Cui Yu couldn't help but froze when he heard Chi You's scolding, with a look of surprise in his eyes. He stepped forward and asked, Old Ancestor should be happy to find his own body. Why is he looking like this?

Stop fucking mentioning it, this bitch like Corpse Ancestor is not a human being. He doesn't show any friendship at all. It's simply unreasonable. Chi You cursed and pointed at the palm of his hand on the altar:

Come and see, do I dare to take this palm back?

Cui Yu heard the words and stepped forward, and then couldn't help being stunned. Sure enough, he saw patches of corpses on the palm of his hand. Countless corpse patches were densely packed and shocking.

This arm of yours? Cui Yu looked at Chi You.

It has been refined by the Corpse Ancestor. Chi You's voice was full of anger: Even if you take it back to my body, it will be useless. Instead, the power of the Corpse Ancestor will invade me, causing my current tengu body to be contaminated. Lose.

Cui Yu fell silent upon hearing this, and looked at Chi You with sympathy in his eyes.

I finally recovered my body, but who would have thought that it would be ruined by the Corpse Ancestor?

Cui Yu's eyes showed a thoughtful look. He couldn't use Chi You's arms, but he had great use for them.

As for Cui Yu getting rid of the corpse spots on Chi You's arm, Cui Yu can't do it now, because the corpse spots have been invaded, the entire arm has completed a strange transformation, and there is absolutely no way to save it.

The reason why the corpse spots on the female slave's body could be transformed by Cui Yujinzhi was because there were still corpse spots on the female slave's body that had not been occupied, but what about Chi You's arm?

Not to mention that it has been completely occupied, a trace of the true spirit of the Corpse Ancestor has also arrived.

Since your arm is useless, you might as well give it to me. Maybe there is still a chance to use it. Cui Yu looked at Chi You with sincerity in his eyes:

Besides, it's not bad for our ancestor to transform into a tengu now. Why do we have to keep his original body?

After hearing this, Chi You said angrily: Can this be the same? If I occupy the body of the Tengu alone, I can barely do it, but the key is that you compete with me for the body.


Can this be the same?

There was a strange look in Cui Yu's eyes: In the future, we will eventually step into chaos. At that time, the ancestor will just give birth to the body of an innate demon god. Why bother to compete here? It's just a corpse.

As Cui Yu spoke, the Eye of Destruction appeared in the palm of his hand, and he slapped Chi You's arm.

At this time, although Chi You's arm was invaded by the Corpse Ancestor, it was still suppressed by the power of the seal. With Cui Yu's slap, the fragments of the Corpse Ancestor's true spirit in the arm had no time to resist and were directly annihilated by the power of destruction. .

Then, before Chi You could react, the arm was already tucked into Qiankun's sleeve by Cui Yu, and then turned into a black smoke that followed the law of cause and effect across time and space and sank into the tombkeeper's body. Then the aura on the tombkeeper's body changed, and then Silence fell again.

Chi You looked at Cui Yu with suspicion at this time: That's not right. Why did you take my real body?

Avenge you. Cui Yu said with a smile.

Avenge me? Chi You was stunned.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the sky in the distance, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes: I have used the law of cause and effect to control a fragment of the true spirit of the Corpse Ancestor. As long as this fragment of the true spirit continues to grow, one day it will It will definitely replace the Corpse Ancestor.

Chi You was stunned when he heard this, with a look of contemplation in his eyes, and then suddenly patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: Since you have this intention, ancestor, I will certainly help you, and I will make sure that the grandson of the corpse ancestor suffers karmic retribution. It's just a corpse, what's the point? Just use it. If you make the Corpse Ancestor into a puppet in the future, you only need to give me the urinal that the Corpse Ancestor has been carrying for three years.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: Deal.

Cui Yu and Chi You reached a deal, only to see Chi You walking into the shadow of his house glumly. Cui Yu looked at the small cave sky in front of him, and without any waste he released the three corpse insects to devour the origin of this square cave world. He wanted to Refining the origin of this Fangdongtian into the Small Thousand Worlds.

You don't know how expensive oil and rice are when you're not a master. Although the cave in front of you is only a hundred miles away, Cui Yu still doesn't let it go.

After collecting all the good fortune, Cui Yu took one last look at the wilderness, and then used the Five Elements Escape Light to quietly leave. In an instant, his figure had disappeared between heaven and earth.

When he reappeared, Cui Yu had already arrived at the Dongtian of Dongting Lake, and then quietly passed through the passage and returned to the boundary of the two realms of mountains.

That girl Wu Zhao has disappeared, but the other party is protected by Qingtian and has the help of Prince Long San. It shouldn't be difficult for her to return to the human territory. Cui Yu stood at Liangjie Mountain, looking at the sky in the distance. The distant Great Wall of Bones seems like a crawling dragon, guarding the peace of China.

Fortunately, the human race has the Great Wall of Bones, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Cui Yu muttered to himself.

Only by truly setting foot in the wilderness can you know how many powerful people there are and how much terrifying power is contained in it.

Those demon kings possess strange and unreasonable magical powers, which are not friendly to human monks at all.

The next step is to return to Haojing, rescue Hailan, and then go to Zhenwu Mountain to seek the truth in person. Cui Yuluo pondered for a while, then turned into a stream of light and left.


Emperor Zhou looked at the letter in his hand, with a look of seriousness in his eyes: Did Qingtian die before he was born? What a powerful force! Buddha, Miao Shan and the remnants of Taiping Dao...

Zhou Tianzi looked at the document in his hand, with a serious look in his eyes. For the first time, he felt terror.

Not only was Qingtian slaughtered, but one of Tiandao's arms was refined. You can imagine how intense the battle was that day.

It's a pity. I was busy helping Taizu suppress the Land of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and I didn't have time to take action. Otherwise, I could have gotten a share of the pie at the critical moment. Especially Huang Tian, ​​who actually swallowed the origin of Heavenly Dao, and was very likely to break the trap set by Heavenly Dao. shackles……

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianzi's face became even uglier. Once Huang Tian exceeded his limit, he would definitely regard the remaining days as prey, and wanted to devour the remaining days to strengthen his own strength, and finally compete with Tiandao.

Of course, it is not without its benefits. Huang Tian devoured Tiandao's arm, which has angered Tiandao. He is regarded as a thorn in Tiandao's flesh. The heaven he represents will definitely be favored by Tiandao.

To be honest, if he really had to make a choice, he would rather swallow Qingtian and suffer the hostility and suppression of Heaven instead of being favored by Heaven.

When we reach the realm of others, only breakthroughs in cultivation can be real, otherwise we will definitely become the nourishment of heaven in the future. Emperor Zhou sighed quietly, his voice full of helplessness.

What can he do?

There was nothing he could do.

And Shen Qi was involved. Emperor Zhou once again picked up the information belonging to Cui Yu.

As for how Emperor Zhou knew about the Great Wilderness?

Now that Tiandao has recovered, it would be easier for him to communicate with Tiandao and obtain information from the world.

It's a pity that a great opportunity has been missed. Emperor Zhou's voice was full of melancholy. Although the Six Paths of Reincarnation are powerful, they belong to the Great Zhou Taizu. If he can swallow the origin of Heavenly Dao, then the opportunity belongs to him. It's a pity that he is now trapped in Gaojing City and cannot get out.

Your Majesty, Shenqi has returned to Shen's house. At this moment, Tang Zhou stepped forward to report.

After hearing what Tang Zhou said, Emperor Zhou was silent for a moment, and then said: Pass the decree, ask the gods to pray to the palace to explain it.

After hearing what Emperor Zhou said, Tang Zhou bowed and retreated.

Hao Jingcheng

When Cui Yu returned to Haojing City again, the mood in his heart was extraordinary, and he felt like he was suddenly separated from another world.

Cui Yu looked at the towering Lutai in the distance, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes. After a long time, he said: The Zhou Dynasty should not be underestimated.

Looking at the Great Zhou Dynasty from a distance, Cui Yu felt that there was a huge pressure that seemed to be suppressing him across time and space.

Amidst that pressure, he felt the aura of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in a trance, as if it was dragging his soul into the Six Paths of Reincarnation for reincarnation.

Cui Yu held six pure bamboos in his hand and tapped them on the ground slowly, keeping his mind clear: This Great Zhou Dynasty is not simple. Zhang Jiao may not be able to overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Cui Yu is now a demigod and can see things that he couldn't see in the past.

Just when Cui Yu lowered his head and meditated, a big willow tree not far away suddenly twisted and transformed into Tang Zhou's appearance. Cui Yu raised his head and looked at Tang Zhou: Why are you here?

It's not because of you that Emperor Zhou wants to see you. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu with a cautious look in his eyes: I think Emperor Zhou is very likely to negotiate with you.

Negotiate with me? Cui Yu was stunned.

Emperor Zhou already knows what we did in the wilderness. Now that he knows your abilities, he will certainly choose to negotiate with you. You must know that with your current abilities and connections, no matter which camp you lean towards, it will cause The balance weight is out of balance. Tang Zhou stared at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu fell silent when he heard this. After a long time, he took a breath and sighed: What a pity.

It is impossible for Cui Yu to negotiate with Dazhou. He killed the direct bloodline of the Dazhou royal family and destroyed Dalin Temple and Zhenguisi. If the Emperor of Zhou knew what happened, he would have his skin cramped and skinned.

Of course, the most important thing is that Cui Yu is still thinking about the Six Paths of Reincarnation of the Great Zhou royal family. The Great Zhou court is immortal, how can he seize the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation from the Great Zhou royal family?

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of emotion: What do you think I should do?

It would be good to be a coward for the time being and act as an internal response for us at the critical moment. In fact, neither the Great Zhou Dynasty nor the Taiping Road have much to do with us. We will all leave this world in five thousand years. The fate of this world Who will pay attention to development? Who rules the world? Who rules the ups and downs? What impact will it have on us?

Cui Yu looked at the quiet and peaceful Haojing City in the distance under the bright sun, with a hint of brilliance in his eyes: I think you're right, it wouldn't hurt to go and find out more.

Cui Yu used Five Elements Escape Light, and when he reappeared, he was already outside Lutai, and then glanced at Lutai. In his eyes, Lutai Qi soared into the sky with mighty force, as if there was a terrifying power falling from heaven and earth, covering the entire Lutai.

That is the breath of heaven!

The aura of the sky has begun to gradually recover. Is this world really going to be in chaos? A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

Then Cui Yu, holding six pure bamboos, walked slowly towards the Star Reaching Tower.

He can be said to be an expert and bold man now. Ever since he became a demi-god and could control the status of a saint, he has started to feel a little arrogant.

Emperor Zhou was sitting on the high platform, holding Bao Si in red in his arms, watching the singing and dancing in the hall.

Seeing Cui Yu's arrival, Bao Si sat up from Emperor Zhou's arms, then waved her hands, and all the palace maids and maids retreated.

Bao Si also withdrew. Only Cui Yu and Zhou Tianzi were sitting on the high platform in the entire hall. Zhou Tianzi looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of complex colors: Sit down.

Thank you, Your Majesty. Cui Yu bowed respectfully, leaving no room for fault.

Then Cui Yu looked at Emperor Zhou, and Emperor Zhou looked at Cui Yu, and the entire hall fell into a strange silence.

After a long time, the Emperor of Zhou finally spoke first, and his words had something to say: The reputation of the Haojing Shen family is now extremely famous, and everyone inside and outside our great Zhou Dynasty knows it.

Your Majesty, the Great Zhou family has long since declined. It is just a toothless tiger. How can it have any reputation? Cui Yu replied calmly.

King Gu knows what you are capable of, and you also know the current situation in the Zhou Dynasty, and you also know the purpose of King Gu calling you here today. Emperor Zhou looked at Cui Yu: As long as you are willing to surrender to the court of Da Zhou, those rebel parties will be destroyed in the future. The lonely king can ask you to replace any of the princes and kings, and from then on, the God family will split the earth and grant the king autonomy.

The Shen family has fallen. How can we still have the strength to be loyal to the king? Now there are only two or three big cats and kittens in the Shen family. Their talents have long been withered. How can they still have the ability to become the princes and kings and rule the land? Cui Yu looked at Zhou with his eyes. Son of Heaven.

As long as you are here, the Shen family can make a comeback at any time. Emperor Zhou was not easy to fool.

Cui Yu was silent after hearing this, and after a moment he said: I came back today just to ask Your Majesty to release Hailan. Then I will leave Dazhou, leave this rolling world, and go to Zhenwu Mountain to seek enlightenment.

Emperor Zhou was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Cui Yu in surprise: Are you going to leave? Or go to Zhenwu Mountain?

Now that Zhenwu Mountain has taken refuge in Da Zhou, doesn't that mean that Cui Yu has directly taken refuge in himself?

There is nothing wrong with this logic!

Zhenwu Mountain took refuge in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now that Cui Yu went to Zhenwu Mountain to seek enlightenment, wouldn’t he have come to take refuge in him?

Exactly. Cui Yu looked at Emperor Zhou with his eyes: I can only live up to the king's love.

Emperor Zhou looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of inexplicable color.

Everyone has his own ambitions. Since you have this wish, King Gu will no longer force you to do so. Just hold the warrant from King Gu and go get Hai Lan out. Emperor Zhou didn't say anything more, but handed over a token and a handwritten letter. Gave it to Cui Yu.

Cui Yu smiled when he saw this: Thank you, Your Majesty.

He came today, and Hailan had to rescue him no matter what. If Emperor Zhou refused to agree, he would have to choose another way.

Cui Yu walked out with the book in hand, and when he reached the corridor on the first floor, he saw Bao Si in red sitting on the railing, dangling her two chopstick-like feet, eating melon seeds leisurely.

I've met your empress. Cui Yu raised his hand and saluted.

He was very fond of Bao Si. If it hadn't been for Bao Si, he wouldn't have been able to collect so much gold and refine the innate outer golden body.

No need to be polite. Although this is our first official meeting, I know your name very well. Bao Si looked Cui Yu up and down with a pair of curious eyes.

Cui Yu was silent and lowered his head to look at his toes. It was best for him not to speak at this time.

I'm blocking you here because I want to make a deal with you. Bao Si looked at Cui Yu for a while, and then suddenly said something.

Your Majesty, please speak. Cui Yu replied.

I know what you are capable of and what others cannot do. I am a Qi practitioner from Mount Laoshan. Now Emperor Zhou has been controlled by us and has fallen into our hands. I want you to lend me a helping hand to protect the great nation. The Zhou court put down the rebellion of eight hundred princes and Taiping Dao. Bao Si stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, but what he said made Cui Yu's pupils shrink: Huh? Protect the Great Zhou?

Are you serious? Cui Yu asked.

Of course we are serious. Now that we have controlled the king of the Zhou Dynasty, what is the difference between directly controlling the court of the Zhou Dynasty? Bao Si looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, raised his head and looked at Bao Si up and down for a long time before he said, Do you think there is a chance? Or is this feasible? Does your Majesty know the current situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty?

Cui Yu felt that this empress was probably unaware of the general trend of the outside world, otherwise she would never say such a thing.

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