It's just a spell level, not a supernatural power level, and in Cui Yu's opinion, it's not worth mentioning.

Cui Yu got the breathing method and walked happily in the mountains. He was not in a hurry to use the Five Elements Escape Technique to hurry up. However, when he reached the worst handyman steps in Zhenwu Mountain, Cui Yu was suddenly startled.

Under the moonlight, bird droppings were falling all over the sky. Even though the figure in white tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by the bird droppings. In the end, the figure in white no longer evaded, but stood blankly under the bird droppings, staring at the birds flying in the sky, a little distracted.

Ru Nan!

Cui Yu looked at the dark valley around him and the lonely figure in the valley, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Upon hearing this, Runan's body turned stiffly, and she turned her head to look in the direction of Cui Yu, her eyes filled with numbness.

Damn beasts. Cui Yu looked at the birds flying across the sky, and the next moment he used his technique of gathering birds and beasts. The birds in the mountains were like falling dumplings, hitting the big rocks in the valley in the distance. .

Cui Yu hurriedly came to Runan, but saw that Runan could no longer distinguish his true appearance at this time, and his whole figure seemed to have fallen into a cesspool.

Cui Yu quickly used his magical powers, gathered a large ball of water, wrapped Runan in it, and kept washing and scouring Runan. In a moment, Runan was completely cleaned.

The smell of bird droppings went away, and a touch of clarity returned to Runan's numb eyes. His eyes fell on Cui Yu. The next moment, Runan's eyes turned red: Brother!

Cui Yu looked at the steps covered with bird droppings, his eyes full of coldness: Why did you choose this place? How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

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