Bao Si smiled when he heard this: Of course I know the current situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but if I give you a reason, you will definitely not be able to refuse me.

Oh? Cui Yu looked at Bao Si. He really wanted to know the reason why he couldn't refuse Bao Si.

Bao Si raised the corner of her mouth: I have fragments of Immortal Heaven in my hand. As long as I collect enough energy and faith, I can repair Immortal Heaven and change the laws of this world, making Qi Practitioners the orthodoxy of this world. Immortal Heaven Replace it with the way of heaven, and this world will reproduce the splendor of the Immortal World.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank when he heard this, his eyes filled with disbelief: What?

The Immortal Heaven in Bao Si's mouth is different from the Five Directions and Five Heavens, and is not of the same nature. The Immortal Heaven in Bao Si's mouth is the 'immortal way' that is equivalent to the Heavenly Way in this world.

If the world is a hard disk, then the 'Dao of Heaven' and the Immortal Way are software programs. Which program is used and which set of rules are run will affect the development of the Immortal Way.

It's interesting. Cui Yu looked at Bao Si with a look of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect Bao Si to have a fragment of the Immortal Heaven in his hand.

Regarding the matter of Immortal Heaven, Cui Yu once heard Chi You say that in the past, the invasion of the great world by the prehistoric world was not only an invasion by monks, but also an invasion by Tao.

The immortal way wants to replace the way of heaven, suppress the way of all living beings, and become the new order of the entire world.

To put it simply, the vast world runs an Android program, so the ancestors of the prehistoric world want to replace that program with an Apple program, and then there will be a battle between the immortal way and the law of heaven.

It's a pity that Honghuang failed and Immortal Heaven was shattered. Cui Yu's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

He originally thought that the Immortal Heaven had been completely shattered, but who knew that there were still fragments of the Immortal Heaven?

If Immortal Heaven can replace the operating program of Heavenly Dao in this world, Immortal Heaven will then preside over the operation of the laws of this world, and the magical powers and techniques of the past will come into play again.

Under the same set of programs, only the same rule can be run.

Just like the Immortal Heaven, the rules of the Immortal Way operate, while the Heavenly Way of the Great World operates under strange rules.

Bao Si looked at Cui Yu with her eyes. She knew that Cui Yu must be related to the prehistoric world, and she expected that Cui Yu would not be able to refuse her terms.

For all prehistoric monks, the way of heaven that can replace the vast world with immortal heaven is a lifelong goal.

Bao Si stared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, but Cui Yu's reaction disappointed Bao Si: I'm afraid you don't know yet, right? In another five thousand years, the end of the Dharma will come to this world. At that time, the spiritual energy disappears, the heaven and earth are surrounded by turbid evil, and the qi practitioners become extinct.

Cui Yu looked at Bao Si, his eyes full of helplessness. If the catastrophe of the end of the law did not come, Cui Yu would certainly choose to help Bao Si, but now that the catastrophe of the end of the law has come, what is the use of supporting Xian Tian?

The replacement of the program cannot be completed in a short time. The transition from the Heavenly Dao to the Immortal Heaven may not be based on Huiyuan.

What? Bao Si was shocked when she heard this, her eyes were full of disbelief: What did you say? Are you trying to trick me?

Bao Si's eyes were full of disbelief. As a monk, how could she not know about the Great Tribulation of the End of Dharma?

Once the Dharma Ending Catastrophe comes, spiritual energy declines, and laws collapse, there may be no impact on all things in the world, but those monks who embark on the path of cultivation will all lose their magical powers and powers, and one by one they will transform into ordinary people.

Why should I lie to you? Otherwise, why do you think Zhenwu Mountain collects the Tianzhou on the other side? Cui Yu's voice was full of emotion.

Bao Si was stunned when he heard this and stood there with a pale face. If what Cui Yu said was true, then the Laoshan people might have changed their goals.

What's the use of fighting for the general trend of the world?

What if we continue to fight for the kingship and hegemony in the world?

In the end, it was nothing more than trying to draw water from a bamboo basket.

What use can it be?

It's of no use!

I'm afraid that before Immortal Heaven can grow up, the Dharma End Catastrophe will come, and the lineage of Laoshan Qi Practitioners will be dead.

Is what you said true? Bao Si stared at Cui Yu with his eyes and asked again.

You will know after another thousand years. By then all the monks will be able to clearly sense that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is declining. Cui Yu said unhurriedly.

Bao Si's face turned gloomy immediately after hearing this, and she walked around the palace with a sinking face.

Bao Si is a smart person and has already noticed the trouble.

Cui Yu looked at Bao Si with his eyes: Of course, now I have a way to escape to the outside world. There is a strange thing between heaven and earth, called: the other side of the sky boat. As long as you ride on the other side of the sky boat, you can cross the chaos to find The legendary new world. The reason why this world suffered great catastrophe in the past was just because the monks from outside the world suffered the catastrophe of the end of the law and then invaded this world. As long as fellow Taoist give me the fragments of the immortal heaven, I can make the decision to give it to you A quota for Laoshan Qi practitioners to ride on the Heavenly Boat on the Other Side.”

Cui Yu said with glaring eyes: The Immortal Heaven may not be of much use in your hands, it is just a powerful magical law, but if it falls into my hands, it will be of great use in the future, and even help all sentient beings find Maybe there will be a chance.

What is Immortal Heaven?

In the prehistoric world, since the ancestor became a saint, the Taoist tradition was passed down to gather the Qi of the entire prehistoric world. Then Hongjun, the ancestor, used the Qi of all living beings to secretly usurp the way of heaven in the prehistoric world and replaced the way of heaven with the immortal way. Since then, a line of qi practitioners has flourished. The lineage of Qi Practitioners is destiny.

It can be said that Immortal Heaven is the way of heaven in the prehistoric world!

If you integrate its fragments into your own Little Thousand World, you will definitely be able to speed up the perfection of the Heavenly Way in your own Little Thousand World, strengthen the perfection of the Heavenly Way in your own Little Thousand World, and then cooperate with the energy core of the Tianzhou on the other side to continuously transform various energies. Irrigate the Small Thousand Worlds, and when the time comes, the Small Thousand Worlds will break through to the Middle Thousand Worlds.

If the completeness of the way of heaven is the level of cultivation in the world, then as long as the cultivation practice is sufficient and the energy between heaven and earth is replenished, one can quickly break through the Zhongqian World.

A master of the Middle Thousand World must not be underestimated. He is already one thousandth of the Great Thousand World.

One thousandth of the way of heaven, its power is also outstanding.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to obtain fragments of Heavenly Dao, Cui Yu will never miss it.

As for whether the fragments of Immortal Heaven are integrated into Xiaoqian World, whether they will be dominated by Cui Yu's Little Thousand World's Heavenly Way or by the rules of Immortal Heaven, it doesn't matter to Cui Yu, because Xiaoqian World is him. Yes, after entering Xiaoqian World, Xiantian must integrate into Xiaoqian World, continue to help the growth of Xiaoqian World, and enhance the foundation of Xiaoqian World. For Cui Yu, all this is good.

Just like a person needs to eat to replenish nutrition, Xiantian means eating to Cui Yu's Little Thousand Worlds of Heaven.

The way of heaven in Xiaoqian World is Cui Yu's distraction.

Cui Yu looked at Bao Si with his eyes, and Bao Si was also staring at Cui Yu, his eyes full of suspicion and fear.

Bao Si had a feeling that what Cui Yu said was true. This was the spiritual feeling of a person who promised to be generous.

Especially Zhenwu Mountain, which had been independent of the Great Zhou Dynasty for five thousand years, took the initiative to come into being, and Dalin Temple took the initiative to seek refuge with the Great Zhou Court, but was destroyed by the Great Zhou Court. All of these are extraordinary.

In particular, Tiandao's limbs were actually refined, Qingtian was stillborn, and Huang Tian broke the shackles. This was simply a sign of chaos in the world.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the distant sky. He was waiting for Bao Si's answer.

It would be great if he could get Immortal Heaven, but if he didn't get it, he wouldn't feel anything.

What do you want the fairy fragments for? Bao Si looked at Cui Yu with eyes full of questions.

Now that the Dharma Ending Catastrophe has arrived and is about to be destroyed, what does Cui Yu do with the fragments of Immortal Heaven?

I am of great use. Cui Yu did not explain, but looked back at Bao Si: So what is your choice?

Bao Si looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and suddenly smiled. The air seemed to become brighter at this time. At this time, Bao Si exuded an amazing magnetism, and Cui Yu's whole gaze was attracted.

I choose to believe you, but... Bao Si looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: No matter how you cultivate Immortal Heaven in the future, you must leave my original god mark in Immortal Heaven, which can be regarded as leaving a legacy. road.

As long as the mark is left in Immortal Heaven, and Immortal Heaven will be in charge of a world in the future, Bao Si can be resurrected infinitely with that mark, almost reaching the status of a saint.

To be precise, that is the status of a saint.

There was a hint of thought in Cui Yu's eyes, and he raised his head to look at the smiling face so close, with a hint of caution in his eyes.

When the Immortal Heaven comes into his hands, it will definitely merge with the Dao World. At this time, it will merge with the Small Thousand Worlds, and in the future, it will merge with the Middle Thousand Worlds. When the Zhongqian World in front of us is destroyed, Cui Yu's Zhongqian World will most likely take the opportunity to be promoted to the Great Thousand World, or even to the Perfect World in the future.

This transaction is really worth it!

But Cui Yu needs time, and he also needs the power of Immortal Heaven.

For him, time is life.

My Lady has made a lot of money from this deal. Cui Yu sighed quietly.

Bao Si smiled: I hope so.

While speaking, a halo of light that was as big as a moon disk appeared in Bao Si's hand. The halo shone with a cool luster, as if everything in the world was twinkling and intertwined in the halo.

Fragments of fairy heaven!

And it’s still a huge piece of fairy heaven fragments!

Cui Yu stretched out his palm and carefully caught the fragments of the Immortal Heaven. After looking at them carefully, he sent the fragments of the Immortal Heaven directly into his own little world through the Qiankun in his sleeves.


The fragments of the Immortal Heaven had just entered the Small Thousand World, when they heard a rumbling sound in the blue sky and daylight of the Small Thousand World, and the laws between heaven and earth were shaking, rolling like a wave.

The next moment Cui Yu's spiritual will placed in the Xiaoqian World led the Heavenly Dao of the Xiaoqian World to appear, directly wrapping the fragments of the Immortal Heaven. Then the fragments of the Immortal Heaven appeared, and the next moment there was divine light in the fragments of the Immortal Heaven. Flickering, disintegrating into countless threads, all of them were swallowed up by the heavenly path of the small world.

As the fragments of the Immortal Heaven were swallowed up, roars resounded from heaven to earth. The small world was constantly changing, and the world's barriers were constantly twisting.

When Cui Yu saw this, the energy core of the other shore sky boat in the universe in his sleeves flew out directly and landed on the barrier of the small thousand world. The next moment, he saw the core of the other shore sky boat decomposing the energy in the chaos. The energy is transformed into all kinds of innate Qi, and at this time, it pours down overwhelmingly towards the small world.

What a good thing!

Cui Yu glanced at it and saw that the energy transformed by the sky boat on the other side was like a waterfall, falling from the nine heavens, nourishing Cui Yu's small world in a mighty way. Cui Yu's small world began to see species begin to diversify. Transformation, the spiritual veins of various earth, mountains and rivers began to nurture, and all things in the world continued to grow.

The most important thing is that as the information about the laws of heaven in the Small Thousand World is perfected, the barriers in the Small Thousand World begin to swallow up the innate energy between heaven and earth, and the barriers in the Small Thousand World begin to become thicker.



three times

ten times

hundred times

Thousand times

The world barrier of the Small Thousand World is a thousand times thicker, indeed a thousand times thicker. Looking at the thickened barrier of the Small Thousand World, Cui Yu suddenly felt a sense of security in his heart.

A very safe sense of security!

This is the foundation of the Middle Thousand World. My Heavenly Dao has been completed and has reached the standards of the Middle Thousand World. As long as the energy of the Small Thousand World can be supplied, I will soon be promoted to the Middle Thousand World. Cui Yu's eyes fell on the energy core of Tianzhou on the other side. This is a good thing. The energy it converts is ten thousand times that of the small thousand worlds. The innate energy converted by the World Tree is in the energy core of Tianzhou on the other side. In front of him is a younger brother.

The small thousand world is distorting, the sun, moon, stars and whales are swallowing the innate vitality, constantly growing themselves, forming one space dimension after another.

There is divine energy flowing between heaven and earth, and divine energy is opening up.

The most important thing is that Cui Yu can clearly see that the laws of heaven and earth are intertwined to form a disk the size of a blue ball. Mysterious runes are flashing on the disk. Although the disk is illusory, its shape is But it's very vague, and the various runes and rules circulating within it are clearly visible.

When my world evolves into the Great Thousand Worlds, this disc can evolve accordingly, completely condense into a solid entity, and become a heavenly artifact. Cui Yu looked at the illusory disc with a hint of joy in his eyes.

In the dark, Cui Yu saw the disk rotating. Countless threads were thrown out from the disk, distorting time and forming a 'river-like object', slowly flowing out of the past and future throughout the entire world.

In the river, a mark emerged, which was exactly the mark left by Bao Si.

The energy core of the other shore sky boat is a good thing. Before I advance to the world, I will never give back the energy core of the other shore sky boat. Cui Yu looked at the energy transformed by the other shore sky boat, his eyes full of surprise. color.

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