There is no such thing as a coincidence in the world.

Cui Yu scanned the mountains with his eyes, and the power of the Taoist Fruit of Life and Death circulated. The next moment, Cui Yu's pupils shrank, and he looked into the distance, with a cold look in his eyes: Huh?

He felt that there were two powerful rays of life secretly peeping behind the cliff in the dark night. Although the aura of the other party was well controlled, the life force of the other party could not cover it up.

One is from Fan Zeng, and the other is not clear. This person should have attracted the birds and deliberately made things difficult for Runan. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

I will go to Senior Brother Eryou tomorrow to make it clear. Cui Yu had a cold look in his eyes and stepped forward to hold Runan's hand: Come back with me.

Cui Yu held Runan's hand and walked toward the mountains in the dark night.

Cui Yu can feel that Runan has mastered the Qi training formula, and the martial arts cultivation in his body is gradually disappearing, and he has fallen to the realm of magical power. No wonder he can't fight against the birds in the sky.

Otherwise, relying on Runan's martial arts and supernatural realm, he would not be afraid of the birds in the sky at all.

Especially since Runan has mastered the magical power of mastering the five elements, it is not difficult for Runan to clean up the mountains and forests. However, as the martial arts cultivation deteriorates and the cultivation of Qi practitioners increases, Runan temporarily loses the ability to master the five elements. magical powers.

Cui Yu held Runan's hand, and the two walked in the mountains and forests. Although Runan's martial arts fell to the realm of heaven and man, he still walked effortlessly on the mountain roads.

Looking at Cui Yu's back, there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes: Brother Cui Yu, what do you think people live for?

Cui Yu paused, then shook his head: I don't know, I just know that I just want to live longer and live until the end of the world.

Yes, who wants to die if he can live? But living is too difficult. Runan whispered: Especially for people with low strength like us, living is not friendly at all, it is simply a torment. .”

Cui Yu paused and turned to look at Runan: Don't worry, I will solve all the troubles, and your grandfather will be resurrected soon. When the time comes, with your grandfather's support, how can those evil villains who can't see the light of day be able to survive? Dare you continue to embarrass you?

Under the moonlight, Runan's eyes flickered, and he said calmly: Brother, you have been saying that my grandfather is about to be resurrected, but after so many years, there is still no time for my grandfather to be resurrected. When will my grandfather be resurrected? ?”

One month. Cui Yu gave the exact time: One month will definitely bring him back to life.

Really? That's great. Runan said happily, but soon became silent again.

Cui Yu looked at Runan's expression with his eyes, and he always felt that something was wrong. Runan obviously looked surprised, but Cui Yu always felt that something was wrong with Runan.

Something is very wrong!

Are you worried about anything? Cui Yu asked.

After hearing this, Runan looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, his eyes twinkling a little: Brother Cui Yu, if one day I lie to you, you...will you take your anger out on me?

What do I think? What can you hide from me? Even if you really hide something from me, I won't be angry. Cui Yu smiled and touched Runan's head.

Upon hearing this, Runan's bright eyes flashed with light: You...are you serious about what you said?

Cui Yu smiled after hearing what Runan said: There is no big deal in this world except life and death.

The two of them walked all the way back to the mountain peak where the disciple lived. Runan looked at Cui Yu with complicated and timid eyes.

Cui Yu patted Runan's little head: Don't think about it, I will take care of it.

Cui Yu glanced at Runan. Now, Runan had just started practicing Qi. Cui Yu thought about it briefly but did not teach the other party the breathing skills he had acquired.

He himself has not mastered the breathing method yet, and it will not be too late to teach him once he is proficient.

Cui Yu returned to his hut, put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, then took out a fist-sized luminous pearl from his sleeve, closed the door of the thatched cottage, and sent the tengu to guard the door. He sat down cross-legged and opened his eyes. Looking at the jade slip in his sleeve, with the purification of the innate yin and yang qi, after all the qi on the jade slip was cleansed, Cui Yucai stretched out his hand and took the jade slip out of his sleeve, holding it in his hand for a while. Watch quietly.

Lines of golden fonts kept jumping into Cui Yu's eyes from the jade slip. After a long time, Cui Yu put down the jade slip, closed his eyes and meditated, and fell into a state of thinking.

What a mysterious qi training method. This method directly points to the path of heaven and immortality. It is really amazing. Moreover, this method is extremely suitable for this world. It can capture the essence of heaven and earth in this world. It is really unpredictable and has mysterious power. Power. How could such a qi training formula be put together with the Dafa of Enlightenment in the Dream of Saint Jie Yin? Could it be that before his death, Saint Jie Yin deduced the qi training formula suitable for this world? Cui Yu's There was a hint of thought in his eyes.

But it shouldn't be. If it is a formula deduced by the saint Jie Yin, then this formula should have the nature of Buddhism and not just a simple breathing method. Cui Yu was puzzled.

In the prehistoric world, the cultivation techniques of the Heavenly Immortal Way have been cultivated to the end. After cultivating to the level of Heavenly Immortal, one has got rid of the shackles of the technique itself.

There was a hint of thought in Cui Yu's eyes, he put his hands in his sleeves, and then carefully put away the jade slip: This formula may not be the technique deduced by the saint. In my opinion, it may be closer to teaching Zu Hongjun.

Thinking of this, Cui Yu closed his eyes, and with the movement of his breathing method, he fell into a state of cultivation in an instant.

In fact, Cui Yu guessed one thing correctly, that is, the divine blood does have a great influence on the operation of the qi machine of the qi practitioners. With the birth of the qi machine in Cui Yu's body, the Gonggong demon blood and divine blood in his body He actually started to get restless and suppressed the Qi machine of the newly born Qi practitioner in Cui Yu's body.

That's right, the divine blood and Gonggong's demonic blood in Cui Yu's body collided with Cui Yu's newly born Qi machine. Before Cui Yu could absorb that wisp of Qi practitioner's Qi machine into his Dantian, the next moment He saw a huge qi machine in Gonggong Demon Blood rising into the sky, like a stormy sea, directly crushing the qi training machine.


Cui Yu's newly born qi training and morale qi machine was directly crushed by Gonggong Moxue's huge qi machine before it had time to gain a firm foothold.

The qi machine Cui Yu had just refined was broken!

If the Qi machine of Shenxue is compared to a stormy sea, then the Qi machine Cui Yu just refined is nothing more than a small boat. It cannot resist the impact of the huge waves at all, and there is no resistance at all in the face of the stormy waves. Power.

There was a hint of thinking in Cui Yu's eyes. He already had the blessing of wisdom at this time. Seeing the conflict between the qi and blood and the qi he had cultivated, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Fifty thousand drops of my own divine blood and fifty thousand drops of Gonggong's demonic blood, no matter which kind of power I have just cultivated, I can't resist it.

These two kinds of divine blood are like a gust of wind and rain, and my own Qi training and morale machine is just a little sign that has just emerged from the ground in the wind and rain, and there is no resistance at all.

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