In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 947 Goodbye Holy Aunt Qiqing

Cui Yu looked at the mighty innate vitality waterfall pouring down like the Tianhe River with his eyes. The chaotic energy was converted into various innate vitality and descended into the Xiaoqian World for the Xiaoqian World to absorb and refine.

In particular, the peach trees with innate spiritual roots obtained by Cui Yu exuded vitality and began to grow explosively.

In a few years, my Small Thousand World will evolve into the Middle Thousand World. Cui Yu looked at the innate spiritual light and various innate spiritual materials bred in the Small Thousand World, his eyes filled with joy.

I never thought there would be an unexpected gain.

At this time, Bao Si also opened his eyes, and seemed to see a magnificent world in a trance. In that world, the innate vitality was billowing, as if the world had just opened. There were all kinds of innate ideas in the world, countless innate materials, The holiness was gestating, and she felt that as long as she died, she would be able to resurrect from that small world.

That's it? Bao Si didn't think that scene was an illusion. She looked at Cui Yu, her eyes full of surprise and shock.

Yes, I have opened up a small world. Cui Yu said with a smile: What do you think of my small world?

Very good! Very good! Very good! Bao Si said very good three times in succession.

So I said you made a lot of money. Cui Yu replied with a smile: If I have no instructions, I will leave.

Bao Si looked at Cui Yu with eyes full of curiosity. After a long time, she said: If you encounter difficulties in the future, feel free to come to the deep palace to find me.

Cui Yu nodded when he heard this and walked away with a smile on his face. Bao Si looked at Cui Yu's back and suddenly took a long breath: It's amazing! Times have changed! Today's young people are amazing.

When Cui Yu returned to Duke Rongguo's mansion, Hai Lan was already waiting in the courtyard.

Wearing plain white clothes, she stood quietly under the pear tree in the courtyard, looking very peaceful.

Hai Lan was still the same, but his face looked extremely pale because he had not seen the sun for a long time.

When Cui Yu walked to the archway, he saw Hai Lan dressed in white. At this moment, Hai Lan looked up at the tree full of pear blossoms, not knowing what he was thinking.

Are you back? Cui Yu walked up behind Hai Lan and said.

I thought that the God's family would just turn into dust in history, and there would be no room for improvement, but who would have thought that I would still have a chance to walk out of the prison. Hai Lan withdrew his gaze from the pear tree and looked at Cui Yu with his eyes. His eyes were full of curiosity.

In the past, the old lady died for me. The old lady handed over the Shen family to my hands. Of course I will not let the Shen family decline. This is what I promised the old lady back then. Cui Yu twisted the tree Lihua's eyes were full of strange colors: The people of the Shen family have been transferred by me. Whether you want to stay in the Shen family or go to contribute to the Shen family, it's all up to you.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Hai Lan smiled: I want to practice with you for a while, but I have heard of your name.

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this: I am about to go to Zhenwu Mountain to seek enlightenment, but I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you.

Hai Lan looked disappointed when he heard this, and then said in a low tone: I know.

The future God's family has been properly arranged by me. You can have your own life, whether it is to see the scenery between heaven and earth, or to learn from a teacher. Of course, if you feel that wandering outside is too hard, you can go The Daleiyin Temple outside Daliang City is a good place for spiritual cultivation. Cui Yu looked at Hailan with his eyes, and his words were full of gentle soft words.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Hai Lan smiled slightly: That's fine! It's a blessing for our ancestors to have a person like you in the Shen family. God will never destroy our Shen family.

After Hai Lan finished speaking, he fluttered in white clothes and walked away, leaving Cui Yu standing under the big tree in silence, watching Hai Lan's retreating back.

No one knows where Hailan went.

You should actually keep her. Chi You said in Cui Yu's shadow.

Cui Yu shook his head and rejected Chi You's words, but turned around and rushed towards the ancestral temple of the Shen family.

He was leaving too, but he felt that before leaving, he wanted to say goodbye to the old lady.

But when Cui Yu came to the back mountain, he couldn't help but be startled. He saw a familiar figure.

The man was dressed in black and had a slender figure. Even though he was standing from behind, he still looked very handsome.

It’s the Seven Emotions Holy Aunt!

It was just that Saint Qi Qing looked very bad at this time. She looked pale and blood spurted out from her mouth. The dark red blood slowly flowed down her clothes and wet the soil under her feet. Cui Yu could clearly sense that an extremely strange force was invading the vitality in Qi Qing Sheng's body and devouring Qi Qing Sheng's soul.

Looking at Saint Qi Qing, Cui Yu opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak or how to address the woman in front of him.

Sensing Cui Yu's gaze, Saint Qi Qing turned her head and glanced at Cui Yu, her eyes full of surprise: Is Yuyu back? I never thought I would see you again before I die.

Cui Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils and his brain was rumbling with a cordial yuyu, as if he was recalling things in the past. His eyes stared blankly at Saint Qi Qing, but his lips moved, but Don't know how to speak.

Who am I? Cui Yu asked in a hoarse voice.

You are Yuyu. Saint Qi Qing said with a smile, and wanted to step forward, but she stumbled and fell to the ground, with black blood spurting out of her mouth.

Are you really my mother? Cui Yu looked at Saint Qi Qing, his eyes full of questions.

Although people from two lifetimes should not behave like this, people should always know their own origins and their own whereabouts.

Of course I am your mother. Saint Qi Qing said without hesitation: You and I, mother and son, are connected by blood and cannot be deceived.

Cui Yu fell silent when he heard this. He could feel the blood connection between himself and Saint Qi Qing. He and Saint Qi Qing were indeed in a mother-son relationship.

Looking at the blood-spurting Saint Qi Qing, Cui Yu slowly stepped forward and came to her, and said with a complex expression: Mother.

Saint Qi Qing looked at Cui Yu who was squatting in front of her, stretched out her palm and stroked Cui Yu's head as gently as before: Good boy, my mother has heard of your name. You did a good job. , you are now a world-famous great monk, I never thought you would be as capable as you are today.

When Cui Yu heard this, he looked ugly and grabbed the pulse of Saint Qi Qing: Who hurt you like this?

He could feel that Saint Qi Qing's body was in a state of chaos at this time, her energy and energy were scattered, and she was only one step away from being completely destroyed.

Don't waste your efforts. Mom is hopeless. I haven't seen you for many years. Mom just wants to talk to you. Saint Qi Qing looked at Cui Yu with her eyes: Mom, there are still many things that I haven't had time to explain. , I’m about to tell you.

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