Although Liu Bang had only been in Zhenwu Mountain for a few years, he had gained a great reputation.

Of course, notoriety accounts for most of it. Liu Bang is Cui Cancan's white glove, specially handling some things that are difficult for Cui Cancan to come forward for.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves, raised his head and looked at Liu Bang not far away, snorted coldly and didn't bother to pay attention.

Now he just wants to find information about the ninth volume of Zhenwu Mountain's techniques, but he has no time to pay attention to Liu Bang. He still understands the importance.

Cui Yu was willing to let Liu Bang go, but Liu Bang refused to let go of Cui Yu. Liu Bang stepped forward, stood in front of Cui Yu, and stepped on Cui Yu's broom to sweep the floor.

Cui Yu stopped sweeping the floor and raised his head to look at Liu Bang. At this time, Liu Bang also looked at Cui Yu with his eyes facing each other with murderous intent. All the disciples watching the excitement looked surprised: Cui Yu is just... How can it not be surprising that a disciple who has just entered the monastery dares to look at and challenge a veteran disciple like Liu Bang?

Don't worry, I will definitely drive you down the mountain, just like a dog rolling down the mountain. Liu Bang looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, with golden flames burning in his pupils: Of course, if you are willing If you hand over the innate spiritual treasure, I might be able to spare your life and let you linger on Zhenwu Mountain.

Liu Bang's voice was very low, so low that only Cui Yu and himself could hear it.

Cui Yu shook his head at Liu Bang. Although he didn't say anything, the contempt in his eyes made Liu Bang furious: You are just a lost dog of Haoran's lineage. What are you proud of?

Cui Yu shook his head: If you have the ability to deal with Uncle Yuwen, just drive me down the mountain. Why bother here?

Liu Bang clenched his fists angrily and stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, feeling the urge to hit him.

Although the other person said little, it was a direct stab at his lungs. How could you not make him angry?

Okay! Okay! Okay! You have the guts! I hope you can still be so crazy in a few days. Liu Bang's voice was full of murderous intent, his eyes were full of coldness, and he had already made up his mind to kill Cui Yu. Taking away his innate spiritual treasure.

Cui Yu used a clever move to pull out the broom from under Liu Bang's feet, and then said with a smile: Senior brother, please give way, I have to clean up the fallen leaves.

As he spoke, the broom rolled up the dirt and threw it towards Liu Bang. Liu Bang was so angry that he had to retreat. Then he watched Cui Yu sweep past him with the broom, his whole face turned livid.

This is angry!

Seeing the disciples around him looking at him strangely, Liu Bang snorted coldly and walked away, but he remembered this Liangzi in his heart.

After Liu Bang left, the senior brothers on the cliff looked at Cui Yu and then thought deeply in their hearts.

The handyman at Shanya is a good job. How can I be assigned here without any background?

Cui Yu spent a stick of incense cleaning up the fallen leaves on the cliff, but he was not in a hurry to go back, but waited to see the cliff carvings on Zhenwu Mountain.

Today all the newly recruited disciples must gather in front of the cliff carvings. Instead of going down the mountain and turning back, they might as well wait here. Cui Yu didn't let Cui Yu wait for long when he suddenly saw people at the foot of the mountain. He saw a familiar face leading 800 newly recruited disciples to the cliff carvings.

Choi Tiger!

Who did he see?

At this time, Cui Laohu was dressed in green clothes and had a jade crown on his head, looking high-spirited and majestic.

Cui Yu saw Cui Laohu, and Cui Laohu also saw Cui Yu.

The moment he saw Cui Yu, Cui Laohu paused, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, but he didn't say anything more, and instead led the eight hundred disciples to stand in front of the cliff carvings.

At this time, the monks who were sitting cross-legged on the cliff stone carvings also stepped off the cliff stone carvings, leaving the entire cliff to the new disciples.

Cui Yu put down his broom and stood quietly at the back of the disciples, hiding to fish in troubled waters.

Quiet, everyone stand in order. Cui Laohu turned his head and said with a majestic expression.

After hearing this, all the disciples quickly stood up in line, and then Cui Laohu said: This is one of my holy places in Zhenwu Mountain, called: Thinking over the Cliff. But its meaning is not to think about the things you have committed in your daily life. Instead of thinking about the problems in our daily practice and the mistakes we have made in the process of practice. Every day at noon, the essence of the true fire of the sun descends from the void here, which can help us purify the strange energy accumulated in our bodies. , to prevent us from becoming weird, this place is a supremely good place. If you practice in the future, you can come here to retreat and meditate.

Speaking of this, Cui Huhu said: This is the authentic work of the ancestor. You must first worship the ancestor, and then you can obtain the orthodox Qi training method of our Zhenwu Mountain. According to your status in our Zhenwu Mountain, I will teach you the entrance techniques. .”

After Cui Huhu finished speaking, he stopped talking and turned to look at Cui Yu, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

At noon, the power of the sun fell, and a ray of energy from the sun came from the sky and happened to fall on the top of Zhenwu Mountain, shining on the inscription left by the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain.

With the interference of the spirit of the great sun, the law energy on the cliff was disordered, and the words covering the founder's mantra began to appear vaguely.

Although there is the intervention of the spirit of the sun, if you want to read the words on the cliff stone clearly, you still need to test your personal skills. So far, among my disciples, we can only read the first three words clearly. As for the Speaking of the words behind it, no one has ever been able to see it clearly. At this time, a voice came from Cui Yu's ear, and Song Zhi came to the cliff carvings and stood beside Cui Yu:

When I and other disciples practice, one is to understand the mantra left by our ancestors, and the other is to absorb a trace of the sun's essence to purify the energy in the body and suppress the strange power in the technique. The Great Sun The mighty force is the most powerful force between heaven and earth, and it can help us suppress the strange aura tainted in our practice.

Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi in surprise, not expecting that the other party would also come to the cliff carvings.

You must know that this is the initiation ceremony for new disciples, and all the old disciples have been driven down the mountain. Why did Song Zhi come?

Song Zhi seemed to see the confusion in Cui Yu's expression, and said calmly: The cliff stone carvings belong to the entire Zhenwu Mountain disciples, so of course I can come. And my status is somewhat special, you will know later. ”

Cui Yu suddenly felt enlightened when he heard this.

The reason why the new disciples come to the cliff carvings is to worship the ancestors is a lie, to use the essence of the sun to cleanse the body's qi is true, and to purify the soul is the purpose. Song Zhi explained at the side.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the cliff carvings in the distance, with a look of contemplation in his eyes. As the sun's energy gradually became stronger, the rhyme began to be washed away, and the words behind the rhyme were gradually revealed.

At this time, Cui Laohu said from the side:

The first three words are 'borrow', 'you' and 'him'. I don't know the content behind it. I'm afraid no one knows except the founder, because no one has ever been able to see it clearly...

Of course, if you have the ability to read the words behind the cliff stone carvings clearly, it means that your innate 'gods' are powerful and can be in harmony with the Taoism, and you will have great achievements in the future. Cui Laohu continued to explain to the disciples.

Cui Yu was suddenly enlightened when he heard the words. He stared at the words after the rhyme with his eyes, a thoughtful look in his eyes, and the writing after the rhyme gradually appeared in his eyes.

Borrow... you... him... Cui Yu looked at Dao Yun with his eyes, and as his gaze pierced Dao Yun, there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes: What a strange handwriting.

‘Lend you him’ is indeed a very strange word.

Yes, it is indeed a very strange three words. Many senior brothers are guessing the meaning of these three words. Some people say that it contains a magical power that borrows the power of heaven and earth. Others say that it contains a magical power that borrows the power of heaven and earth. Some people even say that the secret method of borrowing the power of others is engraved on the cliff stone. Song Zhi said.

Just after Song Zhi finished speaking, Cui Huhu spoke again: What is engraved on this cliff stone is a mantra of great truth from the time when the ancestor attained enlightenment in the past. When the ancestor attained enlightenment in the past, he accidentally stepped into the legend He entered the realm of unity between heaven and man, and then uttered a mantra from his mouth. The mantra was wrapped in the power of the great road and imprinted on the bluestone, forming the unique holy land of Zhenwu Mountain.

Cui Yu fell into silence when he heard the words. He looked at the cliff in the distance with his eyes. There was light flickering in his eyes. As the Tao Yun faded, a line of writing appeared in Cui Yu's eyes. Just looking at that line of writing, Cui Yu's whole body They were all in a state of confusion: What the hell? What the hell is this? The disciples of Zhenwu Mountain defeated the miracle day and night like a pilgrimage. How can it be a curse word?

With Cui Yu's current Taoist practice and the dilution of Taoism with the essence of the sun, he can certainly clearly see the handwriting on the cliff stone carvings, but it is precisely because he can see the handwriting clearly that Cui Yu is in a state of confusion:

Lend you the fuck?

Cui Yu stared at the handwriting with his eyes, and even mobilized the power of Gonggong to pass through Daoyun with his eyes and clearly read the line behind Daoyun.

‘Borrow your fucking’ indeed.

Cui Yu looked at the handwriting and fell into silence.

What the hell is this?

This is bullshit!

These are the curse words used by the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain.

But why is the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain cursing?

Moreover, Cui Yu could even imagine that when he saw these words, the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain was furious. He sat in front of the cliff carving and cursed loudly. At this time, the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain had just returned from the union of heaven and man. After exiting the realm, there is still the remaining power of the unity of heaven and man in his body that has not completely dissipated. At this time, the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain suddenly spoke, and he was so angry that he directly said dirty words. The curse words were wrapped in the power of heaven and man, pulling the world. The laws of time are directly imprinted on the cliff stone carvings.

Borrow it to you? Cui Yu looked at that sentence and was a little confused. Who was borrowing something from the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain, causing the good temper of the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain to be ruined?

There was a hint of contemplation in Cui Yu's eyes. He put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the essence of the sun in the sky, lost in thought.

In Cui Yu's contemplation, time passed little by little. It was not until noon, when the sun disappeared between heaven and earth, and the Taoist rhymes on the cliff stone carvings gathered together again, that Cui Laohu glanced at the disciples with his eyes: Worship the ancestor.

All the disciples knelt down on the ground and bowed to the Tao Yun carved on the cliff.

After prostrating, Cui Huhu stood up, looked to the back with his eyes, and shouted: Junior Brother Song Zhi.

Cui Yu had a surprised look on his face, but he saw Song Zhi blinking at Cui Yu, and then rushed towards Cui Huhu under Cui Yu's surprised eyes.

Senior brother. Song Zhi saluted Cui Huhu.

The rest is up to you. Cui Laohu said. After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked down the mountain. When he reached the end of the team, he glanced at Cui Yu, but didn't say anything more, and went straight down the mountain. And go.

Song Zhi stood in front of all the disciples at this time: I am Song Zhi, one of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain. Today you are observing the stone carvings on the cliff, and you have been illuminated by the essence of the sun. Your whole body is stained with traces of the essence of the true fire of the sun. It is It’s the best time to practice my Zhenwushan Kung Fu.”

When Song Zhi said this, his eyes swept over everyone: My Zhenwu Mountain has a breathing method called: Lihuo Breathing Method. This breathing method is the foundation of all qi training methods. By practicing this method, you can transform it into our Zhenwu Mountain All the exercises. This method is suitable for all the beginner disciples like you to practice. It is also the simplest and can lay the foundation for you. When you pass the examination and enter the sect, you can practice the various complex basic skills of Zhenwu Mountain in the future. The law will be much simpler.

Song Zhi's voice was full of seriousness: Now, I will teach you the breathing method. The first step of the breathing method is nine shallow and one deep. The second step of the breathing method is three shallow and one deep. The third step of the breathing method is six shallow. Deep. Come, breathe with me! Breathe with me!...

Zhenwu Mountain's breathing method is very simple, but it is very effective when practiced. At this time, from Cui Yu's perspective, this breathing method is quite brilliant. A few simple breaths can mobilize the Qi all over the body. The blood touched the essence of the whole body.

The simplest is the most brilliant. Cui Yu felt an inexplicable realization in his heart.

And from Cui Yu's point of view, this breathing method is extremely consistent with the traditional way of ancient times. Although it is different from the ancient breathing method, it is already quite good, and what is cultivated is the most orthodox qi.

Yes, it is the most orthodox qi in the prehistoric world!

Zhenwu Mountain is indeed on the prehistoric road. I came to Zhenwu Mountain to become a disciple. I came to the right place. Cui Yu suddenly understood.

As for the breathing method that Yu Wenhaojie had given him before, Cui Yu felt that it was not as good as the simplest and most basic breathing method passed down by Song Zhi at this time.

Why do you feel that this simplest breathing method is better than the fundamental breathing method deduced by the ancestor? Cui Yu muttered in his heart.

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