Cui Yu was a little confused at this time. The fundamental mental method of Lingshan Holy Realm he had obtained was the supreme secret deduced by the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain based on the enlightenment method in his dream. He had a ray of essence of the saint, but why did he feel that he was incomparable? What about this common practice that is given to all disciples to practice together?

Cui Yu was a little confused, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

With Cui Yu's current level of cultivation, it was easy to get started directly. With the effort of breathing, a wisp of qi energy gathered in the body, and he had entered the avenue of qi training.

With Cui Yu's current vision, how come he can't tell the difference between good and bad?

The 'qi' produced by practicing this basic technique is extremely pure and uncontaminated by any mixed power, which can be called truly magical.

This is the essence of Qi!

This is the orthodox path of the prehistoric world!

No, to be precise, it is the orthodox path that conforms to the laws of this world.

This breathing method seems to be the same as the breathing method in the prehistoric world, but there are deviations in subtle ways. Cumulatively, it can be said that they are completely different.

This breathing method is incredible. It has the shadow of the pure martial arts of the ancient world, but also has the laws and rules of this world. I don't know where Zhenwu Mountain found this formula. Cui Yu was full of curiosity.

If he were the one who made the decision, he would definitely regard this formula as the inner sect's true inheritance, rather than the formula deduced by the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain as the true inheritance.

Although the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain is extraordinary, and his realm is very likely to surpass Jinchi and touch the edge of Daluo realm, the formula he created is incomparable to this. Cui Yu shook his head secretly.

Cui Yu's breathing method was instantly introduced, and Song Zhi sensed the regular breathing immediately.

Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, but didn't say much.

After waiting for three hours, Song Zhicai said: When the time is up, you can go back to practice. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask me at the place where you live. Cui Yu stays, and the rest of the people go back.

When the disciples heard this, they stood up and looked at Cui Yu who was sitting cross-legged in surprise, then turned and walked down the mountain.

Shouldn't I call you Senior Brother? Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with his eyes and asked.

The person who can be called junior brother by Cui Huhu is by no means a simple person.

I am one of the Seven Sons of Zhenwu Mountain. I made a mistake a few years ago. I and the old Taoist priest from Laoshan intercepted and killed the Third Prince Long, which caused the Dragon Clan to come to ask for cause and effect. Therefore, I was punished by my ancestor to teach my disciples. Song Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: As for the so-called seniority? It's just an illusion. This world still has to rely on strength to speak. Who cares about the so-called seniority after walking out of this mountain gate?

Song Zhi's eyes were bright: As for you, we should have met before, but I only saw you and you didn't see me. In the past, the Dragon Girl of the West Sea married into the East Sea, and the Third Prince Long hid in it. If I hadn't intercepted you halfway, how could it have caused the subsequent events, and how could the Dinghai Divine Pearl fall into your hands?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Song Zhi with a pair of eyes in astonishment. He never thought that there was such a cause and effect.

I killed the dragon clan for you, and I suffered in the mountains for you. Do you think I feel aggrieved? Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu smiled bitterly upon hearing this, what else could he say?

He couldn't say anything.

However, looking at Song Zhi's expression, it seemed that he had no intention of taking back the Dinghai Divine Pearl. However, the Dinghai Dragon Pearl was given to him by the Dragon Girl of the West Sea, and Song Zhi had no reason to take it back.

So why did the ancestor come to find me? Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with his eyes.

Has anyone ever told you that you are very similar to Senior Brother Cui Chen? Song Zhi did not answer Cui Yu's words, but instead changed the subject.

Is it similar? Cui Yu asked.

Of course they are very similar. Not to mention that they are engraved in the same mold, but there are still five or six similarities. If someone who doesn't know the details sees it, they will think that you are father and son. Just looking at your face, you are more like Cui Cancan than Cui Cancan. Senior Brother Shen's son. Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with a smile.

Cui Yu did not speak, but looked at Song Zhi with his eyes, wondering what kind of medicine Song Zhi was selling in his gourd.

I'm just curious, there's no malice whatsoever. Song Zhi smiled into Cui Yu's eyes.

Cui Yu sighed softly: If possible, I would rather have nothing to do with Cui Chen.

Cui Yu didn't seem to say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.

It seems that the rumors outside are true. As expected, Senior Brother Cui Chen married that demonic witch and was tricked into obtaining the Three Corpse Killing Technique. Song Zhi suddenly understood.

Song Zhi sighed with emotion, and then asked: You have already mastered this Qi training formula, but is there anything else you don't understand?

Disciples always feel that this qi training formula seems to be better than the fundamental method created by the ancestor based on the Book of Heaven, but why would the Taoist temple teach this method to us for entry-level use? On the contrary, the fundamental formula should be used as a inheritance Use it? Cui Yu was puzzled.

Zhenwushan's move was simply putting the cart before the horse.

Song Zhi glanced at Cui Yu in surprise when he heard this: Have you practiced the Qi Master's formula before? You can actually distinguish the quality of the two formulas. You are really quite capable.

Cui Yu humbly replied: Although I have not practiced the Qi Master's formulas, I can still compare the results through practice. To practice this breathing method, the disciple meditates for a quarter of an hour, which is equivalent to three days of the fundamental method of Zhenwu Mountain. .”

Your cultivation talent is a bit too good. Once you get the method, you can start it in an instant. This talent has thrown Cui Cancan thousands of miles away. It's a pity that you are not the eldest son. Song Zhi sighed quietly, his voice full of regret.

Cui Yu did not speak. Song Zhi sighed with emotion and then began to answer Cui Yu's doubts: Although the breathing method passed down from Zhenwu Mountain is powerful, it can only be practiced until the Qi training is completed, because after the Qi training is completed, there is no more I heard people say that this breathing method is an additional formula brought out from the Supreme Heavenly Book by the Patriarch in the past. The Patriarch had just seen the perfect state of Qi training when he was taught by an unknown person. Thieves steal.

At this point, Song Zhi raised his head and sighed: Who in the world doesn't know that my ancestor from Zhenwu Mountain has three hatreds, one is the loss of the breathing method. The second is the loss of the Supreme Heavenly Scroll. The three hates... that's all, no need to say it.

If there is a follow-up technique, this breathing method is of course the fundamental method of suppressing Qi in Zhenwu Mountain. However, this technique has no follow-up, so it seems to be particularly useless. However, because the cultivation speed is extremely fast, and it is also righteous and peaceful, it can It can transform any qi practitioner technique, so it can be used as an introductory technique for all disciples. Song Zhi sighed quietly.

Cui Yu suddenly felt enlightened when he heard this, and there was a hint of emotion in his eyes, but he didn't say much.

An incomplete exercise with no future, no matter how good it is, has no value.

For a Taoist inheritance, it is the most precious thing that is complete and systematic.

Song Zhi patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: If you encounter anything in the future, you can go to me. I live in the residence of the handyman disciples. You can come to me for a drink when you have nothing to do.

After saying this, Song Zhi was about to turn around and leave. Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi's back with a look of astonishment in his eyes: Why do senior brothers care so much about me?

Song Zhi shook his head without saying anything, and his figure disappeared among the mountains in a few breaths.

Song Zhi left, and the entire cliff carving was empty, leaving only Cui Yu standing in front of the cliff looking at the sky, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, Cui Yu thought a lot: Zhenwu Mountain's breathing technique is amazing and very useful to me. This breathing technique is extremely pure and does not contain any strange power. It is very useful to me. I must To find out the fundamental breathing method of Zhenwu Mountain, to steal the breathing method from the hands of the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain, and to realize the existence of the ninth volume of Dafa in a dream, he is not an ordinary monk, but there are people in the world who can do this. , and not many.

Just as countless thoughts were flashing in Cui Yu's heart, a rainbow light flashed in the distance and appeared in front of Cui Yu. It was Cui Laohu with a gloomy expression.

Why did you come to Zhenwu Mountain? And you also worshiped at the gate of Zhenwu Mountain? Did the demon girl give you an order before she died? Tell you to come to Zhenwu Mountain to carry out her conspiracy? Cui Laohu's voice was cold, and his eyes were full of coldness. Coupled with the three corpse insects with twisted and ferocious faces, it looks even more intimidating.

When Cui Yu heard this, he looked at Cui Huhu with calm eyes: I am Cui Yu.

Cui Huhu was stunned when he heard this, his eyes full of disbelief: Are you Cui Yu? Didn't you die in Haojing City?

It was Shenqi who died, but I transformed into Shenqi, entered the Rongguo Duke's palace, and survived under the name of Shenqi. Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu with a pair of eyes, and there was a little more scrutiny in his eyes. smell.

Cui Laohu was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly said as if he suddenly realized: It's you who is in front of the grave of the old lady of the God family? So there is no so-called prayer from the beginning to the end?

Cui Yu nodded: Yes, Shenqi died in Liangbi Mountain a long time ago. From the beginning to the end, there was no such thing as Shenqi, it was just me.

Cui Huhu's face looked strange at this time, and he didn't know whether he was sad or happy. There was surprise in his eyes, and at the same time there was a trace of disbelief.

It's good that you're alive! It's good that you're alive! There was a touch of relief and joy in Cui Huhu's voice.

Cui Yu could tell that Cui Laohu really wanted him to live. After all, the joy in his eyes could not be faked.

As if he remembered something, Cui Laohu suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Cui Yu's wrist: Quickly, pull out the three corpse insects from my body.

... Cui Yu looked at the eager Cui Huhu with his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh: Dad, it's not difficult to remove your three corpse insects, but I still have something else for you to do.

Cui Huhu was tortured by the Three Corpse Insects day and night, and he was about to go crazy.

What's the matter? Cui Huhu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Between you and me, father and son, everything is easy to discuss. There are some things that cannot be discussed. It is important to pull out the three corpse insects.

Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu with a touch of emotion in his eyes. When he first entered Kunlun Mountain, Cui Huhu protected him clearly.

It's just that Cui Laohu is very good to him, but Saint Qiqing is even more good to him.

I want you to go to mother's grave, kneel in front of mother's grave and apologize to mother. Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu with his eyes full of stubbornness: You have really wronged mother.

When Cui Huhu heard this, his face suddenly became embarrassed, and his face was full of gloom: You asked me to apologize to that bitch? If that bitch hadn't harmed me, how could I be in this situation? How could I be so miserable? How could your aunt be in danger? How could your elder brother Cui Cancan become a wild child with no one in Zhenwu Mountain?

Don't even think about asking me to apologize to that witch! Cui Laohu stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: This is an adult matter, children should not interfere with it.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this, but looked at Cui Huhu with firm eyes.

I would rather die without removing the Three Corpse Insects than apologize to the witch. If the witch hadn't secretly spread the news, how could I, Zhenwu Mountain, have almost suffered a disaster? How could I have almost died miserably? Being chased by the people of the world and traveling far away from home. Cui Huhu's voice was full of unquestionable toughness.

Cui Yu fell into silence when he heard the words. He looked at Cui Huhu with his eyes. He could feel the firm attitude in Cui Huhu's words.

Give me the secret practice of Qiqiaosuo. Cui Yu took a step back and made a concession.

The Seven Aperture Lock is the supreme secret of Zhenwu Mountain. If you want the Seven Aperture Lock of Zhenwu Mountain, wait until you ascend the throne of the Seventh Son of Zhenwu. Cui Laohu's voice was full of seriousness.

Speaking of the Seven-Aperture Lock, Cui Hucai looked at Cui Yu with shock on his face: No, you were planted with the Seven-Aperture Lock by me under the identity of Shenqi. How did you embark on the path of cultivation now? Who gave you this The Seven Aperture Lock opened? It shouldn’t be! The Seven Aperture Lock that everyone cultivates is completely different. How did you open the Seven Aperture Lock?

Cui Huhu looked at the Qi energy gathering in Cui Yu's body. He had clearly embarked on the path of a Qi practitioner. Is there any sign of being shackled by the Seven Orifices?

At this time, Cui Huhu's eyes were full of confusion.

Cui Yu looked at Cui Laohu, and Cui Laohu also looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu can use the power of destruction to open the seven orifice locks in his own body, but he cannot open the seven orifice locks in other people's bodies.

The power of destruction does not distinguish between friend and foe, destroying everything it can touch.

At this time, the two of them looked at me and I looked at you, and both fell into silence.

Cui Huhu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes and said after a long time: Don't worry, I won't beg you. There is no reason in this world for me to beg for my son. Go down the mountain. Zhenwu Mountain can't tolerate you. Don't think about it. I will never give you any chance to embark on the road of spiritual practice in Zhenwu Mountain. After you get off Zhenwu Mountain, you can be a disciple of Laoshan, Bai Yujing, or any other one, but you must not be a disciple of Zhenwu Mountain.

After speaking, Cui Huhu turned around and left.

Seeing Cui Laohu turn around, Cui Yu shouted: Wait a minute! I still have something to say. We haven't made it clear yet!

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